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Karma Rating System

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There is a new feature of this software called the karma rating system. (I didn't make up this name, the software developers did. :) )


In each post, under their author's name, there is a blue button with "Karma" written on it. When you click on this button, you are taken to a place to specify whether you felt the person's post was helpful or bad. This will adjust people's reputation level. Good karma is also built up by the number of posts a user makes, and by how long you have been a registered user (so every post you make will increase your karma and every day you are a registered user will also increase your karma).


This is an internal rating system so users can express their opinions of other users. If someone is being too offensive or too argumentative, the overall body of users can let their opinions be known.


Later certain private forums will only be accessible to those with a high rating - which will result in a peaceful environment for those who want to have friendly discussions.


How to use it: When you read a post, if you feel the person has been exceptionally helpful in his post, or if you feel the person has been offensive, click the karma button and give your judgement. The weight of your judgement is connected to how good your own karma rating is.

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