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Radharani doesnt wear tilak?

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I recall reading (i believe it was in the pancaratra pradipa books) that The Diety of Radharani is not decorated with tilak because she does not weasr it she only wears Bindi.. there was reference to SB where this is explained by Srila Prabhupada


Can someone please verify this for me? Im sure I didnt imagine it.. if anyone has the direct source from SB i would be very greatful


Hare Krsna

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But this was found: song Five from the SrI RAdhASTaka- Eight Prayers in Glorification of SrImatI RAdhArANI by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura:<blockquote><center>(1)

mahAbhAva-cintAmaNi, udbhAvita tanu-khAni,

sakhI-pati-sajjA prabhAvatI

kArunya-tArunya Ar, lAvanya-amRta-dhAr,

tAhe snAtA lakSmI-jayI satI


</center>1) SrImatI RAdhArANI's transcendental bodily form has arisen out of the mahAbhAva-cintAmaNi. She is the decoration of the Lord of the sakhIs, and is effulgent with divinely splendrous potency. She takes her first bath in the shower of the nectar of compassion, Her second bath in the nectar of youth, and Her third bath in the nectar of bodily luster. She thus conquers the beauty of even the goddess of fortune, and is endowed with the prominent quality of chastity.



lajjA paTTa-vastra jAr, saundarya kuGkuma-sAr,

kasturI-citrita kalevara

kampAzru-pulaka-raGga, stambha-sveda-svara-bhaGga,

jADyonmAda nava-ratna-dhara


</center>2) She wears the silken sArI of modesty, and on Her forehead She wears the red kuGkum dot of loveliness. Her body is decorated with pictures drawn in musk, and She wears a necklace that is adorned with the fresh jewels of the ecstatic symptoms--shivering in the body, flowing of tears from the eyes, standing of hairs on the body, being stunned, perspiring, faltering of the voice, inactivity, and madness.



paJca-viMzati guna, phula-mAlA su-zobhana,

dhIrAdhIra bhAva-paTTa-vAsA

pihita-mAna-dhammillA, saubhAgya-tilakojvalA,

kRSNa-nAma-yazaH karnollAsA


</center>3) SrI RAdhA is very much beautified by wearing the flower garland strung with Her twenty-five transcendental qualities,* and She is clothed in the two-part silken garment of both sober and non-sober emotional ecstasies. Covered indignation constitutes Her braided and ornamented hair, and She is radiant with the tilak of auspicious fortune. The name and glories of KRSNa are the delight of Her ears.



rAga-tAmbUlita oSTha, kauTilya-kajjala-spaSTa,

smita-karpUrita narma-zIlA

kIrti-yaza-antaHpure, garva-khaTTopari sphure,

dulita prema-vaicittya-mAlA


</center>4) SrImatI RAdhArANI's lips have become very red from chewing betel nuts, and the black collyrium of cunningness is clearly visible on Her eyes. Her smile is like sweet camphor, and she is always fond of joking. She sits upon a bed of pride in a palace of fame and glory, and a garland of extraordinary transformations of ecstatic love hangs swinging from around Her neck.



pranaya-roSa-kaJculI- pihita stana-yugmakA,

candrA-jayI kacchapI ravinI

sakhI-dwaya-skandhe, lIlA-karAmbujArpana-zIlA,

zyAmA zyAmAmRta-vitaraNI


</center>5) Her breasts are covered by the bodice of loving anger. She plays on a lute called kacchapI (turtle-shaped) to announce the conquest of Her rival CandrAvalI. RAdhA is always fond of placing Her playful lotuslike hands on the shoulders of two of Her girlfriends. Her youthful form is very graceful and slender, and She is the exclusive distributor of the nectar of Lord SyAmasundara.



e heno rAdhikA-pada, tomAder su-sampada,

dante tRNa yAce tava pAy

e bhaktivinoda dIn, rAdhA-dAsyAmRta-kana,

rUpa raghunAtha! deho tAy


</center>6) O RUpa and RaghunAtha! Your great treasure is the lotus feet of such a RAdhikA. This Bhaktivinoda, who is very fallen and lowly, prays at your lotus feet with a straw of the street between his teeth. Please bestow upon me a nectarean particle of eternal service to SrImatI RAdhArANI!</blockquote>


<center><img src=http://www.dipika.org/2003/04/07/gaura.purnima.day/1280Radha.Madhava.JPG></center>



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Conversation:<blockquote>CintAmaNi: I made wigs, but maybe they are too long.

PrabhupAda: What is that?

CintAmaNi: I made hair. But I don't know how long it should be.

PrabhupAda: That you can see KRSNa's picture.

CintAmaNi: Picture of KRSNa? Is His hair curly?

PrabhupAda: Yes. Curling, (indistinct) black.

CintAmaNi: Is this too long?

PrabhupAda: Too long. This is also too long.

CintAmaNi: Too long. How long should it be?

PrabhupAda: It should not come below, RAdhArANI, the waist.

CintAmaNi: Oh. And KRSNa's?

PrabhupAda: And KRSNa's should be up to the neck.

CintAmaNi: Thank you. KRSNa wears tilaka like we do? SrIla PrabhupAda?

PrabhupAda: Yes. RAdhArANI only red spot.</blockquote>



From the Teachings of Lord Caitanya 31:<blockquote>The decorative transcendental pleasure potency manifests nine symptoms. Five of these are manifested by the expansion of Her personal beauty, which is adorned with garlands of flowers. Her patient calmness is compared with a covering of cloths which have been cleansed by camphor. Her confidential agony for KRSNa is the knot in Her hair, and the mark of tilaka on Her forehead is Her fortune. RAdhArANI's sense of hearing is eternally fixed on KRSNa's name and fame. One's lips become red from chewing betel nuts. Similarly, the borders of RAdhArANI's eyes are blackened due to Her complete attachment to KRSNa. This darkness might be compared to ointment used by nature when nature jokes with RAdhA and KRSNa. RAdhArANI's smile is just like the taste of camphor. The garland of separation moves on Her body when She lies down on the bed of pride within the room of aroma. Out of ecstatic affection for KRSNa, Her breast is covered by the blouse of anger. Reputed as the best of all KRSNa's girl friends, She plays a stringed instrument. When KRSNa stands in His youthful posture, She puts Her hand on His shoulder. Although She possesses so many transcendental qualities, She is always engaged in the service of KRSNa. http://vedabase.net/tlc/31/en</blockquote>



CC Madhya 8.176 http://vedabase.net/cc/madhya/8/176/en


saubhAgya-tilaka cAru-lalATe ujjvala

prema-vaicittya----ratna, hRdaya----tarala


saubhAgya-tilaka--the tilaka of good fortune; cAru--beautiful; lalATe--on the forehead; ujjvala--brilliant; prema--of love of Godhead; vaicittya--diversity; ratna--the jewel; hRdaya--the heart; tarala--the locket.


"The tilaka of good fortune is on Her beautiful broad forehead. Her various loving affairs are a gem, and Her heart is the locket.



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