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How to help Hindusm?

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That's the question which most devoteed Hindus could ask. They learn about Hindusm, practise it as best as possible and teach others about it but there still something which is not sufficient. What is it? How to help Hindus and Hindusm in general? :eek4:


This is my suggestion only; those who wish to do it, can do it and those who wish not to do it, no harm done.


I think what Hindusm needs here is more Hindus who are willing to pray and sacrifice for their beliefs. Fasting for God and then giving their merits (upon completion of the fast) to God is a good way.


I do this every Tuesday and Fridays (during working period). My prayers is simple - "Righteous (Dharmic) people should live and be happy while those who not righteous (adharmic) people should PERISH." So far ... there have been some positive changes in my own society, so give it a try.

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That's the question which most devoteed Hindus could ask. They learn about Hindusm, practise it as best as possible and teach others about it but there still something which is not sufficient. What is it? How to help Hindus and Hindusm in general?


How to help Hindus


Help out at the local temple, do sewa. Give to charity. Help elderly or disabled devotees in any way you can. With others form a Hindu community centre where you could discuss any problems the community has and work on it. Represent the Hindu community through non-religion-based political parties.


How to help Hinduism


Study the scriptures (especially the Sruti's), live by them and teach them to others. You could start classes teaching Hinduism through courses. Start a website for Hinduism or contribute to Hindu message boards such as this one. Clear any misconceptions about Hinduism that non-Hindus may have. Meet Hindus of other sects and see how you could work together. Join any protest for Hindu human rights or against defamation of Hinduism. Don't be silent, be very vocal. Represent Hinduism through the media, be it TV, radio or newspaper - this is a very powerful way to get the message across. Everytime the media misrepresents or insults Hinduism, complain and put them right.

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What about: Righteous (Dharmic) people should live and be happy while those who not righteous (adharmic) people receive mercy and become righteous?


i was thinking the same as you Yegan chetta, why must those not blessed with the enlightened feeling of true dharma be forced to perish instead of becoming blessed and becoming enlightened?


but that is seph's philosophy on life. in hindsight, despite all the arguements between us, i feel like i cannot judge him for i truly have not walked in his shoes and taken his steps. i do not know his life experiences - those that helped shape his personality and convictions.


but what i know about dharma calls for a sense of righteousness through compassion, not through violence and disregard for others. So i feel a TRUE hindu would not condone the killing of lives but rather embrace the teaching of truth to the ones that dont know it.



If a parent has two kids and is trying to teach those two kids something - lets say their ethnicity. the parent is trying to teach both of her young kids about their ethnicity. one understand truly yet the other doesnt. although the other sibling may get upset at the inability of their brother or sister to learn and may even resort to some violence, such as spanking, or hitting or something else.....the mother wouldnt condone such a reaction, but would rather want to teach the child the true meaning rather than just killing them and getting their presence over with because they didnt learn.


the ideal parent (god) and the ideal sibling (in this case, the siblings are all the races/culures/ethnicites) would and SHOULD foster the other sibling's growth, not cut them short and kill them.....

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by Yegan

What about: Righteous (Dharmic) people should live and be happy while those who not righteous (adharmic) people receive mercy and become righteous?

Sorry, I don't believe in Adharmic people should receive mercy or care for them to become righteous. :rolleyes:

I picture the World as a Tree, with the green Canopy on top as Heaven, the roots underground as Hell and the Physical World as the Trunk. Therefore, we need adharmic people in Hell in order for the World to grow. And we need righteous people in Heaven to continue to pray, perform penance and sacrifices for ALL (including Hell's descendants). ONLY then the Tree will grow and produce many good fruits (Enlighten Beings).

by Number 2

Good statement ... you do it your way. I believe in Deep Magic - that there is Flow (from God to Physical World) that governs the World and the Universe around it, and that Man can influence that Flow to reshape his own World through Prayers and Penance. That's my way.

