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.... probably. They are very elevated living beings who are entrusted by God to perform certain tasks for Him. Their high level of surrender to and love of God allow them to perform very complex work perfectly for the Lord. They are living entities just like us whose goal is also the Kingdom of God.

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Excerpt from room conversation on May 4, 1972:<blockquote>Martin: So there's something higher than human form?


PrabhupAda: Oh, yes. Demigods. (Sanskrit) Generally three divisions: demigods, human beings and other than human beings.


Martin: Primitive cavemen?


PrabhupAda: Huh?


Martin: Primitive cavemen?


PrabhupAda: No, not only cavemen: the animals, birds, beasts, other than.


Martin: Oh, I see. (more thunder)


PrabhupAda: But this human form of life is better than demigods' life because demigods, they are materially very opulent. Just like when the Americans came in India, they thought, "Demigods.'' Is it not?


Martin: The Indians thought. Hm.


PrabhupAda: Because they're better looking, good looking, intelligent, powerful. Similarly, just like this controller or director of this rain department is Indra. This thundering, it is under his direction this thundering is going on. He throws the thunderbolts and cracks the mountain, and then we get chunks. That is his business. As in government there are different departments, similarly, God has got different departments, and the in-charge of that department is demigod. Creation, that's Brahma; sustenance or maintenance, Himself, ViSNu; and dissolution, Lord Siva.


Martin: How is human life better than that?


PrabhupAda: Huh?


Martin: How is the human life better than the demigod?


PrabhupAda: Better than in this way, that just like here also on this planet, those who are richer section, they particularly do not care to know what is this KRSNa consciousness. They're proud, puffed-up for material opulence. "Ah, what is this KRSNa consciousness. Let us enjoy drink.'' That is their position. So it is a curse for them. Their richness is a curse for them, that they cannot adore such a nice movement. The middle class section, they are being attracted. Similarly, the demigods, they have got very, very high standard of life, duration of life, beauty, opulence, facilities, so generally they forget. Not forget; they are servant. Just like government servant does not mean a devotee. So they are devotee, officially devotee. They, they offer their obeisances to KRSNa. (Sanskrit), worship by Lord Siva or Brahma, but their devotion is conditional because they're posted in such high post, so they may remain in their post. In this way, exchange. But in the human society you'll find devotees, there is no

question of exchange; it is simply love. (more thunder)


<b>Martin: These demigods are what we call angels?


PrabhupAda: Yes.</B></blockquote>

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