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irreligion disguised as religion

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Haribol. On the world events topics, a reader tried to get me to bite on the assumption that "we" christians have the duty to eliminate islamic terrorism. I wint get into that here, but I do want to make perfectly clear that I am NOT a christian.


Those who have read my thousands of posts over the years are sure to note my affinity to the great Vaisnava Teacher, Lord Jesus Christ. They must also be clear that I accept Him as He is, as Whom He says He is, etc. Thus, I accept his warnings about the future abomination of those who use His name, yet fail to do the will of He Whom has sent Him, the Supreme Person.


The christians are whom Lord Jesus refers to. They do not follow His teachings at all. Instead, they have adopted the religion of Kamsa and Ravana, always thinking of God, yet have only fear of Him. They do not Love the Supreme Lord at all. The philosophy is one of extreme fear, which is why they reject any depictions of the Supreme Lord as soft like Sri Gopala.


Despite their pretense of spirituality, they have no conception of the self being different from the body or the culture, or even the nation, for that matter. Their is no tolerance for those of different beliefs despite the contrary teachings of Lord Jesus Christ, who accepted the faith of the Roman soldier at Capernaum as being much greater than the faith of all of Judea. If one should speak to a christian about the spirituality of the Magi, their astrology expertise, etc, they would offend these wonderful GURUS and consider them obsessed with the occult.


Politiaclly, I could write volumes about the perversion of the very word "christian", from the genocide of manifest destiny in the US, Australia, Africa, and the Middle East (and India as well). I could write volumes about how the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ has been thoroughhly changed to an almost opposite philosophy from the vaisnavism taught by Lord Jesus Christ. But I wont. I just use this space to state that I am not now, nor was I ever, a christian, have no solidarity with them, nor even friendship with Kamsa demons who have no grasp on reciprocation of the Love the Supreme Lord has for us.


This is not meant to pick Islam over christianity, because I have similar views about the gross sectarianism of the Islamic sects, who are engaged in mass suicide of fraternal, sectarian warfare. I wont speak of the glories of any such perversion because there are no glories in what Srilas Prabhupada speaks of as a Kali Yuga produced irreligion disguised as religion. I fall on my face to the glories to the All Compassionate Supreme Lord (allah), and declare servitude to the Great Servant/Son of the4 Supreme Lord, Lord Jesus Christ, but I also follow Krsna's directive and abandon all varieties of these false religions in favor of surrendering to Love of God.


Fear of God comes under the heading of atheism, confirmed by the Bhagavad Gita. Krsna says that for the atheist, he comes as Death. Death is the God to fear, and this is the fear of the false religionist as well. But the Vaisnava, who has developed reciprocal love with the Supreme Lord, death is not enemy, not feared. King Dhruva accepts Death's service as a step to the chariot to His eternal swarup, the King of the Vaikuntha Planet that bears His Name.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


PS Please dont argue christianity here, however, I am very open to discussing Lord Jesus Christ who admonishes the christian in the same way.

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Truly a time of great madness is upon this planet. Muslims vs. Jews. Muslims vs. Hindus, Muslims vs. Christians.


Only way out is by transcending it all through direct realization of the self in relation to the Supreme Self.


The material world is actually the proper stage for such fanatics to crow and bark and war with each other. The hard questions I must ask myself is what the **** did I come here for and why the **** do I remain?


Am I not the greater fool for claiming to know the way out yet not walking through the door myself? It is one thing to diagnose the disease and another to apply the cure.

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Is that we can witness without being participant. Trade theory comes first, then we apply the trade. So, even tho in our premature stage we may have yet to practice what we know theoretically, we can appreciate the utter TRUTH of the theory, then practice the exercizes given by the professor (sadhana bhakti), then all else falls into place.


Hare Krsna, good luck to one and all. Ys, mahaksadasa

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But are we not at that point now? We have seen the proper diagnosis, yet at least for me I am lingering far too long.


Eventually we have to really apply some self reflection. I know I need help getting past the theorhetical stage.Too infrequently we challenge each other to go past this plane. It gets taken as the real thing and we pass our whole lives in the mind juggling, sorting & categorizing concepts.


No safe ground here, must keep moving.

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And we will do what we must. No, my pacifism does not cloud proper judgement. And yes, my words are different from Lord Jesus Christ. But Revelation of St John says nothing about the words we may use, he clearly says the MEANING must not change.


Now I know some folks whom I call Christians (note the capital letter here as opposed to the way I disrespected this word in my previous post). They also do not change the meanings of Lord Jesus Christs teachings, they too know of his warnings of the beast which may present himself as a great christian. Just as in all things, each of us must go with the info received from guru-shastra-sadhu, guru meaning the Lord in the Heart. We must decide if the c hristian is engaged in righteous warfare, or if he is just doing another Kali Yuga war which targets the innocent. We each must define in the core of our hearts what is "terrorism" and how such acts affect the victims.