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"Never pray that your enemy should vanish. Pray that the thoughts about that person whom you consider as enemy should vanish in you. That should be the prayer. When you don't feel him as your enemy, 90% of the problem is solved."


Quote from Sri Swamiji during the Karya Siddhi Hanumantemple inauguration in Trinidad.


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Jai Bajranbali

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by Yegan

"Never pray that your enemy should vanish. Pray that the thoughts about that person whom you consider as enemy should vanish in you. That should be the prayer. When you don't feel him as your enemy, 90% of the problem is solved."


What sort of advice is that? :eek2:

Did Sri Krishna or Sri Rama stated anywhere that you should sit down and pray for your thoughts to vanish when Ravana appeared or Duryodhana and his brothers pull Draupadi's saree?

Keep daydreaming that problems is yourself and you will become problems for others, especially other Hindus who want to do something more useful than just praying for their thought. :wacko:

And besides, I think you misunderstood when I said Dharmic and Undharmic people here. You probably thinking I referring to Christians and Muslims alone. WRONG assumption.

Last year, there was famine crisis in Nigeria. Hundreds of (Muslim) children were starving and I decided to fast and pray for them. God willingly, help came in form of relief effects 3 days later and it is shipped to relief camps. 2 days later, news via .com came that this shipments were hijacked by Guerillas (Muslims also) and the children I tried to help continued to suffer. I was really :mad2:

So tell me, WHY should I pray for people like those guerillas to vanish? As long as adharmic people like that exists, there will be NO peace and weak people will continued to suffer.

PS : IF you are one of this adharmic people, sorry ... please vanish. ;)

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Dear sephiroth,

You have your own way of thinking,your own philisophy; similarly I have my own way of thinking and my own philosophy.


From my two posts I have never said that ur way of thinking is wrong or that mine way of thinking/philosophy is right. Note that I find that ur thinking (i.e: Pray for adharmic to perish or simply fight) being PERFECTLY RIGHT depending on circumtances. It happens that now I do not think that resorting to such path in promoting/helping hinduism is appropriate , MY PERSONAL OPINION.



IF you are one of this adharmic people, sorry ... please vanish.

If you think that people having different perspective/thinking than you are adharmic and should vanish,ok fine. May be you should start do fasting whole week days instead only 2 days per week , may be GOD would make ur dream come true ;).


Hari bol


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Dear sephiroth,

You have your own way of thinking,your own philisophy; similarly I have my own way of thinking and my own philosophy.

From my two posts I have never said that ur way of thinking is wrong or that mine way of thinking/philosophy is right. Note that I find that ur thinking (i.e: Pray for adharmic to perish or simply fight) being PERFECTLY RIGHT depending on circumtances. It happens that now I do not think that resorting to such path in promoting/helping hinduism is appropriate , MY PERSONAL OPINION.

If you think that people having different perspective/thinking than you are adharmic and should vanish,ok fine. May be you should start do fasting whole week days instead only 2 days per week , may be GOD would make ur dream come true ;).

Hari bol


And what will promote Hindusm? Getting down on their hands and knees and BEG? :mad2:

That is what Indians in Malaysia are been pushed into, sadly, the hand which does pushing are hands of those who claims to be Hindus also - MIC (Malaysian Indian Congress). They demolished over 1,000 Tamil schools and I have seen many new Islamic Schools (Sekolah Agama) in its place. 60% of ALL Indian children in Malaysia is stated to be uneducated, even in basic levels, WHICH was agreed by Muslim government to provide for them. :mad2:

They even tried to demolish Indian Temples 3 years ago but the pressure was too much that they decided not to get involved in it. Again, the so-called "Indian Leaders" stepped forward and talk nonsense about peace and tolerance.

Trust me ... IF you are a Hindu, you will see that this path IS the ONLY path available. Let those who are Adharmic in beliefs and ways of Life PERISH.

