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Sri Krishna and Siddhis

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Hello all.I am new here.I would like to know,does Sri Krishna is the only God,that grants Siddhis,to his worshippers? I read that Lord Shiva,Lord Ganesha,and Vajra Guru mantra,also grants Siddhis.What is the best choice?and is it true,i have to chant mantra for period of 40 days,125,000 times,to see some results? thank you

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Thank you for reply,but this mantra is kinda long for me,can i chant " Om Sri Krishnaya Namah " instead?

Yes as you like. You can even chant just Krishna Krishna. But the Hare Krsna mantra is so nicely arranged. Whatever your choice. But please understand that not just any name of any god will do. Krsna is the God of gods. Go for the highest.

I heard this example once.

If a king is willing to award you with whatever you desire you should ask for half the kingdom and nothing less. Only someone who lacks wisdom would desire trinkets from the king.

By chanting Krsna's name we strive to one day be so perfect that the idea of attaining siddhis never enters our mind. That perfection is to come to love Krsna without conditions. He Himself is the highest reward.

That is a ways off for most of us to be sure. So for now you may chant wanting siddhis but if along the way you discover something more valuable then be prepared to accept the most valuable gift.

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Hello all.I am new here.I would like to know,does Sri Krishna is the only God,that grants Siddhis,to his worshippers? I read that Lord Shiva,Lord Ganesha,and Vajra Guru mantra,also grants Siddhis.What is the best choice?and is it true,i have to chant mantra for period of 40 days,125,000 times,to see some results? thank you

I have said this before and will say it again.


There are no Siddhis. You can chant the mantra a zillion times and will not see any results. For instance, you can pray to Krishna/Shiva/Ganesh/Sai Baba for a simple dollar bill to materialize out of thin air. Do this for 40 days and any number of times prescribed. No dollar bill will materialize on May 11th.


If life was this simple, then India would be the super power and not America. Mantras and Siddhis have deteriorated the country to the point where about half the population is below poverty level. No Krishna or Rama has been able to do anything about it till date, although there have been countless prayers.


There are two standard apologetic excuses for failure of mantras.


1.You were not sincere in chanting the mantra.


2. As mere mortals, we cannot know the Lord's plans.



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Hello all.I am new here.I would like to know,does Sri Krishna is the only God,that grants Siddhis,to his worshippers? I read that Lord Shiva,Lord Ganesha,and Vajra Guru mantra,also grants Siddhis.What is the best choice?and is it true,i have to chant mantra for period of 40 days,125,000 times,to see some results? thank you

How many times did you need to chant the mantra "Mom, I want a new bicycle" before your Mother was duty-bound to give you a new bicycle?


"My Mother was an independent personality," you might respond, "who might choose to give me a bicycle after one repetition of the mantra, but might wait until a thousand, or a million, or never."


If you can understand that your Mother was not an impersonal vending machine from whom you could expect boons after a prescribed set of mantras, perhaps you can similarly understand that Sri Krishna -- who is both more loving and more independent than your Mother -- should not be treated with such crass materialism as if He were nothing more than a vending machine.

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Of course Shiv speaks from the atheistic viewpoint, right Shiv?

No Theist.


Do you know of a mantra which when recited n times will fetch me a $1 bill out of thin air? I don't.


Speaking of Siddhis, do you know of some mantra which will make one fly in air or walk on water? Not from a book, but from actual experience where you saw someone follow the prescribed procedure and achieve the Siddhi. I have not seen anyone.


This is not atheism, but just being realistic. Stories of miracles are false as much for the theist as for the atheist. I am willing to bet you (a theist) will not believe Sai baba cured someone from cancer. I do not believe it either, but I have a colleague who swears his friend was cured by Sai baba (and his ash) after the doctors at Stanford hospital turned their thumbs down.


To close, if Siddhis existed, India would be something like Alice's wonderland, which it is not.



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Shiv..many indian gods,including Krishna himself,speaks of siddhis..You dont have prove,if they exist or not.

Where does Krishna speak of Siddhis?


if I were interested in Siddhis, I would need to see some tangible evidence before investing time and effort.



It is matter or will power and belief.

So have you seen someone with willpower and belief obtain a Siddhi? If not, how do you know this?



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Speaking of Siddhis, do you know of some mantra which will make one fly in air or walk on water? Not from a book, but from actual experience where you saw someone follow the prescribed procedure and achieve the Siddhi.

Stories of miracles are false as much for the theist as for the atheist.

First you ask if anyone has seen such a thing [i.e. evidence], then in the next sentence you say all such stories are false. So you really didn't need to ask the first question since your mind is already fixed in a particular answer. Thus it isn't necessarily logic or realty that your fixed in, but just your opinion. There is nothing wrong with that, but don't expect everyone will be exactly like you, or that no one has seen such things.



