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kal bhairo/kateri/sangani

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Has anyone heard about these so-called Gods. How was Kal Bhairo born or any of the above names.


Someone told me that she went to a kali temple and was told to worship the above to giving alcohol and cigarette - I don't feel right about this - please reply if you know anything - I want to help my friend.



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These "so called Gods" are very real. Madrasi worship was brought to the Caribbean by indentured laborers from India and its practice goes back very far in South Indian history and practice. Because of the dark forces that exist in Kal Yug, divinity assumes these fierce forms to handle the problems. These Gods accept rum, cigarettes, and even animal sacrifice because they need the force to deal with the issues of their devotees. Kali, Sangie, Kateri, and Kal Bhairo can go to unclean places to help devotees, whereas the traditional Vedic vegetarian Gods will not enter an unclean environment. Many feel that these Gods can be "used", but Madrasi's worship Them as Devis and Devatas: as nurturing Mothers and Fathers. Above all else, what the Gods require when They say "devotion" is your sincere faith and love. We (Kali Mai's children) revere the traditional Vedic Gods, as a trip to any Kali temple will prove. These Tamil gods (for they are of Tamil origin) are very necessary, however. But do not take Them lightly. If your friend cannot live the life that is necessary for the devotion (keeping the fast, etc), then it is best not to attempt the devotion knowing that he or she will not be able to do it appropriately.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

These "so called Gods" are very real. Madrasi worship was brought to the Caribbean by indentured laborers from India and its practice goes back very far in South Indian history and practice. Because of the dark forces that exist in Kal Yug, divinity assumes these fierce forms to handle the problems. These Gods accept rum, cigarettes, and even animal sacrifice because they need the force to deal with the issues of their devotees. Kali, Sangie, Kateri, and Kal Bhairo can go to unclean places to help devotees, whereas the traditional Vedic vegetarian Gods will not enter an unclean environment. Many feel that these Gods can be "used", but Madrasi's worship Them as Devis and Devatas: as nurturing Mothers and Fathers. Above all else, what the Gods require when They say "devotion" is your sincere faith and love. We (Kali Mai's children) revere the traditional Vedic Gods, as a trip to any Kali temple will prove. These Tamil gods (for they are of Tamil origin) are very necessary, however. But do not take Them lightly. If your friend cannot live the life that is necessary for the devotion (keeping the fast, etc), then it is best not to attempt the devotion knowing that he or she will not be able to do it appropriately.

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  • 1 month later...
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Has anyone heard about these so-called Gods. How was Kal Bhairo born or any of the above names.


Someone told me that she went to a kali temple and was told to worship the above to giving alcohol and cigarette - I don't feel right about this - please reply if you know anything - I want to help my friend.



ok listen, if you want to know anything about these gods, kal bhairo/kateri/sangani, they are all different forms of gods that all hindus worship. Kal bhairo is a different form of the hindu god lord shiva. Kateri is another form of the hindu goddess Durga/Kali. You said that you think that the offering of alchohol and ciggarettes is not right, well this offering can help wit most if not all problems that medical doctors or most hindu priests cannot help you with.

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First of all, these "so called gods" are actually very real as mentioned by another well educated guest, but beside the fact that they are real, they are very well accounted for, (for the question where they came from) Kali maa is explained as the top or the truest form of the hindu goddess durga. Kateri is just another form of the divine mother Kali/Durga. "Sangani" or "Dee baba" as known in the hindu religion is the "land master" or the protector of your house and its possessions. Kal bhairo or Madurai Veren is just another form the the hindu god Lord Shiva. As for the offering of alcohol and ciggarettes to these gods, it is in your best interest to give it to them when they ask you for it because they help you by recieving these offerings. Oh yes "they" ask you for it. If you really want to know how they do or learn more about these madras gods feel very free to visit our mandir @ 107-34 Jamaica queens

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Has anyone heard about these so-called Gods. How was Kal Bhairo born or any of the above names.


Someone told me that she went to a kali temple and was told to worship the above to giving alcohol and cigarette - I don't feel right about this - please reply if you know anything - I want to help my friend.



It is DIFFICULT to stop these sacrifices SPECIALLY if they have been in your family lineage.

Just like you, I dont feel its right to give animal sacrifices.

If its the first time your friend is performing these sacrifices, I think you might help by telling her about the consequences of killing animals. This might well deter her.

If its in the family lineage, hmmm. Believe me it IS complicated to stop and the resulting consequences might be painful. It is definitely not an easy decision to take.

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These "so called Gods" are very real. Madrasi worship was brought to the Caribbean by indentured laborers from India and its practice goes back very far in South Indian history and practice. Because of the dark forces that exist in Kal Yug, divinity assumes these fierce forms to handle the problems. These Gods accept rum, cigarettes, and even animal sacrifice because they need the force to deal with the issues of their devotees. Kali, Sangie, Kateri, and Kal Bhairo can go to unclean places to help devotees, whereas the traditional Vedic vegetarian Gods will not enter an unclean environment. Many feel that these Gods can be "used", but Madrasi's worship Them as Devis and Devatas: as nurturing Mothers and Fathers. Above all else, what the Gods require when They say "devotion" is your sincere faith and love. We (Kali Mai's children) revere the traditional Vedic Gods, as a trip to any Kali temple will prove. These Tamil gods (for they are of Tamil origin) are very necessary, however. But do not take Them lightly. If your friend cannot live the life that is necessary for the devotion (keeping the fast, etc), then it is best not to attempt the devotion knowing that he or she will not be able to do it appropriately.


are these practices common among Carribean Hindus? I wonder what influence other carribean religions have had on this. Thinking of voodoo and santeria, where animal sacrifices also occur.