And 2 days is enough. You speak as if you ridicule me. Faithless people does that. :ponder:

I have seen a lot of changes in my own society since I have started my fasting to help the society. Indian youths cames together, promote their beliefs and culture, problems regarding Indian (and other) societies are been shown so INDIANS (not Muslims) could come together and help. So trust me, it will work. More and more Adharmic people will perish also, small price to pay.

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And what will promote Hindusm? Getting down on their hands and knees and BEG? :mad2:

That is what Indians in Malaysia are been pushed into, sadly, the hand which does pushing are hands of those who claims to be Hindus also - MIC (Malaysian Indian Congress). They demolished over 1,000 Tamil schools and I have seen many new Islamic Schools (Sekolah Agama) in its place. 60% of ALL Indian children in Malaysia is stated to be uneducated, even in basic levels, WHICH was agreed by Muslim government to provide for them. :mad2:

They even tried to demolish Indian Temples 3 years ago but the pressure was too much that they decided not to get involved in it. Again, the so-called "Indian Leaders" stepped forward and talk nonsense about peace and tolerance.


Trust me ... IF you are a Hindu, you will see that this path IS the ONLY path available. Let those who are Adharmic in beliefs and ways of Life PERISH.

I live in a small island hardly larger than 2000km2. It is extremely common to have a mosque, and within few metres away a Kovil(Hindu temple) and few metres away from the Kovil a church.

My best friends are christian and muslim by faith. we go to the beach together, play soccer together and eat together. They would come and help in constructing Cavadee(bamboo structure which the devotees would carry for Lord Muruga). Many christians carry cavadee as well, walk on fire(Timmidhi) for Mother Kali and Mariammen.


In my circumtances it would be a great sin for me to pray for so called 'adharmic' person(because of their different beliefs and way of life) to perish. Im sure there are many people in similar circumtances like me.

Your situation seems to be very different and praying for adharmic people to perish is somehow a duty.


And 2 days is enough. You speak as if you ridicule me. Faithless people does that. :ponder:


Yes that was my intention, and you felt right. Please accept my apologies, I just could not prevent myself from writing that. Now whether faithless people do that, well could be.


You have over thousands posts in this forum, and I felt the same thing from your posts as well when you first start claiming people to be non-hindu,etc... just because they have different opinions from you. So who is 'ridiculising' who?


I have seen a lot of changes in my own society since I have started my fasting to help the society. Indian youths cames together, promote their beliefs and culture, problems regarding Indian (and other) societies are been shown so INDIANS (not Muslims) could come together and help. So trust me, it will work. More and more Adharmic people will perish also, small price to pay.


I hope you succeed in your endeavour and that there would be numerous magnificent Kovils in your country.


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Following are my points to help hinduism


1. At any cost try to educate your kids in hindu schools, this will help them nurture the culture from very young age.


2. Instead of blindly following question everything in hinduism, hinduism is great enough to answer all your questions satisfactorily, this makes your belief in hindu scriptures strong and you can defend the religion much better.


3. Try to organise gita chanting or gita classes in the community you live weekly , mainly make the kids participate. This will be of immense help.


4. Take the scriptures to the masses, make every hindu understand be it a learned Brahman or a person working on the streets


5. Last but not the least try to be honest and true to yourself, for the lord resides in your heart.

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by Yegan

I live in a small island hardly larger than 2000km2. It is extremely common to have a mosque, and within few metres away a Kovil(Hindu temple) and few metres away from the Kovil a church.

I know a Buddhist temple which situated right next to a Christian church and in my home area, there is a Mosque right across the street from a Murugan temple. Question ... SO WHAT? :eek4:

You think they (Muslims and Christians) built their shrines next to yours because they love you so much? No, they built it there so they can riddicule your belief and pull the members of your society who are weak-hearted and weak-minded toward them. It is people like you who think they are so peaceful and tolerant. :wacko:

In my circumtances it would be a great sin for me to pray for so called 'adharmic' person(because of their different beliefs and way of life) to perish.

