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I am having a problem with my spiritual life and would appreciate some advice.


I have been initiated for nearly 6 months, but have been following vaishnava life for overr 20 years, cooking and serving many maharajs, but it was only last year that I thought I had found a maharaj who'd be able to help me advnace my spiritual life. However, recently matters have changed and now he carries a great animosity towards me and my family.


He criticizes my son for working, even though my son is at university and only works to gain enough money to pay his fees. My maharaj now has a very big ego and thinks that everything he says we MUST follow. He hasn't really assisted me in my spiritual life, but is concerned with belittling of my material life, even though I am a grihastha.


I wish to know if it is possible to take shelter of another guru for brahmin initiation. If not, what other options do I have?


I do not see this conflict coming to any resolution despite my best efforts.

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It sounds as though you have a serious problem. This shows the wisdom of careful examination of both guru and disciple before initiation. It may also highlight Srila Jiva Goswami's advice that we accept a guru very carefully, not to satisfy family or other customs, including institutional considerations. It should be someone who is actually advanced, of a similar mood, and who is favorably disposed. HIs this a guru in ISKCON? Have you discussed your difficulty with him (you'd need to do so very carefully!)? Is there another leader in ISKCON with whom you may be able to discuss it? Is there someone else you think may be able to help you more effectively? I'm not so familiar with how such things work practically in ISKCON, but it may be possible for you to take shelter of another guru, but I think you'd have to get permission from your harinama guru first.


This seems too delicate a matter for public conversation, and it could too easily deteriorate to the level of faultfinding and gossip. Still, I believe you should find someone with whom you can share your concerns, and who you think might be able to help, and talk with them privately. And I would urge that you do so as soon as possible.

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Abandon ship. You made a mistake. Well we always make mistakes in the material world but that doesn't mean you have to live with it eternally.



Doesn't sound like he is inspiring you to love Krishna. So why listen to someone as guru that doesn't inspire you to love Krishna? That is the purpose of guru. To help you cut material ties and develop spiritual ties at the same time.


Anyway from what you wrote you are not accepting him as guru now anyway regardless of having gone through some ceremony.


Be polite but extricate yourself firmly and clearly from this unfortunate situation. Pray to Supersoul for guidance.

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Srila Sridhar Maharaj said we must be very careful when we feel our faith in our Guru is disturbed by situations such as you describe.


We are supposed to respect Gurudev as an incarnation of God himself. Maybe God is testing you, to see the depth of your sincerity.


I don't know the circumstances of this Spiritual Master but in any case a disciple must seriously consider his own standing in the dimension of Spirit.


Did you make a mistake in hastily accepting a false person as a Guru?


Did you make a mistake in not respecting your Guru when he gives you some advice?


Either way, you should seriously examine yourself and realize that the person who is most at fault is yourself.


- Muralidhar

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Your choice of spiritual belief is entirely a personal thing. It is a 1:1 relationship between you & your Guru. The relationship continues as long as both parties are satisfied with one another. No one can tell yo what to do here. You chose the Guru, now it is upto you to decide whether you wish to continue or drop off.


But why bring in your son & your family into the matter? Your son may have different aspirations in life and may not be interested in your beliefs at all. Why is your Guru having a say in your son's activities?It is very unfair - to say the least -- to curb the freedom of someone and coerce them into a lifestyle which they are accepting more by authority than personal choice.


If you impose restrictions on your son's lifestyle based on such opinions, then it is fully your fault.


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