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Did Caitanya Mahaprabhu liberate all living entities?

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Hare Krishna!

there was a narration some time back about how a disciple of Mahaprabhu asked him for the benediction that he wanted to take on the sins of all living entities (at that time) so they all could be liberated. The story goes that Mahaprabhu gave him the benediction that just by his asking, all living souls at that time would be liberated without the disciple having to absorb their sins. Is this documented in the CC and where?


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After all living beings on this universe were thereby liberated, who came here thereafter? were the souls who took physical birth after that, were they transmigrating from other universes?




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Can we really understand the adhoksaja plane with our "puppy brain"? There is an infinite number of jiva souls yet their number is always expanding... and they are not from the Vaikuntha planets! And of course their is unlimited number of material universes which are said in Brahma Samhita to be about one-fourth of the planets, the other three-fourths being Vaikuntha planets. Acintya, inconceivable. As Srila Sridhar Maharaja always stressed, "don't try to know everything". Bhaktyamam abhijanati. BG 18-55. Sri Bhagavan reveal himself to one whom has bhakti,

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  • 4 months later...
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Caitanya Mahaprabhu said something to the effect 'On my order, become a Guru'. Did he mean for everyone (qualified people, that is) to become a Guru?


Trying to be a sincere devotee is diffcult enough. Qualifying to become a Spiritual Master must be a monumental task! :)



Everyone should become a guru
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Everyone should become a guru


Everyone IS a guru. We are ALL instructing those around us.


Some are instructing others by their examples of pure Vaishnava conduct. Others are giving instruction by the examples of their sinful lives.


Since we ALL have the responsibility of guru, we must be careful what we teach.


But we are also students, and we must be VERY careful from whom we learn. And we must be ESPECIALLY careful to receive diksa-mantras only from a guru who is teaching the pure message of Sri Chaitanya.

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Everyone IS a guru. We are ALL instructing those around us.


Some are instructing others by their examples of pure Vaishnava conduct. Others are giving instruction by the examples of their sinful lives.


Since we ALL have the responsibility of guru, we must be careful what we teach.


But we are also students, and we must be VERY careful from whom we learn. And we must be ESPECIALLY careful to receive diksa-mantras only from a guru who is teaching the pure message of Sri Chaitanya.


those who preach about diksha-mantras in public have an agenda and that agenda goes against the teachings of Mahaprabhu.


You don't need any diksha-mantras.

Mahaprabhu never mentioned such a thing.


The diksha-mantra propaganda is a cheating process designed to attract caste conscious bigots who needed to hear that kind of dogma to satisfy their conditioning.

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Some are instructing others by their examples of pure Vaishnava conduct. Others are giving instruction by the examples of their sinful lives.



We only see others as sinful as long as we are sinful.


When we are cleansed we will see that everyone is purely serving Krishna except for me.


Only the most sinful of souls can see the sins of others.

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Lest we forget that sins against the great acharyas are millions of times greater than ordinary sins of the materialistic life.


there is no sin as great as the sin against the PURE DEVOTEE of the Lord who actually spread consciousness all over the world.


Millions and millions of sins in the ordinary sense are insignificant compared to sins against the PURE DEVOTEE.

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