And yeah, I have Christian friends also (I don't attend to keep Muslims as friends). I have one who went to UK and living there with her husband. I have several Christian friends in my own work area. SO WHAT?

When I said Adharmic people, you MADE mistake in thinking that ALL Muslims and Christians alone are adharmic. You are wrong ... when I said Adharmic people, it means ALL people who have different beliefs (other than what they suppose to follow according to their own religion) and way of life (different from what stated in their own culture and religion).

If a Hindus claims to be Hindu but drink alcholol, have adultery, cheat and lies and performs all kind of adharmic activity, is he still a Hindu? To you, maybe he is but to me, he is not. He is adharmic followers and I will wish him to perish so others could take his place and live proper life.

Your situation seems to be very different and praying for adharmic people to perish is somehow a duty.

Thank you for the compliment. I will take that as Kyastria duty. :)

Yes that was my intention, and you felt right. Please accept my apologies, I just could not prevent myself from writing that.

Forgiveness is ONLY for people who commit wrongdoing UNKNOWINGLY. You attend to insult me before writing, there for, your apology is NOT accepted.

You have over thousands posts in this forum, and I felt the same thing from your posts as well when you first start claiming people to be non-hindu,etc... just because they have different opinions from you. So who is 'ridiculising' who?

This is not ridiculing anyone, it is stating facts.

Just because I don't blindly support the way adharmic people live their lives, it doesn't mean I ridicule Hindusm. Being born as Hindu DO NOT make you a Hindu.

I hope you succeed in your endeavour and that there would be numerous magnificent Kovils in your country.

Two great kovils had been opened for public - the Batu Caves with its 100 (plus) ft Murugan statue and Marang Murugan temple (which opened 1 month after I went there - drove there with some friends on the way to visit my relative).

Indian societies organised seminar on Ramayana, Bhavagad Gita, cultural festivals like Pongguls and such and this not only attracted Hindus from this country but also foreign imbassardors who came to Malaysia and required more about Hindu culture.

My prayers now is, that Hindu Society could gather together, do proper reorganizing so young ones could get proper educations. :pray:

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5. Last but not the least try to be honest and true to yourself, for the lord resides in your heart.

This is not easy, you know.

I work in a place where most of the top management are Christians and Muslims and many of them have no problem you lie and cheat but have problem if you follow rules and regulations and conduct your duties properly.

Sometimes, it's so frustrating working with this sort of adharmic people. :crying2:

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I know a Buddhist temple which situated right next to a Christian church and in my home area, there is a Mosque right across the street from a Murugan temple. Question ... SO WHAT? :eek4:

You think they (Muslims and Christians) built their shrines next to yours because they love you so much? No, they built it there so they can riddicule your belief and pull the members of your society who are weak-hearted and weak-minded toward them. It is people like you who think they are so peaceful and tolerant. :wacko:

If you believe that they built their shrines purposely to ridicule hindu, well YOUR belief, YOUR opinion, YOUR concept of reality. Others have different opinions, but apparently as soon as others oppose your opinions they are classified as non-Hindu, ridicule, etc . Oh, sorry to oppose such a perfect holy hindu personality like you.


And yeah, I have Christian friends also (I don't attend to keep Muslims as friends). I have one who went to UK and living there with her husband. I have several Christian friends in my own work area. SO WHAT?

When I said Adharmic people, you MADE mistake in thinking that ALL Muslims and Christians alone are adharmic. You are wrong ... when I said Adharmic people, it means ALL people who have different beliefs (other than what they suppose to follow according to their own religion) and way of life (different from what stated in their own culture and religion).

If a Hindus claims to be Hindu but drink alcholol, have adultery, cheat and lies and performs all kind of adharmic activity, is he still a Hindu? To you, maybe he is but to me, he is not. He is adharmic followers and I will wish him to perish so others could take his place and live proper life.