In my case, I have made careful determination, such as the old so-called terrorist called Abu Nidal (yesterdays al qaida, another bogus term with no real meaning other than to control the ignorant with fear). Abu Nidal was comprised of children who survived Sharon's brutal decimation of refuge camps in Lebanon in the seventies. And yes, I see, with great sadness, the rail thin old lady with bombs strapped to her dying body, but I analyze what has caused this. She has witnessed here entire family wiped out by nuclear (spent plutonium) bunker buster bombs, and now has not a thing to lose. She is, of course, manipulated by evil religionists, but those whose policy is to wipe out entire blocks of civilians to kill supposed insurgents whose existance is confirmed by "intelligence" of motivated evil religionists as well, and the US desire to insert itself in sectarian fratracide is also motivated by evil religionists.


The beast presents himself as Christ, just as Srila Prabhupada warns us that the servants of Kali Yuga (kali cela) present themselves as vaisnavas.


Without personal discernment of TRUTH, we are lost. If we cannot recognize demon from devotee, this means that we are kanistha adhikari, and our duty is, like I mentioned, to engage in the purifying process of sadhana bhakti under the direction of a bonafide spiritual master. This is the only method of giving us vision to make decisions of such magnitude, recognition of demon as demon, and recognition of devotee as devotee. We must come to a clearing stage (madhyama adhikari) to effectively make such a decision.


But even the baby kanistha is growing, and has vision thru the smoke, because we follow the directive of Srila Prabhupada, who tells us clearly to give up fasle nationalism, culturalism, racism, religionism, all these isms.


The killing will come, not just over there, but in our own midst. But what do we, as vaisnavas, defend? Not one evil false doctrine over another. If we want to save the 3,000 WTC victims but have no concern over "collateral damage" caused by the US war machine, equal victims of terrorism by definition, then we have no empathy for humankind and are severely lacking in compassion, the very key element to rising from babyhood of kanistha adhikari to mature Vaisnavism experianced by the madhyama adhikaris.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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I guess it should bother me but this kind of stuff doesn't bother me too much anymore. I have learned many terrible things about Christianity after having went to school with Mormons. Turns out there is strong possibility Joseph Smith was using his position to take advantage of other mens wives and daughters etc. but still 10,000 million people think he was the grand kahuna who got handed golden plates from Jesus. Maybe he was I don't know for sure but the evidence seem to suggest he was less than honorable. The worlds religions are full of these kinds of things and all the worlds religions hate each other. Maybe I have become jaded or desensitized but the whole thing just makes me yawn because they are all so predictable.


Even Krishna Consciousness is full of contradictions. A devotee is always happy but on the other hand a devotee is always sad and in anxiety for the demons because they are causing so much trouble. A devotee should avoid associating with non-devotees but if a devotee doesn't preach to the non-devotees the devotee is going to burn in a karmic hell for many lifetimes even though 99.9% of the time the non-devotees don't listen anyway. There are many different relationships with the Lord some passive and some active but if a devotee doesn't chant 16 rounds a day the devotee is going to burn in a karmic hell for many lifetimes. On and on they go but despite all these contradictions the essence of Krishna Consciousness is a beautiful thing and the world would be a more peaceful place if more people adopted it. Same goes with Christianity or possibly even Islam too I guess.


- D.B. Cooper Jr.

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Haribol. You speak of the essence, and this is the very key. It is a fact that under the heading of "Krsna Consciousness", there are a lot of bogus ideologies being taught. One has to be very careful and exercize discernment.


Srila Prabhupada often refers to the disciple responsibility in exercizing discernment. His phrase, "submissive inquiry" is such a teaching. While of course, when speaking to a vaisnava, submission is necessary, but "inquiry" means getting to the very gist of what is being said. Srila Prabhupada also has vast teachings concerning discernment (a word not at all acceptable to religionists who depend on the slavery of the congregation) in his refere3nces for the need of each of us to become Paramahamsa. A swan is such a creature that he can drink only the milk from a mixture of milk and water. Paramahamsa means to become swanlike in that we accept the TRUE from a pack of lies, or as Lord Jesus Christ says, separate the grain from the shaff.


DB speaks of the "essence" of Krsna Consciousness, which is also the essence of what is realized by the worshippers of the Supreme Father of Lord Jesus Christ as well as the TRUE worshippers of the most compassionate Allah. God loves us all unconditionally, and He has no need to develop such love, it is His very ESSENCE. We have forgotten our place in suchg a loving relationship, and we must make some endeavor to remember, to realize our actual position as the reciprocator of such Love. This is the ESSENCE of Lord Jesus Christ's teachings, and this is perfection of sadhana bhakti process where one moves from practice without much conviction (kanisthas) to spontaneous love of God (madhyamas).


Anyway, good post DB, glad you survived the drop into the PNW wilderness. Give brother jim morrison my regards.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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