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Your Devi Mandir message

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Hello there. Thank you for your kind words. I am definately an emotional child of Ma

and I too have been seen as a little 'out there' or too passionate for

my own good. Sounds like you also have similar emotional nature. As

I try to relate to other devotee's who are a bit more 'contained and

intellectual' I often have to come back to center and accept my

nature for what it is and for me it works.

A prominant Shamanic Tantric from south India who is my closest friend

gave me some advice when I was being brutally judged by rather mean

spirited devotees that when devotee's try and institutionalize Shakti

and bind her with rules, she is forced into the wilderness where she

can be found by those like you and me and others with a more

emotional and raw disposition. When out in the wilderness or desert

by yourself and Her, it is so profound, and to think I heard a sadhu

tell me there were no holy sites in the US. If She is in your heart

and mind, then everywhere you walk is Holy Ground.

One example of this type of behavior of Ma is The Holy Mother, Sri

Sarada Devi. I was redeemed 10 years after my fitfull

tears-struck-sadhana, in 2000 to read that Ramakrishna cried like

that too and others thought he was insane. I can relate to that

part of Ramakrisha totally, however I feel Holy Mother was a true

example of Mother in human form - She never turned anyone away that I

know of. She is a perfect example of Ma in human form. I feel a

psychic 'SCRATCH' in my body when I hear of devotee's being rejected,

it actually physically hurts me whether or not it was done to me by

another or from another to another. In fact, my old teacher when I

was 20-24 who introduced me to Kali in this lifetime didn't

understand the intensity of my tears and would call me names.... My

own teacher!! For some I guess it's not for them to experience Ma

this way and that is ok. I never want Ma to

take away my juicy devotion or my optimism and the more 'raw' children

she can bring my way to relate to, I'll consider myself so lucky.

Satanic name calling is so silly..I hope it slid off. If they only

knew and in time they will know...

Ma will bestow certain knowledge to people who cry sincere tears,

alone with her. I can't emphasize that enough and that I why I keep

saying it over and over. It's unshakable awareness from experience,

your right. I could feel your liguid gratitude:) You are not alone

and thank you Rick for letting me know you understand and could

relate. Ma came thru YOU at the nick of time... Thank you Ma!

Blessings to you and I pray you are blessed with even more of Her.

Can you post the prayer on the web for all of us to read?

Namaste:) Pranams.

KellyRikzinger (AT) comcast (DOT) net> wrote:

Dear Kelly,

I cannot thank you enough for your post. So many of your experiences

of Maa are the same as mine. I am almost 50 years old, and all my

life She has been my faithful and patient companion. I have always

known Her pure and sacred love, and She has revealed it in me each

step of my life.

I have a prayer that I found a couple of months ago that starts out,

“I ask for my Guru Devi’s blessings. They are with me here and now.

Oh Devi, I have laid aside all of my masks…” Most mornings as I begin

this prayer, I cannot get past “Guru Devi’s blessings” and the tears

are streaming. Even now as I write this I feel Her precious love and

it fills my eyes with liquid gratitude. But when I get to “Oh Devi,”

I often get no further. I sit enraptured in Her sacred embrace and

repeat over and over “Oh Devi.”

Throughout my life I have been considered a bit nutty. I have even

been called Satanic because of my unshakeable awareness of Her. How

can I ever deny such power and grace intermingled within my own


I just had the thank Her for writing your note to me.

In Her love always,



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To Kelly and all,

This is the prayer I mentioned to

Kelly. It was written by the famous Shakta guru Sri

Amritananda Natha Saraswati (Guruji).

The link to its source is below. Jai Maa!

“I ask

for my Guru Devi’s blessings. They are with me here and now.

1. Oh

Devi, I have removed all my masks: anger, doubt, fear, shame, aversion, family,

race and expectations of my conduct.

2. I

have kept a fresh soft lotus in my heart for you to come and occupy.

3. I

entreat you, please come, and enter it with your refreshingly cool and

lotus-golden- white lights.

4. Fill

me from head to toe with your glorious love, beauty, pleasure, wisdom, light,

music, dance, poetry and compassion.

5. Let

me enjoy waves after waves of these qualities in an unending series.


Protect me from evil.

7. I am

open to your direction from within and without.

yes"> Bless me in a crystal clear voice. Let me see your divine

vision constantly in the lake of my clear mind and with my physical eyes.


Never leave me even for a moment.

9. I

will not live without you. When my

time comes, take me into your heart.