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The following is not my own, just from some research that i've been doing, wanted to learn myself!







The shadowy planet called Rahu in the Hindu Astrology is a representation of the qualities of Kal Bairo in the West Indies and is depicted as the dark deity in Hinduism. He has a demon-like face with red eyes. His female counterpart is referred to as Kateri [Ketu]. Worship of Kal Bhairo is performed because of material greed. In order to satisfy some material desire, usually to acquire wealth, a live sacrifice of an animal is made and rum and cigarettes are offered to this deity. While some differences may exist in the performance of the worship, the desires and the outcomes are substantially the same.


In the Indian Province of Madhya Pradesh, devotees built a temple dedicated to the dark Deity Bhairav to whose idol, liquor is offered. African slaves who inhabited the British colonies in the West Indies brought Kal Bairo from Africa as a voodoo deity with a black dog. In Guyana Kal Bairo is also known as Landmaster and in Trinidad, he is called Dee. In the Muslim religion, the equivalent of the dark Deity is Qurbani; in Christianity, he is called Satan; in the Spanish community, he is known as Santaria. Amongst West Indians, Kal Bhairo worship takes place in the form of a Rum Puja, in which a chicken, goat or pig is sacrificed, rum and cigarettes are offered and a black flag is raised. Material wealth is usually asked for by the persons performing the puja and documented cases show that Kal Bhairo often grant their wishes. Pleasant and inviting as all this may sound however, worship of this dark deity is not without its problems and consequences, for any debt which is incurred must be repaid.


Once the sacrifice is made for the first time, no matter how many generations ago, Kal Bairo demands continuance and current generation families who do not continue the tradition and who may not even know that their parents or grand-parents practiced Kal Bairo worship feel the negative effects in their lives. One may rightly ask why should I bear the consequences of the actions of my parents or fore parents?


Let us examine the scenario of borrowed money. Your parents borrowed a loan from a bank and built the house in which you grew up. You enjoyed the fruits from that debt and when your parents die, the unpaid debt falls to you, the children. All unpaid debt is assigned to the future generations. There is no escape from this bondage of debt between two people and as long as that debt and debt-repayment linkage exist, the two will meet. If not in this birth, then it will happen in some future birth.


Now someone in your lineage may have made a sacrifice to the dark deity and each life-form on earth was given a certain value. When, for example, your grandfather killed the chickens, goats or pigs, they terminated that life before its time. That soul did not get to complete its karma in its animal form and now must wait in purgatory until it can be reborn again. In other words, the spirit of that animal becomes very angry and as more animals are killed over the years, the number of angry spirits increase and the debt grows. When a person dies an untimely death, that person’s soul was not prepared for death and this soul may get lost and wander around in the astral dimension looking for a body to take re-birth. Similarly, when an animal is killed in ritual sacrifice, that defenseless animal has died an untimely death. The spirit of the animal is angry at the person who ended its life before its time. This angry spirit, in its effort to continue its karmic life on earth, has to possess a human body to continue the rest of the time it was supposed to live in the first place. The person most likely to be possessed by such an angry spirit is either the person who has taken the life of that animal, or all the people who have participated in the eating of the meat of the sacrificed animal. The possession of the person’s body can vary in intensity dependent upon the person’s karmic background, how religious the person was prior to the Kal Bairo worship and what kind of foods they eat.


Sometimes, persons with good intent unknowingly attract Kal Bairo into their lives due to a catastrophic mistake made by some pundits during a Durga Puja ritual. Mother Durga, the consort of Lord Shiva represents the procreative forces and family and devotees worship this Deity to receive her blessings. During the Puja ritual, nine plates of prasad offerings are made to worship the nine forms of Mother Durga. Now remember that Mother Durga is married to Lord Shiva. Yet some of the less knowledgeable pundits offer the tenth plate to Kal Bairo instead of to Lord Shiva. The symbolism of the tenth plate offering in the puja ritual is to recognize that union between Mother Durga and Lord Shiva. Therefore, how can a pundit be correct in offering that tenth plate to Kal Bairo? The devotee and their family, thinking all is well, continue their lives only to find problems and hardships begin to infest their lives and often, mysterious occurrences begin to manifest themselves such as the appearance of worms or black bugs in the house. Family members begin to have bad dreams; tempers flare and quarrels and fights happen frequently; health problems surface; job problems occur; a fire may destroy the house and other financial distress result.




In the ancient Puranic texts, it is stated that during the first 35 days of a child’s life after birth, one Deity will visit the child’s body each day. When a child is born with a heavy load of karmic debt, however, the evil spirits prevent the visits of the Deities and they inhabit the child’s body instead. In a recent case handled by Swami-Ji, a mother told him that when each of her children were being born, they will choke almost to the point of dying. Her priest always told her that she had to make an animal sacrifice to save the child and she did.


This was a case where Kal Bairo wanted to be repaid for past debts and so he choked the child to scare the parents who then killed an animal to satiate his thirst for blood. The parents made a choice for their innocent child who now incurred more bad karmas. As these children grew they began to encounter all types of problems and disaster after disaster forced them to seek the help of Swami-Ji.


You may very well ask, does everyone who kill animals for food or in sacrificial rituals incur a load of karmic debt?


