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What is the difference between Caitanya Caritamrta and Bhagavata?

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Hare Krishna and all glories to Lord Caitanya and his devotees!


I was curious to see what the difference between these two texts was? I havent read either one - waiting to finish reading the SB before I embark on them!


Also, is it true that the author of Caitanya Bhagavata is considered an incarnation of Vyasa?



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Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat was written by Vrindavan das Thakura, whom Srila Krishna das Kaviraja Goswami called the Vyasa of Chaitanya lila. It focuses largely on Mahaprabhu's lila before taking sannyasa, and during His sannyasa, His preaching tours. It is presented in a way that is more emotional than philosophical and gives little of Mahaprabhu's Antya-lila, and so it doesn't explore Mahaprabhu's inner life during that period to the extent Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita does. It was originally titled Sri Chaitanya Mangal, but after Lochan das Thakur composed his Chaitanya Mangal, Vrindavan das changed his title to Chaitanya Bhagavat.


Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita was written by Srila Krishna das Kaviraja Goswami, who some call the Shukadeva of Chaitanya lila. He presents Mahaprabhu's life much more philosphically right from the beginning. His treatment of Mahaprabhu's life in Nadia is briefer than Vrindavan das', as he defers to Vrindavan das' account, claiming it cannot be excelled. However, in the Madhya- and Antya-lilas, he delves much more into the philosophy than does Vrindavan das' Chaitanya Bhagavat. And he explores the Lord's inner life in Puri in much more depth than any of the other accounts of Mahaprabhu's pastimes.


If you could only read one, our acharyas would tell you that it should be Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita. Just the same, Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat is wonderfully sweet, and I love them both.

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everything above said by 'stonehearted' was very good.

here is something taken from 'Caitanya Bhagavata'


Sri Caitanya Bhagavata - Madhya Lila - Chapter 23


He began to dance, lifting the devotees in soaring heights of ecstacy. Everyone began

chanting loudly and whoever saw the Lord's moonlike beautiful face was released from

the searing pain of material existence.

The Lord's charming looks overshadowed the attractiveness of millions of cupids put

together. I am at a loss to find the appropriate similies to describle the Lord's beauty

yet i venture to do so only by His mercy alone, otherwise who can dare to attempt such

an impossible task.

He glowed like a mountain of gold. His body being smeared with sandal paste sometimes

looked like the rising full moon. His curly dark tresses were decorated with the fragrant

Malati garlands. A sweet smile clung intimately to His lips that can win the hearts of

all the muses. The clear markings of sandalwood tilak with a red dot of vermillion adorned

His beautiful forehead.

He raised His arms up in the sky chanting the name of Hari and danced, the knee long

flower garland around His neck swayed with each movement. His upraised arms glistened like

fine tapering pillars of gold. His body became drenched with incessant flow of ecstatic

tears from His lotus petal eyes.

As the ecstatic feelings increased, the hairs of His body stood on end like the ever fresh

Kadamba flower. The moist reddish lips so exquisite and when parted revealed a symmetrical

set of pearl-like white teeth. The long arched eyebrows languished almost all the way up to

the beginning of His ears. His strong shoulders shamed the king of the elephants and His

chest was broad and full. The brahman thread hung loosely across His chest.

Laksmi devi and Tulasi devi are constantly praying for the shelter of His lotus feet. That

Supreme Lord wears His fine and clean clothes very artistically. The uplifted nose is

aristocratic and the sinewy tendons of His neck gives the impression of being the neck

of the king of the forest, strong and powerful.

He towers over the others. His long body well formed and proportionate whining like a

mountain of Mother gold. Everyone looking at Him commented on His divine beautiful presence.

The millions who milled around for this momentous occasion were very fortunate. In spite of

their large number, they all received the Lord's benedictions of being able to see the Lord's

exquisite transcendental face. They simply stared at Him, irresistably drawn to His beauty

and exclaimed out aloud the Lord's name each time uncontrollable emotions welled within

their hearts.

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