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Mystic India, a new film.

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All those who are interested in the ancient mysticism of Hindu spirituality and Indian culture should definitely see the giant-screen film Mystic India. To find out of the film is playing at a theatre near you, check out the web site:


The film itself is inspired by the true story of a young yogi named Neelkanth, who travelled nearly 8,000 miles across the entire length of India between 1792 and 1799. Neelkanth later went on to receive Vaishnavi diksha into the monk order by Swami Ramananda in Gujarat and later became known as Lord Swaminarayan. This film documents the cultural richness of India and Hindu spirituality. I truly believe that it is a must see for every Hindu and those who are interested in India and its arts, architecture, spiritual rituals, and philosophy.

You can preview the film by watching the trailer on the website. I would love to get some discussion going on the strengths and weaknesses of the film.

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as long as the movie doesn't teach Guru Swaminarayan is God!

This is the problem with so many people. Some folks are so tuned into their own following that they refuse to accept any system of philosophy outside their own. Swami Sahajananda (1781 - 1830) was a pure Vaishnav and an incredible master of ashtanga yoga as well as a social reformer in Gujarat. His life, however, closely resembled that of Sri Krishna Bhagavan. He performed leelas, spoke divinity, and spewed knowledge in his Vachanamritam (main text of Swaminarayan Hinduism) of pure Visistadvaita philosophy.

Do not misinterpret me. I love Krishna Bhagavan and devote to Him as well. The monk disciples of Swaminarayan composed beautiful kirtans and bhajans spelling the glory of Krishna, and we still sing them today. My istadeva, however, is Swaminarayan and the film Mystic India does nothing to state that he is God, however, it does show that Swaminarayan was someone who was spiritually enlightened to a point above the average yogi.

Watch the trailer (at http://www.mysticindia.com/trailer/index.htm) and see for yourself!

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I've seen this film. It is a very well made film. They didn't show sahajanand swami as God but as a great saint, childhood yogi and refomer. I suppose many hindus wouldn't go to see it if they made out he was God. I prefer the image of sahajanand swami in this film than in the swaminarayan TV series.


We Hindus really need more films like this showing the life of yogis, saint and sages. These were real people that actually lived. We have so many great sages yet very little is taught about them. The only other films I have seen on sages are Sant Tulsidas, Parasuram and Adi Shankaracharya.

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This is the problem with so many people. Some folks are so tuned into their own following that they refuse to accept any system of philosophy outside their own. Swami Sahajananda (1781 - 1830) was a pure Vaishnav and an incredible master of ashtanga yoga as well as a social reformer in Gujarat. His life, however, closely resembled that of Sri Krishna Bhagavan. He performed leelas, spoke divinity, and spewed knowledge in his Vachanamritam (main text of Swaminarayan Hinduism) of pure Visistadvaita philosophy.


Do not misinterpret me. I love Krishna Bhagavan and devote to Him as well. The monk disciples of Swaminarayan composed beautiful kirtans and bhajans spelling the glory of Krishna, and we still sing them today. My istadeva, however, is Swaminarayan and the film Mystic India does nothing to state that he is God, however, it does show that Swaminarayan was someone who was spiritually enlightened to a point above the average yogi.


Watch the trailer and see for yourself!

The film currently show Ganshyam (Swaminarayan's childhood name) as a great child and shows his childhood and teenage years. however, the film in Akshardham Delhi shows more about Bhagwan Swaminarayan's life. the UK IMAX film has been currently being played for over a year in the IMAX cinemas. it is one to watch

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They SHOWED but it seems like you have not grasped the main concept of this film which is not about yogis,gurus etc. It is about Bharat Mahan and nothing else. It'a india through his eyes.


The film showed him as a childhood-to-teenage yogi and his travels, experiences throughout India. There was no part which showed him as God, unless you count the golden murti of him at the end as him being God. But if you wish to see him as God, there's nothing stopping you.


I wonder if they will ever release a version on DVD?

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I wonder if they will ever release a version on DVD?


i doubt it mainly because it will be continually being shown in Akshardham. Also, it's an IMAX film so you would not get the full effect of the film on a standard TV. you can buy the soundtrack though

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