As stated before, Kal Bairo usually grant the person their material wishes for wealth for a period of time but takes one important thing away - the person’s true happiness. What is the ultimate happiness to a Hindu? It is their children and their daily well-being. Usually the presence of Kal Bairo in your life is indicated by any of the following:


Kal Bairo will usually take away a person’s child through miscarriages, abortions or death at a young age. It is almost guaranteed that the first child or the youngest child will go in this way.

The womb of women become twisted and they have severe back and neck pains; therefore their enjoyment of love making and pleasurable sex life is taken away.

Kal Bairo sometimes take the form of dead relatives and come in the night and make love to females in the home. One sign of this is unexplained bruises on the body especially noticeable in the mornings.

People who own animals may see that one or more of these animals die suddenly for no apparent reason. e.g: a healthy milking cow will suddenly fall over and die for no explainable reason.

The circumstances will appear to be so natural that people generally miss the relationship between the DEATH of their child or animal and the DEBT owing to the dark Deity Kal Bairo.



To remove the effects of Kal Bairo, a householder must perform a Durga Puja[the correct way!]. The purpose of this puja is to ask Mother Durga to accept them as her own children and so Lord Shiva becomes their new father. Through this puja, the person is granted re-birth with the new mother as Mother Durga and the new father as Lord Shiva. With these new parents, the sins of that person’s earth parents and grand-parents are no longer attached to them. This rebirth cleanses the householder from past bad karmas. A word of caution at this point. Once a knowledgeable Holy Person is contacted to conduct the puja, the family will face all kinds of blockages and resistance. The reason is that the negative forces do not want the family to correct their life and stop the sacrifices. Once each member of the family is aware of this, they can overcome it, even in more severe cases when one or two family members do not want to believe or cooperate.


To break the curse from the entire family, all members must contribute equally to the monetary costs of performing the Puja and the dakshina to the preceptor. Each family member must contribute an equal amount of money from their own earnings. Sometimes the evil is so attached to one family member that he will resist all attempts to believe that anything is wrong and will refuse to contribute his share or to participate in the puja. In such a case, if the other family members are willing to help and protect him, they must put the amount on behalf of that person and must add 10% more to the total cost. In this way, all the family members come under the protection of the GOD-PARENTS. If someone does not participate, that person will continue to suffer.


Once the Durga puja is complete, the family will begin to notice changes in their lives. As the positive change cycle begins the family must continue to attach themselves to God through the worship of Lord Shiva. The following should be done:


A Lord Shiva puja should be performed each year

Family members should chant the mantras provided by the holy person

The family should set up an altar in the homes and bathe the shiv-ling when they kneel to say their prayers.

Devotees of Lord Shiva will find that after they return from Kal Bairo, they eventually will develop high psychic ability, their 3rdeye will open and they will have visions of Lord Shiva and other Dewtas.

Swami-Ji noticed that people born under the Deity Laxmi are able to fight off the debts of bad karmas and break the curse, usually on their own. Others are not so successful and must seek help from Mother Durga and Lord Shiva.




Generally, a person who worships Kal Bairo will have the following symptoms:


Their body will darken in color

Their eyes will have dark rings around them

Their eyes may become red or pink

Their body will vibrate during prayers

They will experience pain in the joints

Women will experience problems with their uterus

The person will experience back pains, neck pains and headaches

The person will have a lot of blockages in life - no job, broken marriage

Women may experience sexual contact with evil spirits

If religious mantras are being recited, the person may get up and dance

The person may become addicted to tobacco and alcohol

The person is always dressed in black clothes and is attracted to the color black


From debts owed by parents or grandparents

By eating food from a Kal Bairo sacrifice

By eating prasad at a Kal Bairo or Kateri Puja

By eating food from a death ritual

By eating food from someone who is possessed by Kal Bairo

By having sexual contact with a person possessed by Kal Bairo

By eating red meat such as duck, beef or goat

By sleeping in a North-South position

By performing a Durga puja and offering the 10th prasad plate to Kal Bairo


YES … YES … and … YES. This can definitely be done.


To prevent the effects of Kal Bairo in your life, do avoid the causes as outlined above. In the unavoidable cases where the debt and bad karmas originated from parents, fore parents or in cases where Kal Bairo was attracted into your life because your pundit did not perform the Durga Puja ritual correctly, consult a holy person who is knowledgeable in the Vedic scriptures.


There is help in overcoming the negative forces of Kal Bairo. But like the story of the [Churning of the Ocean] the first things that will be eliminated will be the poisons. This will manifest itself in DOUBT, in NEGATIVE THOUGHTS and once a little progress is made, the person will have a STRONG DESIRE TO GO BACK TO OLD WAYS AND BAD HABITS.


Once you are willing to face your own fears, Swami-Ji will help you change your life from misery to one of true happiness.




In the fight to take control of the universe, a tug-of-war ensued between the Dewtas [divine forces] and Rakshas [evil forces] in the story of the churning of the ocean of milk. To visualize the churning motion, think of the old fashioned way of churning butter using the ookrie [mortar] and moosar [pestle]. Lord Vishnu is the dominant God in this story and oversees the entire operation by providing two extensions of his own form. In one form, he is the cosmic turtle resting in the depths of the milky ocean [the ookrie] and mountain Mehru is the pestle [moosar] which rests on his back. In his other form, he becomes Vasuki, the cosmic serpent whose middle is wrapped around the churning stick. The Dewtas took hold of one end of Vasuki and the Rakshas took hold of the other end. As the tug-of-war began, the entire ocean churned. At first, all the poisons arose and were squirted out of the depths of the ocean, then Goddess Laxmi emerged and finally the elixir of immortality [amrita] was flushed out.


