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Radharani seva center!


Speсial krpa!


Direct service for Radha Kunda!


1. Clean Kunda water.

2. Lighting around of Radha Kunda.

3. Repair parikrama road.

4. Repair temples.

5. Any other needs.


Sadhu seva.


1. Prasadam distribution.

2. Medicine.

3. Repair bajan kutirs.

4. Cloth, blankets and shoes.

5. Any other needs.



Brijvasis seva.


1. Prasadam seva.

2. Medicine.

3. Children’s education.

4. Any other seva.


Vigraha worship.


1. Garlands.

2. Bhoga.

3. Dressies.

4. Any other seva.


Yoga-pith dham project.


1. Land parches.

2. Build temple.

3. Ashram.

4. Apartments – sale and rent.

5. Houses – sale and rent.

6. Develop farm and cow seva.





Dear devotees!

My name is Ishan das/ Doing 9 years I am in Vraja. I am performing service to Vaishnavas and to Vrajavasis. Before I was in ISKCON by supporting one temple in Ukraine. Since 1997 by mercy of Sri Radha I am in Radha kunda. Last 3 years my self, my wife and other devotees develop the new project in radha kunda/ We started from 0. Now we have one 3 floor building with 8 apartments for living and seva. Some time ago the spiritual authorities gave me 1 hectare of land for building new temple, ashrama and apartments. For that devotees, who want to follow the instruction of Srila Prabhupada in his book “Nectar of instructions” (9, 10 and 11 verses.). I offer to participate in this unique project and get maximum benefit in this lifetime. We have 3 kinds of devotional service –

1. To come in Radha Kunda and live here by performing Vaishnava-seva.

2. To preach to your friends, if they can help in this project.

3. Sponsorship in this project by Your self.

4. We have for sale plots and apartments.


Minimum price of this project is $500 000.

Minimum price of 1 m2 of apartments = $300.

Minimum price of 1 m2 of plots = $30.

We are ready to accept all your ideas.


We wish big fortune to You/

Contacts: Ishan das – mobile (91)9319220619

Satyasankalpa das (91) 9319355654.

E-mail - satyasankalpa@topmail.kz



Bank amount - State bank of India; Name - Subal das

a/c; 13/5031 Radhakund - 5944.

(Amount of Raghunatha das Gocwami Samadhi)

Or by Western union to name - Kullenmark Mona Samira

India, Mathura.




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