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I'm in contact with spiritual world

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Hari Om


Im from Poland


from the long time I am in contact with spiritual world where occure to me spiritual person who proclaim that He is God and also He is Satan .


He force me to beliwe that God is satan to ( mean swindler and opressor )


He even attacked my few christainas fellows and do exactly teh same .


He force us to to put this on the street that our God is satan .


He prohibited me chant Hari Krisna when He came , I was chanting 5 years ewery day before He came .


Im tellling that I dont beliwe he is God but He is Asura ( mean Demon )


I would like ask you here on this board what you people suggest me to say to him or what to do .

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Namaste '


thank you ksp1982 and jndas for answers .


O yes I know Lord Hanuman wery well 10 tears ago He was helping me and was coming to me but here was big was in the spiritual world over me for a long time


It looks that the end of this world is close to us like newer before


Lord Hanuman was small had a brown colour and had a golden crown


I was Lord Hanuman voice practicer and not only


In this moment war is in the point of stop no body know what will be next this war was here many years in the spiritual world


If anything new occure I will write


I saw that thsi DemiGod or Demon is afraid I will be writing here about this vent so I hope I will be have few days no heavy war hear over and around me .








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> All good advice. These various entities with evil intent that attack

> from subtle dimensions are way beyond our powers to take on alone.

> Always depend on the Lord in your heart to protect you and He surely

> will.


Yes it looks exatly like you said .


This spiritual perosn when he came He was trying to catch me but He couldnot catch me on anything , so the next his step was that He

went to be inside me .


Now I see he is inside me ( I see him and tolk with him )

On this way he was trying to catch me .


He was doing to me thoughts and smiles ( which one wasnot mine ) but it was from the reason that He is inside me and have a power to

controle me .


So I had to all the time all days fight with him by telling after each thoght and smile it is not me .


till today he didnt catched me yet .


It is 10 years now ewery day like this .


over me is many spiritual beings from spiritual world who watch this war between me and him .


All Glory Lord Krisna





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No. What I meant by the Lord in your heart was Krsna who resides within everyone as the Soul of souls. I am sure it would be very helpful to try to concentrate only on Krsna, and rely only on Krsna for victory in your current battle.


Chanting the Hare Krsna mantra is the safe position. Always play some cd or tape of the Name being sung and chanted.


Hare Krsna

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I spent 6 months in a mental hospital and I was demon possesed about 15 years ago. It was a nasty experience, and doctors didn't know what the hell to do so they kept pumping me full of anti-psychotics that just made things worse. I even saw these 3 black figures hovering in my room. Don't know how I survived it. Ended up getting into a car crash that knocked me out cold and woke up in the hospital and felt the grace of God wash over me and ever since then I have felt good. I don't know what to advise you but keep calling out to God but when those things are inside of you it is real nasty.

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I have felt the oppressive nature of such harassment. As if having a screwed up mind isn't bad enough to start with. I see now that I had opened myself up and made myself vulnerable by my total dependence on smoking ganja. I was stoned morning to night for about 5 years straight. I was actually becoming more and more ghost-like. Certain mental states make easy prey for malevolent astral entities.


Lots of wild spooky stuff out there. We must protect ourselves by chanting Hare Krsna.

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It interesting to read sastra about how we are not these mind and bodies. With incessant flow of thoughts which can develop with constant use of ganga and the like, I think realising we are not these minds and becoming detached from the thought patterns is a helpful tool in healing from such states.

The principal of no intoxication sure has its benefits.:D


And yes chanting Hare Krsna as much as possible helps the mind become refocused, and realisation of our transcendental nauture above the material subtle realm is one benefit.

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Some keys I have found useful healing from such subtle mental states are as follows.

I have realised that the mind/body is such a finely tuned organism. It needs the utmost care and attention.

Intoxicants are a hindrance to this finely tuned mind/body running smoothly.

Finding time to really slow down and relax. Smooth, gentle deep breathing.

Relaxation with soothing music is helpful.

Eating well, lots of vegetables and fruits is essential, and 1 and a half to two litres of water each day is good for cleansing the system.

When disturbing thought patterns arise, rather than grappling or fighting with them, gently acknowledge them and let them go without attachment. Over time this gently releasing thoughts will become a habit and very beneficial. And will help stop more thoughts arising from the initial thoughts.

Plenty of rest and sleep.

Keeping stress to a minimum, going for a walk each day helps to de-stress.

Confiding in someone who you can trust.


And chant/sing the names of Nityananda/Gauranga and the Hare Krsna Mahamantra everyday.


take care, wishing you well.

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Dear ng dasa,


  Thank you for inspiring us with your message. I've always been reluctant for consuming fruits more than vegetables...I don't know why, but no matter how much I know of its uses, I just hate apples! But if it is good, then so be it - I'd force myself to it! Thank you for letting us know what would help for a peaceful state of mind :)


  Om Shantih






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Dear Ambika,

Thanks for your kind response. I think we have something in common, I love all fruits, bananas, nectarines, pineapple, melon, etc. ,but I have never ever liked apples also.

Soon I will be trying to honor ekadashi by offering a fruit platter to Gaura-Nitai and partaking of these remnants only.

Chanting Nitai-Gauranga and the Hare Krsna Mantra is the most peaceful and wonderful gift I have ever been given.

Om Shanti.

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