Lord Vishnu, adopting the form of the beautiful Mohini, began to share the amrita to the Dewtas. One of the rakshas disguised himself as a Dewta and received some of the amrita. The impostor was quickly recognized by the Sun and the Moon who immediately told Lord Vishnu. Before the raksha could drink the amrita, Lord Vishnu used his chakra weapon and cut the rakshas in half. But the rakshas had already swallowed the first few drops of the amrita and technically attained the higher status of a Dewta. The one half of the raksha’s body was flung to the North and became known as RAHU [the North Node] and the other half became known as KETU [the South Node]. This is why in the NAV-GRAHA PUJA, we continue to worship both Rahu and Ketu as two of the nine planets which influence our lives.


Rahu is like the drunken vagabond of the family of Dewtas who we continue to acknowledge during our puja ritual. But we do not want to invoke his influence into our lives. In other words, we do not want to do a puja directly to Kal Bairo. He has the power to grant our requests but the price which we will have to pay is too high. Yet some pundits continue to do exactly this, while others unknowingly invoke Kal Bairo into the lives of many by performing the Durga Puja incorrectly."

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The following is not my own, just from some research that i've been doing, wanted to learn myself!







The shadowy planet called Rahu in the Hindu Astrology is a representation of the qualities of Kal Bairo in the West Indies and is depicted as the dark deity in Hinduism. He has a demon-like face with red eyes. His female counterpart is referred to as Kateri [Ketu]. Worship of Kal Bhairo is performed because of material greed. In order to satisfy some material desire, usually to acquire wealth, a live sacrifice of an animal is made and rum and cigarettes are offered to this deity. While some differences may exist in the performance of the worship, the desires and the outcomes are substantially the same.


In the Indian Province of Madhya Pradesh, devotees built a temple dedicated to the dark Deity Bhairav to whose idol, liquor is offered. African slaves who inhabited the British colonies in the West Indies brought Kal Bairo from Africa as a voodoo deity with a black dog. In Guyana Kal Bairo is also known as Landmaster and in Trinidad, he is called Dee. In the Muslim religion, the equivalent of the dark Deity is Qurbani; in Christianity, he is called Satan; in the Spanish community, he is known as Santaria. Amongst West Indians, Kal Bhairo worship takes place in the form of a Rum Puja, in which a chicken, goat or pig is sacrificed, rum and cigarettes are offered and a black flag is raised. Material wealth is usually asked for by the persons performing the puja and documented cases show that Kal Bhairo often grant their wishes. Pleasant and inviting as all this may sound however, worship of this dark deity is not without its problems and consequences, for any debt which is incurred must be repaid.


Once the sacrifice is made for the first time, no matter how many generations ago, Kal Bairo demands continuance and current generation families who do not continue the tradition and who may not even know that their parents or grand-parents practiced Kal Bairo worship feel the negative effects in their lives. One may rightly ask why should I bear the consequences of the actions of my parents or fore parents?


Let us examine the scenario of borrowed money. Your parents borrowed a loan from a bank and built the house in which you grew up. You enjoyed the fruits from that debt and when your parents die, the unpaid debt falls to you, the children. All unpaid debt is assigned to the future generations. There is no escape from this bondage of debt between two people and as long as that debt and debt-repayment linkage exist, the two will meet. If not in this birth, then it will happen in some future birth.


Now someone in your lineage may have made a sacrifice to the dark deity and each life-form on earth was given a certain value. When, for example, your grandfather killed the chickens, goats or pigs, they terminated that life before its time. That soul did not get to complete its karma in its animal form and now must wait in purgatory until it can be reborn again. In other words, the spirit of that animal becomes very angry and as more animals are killed over the years, the number of angry spirits increase and the debt grows. When a person dies an untimely death, that person’s soul was not prepared for death and this soul may get lost and wander around in the astral dimension looking for a body to take re-birth. Similarly, when an animal is killed in ritual sacrifice, that defenseless animal has died an untimely death. The spirit of the animal is angry at the person who ended its life before its time. This angry spirit, in its effort to continue its karmic life on earth, has to possess a human body to continue the rest of the time it was supposed to live in the first place. The person most likely to be possessed by such an angry spirit is either the person who has taken the life of that animal, or all the people who have participated in the eating of the meat of the sacrificed animal. The possession of the person’s body can vary in intensity dependent upon the person’s karmic background, how religious the person was prior to the Kal Bairo worship and what kind of foods they eat.


Sometimes, persons with good intent unknowingly attract Kal Bairo into their lives due to a catastrophic mistake made by some pundits during a Durga Puja ritual. Mother Durga, the consort of Lord Shiva represents the procreative forces and family and devotees worship this Deity to receive her blessings. During the Puja ritual, nine plates of prasad offerings are made to worship the nine forms of Mother Durga. Now remember that Mother Durga is married to Lord Shiva. Yet some of the less knowledgeable pundits offer the tenth plate to Kal Bairo instead of to Lord Shiva. The symbolism of the tenth plate offering in the puja ritual is to recognize that union between Mother Durga and Lord Shiva. Therefore, how can a pundit be correct in offering that tenth plate to Kal Bairo? The devotee and their family, thinking all is well, continue their lives only to find problems and hardships begin to infest their lives and often, mysterious occurrences begin to manifest themselves such as the appearance of worms or black bugs in the house. Family members begin to have bad dreams; tempers flare and quarrels and fights happen frequently; health problems surface; job problems occur; a fire may destroy the house and other financial distress result.




