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2) In every mantra ete ghandapuspe....we must offer one flower,

correct? But some times we don't have many flowers . So, What can we

offer?Can we offer leaf mango or other thing?

3) I can doing the garland with leaf mango, too? Sarada

<sarada_saraswati > wrote:

Question: I' m doing Shiva Puja beginners and I want some information

about this: foot bath, milk bath, yogurt bath, ghee bath, honey bath,

sugar bath, five nectars bath, sandal paste, cloth, rudraksa, red

powder, drinking water. Are these a mental offering?Answer from

Swamiji:No, pour a small quantity of each milk bath, yogurt bath,

ghee bath, honey bath, sugar bath into a small bowl with each mantra.

Then stir until mixed into a smooth blend with five nectars bath

mantra. Place the cloth and rudraksha next to the flower in the

center of your puja. Then apply the red powder to that flower in the

center. Offer food or a piece of fruit and drinking water beside the

flower. Then meditate upon Shiva accepting your offerings. Share the

prasad at the end of your worship.Question: Can I doing Shiva Puja in


period of menstruation?In this time, can I recite Chandi Path?Answer:

Yes. In ancient India the idea of women not making puja during the

period of menstruation was because to make the puja meant also to

chop the wood for the fire, to carry the water, to labor over a wood

stove, and to perform various tasks of hard labor. The understanding

was that in the joint family system, there were others to perform the

hard work, and during the time of menstruation was a wonderful

opportunity to be silent inside and still outside. Therefore it was

recommended that women in their period sit in meditation, become one

with their feminine nature, become silent and still.Today, with our

nuclear family homes and modernized appliances, it is no longer the

case that puja requires such strenuous activities. Therefore, all are

entitled to perform worship all of the time.Question: How we must to

recite the Chandi? Can we

choose some part or must we recite from the beginning? I'm reciting

kavacam, athargala,kilakam, Siddha Kunjika and Ksama prarthanaThat is

an excellent way to begin. As you become more comfortable, you will

add new sections, and then link them all together until you will be

able to recite the entire text at one sitting. It will continue to

grow. To from this group, send an email

to:Your use of

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webmail do Brasil. Saiba mais!

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