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Not always Spiritual

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I am not a new visitor to this forum. I have been here and there …reading most of the time …the different articles and discussions.

I don’t know how most of the people manage or is it the only problem with me. I am a vaishnava, had my samasraayanam done at a very young age. Since then I have been a very strong devotee of Lord Vishnu. But my spirituality is not always constant. Sometimes I am so spiritual that I spend a whole day dreaming, thinking and talking to the Lord and sometimes so low that I only manage a “Hi” and a “Good Night”. (With narayana mantram).

Every Morning I chant Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam but sometimes my concentration levels are so low that I think of everything else except for the Lord.

Like most of the people here, I also go for work. And the people I mingle with ,are far away from devotion. Is that the reason for my changing levels of spirituality? If so..how do I manage then..What shall I do so that I always think of Him. I am really fed up of talking useless and nonsense things. I know that being with right people is the key, but it is not always possible.

I don’t know what to do..I appreciate any kind of help or experiences from those who have come out of the same situation.


Jai SreemanNarayana

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I think you know the answer is the association that we interact with. We become like a mirror reflecting the qualities of those around us. That's why the shastras tell us to abandon the association of wordly minded people and seek refuge in satsanga. It isn't possible for most people to be surrounded by saints and devotees 24 hours a day, but we should try to increase our association with devotees as much as possible. Association can be through meeting, hearing, reading, or even emailing. When no association is available take shelter of the Lord's lilas by reading Srimad Bhagavatam or Ramayana.

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Dear Guest,

I know exactly how you feel. It is hard sometimes especially when you are alone. I am in the military at the moment and association is dificult to come by. I just try to do the best I can. I read Bhagavad Gita daily, I offer all my foodstuffs, I have pictures of Krsna in my home. These are all little reminders that there is more than just this material world. Recently, Their Lordships SRi Sri Nityananda and Gauracandra have blessed me by agreeing to live in my home. Having deities is a big help to me. I see Them everyday. I have a little altar set up for Them. With Them in my home I am much more aware of my actions. Is this behavior appropriate to do in front of the deities? I have become more conscious of my actions.


Also in my work place there are no other vaisnavas. Everyone I work with thinks I am a little strange so there is no problems with me talking about Krsna consciouness with them. They know I am "into" things that are not mainstream so I can teach them about what my beliefs are. A great avenue for me, is cooking. We have potlucks and such. I will always make some prasadam for everyone to try; or if the is a feast day, such as the upcoming Rama Naumi, I will tell everyone I have a religious holiday and in my traditions we distribute prasadam. So I cook a little feast for everyone and explain the purpose behind it.


Needless to say, it is a constant struggle. I always wish I was more regular and devout. I don't chant my japa rounds as much as I would like but I keep trying. I think that is a big help. Just keeping trucking along as best as you can. Krsna will help make things easier just keep trying.


Isn't said if you take one step towards the Lord, He will take a thousand toward you?

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