In the ancient Puranic texts, it is stated that during the first 35 days of a child’s life after birth, one Deity will visit the child’s body each day. When a child is born with a heavy load of karmic debt, however, the evil spirits prevent the visits of the Deities and they inhabit the child’s body instead. In a recent case handled by Swami-Ji, a mother told him that when each of her children were being born, they will choke almost to the point of dying. Her priest always told her that she had to make an animal sacrifice to save the child and she did.


This was a case where Kal Bairo wanted to be repaid for past debts and so he choked the child to scare the parents who then killed an animal to satiate his thirst for blood. The parents made a choice for their innocent child who now incurred more bad karmas. As these children grew they began to encounter all types of problems and disaster after disaster forced them to seek the help of Swami-Ji.


You may very well ask, does everyone who kill animals for food or in sacrificial rituals incur a load of karmic debt?


As stated before, Kal Bairo usually grant the person their material wishes for wealth for a period of time but takes one important thing away - the person’s true happiness. What is the ultimate happiness to a Hindu? It is their children and their daily well-being. Usually the presence of Kal Bairo in your life is indicated by any of the following:


Kal Bairo will usually take away a person’s child through miscarriages, abortions or death at a young age. It is almost guaranteed that the first child or the youngest child will go in this way.

The womb of women become twisted and they have severe back and neck pains; therefore their enjoyment of love making and pleasurable sex life is taken away.

Kal Bairo sometimes take the form of dead relatives and come in the night and make love to females in the home. One sign of this is unexplained bruises on the body especially noticeable in the mornings.

People who own animals may see that one or more of these animals die suddenly for no apparent reason. e.g: a healthy milking cow will suddenly fall over and die for no explainable reason.

The circumstances will appear to be so natural that people generally miss the relationship between the DEATH of their child or animal and the DEBT owing to the dark Deity Kal Bairo.



To remove the effects of Kal Bairo, a householder must perform a Durga Puja[the correct way!]. The purpose of this puja is to ask Mother Durga to accept them as her own children and so Lord Shiva becomes their new father. Through this puja, the person is granted re-birth with the new mother as Mother Durga and the new father as Lord Shiva. With these new parents, the sins of that person’s earth parents and grand-parents are no longer attached to them. This rebirth cleanses the householder from past bad karmas. A word of caution at this point. Once a knowledgeable Holy Person is contacted to conduct the puja, the family will face all kinds of blockages and resistance. The reason is that the negative forces do not want the family to correct their life and stop the sacrifices. Once each member of the family is aware of this, they can overcome it, even in more severe cases when one or two family members do not want to believe or cooperate.


To break the curse from the entire family, all members must contribute equally to the monetary costs of performing the Puja and the dakshina to the preceptor. Each family member must contribute an equal amount of money from their own earnings. Sometimes the evil is so attached to one family member that he will resist all attempts to believe that anything is wrong and will refuse to contribute his share or to participate in the puja. In such a case, if the other family members are willing to help and protect him, they must put the amount on behalf of that person and must add 10% more to the total cost. In this way, all the family members come under the protection of the GOD-PARENTS. If someone does not participate, that person will continue to suffer.


Once the Durga puja is complete, the family will begin to notice changes in their lives. As the positive change cycle begins the family must continue to attach themselves to God through the worship of Lord Shiva. The following should be done:


A Lord Shiva puja should be performed each year

Family members should chant the mantras provided by the holy person

The family should set up an altar in the homes and bathe the shiv-ling when they kneel to say their prayers.

Devotees of Lord Shiva will find that after they return from Kal Bairo, they eventually will develop high psychic ability, their 3rdeye will open and they will have visions of Lord Shiva and other Dewtas.

Swami-Ji noticed that people born under the Deity Laxmi are able to fight off the debts of bad karmas and break the curse, usually on their own. Others are not so successful and must seek help from Mother Durga and Lord Shiva.




Generally, a person who worships Kal Bairo will have the following symptoms:


Their body will darken in color

Their eyes will have dark rings around them

Their eyes may become red or pink

Their body will vibrate during prayers

They will experience pain in the joints

Women will experience problems with their uterus

The person will experience back pains, neck pains and headaches

The person will have a lot of blockages in life - no job, broken marriage

Women may experience sexual contact with evil spirits

If religious mantras are being recited, the person may get up and dance

The person may become addicted to tobacco and alcohol

The person is always dressed in black clothes and is attracted to the color black


From debts owed by parents or grandparents

By eating food from a Kal Bairo sacrifice

By eating prasad at a Kal Bairo or Kateri Puja

By eating food from a death ritual

By eating food from someone who is possessed by Kal Bairo

By having sexual contact with a person possessed by Kal Bairo

By eating red meat such as duck, beef or goat

By sleeping in a North-South position

By performing a Durga puja and offering the 10th prasad plate to Kal Bairo


YES … YES … and … YES. This can definitely be done.


To prevent the effects of Kal Bairo in your life, do avoid the causes as outlined above. In the unavoidable cases where the debt and bad karmas originated from parents, fore parents or in cases where Kal Bairo was attracted into your life because your pundit did not perform the Durga Puja ritual correctly, consult a holy person who is knowledgeable in the Vedic scriptures.


