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Hare Krishna


My dad just passed away and I was hopeing if there are any mantras or anything I can do, to ensure my dads souls safety, or anything that can get me off thinking off this, make me stronger or something, to get krishna to keep an eye on me.



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Dear Friend:


First let me say that I am sorry that I didn’t reply to your post yesterday – I did intend to!


Reading your posting I feel for you and your great loss – even when we have understanding and knowledge – it can still be very difficult to come to peace with the loss of a loved one – such as your father.


Certainly we must know that God accompanies all spirit souls as the ‘supersoul’ – wherever we may go – He is there with us. I shall present some nice quotes for you later tonight or tomorrow.


The Mantra you should surrender to in this connection is of course the Maha Mantra – which you know is:


<font color="blue">“Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare - Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare” </font color>


This mantra shall give you great strength! When my stepfather passed away in the early 1990’s - it helped my [Catholic] mother - to hear this mantra.


In my next posting to you I shall explain more. Just know that through the Supersoul you are still connected to your father…



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I dont know what to do anymore, atleast when my mom died, I had my dad for comfort but now i have noone anymore, its really hard getting through the day, and is hard to belive that it just ended this way, I was hopeing to see him, next week, what happen was he bought a truck, and this was his second shippment to northcarolina,he left with one of his friends, they decide to stop in bakers field, and take a nap, at 5 am my dad woke up and went to the bathroom, most likely he was short off air and decide to leave the truck, as he came back from the bathroom, he fell on his face, and pushhimself to his back, and died, 2 hours later his partner gets a knock on the door, some random guy found my dads body and asked him if is his partner. my entire family is going crazy they all thought he be back in a week. I dont know what to do anymore, my desire to chant is really low, and i dont know where to turn, i was really hopeing if you devoties would reply with passages that are revleance to this, i thank you for taking ur time and reading this. Dont hold grudges and always take care of ur family and friends


Hare Krishna

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Dear Soul:


Yes I know that it is very difficult to chant right now - but you must try - you can also listen to the Prabhupada MP3 chanting 'tape' - listen to Kirtan as well - if you cannot chant - you can hear.


It is very sad that your father was taken - he did however leave during the sun's northern course - so he shall see a pious birth. Having you as progeny also helps his future greatly.


I'm no stranger to loss of loved ones - I do know what you are feeling.


A little about my experiences - my dad died just three months before I was born - so all through my childhood I was aware how 'death' took away my dad - I used to be very sad as a young boy about that.


Over time though I came to accept that there was a reason for this.


Then later after I moved away from home in 1984 - my mom re married in 1986 - it just so happened that it was from him that I got my original Bhagavad Gita.


His father [who was into eastern thought] had bought it from a devotee in 1974 - and after his dad passed away the many books he had just sat on a shelf [for 10 years] until he met my mom and they were married.


One day in the summer of 1986 I was at their house and I saw these books - of course I was into eastern and other mystical things - so I was impressed to say the least.


So 'dad' said I could have all these books - there were books from lobsang rampa and other spiritual and religious books and - of course - there was this nice big Gita - with all these neat pictures in it.


So I took all the books home and over the course of a month or two I read through all the books - except the Gita - which I only looked at for the pictures.


After a while when I was bored with the other books - they were simply what I already knew - I began to read the Gita.


I ended up giving all the books away - except the Gita.


So over time I began to read and surrender - it's another posting to tell you how Krishna won my heart.


So in any case now - I can see why I lost my dad before my birth and had to be raised by a single mom who was a widow - I later was given the greatest boon through a 'new dad'.


Later my stepfather passed away as well - from heart attack.


It was a Thursday around 1 PM - December 02, 1993 - I was at work and I was helping a customer choose between ceramics and marble for her foyer floor and - the phone rang.


I went to the phone and picked it up and the customer and I could hear a shrill screaming - as soon as the phone was picked up - it was my mom.


The call was to tell me that my step dad was on the kitchen floor - dead. [the very nice customer stayed with me until someone from the south store could come to take my place at work]


There is a very sad factor to this - the [loser] doctor was called and the doctor came with the paramedics - he was there in minutes - he left the defibulator [heart shocker machine] outside – with the paramedics!


He just took a pulse and said "he’s dead" and took an afghan [my mom made] off their sofa covered him up and that was that – he never tried to resuscitate my step dad – so my mom was even more hurt by that.


In 1991 my brother died in an MVA and she never came to terms with that – so when her second husband died – she blamed God.


She had to raise me and four other boys ranged in age from 9-4 [and me being a new born!] alone after my dad died on March 11, 1967 – she thus thought that God was being cruel and somehow punishing her [by taking another husband away] – her first marriage to my dad was only for 11 years – then she was alone – then her second marriage to my stepfather was only for 7 years – so she was feeling quite forsaken by God.


So when I went to my stepfather’s funeral my mom was in a terrible state – and it was my soft chanting of japa in her presence that helped her to see through the extreme pain – she later told me that.


My mother did remarry a year later in 1994 [and is still very happily married thank God] and in 1996 another of my brothers died – this one - in an apparent suicide – she of course didn’t take that very well and still doesn’t – but the interesting thing about this brother is that he took a Gita that I gave him and was praying to Krishna and getting reciprocation – only his situation was very bad from other perspectives – he was an alcoholic and a hunter – it wasn’t a very good combination for him – he struggled with many issues and these two were the cause of most of them.


So when I leaned that he was dead I was very sad for him and at the same time - I was happy to know that he surrendered a little to Krishna – he truly accepted Krishna as God [he at last knew there was a God] – so I know that God took him into a better life – I’m sure that his new life is now - free of the hunting and other base activities he was in bondage to - in this last life.


There are other points I will tell you later – but suffice it to say – Krishna takes care of all souls – all souls are connected - through Krishna.


There is a point for us to consider – we need to work on our personal relationship with the Lord – as He is the only one that isn’t going to 'desert' us or die or otherwise leave us alone.


We are always connected to Him. That is very comforting – knowing that no matter what – you'll have Him.


We can and do lose all other relationships but - we don’t have to lose 'that one'.


We are also connected to His empowered servants such as - Srila Prabhupada.


He [srila Prabhupada] is whom you must turn to at this or at any time of distress.


He will reach out to you – if you know ‘that’ is what you want. He shall leave us alone if 'that' is what we want.


Please don’t come to want 'that'. Please let this time bring you closer to Him.


I’m working on some quotes for you – I hope to post them by tonight. It will be soon.


Do you have a “Veda base”?


If not – please download the old ‘dos version’ – it is fairly easy to use and it’s FREE – you can use the search feature and find out directly from Srila Prabhupada’s books and lectures and conversations etc., - you can search ‘soul’ and ‘death’ – search any words – and get all the information – you’ll like this:




The program is only cumbersome in terms of the fact that it isn’t like modern windows – but you’ll figure it out quick. Just read the included info for install [there should be something there] and you’re on your way!


I can help you and there are others here that can help you with that if you run into some issues using the program – so please check that out soon!


Don’t worry – God is with you and - with your dad!


Take care and until next time…


Yer servant,



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