Enable me to be useful to all living beings to make them realize your beauty

and love. This is my constant prayer, aspiration and goal of my life.”


source is found at http://gurujiamrita.tripod.com/see_goddess_fast.htm



In Her love forever,







Kelly Leeper

[blissnout ]

Sunday, September 28, 2003

2:02 AM

Rick Nafzinger


Re: Your

Devi Mandir message




there. Thank you for your kind words. I am definately an emotional

child of Ma


and I too

have been seen as a little 'out there' or too passionate for my own

good. Sounds like you also have similar emotional nature. As

I try to relate to other devotee's who are a bit more 'contained and

intellectual' I often have to come back to center and accept my nature

for what it is and for me it works.

A prominant

Shamanic Tantric from south India who is my closest friend gave me some

advice when I was being brutally judged by rather mean spirited

devotees that when devotee's try and institutionalize Shakti and bind her

with rules, she is forced into the wilderness where she can be found by

those like you and me and others with a more emotional and raw

disposition. When out in the wilderness or desert by yourself and

Her, it is so profound, and to think I heard a sadhu tell me there

were no holy sites in the US. If She is in your heart and mind, then

everywhere you walk is Holy Ground.

One example

of this type of behavior of Ma is The Holy Mother, Sri Sarada

Devi. I was redeemed 10 years after my fitfull

tears-struck-sadhana, in 2000 to read that Ramakrishna cried like

that too and others thought he was insane. I can relate to that

part of Ramakrisha totally, however I feel Holy Mother was a

true example of Mother in human form - She never turned anyone away that I know

of. She is a perfect example of Ma in human form. I feel a psychic

'SCRATCH' in my body when I hear of devotee's being rejected, it actually

physically hurts me whether or not it was done to me by another or

from another to another. In fact, my old teacher when I was 20-24

who introduced me to Kali in this lifetime didn't understand the intensity of my

tears and would call me names.... My own teacher!! For some I

guess it's not for them to experience Ma this way and that is ok. I never

want Ma to take away my juicy devotion or my optimism and the more 'raw'

children she can bring my way to relate to, I'll consider myself so

lucky. Satanic name calling is so silly..I hope it slid off.

If they only knew and in time they will know...

Ma will

bestow certain knowledge to people who cry sincere tears, alone with her.

I can't emphasize that enough and that I why I keep saying it over and

over. It's unshakable awareness from experience, your

right. I could feel your liguid gratitude:) You are not

alone and thank you Rick for letting me know you understand and could relate.

Ma came thru YOU at the nick of time... Thank you Ma!

Blessings to

you and I pray you are blessed with even more of Her. Can you

post the prayer on the web for all of us to read?





Rikzinger (AT) comcast (DOT) net>




solid #1010FF 1.5pt;padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 4.0pt">

10.0pt;font-family:Arial">Dear Kelly,


solid #1010FF 1.5pt;padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 4.0pt">



solid #1010FF 1.5pt;padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 4.0pt">

10.0pt;font-family:Arial">I cannot thank you enough for your post. So many of

your experiences of Maa are the same as mine. I am almost 50 years old, and all

my life She has been my faithful and patient companion. I have always known Her

pure and sacred love, and She has revealed it in me each step of my life.


solid #1010FF 1.5pt;padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 4.0pt">



solid #1010FF 1.5pt;padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 4.0pt">

10.0pt;font-family:Arial">I have a prayer that I found a couple of months ago

that starts out, “I ask for my Guru Devi’s blessings. They are with me here and

now. Oh Devi, I have laid aside all of my masks…” Most mornings as I begin this

prayer, I cannot get past “Guru Devi’s blessings” and the tears are streaming.

Even now as I write this I feel Her precious love and it fills my eyes with

liquid gratitude. But when I get to “Oh Devi,” I often get no further. I sit

enraptured in Her sacred embrace and repeat over and over “Oh Devi.”


solid #1010FF 1.5pt;padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 4.0pt">



solid #1010FF 1.5pt;padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 4.0pt">

10.0pt;font-family:Arial">Throughout my life I have been considered a bit

nutty. I have even been called Satanic because of my unshakeable awareness of

Her. How can I ever deny such power and grace intermingled within my own being?


solid #1010FF 1.5pt;padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 4.0pt">



solid #1010FF 1.5pt;padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 4.0pt">

10.0pt;font-family:Arial">I just had the thank Her for writing your note to me.


solid #1010FF 1.5pt;padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 4.0pt">



solid #1010FF 1.5pt;padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 4.0pt">

10.0pt;font-family:Arial">In Her love always,


solid #1010FF 1.5pt;padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 4.0pt">



solid #1010FF 1.5pt;padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 4.0pt">



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