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Vrindavan bliss:“To live in Vrindavana means to know Krishna..

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Vrindavan bliss



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” I lived very simply (in Vrindavana), content to be in Rupa Gosvami’s presence… Now I have hundreds of temples to go to, but I still like it here best of all.”

Srila Prabhupada, Vrindavan Days, page 47.

“The ugliness that you see here is yoga-maya… Vrindavana appears this way to drive away the atheists and the impersonalists, just as New York attracts them… Vrindavana hides herself from the materialist”

Srila Prabhupada, Vrindavan Days, page 50.

“Millions of material universes and even millions of spiritual Vaikuntha planets are not very significant in comparison to Vrindavana, where Sri Krishna enjoyed lunch with His friends on the Yamuna’s sandy bank.”

Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, Vraja-riti-cintamani, 1.5

“Do not mix freely with the residents of Mathura; show them respect from a distance. Because you are on a different platform of devotional service, you cannot adopt their behavior and practices.”

Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya 13.37

“To live in Vrindavana means to know Krishna…So those who are living in Vrindavana, they should try to understand Krishna tattvatah. That is their business.”

Srila Prabhupada Nectar of Devotion lecture, 30 October 1972, Vrindavana

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