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Do you want to write in Hindi/Sanskrit?

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Word: Zora

Pronunication: zorA (see 'symbol to indicate pronunciation')

In Devanagiri:





As explained in post 'To break a word into parts to write in Devanagiri ', break zorA into




From "Consonants followed by various vowels-1", write zo as



From "Consonants followed by various vowels-1", write rA as



Combine the two to write zorA in Hindi as shown in the beginning of this post.




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  Guest said:
I have read this tread a couple of time and i think i got the basics i need for the translationbut im not 100%. Its going to be a tattoo for my brother when he gets his first child during the summer so i want to get it right.


I want to translate "Liam" to Hindi so i break it down to "Li-A-m" right ?

If i understand it right i dont need to use any sign for "half-letters" or such as explained in the post "Vowel sounds after joint letters" ?

Can i just use the signs for "Li", "A" and "m" in that order to get it right or is "A" or "m" in a different order (i think its the use of half and full letters that got me confuzed)?


If im correct, can someone put it together for me or help me find a way to do it myself ?




And thank you for all the effort put in to this tread by the way.

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Let me know how you pronouce Liam. It will be better if you can write pronunciation using symbols given in the post titled "Symbols to indicate pronunciation" near the beginning of this thread. Or, explain the pronunciation in any other way. Then, I will explain how to write it in Hindi.


I guess 'Li' is pronounced like 'li' in 'list'. So, no stress is given on 'li'. Or, do you pronouce it like 'Lee' giving stress on it as in 'lea' in 'lean'?


How do you pronouce 'a' in 'Liam'? Is it like 'a' in 'after' or 'ya' in 'yacht'?


'm' is obvious. It is like 'm' in 'mother'.


Please tell me the pronunciation.

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Liam is pronounced like lIam (please see 'symbols to indicate pronunciation').


Break it into

1) lI

2) a

3) m


Write lI as shown in 'Consonants followed by various vowels-2'.

Write a as shown in 'Vowels'.

Write m as shown in 'Consonants'.


Put them together and you get Liam in Hindi. If you have been able to write it, you can post it here so that I can have a look. Or, if you want, I will write 'Liam' in Hindi for you.

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Word: Jean

Pronounced: zIn (see 'symbols to indicate pronunciation')




Explanation: See 'To break a word into parts to write in Devanagiri ':

zIn = zI + n


See 'consonants followed by various vowels-1'. Write zI as



See 'Consonants'. Write n as


Combine the two.




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I have thought about it and i think maybe liam is prounounced:


lI, ya, m


so instead of just the lee um it sounds like lee yum because in william it is used ya instead of a.


It puts me off a little bit because it could be wrong.

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  Guest said:
I have thought about it and i think maybe liam is prounounced:


lI, ya, m


so instead of just the lee um it sounds like lee yum because in william it is used ya instead of a.


I was also thinking that am in lian may be pronounced as yam as I gusssed in one previous post.


Earlier I wrote Devanagiri for lI+a+m.

If it is lI+ya+m, then the middle letter will change. And liam (lIyam) is:-




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Hello Avanish, you seem to be incredibly helpful!


Would you please show me how to write shakti in Hindi? I get confused with the multiple consonant sounds.


Kindest thanks,

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Hi, What an incredibly helpful person you are! I am wanting to get my husband's name translated into Punjabi or Sanskrit. His name is Ricky, also known as Bhavenesh (silent 'e').


I am SO grateful. Thank you so much.

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Consider the case in which one consonant sound is followed by another consonant sound. There is a vowel sound after the second consonant sound but there is not vowel sound between the two consonant sounds.


As I mentioned earlier, half letter should be used for the first consonant sound and full for the second (but keep in mind the special case when one of the two consonants is r, which I explained in one thread).


Assume you have to write kt. Use half letter for k and next to it put full letter for t. Half letter for k is:-


Full letter fot t is


To write kt in Devanagiri, you should put devanagiri of half k and close and next to it, the devanagiri for full t. Then you will get correct kt. This is correct, but often in practice, kt is written as



Now consider tt. This means half t followed by full t. Half t is:-



After this put the symbol for full t. You will get correct Devanagiri for tt. But, often in practice, tt is written as :-







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