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Vegy food

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i was just wondering, do people go to hell (yumraj) for eating meat?My family are all meat eaters, not like loads but if its there they will eat it, but they are very religious too. they all pray, read the gita, offer veg food to god. i was recently reading a book by shrila praphupada which commented on eating meat, i do feel it is wrong and aim to become a better person cos that picture of hell on the back of the book scared me! but sadly not everyone thinks about what theyre doing and eating, does this mean they automatically go to hell?even if they r totally good in every other way? or do they just fall thru the cycle of birth, death and disease? p.s i was the one hu posted about my muslim friend if any of u remember, this muslim friend who was a preacher is now having an affair with a married woman! thank shree krishna i never converted to such a demoniac religion.



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When you stop eating meat you become more spiritual [esp with what you mentioned]. Then your lust goes down. Then you wonder why you don't feel so lustful. So you may progress. Then later [this is the most funniest part]..


You [because of maya] start eating meat again [or whatever else you like to do]. And become lustful again [with whatever else you certainly like doing]. And the chain starts again. It's like a merry go around, unless you make a good stance and say 'No way I will eat meat again [or whatever else you like doing'. Then certainly! You will do it again and again and again..


Because Lust is insatible. And we love to be lustful. Maya has many tricks up Her transcendental sleeve. Just give Her a chance.!

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i know what u mean but u still havnt answered my question! i am trying to better myself as my mother passed away almost a year ago and she was such a good person i know shes gone to god, i wanna be like her. it is difficult when everyone around you eats non veg!



p.s i dont do lustful activities!it was my friend (not anymore of course) having the affair not me!

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All that you can do is concentrate on the Lord. The more you go to temple and participate in kirtan, hearing and chanting the Lord's names, you will develop "prema", Love of God. Once you realize this, even if only a fragment, then by the grace of Krishna, you will find it easier to avoid eating meat and hopefully give it up completely.


I myself experienced this. My grandparents ate meat, but they were the most religious people I ever knew. I'd like to think that they are in heaven too. However, I think you should focus on how you pray to God, with what thoughts in your heart. While vegetarianism is a gradual process for some, if the Lord is satisfied, he would most likely grant you birth in a family more closely affiliated with vaisnavas in the next life, so you can make more spiritual progress.


Everything depends on your desire, as God will reciprocate that desire. So the more you sacrifice for him, the greater your attraction and love for him will be.


Living at home can be difficult, but try to engage family in kirtan. That is best solution I can recommend. As Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said - the most recommended yajna for this age of kali-yuga is "sankirtana-yajna".


Hope I could be of some assistance.


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I don't know what to say. What Ranen said was true.


Tell them what it says about people who eat meat. If i was you [i am not you!] REPEAT exactly [or read] in what Prabhupada says. Or let them read what it says [if they can read].


Prabhupada words are PURE. SO maybe Krishna whos within their heart [oh yeah HE is]. Will purify them. Krishna is pleased when somebody hears what His devotee said about something. But that depends of how Krishna feels too. His God, He can do as He pleases. [jai]



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