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Birth control

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'What goes around,comes around'...If a person takes birth control pills and indirectly (may i say) kills the developing body of a yet to be born baby within the womb, then that same person in the next life will have to go through the same process and be aborted in a harsh way and then will be transported into a new body...

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What are the karmic consequences to using birth control?

None, I would say. It is better not to conceive an undesired child. It is good for everyone incuding the child that was never conceived!


Abortion on the other hand is very bad. Undesired as the child may be, killing it in the womb is techincally not very different from killing it after it is born. If there is such as thing as Karma, abortion ought to generate plenty of bad Karma. And the Karma has to take effect in the same life or else it is useless. What is the point in it taking effect in another life, when the person has no memory of it?


if the starving child in Sudan is starving for some crime it commited in some past life, what is the benefit? It is an innocent child with no recollection or link to that past event. If Karma works this way, then it is an extremely idiotic rule & whoever made that rule ought to wear a dunce cap or revise it with immediate effect.



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The birth control pill does not kill life. It simply changes the production of menstrual hormones, progesterone, estrogen, and their respective releasing/stimulating hormones. Hormones trigger the maturation and release of ova, or eggs, in the ovaries. Let me reiterate that - there is no question as to whether birth control kills life. It does not. It prevents conception by preventing the maturation of eggs. Unless someone here believes that life begins before conception (which is generally the agreed time for the infusion of the atman), there is really nothing to debate. I do not see how there could possibly be any karmic consequences for the use of birth control.

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1) It creates a situation where the living entity will not be able to enter the womb it was waiting for.


2) As a result the living entity in the sperm dies and is forced to go through the cycle again.


3) According to Vedic scriptures sex life is only for procreation, otherwise it is sinful.


4) According to the Upanishads life begins before conception. (The soul descends from the heavens in rain, enters grain, through grain enters the body of a male, etc...)


So to summarize, there is no question as to whether birth control kills life. It does, and as such is sinful. There are a lot of things that are more sinful and worse, but the fact that those things are more sinful doesn't make this free from sin. Ultimately according to the Gita any action done that isn't being performed as a sacrifice for Bhagavan is sinful and binding. That sets a pretty high standard, but that is what is required if someone wants to attain mukti - it's not an easy, carefree path to liberation.

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Birth control delays the time for which the living entity can reunite with the supreme lord...this human birth for the living entity may just be the FINAL ONE and the person taking birth control pills,i.e the mother is depriving that lost soul...if that is not a sin then what is???


If the mother did not want to have a child then why did she carry out intercourse in the first place?!!

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>> 4) According to the Upanishads life begins before conception. (The soul descends from the heavens in rain, enters grain, through grain enters the body of a male, etc...)



Is it really grain or refer to food in general ?



before conception:


i only think of the soul can enter only after sperms developed/generated inside the male body

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Dear Vaisnavas,

Isn't the purpose behind birth control to allow one to engage in illicit sex-life? Karma is attached to that behavior as it is attached to all actions in this material world.

viṣayā vinivartante

nirāhārasya dehinaḥ

rasa-varjaḿ raso 'py asya

paraḿ dṛṣṭvā nivartate

The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, though the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness.

yatato hy api kaunteya

puruṣasya vipaścitaḥ

indriyāṇi pramāthīni

haranti prasabhaḿ manaḥ

The senses are so strong and impetuous, O Arjuna, that they forcibly carry away the mind even of a man of discrimination who is endeavoring to control them.

I think birth control is one of those many impetouses that is in place to carry our mind and actions away from the real purpose of this human life: freedom from birth and death and returning to Krsna. It is an added stumbling block on that path in the most difficult area of the senses to controll, the sex drive. I need as much help as I can get to control the sex drive, birth control makes it all the more difficult because one doesn't have to take responsibility for having sex i.e. pregnancy.

Hare Krsna

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