There is help in overcoming the negative forces of Kal Bairo. But like the story of the [Churning of the Ocean] the first things that will be eliminated will be the poisons. This will manifest itself in DOUBT, in NEGATIVE THOUGHTS and once a little progress is made, the person will have a STRONG DESIRE TO GO BACK TO OLD WAYS AND BAD HABITS.


Once you are willing to face your own fears, Swami-Ji will help you change your life from misery to one of true happiness.




In the fight to take control of the universe, a tug-of-war ensued between the Dewtas [divine forces] and Rakshas [evil forces] in the story of the churning of the ocean of milk. To visualize the churning motion, think of the old fashioned way of churning butter using the ookrie [mortar] and moosar [pestle]. Lord Vishnu is the dominant God in this story and oversees the entire operation by providing two extensions of his own form. In one form, he is the cosmic turtle resting in the depths of the milky ocean [the ookrie] and mountain Mehru is the pestle [moosar] which rests on his back. In his other form, he becomes Vasuki, the cosmic serpent whose middle is wrapped around the churning stick. The Dewtas took hold of one end of Vasuki and the Rakshas took hold of the other end. As the tug-of-war began, the entire ocean churned. At first, all the poisons arose and were squirted out of the depths of the ocean, then Goddess Laxmi emerged and finally the elixir of immortality [amrita] was flushed out.


Lord Vishnu, adopting the form of the beautiful Mohini, began to share the amrita to the Dewtas. One of the rakshas disguised himself as a Dewta and received some of the amrita. The impostor was quickly recognized by the Sun and the Moon who immediately told Lord Vishnu. Before the raksha could drink the amrita, Lord Vishnu used his chakra weapon and cut the rakshas in half. But the rakshas had already swallowed the first few drops of the amrita and technically attained the higher status of a Dewta. The one half of the raksha’s body was flung to the North and became known as RAHU [the North Node] and the other half became known as KETU [the South Node]. This is why in the NAV-GRAHA PUJA, we continue to worship both Rahu and Ketu as two of the nine planets which influence our lives.


Rahu is like the drunken vagabond of the family of Dewtas who we continue to acknowledge during our puja ritual. But we do not want to invoke his influence into our lives. In other words, we do not want to do a puja directly to Kal Bairo. He has the power to grant our requests but the price which we will have to pay is too high. Yet some pundits continue to do exactly this, while others unknowingly invoke Kal Bairo into the lives of many by performing the Durga Puja incorrectly."

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  • 2 months later...

Our hindu religion is divided into 3 different sectors: Sanatan, Aryasamaj and Madras. Many hindus follow the sanatan culture.


It is essential that first one understands that this world is made up of ying and yang, [good and bad, I can also describe it in a quote, "for every reaction, there is a reaction"]. I will explain only what I know personally from the madras culture but for further knowledge about this topic, you may visit a very educated pujari (known as a pandit in the sanatan culture) at 107-34 Inwood street, queens, ny.


Let's start with Khal Bhairo also known as madurai veeran. He is another form of lord Siva, he is the one who punished Bhramha because he lied and he did so by taking off one of Brahma's head with his pinkie finger nail. Lord Brahma was also cursed and no humans are to ever worship him because of what he has done. Khal Bhairo is always on the right side of Kali ma, he is there as a guardian, he was given permission to be the guardian when he asked her for that. Kali ma, another form of Mother Durga, is the universal mother in the Madras culture. When she came to destroy the demon Raktabija, she came in fury. One drop of Raktabija's that fell on earth, there would be 1000 of him formed. Kali ma takes 64 different forms, for every demon she killed, she took their name. To help in this war, she created creatures that are like dogs to drink the blood before the demon multiplies again. After the war, when everything was over, the gods gave Kali ma a kalyug [like an era] to rule. But the creatures she created, they will still be alive, she could not uncreate them, so it was said that the devotee of kali ma can offer her an animal sacrifice and doing so, the animal will be blessed and reborn as a human. This will feed the creatures for they cannot be undone. They were created to drink blood. Note: during the ritual, if the animal does not bow its head for the sacrifice, then there will be no sacrifice. Kateri ma also known as Parmeshwari ma is the last form of Kali ma and she is the one who will take this sacrifice. Khal Bhairo also takes this sacrifice, when doing his puja, they can ask what they want, god doesnt make people bad, people do that all on their own. If you ask for something that your not supposed to then it is your own fault. Your dealing with your own karma. Khal Bhairo is not Sangani. Sangani also known as Dee Baba is the landmaster. Badra Kali [another form of kali] gave him a balidan. He rules everything that concerns a business or schools, etc. Note: in the previous messages, someone stated that these deotas go where the the vegetarian [sweet] gods won't go, that is true. These Deotas can go anywhere that is dirty whereas the [sweet] gods will not go. This culture [not religion, religion is man-made] is very strict. When worshipping them, you must keep fast for 72 hours, no meat should be eaten, women should be clean, and couples should not be intimate with each other during the fast. It is true that you can get what you ask for when you ask these deotas, but mind you, it is your own karma. A good devotee will ask for health, strenght and knowledge. Please note that in this culture, if you do ask for someting that your not supposed to or you wish to harm others, you will suffer the consequences. You will be taught your lesson the hard way. These deotas also accept rum and cigarretes, and they accept it as persaud. In their form, they drink and they smoke. While in another form, they cannot. If they could do all this in one form then there would not be so many different forms of gods. The Pujari at the above mentioned temple has performed many miracles with the blessings of Kali ma. For people who are near death, for those who the doctor gave up on, for the sickly, he has helped them recover. It is true unfortunately, that this tradition passes on for generation BUT only if the foreparents makes promises on behalf of their kids. Like I stated before, people make mistakes and do wrong things, god doesnt make them do it. If I make a promise to god that if they give me a child, that my child and my child's future generation will forever worship that god, i just made a mistake and put my future generation in an obligation without ever thinking about the consequenses. Why not instead ask that I will be greatfull for a child and will offer persaud and/ or pujas? If your foreparents happen to do this then there are ways to prevent it from falling on future generations. These gods and deotas are here to help us, they are here to keep the balance in life, you can't have everything in life. But you can achieve great things if you dedicate and pray. You must choose the right path and if you cannot or do not know the right path, then ask the divine kali ma to show you the right path. There are people out there that are in pain and each day is like a needle that hurts them, they have diseases and no hope for the future. I pray that they do find the goddess kali ma for there is a cure for everything, and I witnessed many miracles in this culture. One must not promise something that they can not keep. rlachman2@aol.com

