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Birth as a Demon?

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During the 70's, it was often preached that some of the popular rock bands were rakshasas, who took birth on this planet to degrade the populace with "sex, drugs, and rock & roll." I have no idea if this was originally uttered by Srila Prabhupada. Of course, some of those rock bands were fairly benign, and even consisted of souls who became favorable towards Krsna Consciousness.


When I think about someone like serial killer Ted Bundy (whose sole mission in life, it seemed, was to murder several hundred women), it made me wonder if he didn't take birth from a rakshasa planet simply to create mayhem. Some godbrothers have agreed with me on this. Of course, it is pure speculation. I simply offer it as a possible explanation.

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Most of the rock bands are anti-society and that is because they want to reform society by making people aware of the flaws that exist in every society.So they are necessarily productive and not destructive(except for a rare few). Most heavy metal bands like Ozzy Osbourne believe in God and just pretend that they do not. Metal bands may be hedonistic but that does not mean they are atheists
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Notice I said "some." And I was referring to the bands from early 70's. Personally, I found the music of Black Sabbath (Ozzie Ozbourne, whom you mentioned) to be rather demoniac, whenever my roommate in college played it. It was the most depressing, down, mode of ignorance, scary music I ever heard in my life. I had to leave the dorm whenever it was played. Maybe he's changed since then. If so, super.


"Reforming society" may sound noble at first glance. But if there is no spiritual substance behind it, then it may do more harm than good. I certainly agree than many rock bands are, as I said, benign, and often sing with a timely message. ("Teach your children well." Teach them what, though.) Anyway, I'm just passing along what I heard while Srila Prabhupada was present. Perhaps it's in the Folio, if someone wishes to look it up.


Also, I believe there is a verse somewhere in sastra wherein it is stated that in Kali Yuga, demons will take birth in Brahmana families and create havoc within the Vedic culture. You may scoff if you wish. Personally, I'm open to the possibility that demons, in this age, do not grow horns and carry a trident. They may appear in the most unlikeliest of places and may appear to be innocent and wholesome on the outside. I gave the example of Ted Bundy. Nice looking, friendly, outgoing, likeable, a law student, kind to his friends. (Unfortunately, not to strangers.)

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Most of the rock bands are anti-society and that is because they want to reform society by making people aware of the flaws that exist in every society.So they are necessarily productive and not destructive(except for a rare few). Most heavy metal bands like Ozzy Osbourne believe in God and just pretend that they do not. Metal bands may be hedonistic but that does not mean they are atheists

How rakshasas and devas were born and existed? Are these two parts/side of God?

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The Varaha Purana states -


raksasah kalim asritya

jayante brahma-yonisu

utpanna brahmana-kule

badhante srotriyan krsan


"Those who were raksasas in previous ages, have taken birth as brahmanas in Kali-yuga to torment the physically weak saintly persons who are engaged in the culture of hearing about the Lord."


In other words, this verse shows that birth is no guarantee of pure spiritual pedigree in Kali-yuga, for even demons are born in the families of brahmanas. It is also interesting to note from this sloka that those demons in the guise of brahmanas obstruct the saintly devotees engaged in chanting the holy names of the Lord.


(quoted from the gosai.com website)



Srila Prabhupada's comment on the very same sloka, found in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 4.21.40:


"The difficulty, according to the Varaha Purana, is that demons, taking advantage of Kali-yuga, have taken birth in brahmana families. Raksasha kalim asritya jayante brahma-yonisu (Varaha Purana.)"

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Devas >> GOD << Rakshashas,


Punyas >> GOD << Paapas,


Good imbalances >> BALANCE << Bad imbalances = Punyas,


Good imbalances << BALANCE >> Bad imbalances = Paapas/Sins.


The most prefered state can be "a Balance", "nature's/prakuriti's balance", "Homeostatis" and neither imbalances in good(more or less goods) nor in bad(more or less bads). That may be a state when GOD can be most happy or alike GOD. Our initiation towards such balance(when all things and beings are in perfect hormony to each other), God can be happy with us otherwise not.

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