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Namaste all!

Several of us at the Mandir observe some type of reduced food intake

on ekadashi, full moon and new moon. I t varies on how the

individuals nourish themselves. I think it's all valid. It's a

form of tapasya even if it does not equal that of the great

ascetics. During Navaratri I am taking only a liquid concoction.

It's supposed to cleanse the system. It works for me because I

still have moderate energy in order to do seva. It doesn't "fill me

up" at all so I'm still feeling the lack of food which equals a

sacrifice to me. In any case, hope your Navaratri is fruitful!


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I've heard many conversations about fasting with many and like to do it myself.

What would you think the main reason is for and why?


Is it to lighten the body so that the mind can lighten?

Is it to avoid sensualty by avoiding something tasty?

Is eating a deviation that interrupts one intense sadhana during a time like Navatari?

Is it to lower ego defence mechanisms so one is more open to divine inspiration?

Is it for sacrifice and what is the meaning of sacrifice for you if that is the main reason?

I know fasting is strong medicine in itself and also prepares to body

to absorb herbal medicines, and in the same way enables us to absorb

more consciousness.


I think the subject of fasting is a good one to talk about and also one that many have

very strong feelings about how and why. I like to hear about how fasting helps in ones

sadhana, peoples experience with it especially.


I think you live at the ashram... I've heard that yogi's in India will eat fruit and dairy

only... doesn't dairy clog the nervous system and marma's? Or is it when it's eaten

in conjuction with other food. If you can ask Swami if he knows a

reason off the top of his head if your near him, just curious.


Having a great Navaratri! Hope you are too. Jai Ma.


Gauri <gaurima108 > wrote:

Namaste all!Several of us at the Mandir observe some type of reduced

food intake on ekadashi, full moon and new moon. I t varies on how

the individuals nourish themselves. I think it's all valid. It's a

form of tapasya even if it does not equal that of the great ascetics.

During Navaratri I am taking only a liquid concoction. It's supposed

to cleanse the system. It works for me because I still have moderate

energy in order to do seva. It doesn't "fill me up" at all so I'm

still feeling the lack of food which equals a sacrifice to me. In

any case, hope your Navaratri is fruitful! JAAAAAAAAAAAII

MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!To from this group, send an email

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