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I disagree with the individual who is practically bashing Kal bhairo and stating him as a "dark diety". I am a great devotee of Kal bhairo. He has performed mircales beyong belief. All the symptoms listed is a lie, and I am a walking example that the claims are untrue. He is the master of black hearts, all those who may have experience the so called "symptoms of kal bhairo" probably was possessed by an unrested soul that claimed to be Kal bhairo, I speak from experiece! The dead loves to play tricks and given the opportunity, they will call any diety's name. If you want to learn more about the miracles of Master Kal Bhairo also known as Madurei Veren, then visit the Shree Maha Kali Mandir at 107-34 Jamaica Queens NY

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  • 2 weeks later...

You seems to know a lot about the Madras worshipping. Are you a member of the temple? If you are, what is your status in this temple. I am a hindu who is trying to understand the different types of worshipping within Hinduism. Kindly provides some light to this.


I know someone who used to be part of these worshipping, and this person is doing everything in their power to come out of the Madras worshipping. Is that possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...


You seems to know a lot about the Madras worshipping. Are you a member of the temple? If you are, what is your status in this temple. I am a hindu who is trying to understand the different types of worshipping within Hinduism. Kindly provides some light to this.


I know someone who used to be part of these worshipping, and this person is doing everything in their power to come out of the Madras worshipping. Is that possible.




I am not sure who you are addressing your question to. If a person started this type of worshipping an would like to stop, there is a way I believe that it will stop from falling on future generations. I am not sure if your friend will be able to come out of it because if they promised to continue it then they will be breaking a promise. Your friend should go to temple and speak to the pujari or speak to the devatas.


There is a ritual to end the Madras worshipping and it involves going to Ganga ma. The pujari will have to look that up and speak to him before doing something like this, if its done wrong, then it will still go on. The pujari will have to explain what must be done.

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In refernce to know about kal bhario. He was created by lord shiva.... It is true that you can pray to him by giving him 3 cigarettes, and rum...


If your friend does have a situation. He or she must go to a kali temple and pray to him.....

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I disagree with the individual who is practically bashing Kal bhairo and stating him as a "dark diety". I am a great devotee of Kal bhairo. He has performed mircales beyong belief. All the symptoms listed is a lie, and I am a walking example that the claims are untrue. He is the master of black hearts, all those who may have experience the so called "symptoms of kal bhairo" probably was possessed by an unrested soul that claimed to be Kal bhairo, I speak from experiece! The dead loves to play tricks and given the opportunity, they will call any diety's name. If you want to learn more about the miracles of Master Kal Bhairo also known as Madurei Veren, then visit the Shree Maha Kali Mandir at 107-34 Jamaica Queens NY.
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  • 5 weeks later...

madurai veeran (worrior of madurai) or kal bairo or kaseedajan as he is also known , is a deva. he is like money to the sense that it is neither good or bad but the use of it can be either. i am a worshipper in a temple and am also a pujari. in our temple he is a personnal deva in the sense that devottes pray to him like a father ( spiritual) he is referred to as appa (father in tamil). he helps all his children (devotees and non devotees) as a father can never have or possess hate or dislike for his own child. Before one can worship kali badra or mariamman one must first pray to ganesh and bairo first as it is the balidan given to gansh by his father(siva) and to bairo by the supreme mother chandika amma.


please o ones, ignorant on these devas, try to surpress all negetive thoughts because as the great krishna bagavan said "different forms of worship is like many branches of a tree but all is from the same root" do not condemn another's faith.


i cannot comprehend why would one be fearfull of worshipping god, if you were taking a vitamin that improved every aspect of your life with no side effects why would you want to stop ? one should not worry too much about details but spend ones time trying to be closer to god as it the greatest goal in life . it is the purpose of life .why should one fear ones own father.this deva is not just a genee that one should keep on asking for material things , but ask instead that ones heart should always long to be at the great father's feet .



jai chandika amma

amman potri

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In this age of Kali yug, shiva reincarnation will be Kal Bhairo, Bhairava, or Madurai Veeran. He is the protector or great Knight for Mother Kali. Sangani Karpan or Dee Baba is the proctector of boundaries on land and in water. Kateri Ma is in three forms Kateri, Parameshwari, and Katayani. Many bajans mention Parameshwari??? She is the Goddess who will remove all illnesses and diseases and go to the most unclean, dark, dismal, places where other Gods and goddesses will not dear go. Rum and cigarettes are offerings just like you who give fruits and flowers as parsad, South Indians and Madrasi worshipping of the Caribbean give rum and cigarette as offers as well as animal sacrifice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i am a child of the great maha kal bhairo and maha kali. i love them so very much. i pray to them everyday thanking them. they take care of me and many others who seek their love guidance and blessings. material things is not important in this world. it is only self-awareness and attaining spiritual liberation is important. kal bhairo and mother kali are my parents, my love my life, my joy. For all those who say negative things about them may the divine master and mother have mercy on your souls.