So adharmic are people who live their life differently as stated from their own culture and religion and you rightly state alcohol, adultery, cheat and lies. May I ask the perfect hindu (SEPHIROTH) as you are, why she purposely exclude meat eating in her list? Is that because you eat meat :eek3:? How come then you are not adharmic since meat eating is clearly opposed in scriptures? Sorry to offend the great hindu like you are.



Thank you for the compliment. I will take that as Kyastria duty. :)

You are welcome


Forgiveness is ONLY for people who commit wrongdoing UNKNOWINGLY. You attend to insult me before writing, there for, your apology is NOT accepted.

How come the honourable hindu like you doesnt show any mercy:eek3: on someone who asked for apologies, is that not adharmic? Oh well...




This is not ridiculing anyone, it is stating facts.

Just because I don't blindly support the way adharmic people live their lives, it doesn't mean I ridicule Hindusm. Being born as Hindu DO NOT make you a Hindu.

Just because people have different opinions from you, does not necessarily made them adharmic. Your so called fact could NOT be a fact for others. It does not make sense, calling people anti hindu etc, just after few posts, so you think you know everyone perfectly to declared us as non hindi or woteva just by few posts?



Two great kovils had been opened for public - the Batu Caves with its 100 (plus) ft Murugan statue and Marang Murugan temple (which opened 1 month after I went there - drove there with some friends on the way to visit my relative).

Indian societies organised seminar on Ramayana, Bhavagad Gita, cultural festivals like Pongguls and such and this not only attracted Hindus from this country but also foreign imbassardors who came to Malaysia and required more about Hindu culture.

My prayers now is, that Hindu Society could gather together, do proper reorganizing so young ones could get proper educations. :pray:

I hope you succeed

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Following are my points to help hinduism


1. At any cost try to educate your kids in hindu schools, this will help them nurture the culture from very young age.


2. Instead of blindly following question everything in hinduism, hinduism is great enough to answer all your questions satisfactorily, this makes your belief in hindu scriptures strong and you can defend the religion much better.


3. Try to organise gita chanting or gita classes in the community you live weekly , mainly make the kids participate. This will be of immense help.


4. Take the scriptures to the masses, make every hindu understand be it a learned Brahman or a person working on the streets


5. Last but not the least try to be honest and true to yourself, for the lord resides in your heart.

Point number 1 and 2 is exactly what we need to do to REALLY help hinduism. Educating our kids is primordial. Without good foundation, they will be easily get brainwashed by others.


Point 2 is vital as well:

They need to know, why mother cow is not to be consumed and why we give such respect to cow.

They need to know the difference between idol and deity worship.

The significance of bowing to elders and bowing to GOD.

Understand that there is only one GOD but many enpowered beings which help to maintain the proper functioning of the world.(explain them that hinduism is fundamentally monotheist)

Basic concept of reincarnation, karma.


These will help them grow with confidence with good foundation and hence less likely to be brainwashed.


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Help the Dalits. That's what we should be doing. They are OUR people and considering the fact that Hindus in US and Euro make so much money and donate so much to Hindu organizations, I find it surprising that there is not a single Hindu organization that has made the effort to help Dalits.This is very sad. And please don't make excuses about some minor effort the Gov. is putting in or the political aspects of the situation. Personally, I don't think the Gov. is doing shit and they play a part in keeping the lower caste in their place just as much as the people on the streets. Yes, there are some Dalits that have top positions but very few, like less than 1 percent. In a country with 1 billion people, that is disgusting. I also don't care about Dalistan and Christian based Dalit organizations.Yes we all know that Christians are converting Dalits but how can you blame these Dalits who get treated like dirt by their own people? US! I care about Dalits and Hinduism and how people in our religion treat the lower caste. It's sick and disgusting and there is no excuse for it. Until we Hindus unite and speak up for our OWN people, things will only get worse. Out of all the places I have been to, which has been quite a few, I don't think there is a single country in the world that has a group of people as opressed as the Dalits. For the first time in my life I asked God why has she made the world so unfair?


