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        Hare krishna,


                       srila prabupada ki jai, sri sri radha govinda ki jai.


  For ur question why there are lot of gods and goddess, first u have to  understand this cosmic manisfestation,  how was it created and for  what purpose it was created. It is said in shastras that Govindam adi  purisam ( Lord Govinda is the first person ), so lord govinda has  expanded in many forms by his internal potency as demigods like brahma  , vishnu, siva and 3 crores of demigods  and by his external  potency this material world and marginal potency we Jivas ( souls), so  we have a chance to either be in his internal potency ( vaikuntha  planets) or external energy ( material universal planets sorrounded by  three modes of nature satva, rajo, tamo gunas ).

   For eg, as said by srila prabhupada , for running a government u  need a lot of government servants as represenatatives , still if any  one asks who is ruling the country we say the president, but actually  he is a combination of all his represenatitives....in the same way  supreme god Govinda expanded for the manifestation of this cosmic  energy.

  Under modes of nature , satva, rajo, tamo guna, people according to  their taste of living acts in this world, so going to this temple that  temple is upto their consoiusness level, we have to go to the perfect  spiritual master and serve him inorder to know god and not astrologers  or some one, go to the authority.

  they should use their reasoning and try to understand it in a correct way.


  Every one is poor in this material world, once we come to this material  world means we are poor in spiritual advancement, so we have been  kicked here to strive to excel in spiritual advancement,  even a  rich man in money is also poor in spiritual advancement. so we have to  serve the supreme lord Krishna in order  to get back to permanent  home in Vaikuntha, Goloka.


  Try to develop the consiousness of love  which is sleeping in u by  chanting HARE KRISHNA maha mantra, and see the world in a way u never  experienced before, be practical, and tell me the result after 30  days......daily chant hare krishna 16 rounds...for any queries goto ur  nearest ISKCON TEMPLE....hare krishna...............viswacheda




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Dear viswa cheda,

I have a request. I have the same request to renju sd, rajit nair and Sridhar Babu.


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