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  • 1 month later...

I have recently started going to a Kali Temple. Although my family was born into the Madras religion I never practiced. I never understood the concept of the offerings but I do have to say it's an amazing experience.


I'm not into religion, in fact, I always tended to stay far far away. Ever since going to this temple I've been intrigued.


I always leave there feeling better then when I entered. People say once you start doing things it's hard to leave. I went there merely to observe, I've never made promises except to offer my devotion to Mother Kali. I was never asked to offer rum and cigarettes as many other people. I will continue to go to this church because it's spiritually enlightening and entertaining.


I've observed people "playing" and that blows me away. Maybe the novelty will evenutally wear out when the curiosity ends but I suggest for those who are even remotely interested in the religion should attend the temple for one Sunday. At first you may be a bit afraid as I was but it's a wonderful experience.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have the are gods and Goddesses, Kateri, or Katiyani as she is known in India, has come from the universal mother Kali, she is her last form. She was created when Kali ammaa was fighting the raktabisch demon, and all the demonds when to hide in unclean and rank places, so they created Kateri ma to go and find them and destroy them. This is a wonderful mother who when prayed to in the proper way can help with all mysteries and crosses that one has in their life, the practice of her worship should not be done unless in the prescence of a priest or pujari, all of the gods you have asked about are helpful when prayed to properly, the alcohol and cigerettes, are part of their parsaud, to help cure the sickness in you friends body, mind and soul, ppl usual pray to them when they have very serious problems that can not be solved materially or by a doctor.










Has anyone heard about these so-called Gods. How was Kal Bhairo born or any of the above names.


Someone told me that she went to a kali temple and was told to worship the above to giving alcohol and cigarette - I don't feel right about this - please reply if you know anything - I want to help my friend.



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Has anyone heard about these so-called Gods. How was Kal Bhairo born or any of the above names.



These Gods are of South Indian origin. The names of these deities were changed. Let me give you the correct way of these deities name .

Kali ma - Mariamman

Kal Bhairo - Madurai Veeran

Sangani Baba- Sangili Karupan

Muni Sprenn - Mueeswaran

The reason these deities names were changed was because it helped to fit into main stream hinduism. You have to understand The indians of Guyana did not only came from Tamil Nadu ( Madrasis) but there was also a majority that left from the northern region of india which was mostly from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Since people of the northern parts of India never heard or understand these madrasi deities their names did not really changed but were connected to mainstream hindu Gods such as Mariamman was aceppted to be kali She is becuase the Mother takes on many forms. Also in Guyanese Madrasi temples Kali Ma is not portrayed as the same Kali most people know where Her tounge is sticking out , She's standing on Lord Shiva, and She has dark skin. She is portayed the total opposite of that image . She's portrayed as Mariamman sitting down and not standing on Shiva. Another big misconception people have is Kal Bhairo is the same with Lord Madurai Veeran. They are both confused together becuase both deities have a loyal dog next to them. Even the name Kal Bhairo is wrong the right way to say and write the name is Kal Bhairav which is a form of Lord Shiva. Yes i know this sound very confusing but back then in order to help the indians who came from different regions they had to combine deities so people can understand them.


I have links to the stories about these deities but the the site won't let me until i post like 15 posts or more. I will post the story of Lord Madurai Veeran though.


This is about Lord Madrai veeran.


Very long time ago, there was an invincible warlord by name Sangili Karuppan who was terrorizing the people of Madurai that was ruled at that time by the king Thirumalai Nayakkar. Madurai Veeran, finally, was the one who defeated Sangili Karuppan.

After defeating Sangili Karuppan, Madurai Veeran was appointed as one of the generals under Thirumalai Nayakkar.

Madurai Veeran fell in love with one of the maids in the king's palace. Madurai Veeran, married her inspite of opposition from the king who could not allow someone from the cobbler community to a marry a woman from a high caste. And Thirumalai Nayakkar ordered that the limbs of Madurai Veeran be severed. And so it was done. Madurai Veeran, the invincible warrior, who fought for the good of his people was left to bleed to death.

And strangely, soon after Madurai Veeran's death Thirumalai Nayakkar's body was found at the bottom of a well. And that was the end of his era.

And for this reason, before you enter the Madurai Meenakshi Amman temple, you get to meet Madurai Veeran, the temple guardian.

And that guardian god, sitting on his huge horse with a thick black moustache, bulging bloodshot eyes, and a huge sword in his hand, outside of every village in Tamil Nadu is the same warrior, who probably gave his life fighting to protect his people.




Jai mata di!

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Hasn't Lord Krishna condemned these types of worship as tamasic? I am just asking, so please don't be offended. Isn't it clearly mentioned that Lord Krishna is the only person to be worshipped, and other devatas can only be worshipped as parivaras?


Learned members can give an idea on this.

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