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He Govinda, He Gopala

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Was in temple and during kirtan, one of devotees was singing this song, but I have not heard it before. I had a look at Vaisnava song book and it's not in there.


Can anyone please write up the words ?

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But, the Nectar of Devotion notes:<blockquote>Any person who is conscious of his friend's beneficent activities and never forgets his service is called grateful. In the MahAbhArata, KRSNa says, "When I was away from DraupadI, she cried with the words, ‘He govinda!' This call for Me has put Me in her debt, and that indebtedness is gradually increasing in My heart!" This statement by KRSNa gives evidence of how one can please the Supreme Lord simply by addressing Him, "He kRSNa! He govinda!"


Reference: http://vedabase.net/nod/21/en



And here Srila Prabhupada uses the expression in his own GItAr GAn:<blockquote><center>saJjay kahilen:

se-kathA baliyA guDAkeza paratApI

hRSIkeze nivedila yadio pratApI

he govinda! mor dvArA yuddha nAhi habe

yuddha chADi sei vIr rahila nIrabe


Chapter 2 Text 9: SaJjaya said: Having spoken thus, Arjuna, chastiser of enemies, told KRSNa, "Govinda, I shall not fight," and fell silent.</blockquote>

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By Jayadeva GoswAmI:<center><h2>He Govinda He GopAl

"O Govinda! O GopAl!"</h2>


<h3>he govinda he gopAla

kezava mAdhava dIna-doyAl</h3>

he govinda--O pleaser of the cows!; he gopAl--O protector of the cows!; kezava--O Lord of fine hair!; mAdhava--O Lord of sweetness!; dIna-doyAl--O Lord merciful to the humble!


O pleaser of the cows! O protector of the cows! O bearer of the finest hair! O husband of the goddess of fortune! You are very merciful to the fallen souls!



<h3>tumi parama doyAl prabhu, parama doyAl

kezava mAdhava dIna doyAl</h3>

tumi--You; parama doyAl--supremely merciful; prabhu--O Lord!; parama doyAl--supremely merciful; kezava--O Lord of fine hair!; mAdhava--O Lord of sweetness!; dIna-doyAl--O Lord merciful to the humble!


You are supremely merciful, O Lord, supremely merciful! O Kezava! O MAdhava! O DIna DoyAl!



<h3>pIta-basana pari mayUrera zikha dhori

mUralIr vANI-tule bole rAdhA-nAm</h3>

pIta-basana--yellow cloth; pari--wearing; mayUrera zikha--peacock feather; dhori--wearing; mUralIr--the strains of the flute; vANI-tule--just like words; bole--chanting; rAdhA-nAm--the name of RAdhA.


Wearing bright yellow garments and a peacock feather upon Your crown, You play the flute and make it sing the name of RAdhA.



<h3>tumi madera gopAl prabhu, madera gopAl

kezava mAdhava dIna-doyAl</h3>

tumi--You; madera gopAl--the cowherd boy cupid; prabhu--O Lord!; madera gopAl--the cowherd boy cupid; kezava--O Lord of fine hair!; mAdhava--O Lord of sweetness!; dIna-doyAl--O Lord merciful to the humble!


You are the cowherd boy that gives great delight, O Lord, the cowherd boy that gives great delight! O Kezava! O MAdhava! O DIna DoyAl!



<h3>bhava-bhaya-bhaJjana zrI madhu-sUdana

vipada-bhaJjana tumi nArAyaNa</h3>

bhava-bhaya-bhaJjana--who breaks the fear of material existence; zrI madhu-sUdana--the splendrous killer of the demon Madhu; vipada-bhaJjana--the vanquisher of calamities; tumi--You; nArAyaNa--the resting place of all souls.


You take away our fear of being trapped on the wheel of repeated birth and death in the material world, and You are the splendrous killer of the demon Madhu. The destroyer of all tribulations, You are the supreme resting place for all souls.


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