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Gurus, Inner & Outer

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I agree with you. I can see the different sides of this issue. And

it's a complex one.


The Guru is the "Grace-bestowing" aspect of God. The Guru resides in

you as you. The Guru is everything. Everything teaches. Every lesson

has spiritual content. Some lessons are clearer than others.


All paths lead to God. Some paths are quicker than others. Some paths

are more joyful than others.


If you have the good karma to have a Satguru in physical form, that

is wonderful! I think having a physical Satguru may be necessary for

most people so they can transcend their egos. There may be special

cases where people are born in such high states of consciousness that

they don't need a physical guru (Bhagawan Nityananda and a handful of

others). I suspect that in the case of Sri Ramakrishna, he may have

gone thru the lila of having physical Gurus as a demonstration for

the rest of us.


It's a complex issue. But I understand what you're saying and am not

offended by it.




, Kelly Leeper <blissnout>


> Jesse,


> Without the blessings of a teacher what path is there? Surely you

didn't mean that. There are those that are without a direct teacher

who are divinly guided and they are not as rare as you think.

However in realizing how the mind works, if a Teacher for you is the

only way to be on a Path, then that is what will work for you.


> I mean this in the nicest of ways, but that statement would only be

true for you or those who have bought into the idea that they are

separate and lost without a teacher which can be a crutch and a

fetter. Where is your faith in humanity and Oneness? Does that only

come with the package of a teacher? Doesn't that go against the

teachings? From my experience, we are more connected than you think

to what is divine or what that statement proclaims.


> Jesse, we ARE the path and when one 'gets that' they aren't looking

for a transmission to come from another unless they see Guru thru

another and that doesn't even have to be a person. To rely on a

transmission of a teacher is likened to a prostitute going to her

pimp for her sustanance. That is not what God intended. I'm not

saying that transmissions are invalid or that Guru is not neccessary

or that Guru is a pimp, what I am saying is that the Initiatory

process is so much more than what you envision.


> I pray for you to open your mind and heart. Maybe that is not what

you meant, but surely that is not the Will of the divine Mother in

more cases than not.


> Namste,

> Kelly

> Jesse Arana <jessearana@c...> wrote:

> Namaste Swamiji,


> The Lalitopakhyanam translation came from www.dattapeetham.org. I

am not sure how it was manifested.


> I didn't mean that Sri Vidya was the only way. I meant that if a

student wants to pursue direct sadhanas of a particular path, they

need a teacher. Otherwise the student is bound to approach the path

under the influence of the three Gunas and their individual vasanas

and karmas. The worst being the notion of separate self. Since we are

trapped in that vasana, we turn our sadhana into mental conception.

The initiatory process, in which we receive a direct spiritual

transmission is what frees us of that.


> Without the blessings of the teacher what path is there?


> Jesse Arana (Kailash)

> www.meditationinfocus.com





> Saradananda [saradananda]

> Saturday, October 11, 2003 11:11 AM


> Re: Re: Lakshmi Puja update(new creation)



> OM Hrim Maha Lakshmai Namah


> Loving greetings - and many thanks for sending the beautiful

Lalitopakhyana. One question: at the top of the document, it

says "Avadhoota Datta Peetam - Mysore". Is this a transcript of a

series of talks that someone gave? or a direct translation of the



> I also appreciated your comments on the oneness of Lakshmi, Durga

and Saraswati. However, I wouldn't agree "the only way to understand

that oneness is to be initiated into Sri Vidya, or a similar

spiritual transmission." All paths of yoga - bhakti yoga, raja yoga,

jnana yoga, karma yoga and even hatha yoga - have as their goal the

understanding (experience) of Oneness. These different paths of yoga

are suited for different people with different personalities - each

offers techniques to experience the Oneness. And each of them works,

if practiced diligently.


> with OM and Prem

> Swami Saradananda


> www.FlyingMountainYoga.org/2004yatra/southindiayatra2004.html


> -

> Jesse Arana


> Saturday, October 11, 2003 8:52 AM

> RE: Re: Lakshmi Puja update(new creation)



> Namaste,


> Lakshmi, Durga, and Saraswati are one. Navaratri is the celebration

of that oneness. As far as I know, the only way to understand that

oneness is to be initiated into Sri Vidya, or a similar spiritual

transmission. In the Sri Vidya transmission of my Guru, Karunamayi,

the Jewel of the Three (Worlds) is known as Lalita Tripurasundari.

Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Durga are several of Her primary expansions.


> Durga and Kali are considered the one, as well. However, Lakshmi

also has a Warrior aspect, as she is the slayer of Kholasura. Lalita

Tripurasundari takes birth as Lakshmi when She creates all the

universes, as is told about in the Lalitopakhyana (attached).


> One important reason to contemplate the three is their relationship

to the three Gunas. Saraswati is the wife of Brahma, so she rules the

power of transcendent wisdom in Raja Guna. Durga is the wife of

Shiva, and she rules the transcendent power to transform Tamo Guna.

And Lakshmi is the wife of Vishnu... ruling the Sattva Guna. So

yogically, it's important to invite each goddess to transform your

mind, which is a slave to the three Gunas, and bound by the

interactions of subtle karmas.


> There is a lot more. Most important is to understand that neither

of these Goddesses can be realized without direct spiritual



> Jesse Arana (Kailash)

> www.meditationinfocus.com









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