To close, if Siddhis existed, India would be something like Alice's wonderland, which it is not.

The two have no relation. How do you equate siddhis existing with anything to do with India? Are you implying everyone in India would automatically be possessing all of these siddhis if they existed? Certainly this is solid logic, because I know from past experience that if there was actually such a thing as diamonds in the world, then surely everyone in India would have a few tons of them. But that isn't the case, so we can know that there are no diamonds in the world.
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No Theist.


Do you know of a mantra which when recited n times will fetch me a $1 bill out of thin air? I don't.


Speaking of Siddhis, do you know of some mantra which will make one fly in air or walk on water? Not from a book, but from actual experience where you saw someone follow the prescribed procedure and achieve the Siddhi. I have not seen anyone.


This is not atheism, but just being realistic. Stories of miracles are false as much for the theist as for the atheist. I am willing to bet you (a theist) will not believe Sai baba cured someone from cancer. I do not believe it either, but I have a colleague who swears his friend was cured by Sai baba (and his ash) after the doctors at Stanford hospital turned their thumbs down.


To close, if Siddhis existed, India would be something like Alice's wonderland, which it is not.





So you deny that God ever grants the wishes of some devotee of His?


Siddhis are different from miracles or boons from God, in that siddhis are superpowers that can be summoned at will.


Depending on how you define a siddhi however, one may have it or not.


If a siddhi consists of seeing other realities, well, that definitely exists as per the experiences documented by countless yogis, and some people I know personally.


If you're talking about a siddhi where you can have money at will, well, that's not nearly as easily attainable, and that possibly doesn't exist. Perhaps God grants depending upon whether He deems it necessary for the devotee to progress rather than simply granting the devotee whatever he wants.


In any case, I disagree strongly with the idea that just because India is overpopulated and poverty-stricken, it means siddhis do not exist. Siddhis, as well as gifts from God, are a personal thing, dependent upon each person's spiritual need, not their want. Granted, many people in India NEED food, clothing, shelter, and many chant mantras to get what they want in India, much more so than in America. I can't say as to why many don't get what they want, perhaps they were easily distracted, not sincere enough, perhaps it wasn't in their karma. These are just speculations. And if I didn't know of anyone who had anything extraordinary happen to them, I would tend to agree with you, these things don't exist, and probably God doesn't even exist. However, that is not the case.


I know of a few people who I trust completely who have had extraordinary things happen to them. So God probably does answer His devotees whoever are sincere enough and who need whatever they're asking for in order to progress. However, I've also noticed that just because their prayers are answered one time, it doesn't mean God will always answer them. One time the prayer may be answered, another time, it may not. Perhaps witnessing the miracle of God is equivalent to methadone clinics where people are weaned off of maya instead of methadone.

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I didn't think Sri Krishna gave Siddhis. I don't think Vaishnavism talks about how to develop Siddhis. Siddhis are associated with Shiva and Durga and I think the school of Saiva Siddhanta and Tantra deal with developing Siddhis. You have to follow the path of Raja yoga to develop Siddhis. I'm not sure if you'll get it through Bhakti.


The people who have Siddhis are believed to be very few in India, so it is highly unlikely that you would develop them to any real effect.

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sorry to say that shiv doesnt know what he talk about.. because he got this narrowminded view, Krsna dont reveal anything gloryious unto him.. i have been witness to countless miracless in my life as a Krsna devoutee.. all from people getting cured from psychic deseasess etc.. on Nrsimha caturadasi, 10$ appeared from no where in my kitchen, and my guest and me didnt own it and we debated whos money it was.. also this sunday, when i offered fruit to Krsna, i offered 10 small fruits, and after the offering there where only 8 left..


also many devoutees got mystic powers, they just dont talk about it.. Krsna can grant whatever He whants, and many Vaisnavas got different mystical powers, from Krsna..


so shiv got very materialistic view on mantras... miracles happen all the time!:)

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All devotees have siddhi.


If you set a big plate of prasadam in front of them they can make it disappear.

During kirtan they spend half their time on the ground and half the time in the air.

They can walk into an airport with no money and walk out with hundreds of dollars.

Devotees have lots of siddhi.

You just have to be able to see.

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All devotees have siddhi.


If you set a big plate of prasadam in front of them they can make it disappear.

During kirtan they spend half their time on the ground and half the time in the air.

They can walk into an airport with no money and walk out with hundreds of dollars.

Devotees have lots of siddhi.

You just have to be able to see.


HAHAHA, i like that!


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