The sad part is, even though these people have no place in Indian/Hindu society, they still believe in Hinduism to the core and they build their own seperate temples with the little money they have since the upper caste don't want to pray with them. We upper caste Hindus must unite and help our brothers and sisters who are suffering. If we are true Hindus that believe in our religion we will fight for them. Please don't stick up for the upper caste Hindus in India. I know not all of them are bad but if we must face the truth and admit that most of them don't give a shit about Dalits.



I know I will get a bunch of posts defending the upper caste but please just for one second think of the lower caste. Think of their position. Focus on them.

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Typical response. You avoid helping the Dalits by pretending to they are just normal people and everyone should be helped.


As far as Dalits bieng a sect, you can noew consider them to be one since the upper caste Hindus (including people on this site) want it that way.

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In the west, many are embracing the Vedic Teachings and this is wonderful to see. Many gurus have come to Europe & the Americas and initiated spiritual-seeking westerners into the Sanatana Dharma (which is indeed for all). Hinduism is not a religion of one race or country, anymore than Christianity or Buddhism.. The Sanatana Dharma (the eternal Truths) applies to all souls. And without threats of hellfire and damnation, a great number of people of all races and backgrounds have embraced the Vedic religion in the past 100 yrs. That said, one of my concerns is for those born in India, to Hindu families, but who are not well-educated in the Dharma.. these Hindus are vulnerable to Adharmic lies propagated by the Christian missionaries that are coming to India..


Even now Christian missionaries are strategizing in Baptist & Pentecostal churches, how to more successfully reach Hindus in India, bound to what they believe an eternal hell. This is their great commission, to convert as many as possible to Christianity before they die, and before the great Last Judgement Day, when Jesus Christ returns to earth as the Judge of the living and the dead (to sentence all non-Christians to the lake of fire and brimstone, to be tortured forever).


Let me tell you, these missionaries see millions in India that they believe they need to convert; and that to quote them "are lost in the Kingdom of Satan". The missionaries believe Hindus are demon worshippers, and our books like the Bhagavad Gita are satanic lies. They have no respect or knowledge of the Vedic Dharma. They will try anything to persuade Hindus (especially those in villages) to convert.


Uneducated Hindus may not be prepared with their arguments. Therefore spiritual education is very important, so ALL Hindus can know the Truth of the Vedic Dharma. Every Hindu should KNOW what and why they believe, so they are not so easily seduced by anti-Hindu evangelism, with their scare tactics and lies.

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Jai Sriman Narayana:

In my opinion, Dalit or non-Dalit doesnt make a difference as far as dharma is concerned. There is a Dharma for all and that should be followed.

BTW, what is your definition of Dalit?


It's not our dharma. it's the people (upper caste) and how they use our religion to treat the lower caste like dirt. They will not pray with them or even touch them. Further, these people have no education, they can't get a job because of caste discrimination. Dalit kids are constantly made fun of, beat up and or the little girls are raped day after day after day. Just the mere shadow of a Dalit will have an upper caste running home to take a shower because they feel polluted. You have Brahmin men running around and raping Dalit women EVERY day by telling them they will become Brahmin and it's their duty to sleep with them. Further, Dalit women have to bear their breast in public everyday because upper castes are telling them it is their job and God will give them a better life. This type of behavior is disgusting. It's all happening among OUR own people.


I can't understand how no one else is not disgusted by this and angry that our religion is bieng used this way. It's our job as Hindus to stick up for OUR people. In Hindu dharma, men are supposed to protect the women. Yet, we have no Hindu men stepping up for the poor Dalit women. Further, we Hindus have had the fortune of holding decent jobs and making good money, yet no one wants to do anything for the Dalits. Instead, I get a responsethat has no emotion.This is my concern.

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Hinduism is great because we get converts without scare tactics and lies. It is souls seeking to understanding the deeper metaphysical teachings on the eternal Spirit-Soul and God, that attracts people from all backgrounds to study the Sanatana Dharma and embrace Yoga practices.


But many western spiritual seekers know very little about Hinduism.. and would be very interested to learn more. Therefore, we should be able to meet their needs. This forum is certainly a great place to meet their needs. And we should support works like this.


Christians have very busy message boards, for spiritual seekers. And I have seen spiritual seekers convert to Christianity on message boards, or by reading a tract. Christians, for example, have many tracts and literature that very clearly explains and simplifies their beliefs to curious non-Christians. They have good marketing, if you will. The Hare Krishnas have had similar good presentations of basic Vedic beliefs, with their books and literature. Hinduism Today Magazine is also a great resource for educating non-Hindus and Hindus alike. Whether you are Saivite or not, they deserve props for their excellent publications and services to the Hindu community.


We need more such services like this forum, Hinduism Today, etc, for hungry, western seekers, fed up with materalism, and seeking out spiritual answers. All seekers need to know that Sanatana Dharma is for all mankind. The Sanatana Dharma deals with metaphysical truths that apply to all...


Western lay-Hindus (not just Gurus) must know how to intelligiently present the Vedic beliefs to spiritual seekers, that ask questions and are interested in Hinduism. We should not just worry about those who are now Hindus, but we should be concerned for all the hungry seekers out there, that are searching for what Sanatana Dharma offers (but have never really heard the Vedic teachings)...

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It's not our dharma. it's the people (upper caste) and how they use our religion to treat the lower caste like dirt. They will not pray with them or even touch them. Further, these people have no education, they can't get a job because of caste discrimination. Dalit kids are constantly made fun of, beat up and or the little girls are raped day after day after day. Just the mere shadow of a Dalit will have an upper caste running home to take a shower because they feel polluted. You have Brahmin men running around and raping Dalit women EVERY day by telling them they will become Brahmin and it's their duty to sleep with them. Further, Dalit women have to bear their breast in public everyday because upper castes are telling them it is their job and God will give them a better life. This type of behavior is disgusting. It's all happening among OUR own people.


I can't understand how no one else is not disgusted by this and angry that our religion is bieng used this way. It's our job as Hindus to stick up for OUR people. In Hindu dharma, men are supposed to protect the women. Yet, we have no Hindu men stepping up for the poor Dalit women. Further, we Hindus have had the fortune of holding decent jobs and making good money, yet no one wants to do anything for the Dalits. Instead, I get a responsethat has no emotion.This is my concern.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, sir. The dalit issue is abominable and totally Adharmic. It reminds me of the corrupt Pharisees of another tradition. I guess every religion has these self-righteous hypocrites, who care more about the outer pretense of being holy, than practicing true Dharma and compassion.


Lord Krishna told us to see the spirit-soul in all and not to look down on anyone because of their caste! HOW CAN THESE BRAHMINS SPIT AT LORD KRISHNA's words?!! and think they are being holy in their discrimination? Where is their humanity? Where is the love and compassion for the dalit creatures suffering in samsara? I guess they will have to take a future birth in a situation where they are the discriminated, before they can see the error of their wickedness.


Thank GOD, we do not have this problem with Western Hindus. These corrupt Brahamins and Upper caste-men behaving like this do nothing but shame the Vedic tradition. This is truly the Kali Yuga. :(

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Typical response. You avoid helping the Dalits by pretending to they are just normal people and everyone should be helped.

As far as Dalits bieng a sect, you can noew consider them to be one since the upper caste Hindus (including people on this site) want it that way.

No one pretending here. They are asking what is the defination of Dalits. Frankly speaking, I'm interested also. Who are this Dalits? How does helping them will help Hindusm?

And my post for Yegan had been deleted so I'm not in the mood to retype. Sorry, discussion had ended with Yegan. :smash:

While we at it, why everyone blaming Brahmins? Based on what? rumors? Have ANYONE here (regardless of race and caste) have been ill-treated by Brahmins before? I personally say I have not.

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