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Kali Puja is coming soon.

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Kali Puja is coming soon. Who is Kali? What is Her origin? What are

your experiences with Her? How do we worship her? This is a very

extensive subject. Dig deep and let us know. Jai Maa!

Om Krim Kalyai Namah

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I have a fine murti of Kali, and viewing it, Kali appears to be the

goddess that stands on a prostrate Shiva with a neckless of skulls

around her neck. I do all my worship of her out of the Kali Puja

book. I've heard that dark Kali absorbs all darkness. Well despite my

worship of her, I still seem to have much darkness left. This gives

me plenty of reason to continue in my puja to her. I look forward to

hearing more of the upcoming Kali Puja.


, "Sarada" <sarada_saraswati>


> Kali Puja is coming soon. Who is Kali? What is Her origin? What are

> your experiences with Her? How do we worship her? This is a very

> extensive subject. Dig deep and let us know. Jai Maa!

> Om Krim Kalyai Namah

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I love Kali! I walk around looking at the sky, the stars, the

earth, the trees, feeling the wind and thinking that this is all her,

and I try to feel myself swimming in the ocean that is her body. I am

looking forward to this subject very much.


Jai Maa!


, "Sarada" <sarada_saraswati>


> Kali Puja is coming soon. Who is Kali? What is Her origin? What are

> your experiences with Her? How do we worship her? This is a very

> extensive subject. Dig deep and let us know. Jai Maa!

> Om Krim Kalyai Namah

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My favorite sahasranama is Kali's. Whenever I get the feeling to

chant something, but don't have some text already picked out, Kali's

1000 names always come to my mind. It happens especially late at

night and the feeling I get is just wonderful.

Jai Kali Ma!


, "Sarada" <sarada_saraswati>


> Kali Puja is coming soon. Who is Kali? What is Her origin? What


> your experiences with Her? How do we worship her? This is a very

> extensive subject. Dig deep and let us know. Jai Maa!

> Om Krim Kalyai Namah

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Swamiji has said, that Kali is She who "activates Consciousness to

perception, allow(ing) Consciousness to Perceive."


She is "niilaashmadyutimaasya"--She who shines like a blue gem, that

Infinity, clothed in space, that swallows up all that is dark, thereby allowing

Wisdom to shine. She IS Wisdom, and in that Infinite Wisdom that is our

Mother, our most ancient and beautiful Mother, she cuts off our egos;

for with any ego or darkness remaining, we cannot come to Pure Wisdom, we

cannot return to the Source that is She.


In the first chapter, and first episode (same) of Chandi Pathah, Brahma

praises Mahaakaali, so that she would bring Vishnu to Consciousness to slay

Too Much and Too LIttle (Madhu and Kaitabha), who were terrorizing

creation, putting all out of balance (that is, our consciousness, bound by that

imbalance). She, as the Ruler of the Universe, also known as Divine Union,

the one eternal and unborn, from which all manifest things come, can also be

known as the Energy of Consciousness--our Mother.


Brahma praises Her, in order to awaken Her (that Energy of Consciousness):

he praises her as the Consciousness of all Sound, as the essence of sound,

as AUM; he calls her the Bearer of LIght as well as the Time of Prayer, and

also praises Her as that which creates, protects and destroys.


She is Mahaavidya (Great Knowledge), and also Mahaamaayaa (the Great

Measurement), and She is Nature--Prakrti, and the Great Source of Strength.

He describes this Energy of Consciousness, this Wisdom, in so many ways,

bringing his devotion and comprehension, ending by naming her

Parameshvari (Supreme Consciousness), and describes Her further--the

energy of everything in all.


He requests Her to cause the ignorance of egotism to fall on Too Much and

Too Little (thereby rendering them vulnerable to Vishnu, who later destroys



How strange, isn't it, to see that it is through that ignorance of egotism which

She causes to fall upon perception that we finally wake up? It seems

a contradiction, yet it is not--it is exactly what happens, in Her Divine Plan


infinite grace.


One of the seven verses that describes the essence of Divine Mother says,


"jnaaninaamapi chetaamsi devii bhagavatii hi saa

balaadaakrshya mohaaya mahaamaayaa prayacchati."


"She, this Supreme Goddess, the Great Measurement of Consciousness,

attracts the perceiving capacity of all sensible beings with such force as to

thrust them in the ignorance of egotistic attachment."


In this waking up, to the situation, we might say, of imbalance (Too Much and

Too Little), comes the possibility of our salvation, our taking refuge and

surrender to Her, rather than being ruled by perception that there is never

enough, or weighted by the taking in of too much.


She is all, and she is everything that we need at all times; that is Wisdom,


is my Mother, who takes care of everything, who we come to know as we

begin to wake up to ourselves and let her cut away the obstacles to the



Jai Maa Kali!!








, "Sarada" <sarada_saraswati>


> Kali Puja is coming soon. Who is Kali? What is Her origin? What are

> your experiences with Her? How do we worship her? This is a very

> extensive subject. Dig deep and let us know. Jai Maa!

> Om Krim Kalyai Namah

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I bow to you. My experience with Maa Kali was wonderfull! Some time

ago I had a problem I was very sad. But, I' m a child and whom

should I call? I cried to mother: " OH mother Kali, Please take me

in your hands. I need you." I only get sleep with the Shree Maa

chanting the Thousand Names of Kali. But, today I see that moment

were very important for me, because I clings tighter to Her garment.

Whom else shall I cry to mother. I was reading the Chandi Path and

chanting the mantra Om Krim Kalyai namah. I felt Her presence with

me.In fact this is like story the king's cut finger. It was a

blessing! Jaya Maa! Jaya Swamiji!

I thank you very much. I offer my humble reverence in your lotus

feet.Sa rada <sarada_saraswati > wrote:

Kali Puja is coming soon. Who is Kali? What is Her origin? What are

your experiences with Her? How do we worship her? This is a very

extensive subject. Dig deep and let us know. Jai Maa!

Om Krim Kalyai NamahTo from this group, send an email

to:Your use of

is subject to the Mail - o melhor

webmail do Brasil. Saiba mais!

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Here is a description of Kali that appears in Yoga Vasishta. This

vision occured after Vasishta witnessed the dissolution of the



Vasishta continued:


Then I saw that Rudra began to dance in space, as if he were

intoxicated. It was as if the waters of the cosmic dissolution assumed

a form and were dancing in that form. Lo and behold! Even as I was

watching the dance of Rudra, I saw a shadow behind him. How could

shadow exist without sun, I asked myself. As I was refelcting over

this phenomenon, that shadow (female) stepped in front of Rudra, and

she was also dancing.


She had three eyes. She was dark of color. She was thin. But she was

huge. Her mouth emitted fire. She looked like the dark night or the

limitless space embodied as a female. Her arms extended to the

farthest reach of space. She was so thin that her nerves were visible

and it appeared that since she was thin and tall someone had bound her

with those nerves so that she might not collapse. She wore a garland

made of the heads of gods, suns and demons. She wore earrings of



Now she had one arm, a moment later she had many arms and a moment

later she hurled her arms on the dance-floor. Now she had one mouth, a

moment later she had many mouths and a moment later she had no mouth

at all. Now she had one foot, a moment later she had many feet and a

moment later still she was without feet. I concluded from all this

that she was kAlarAtri (the Night of Death). Holy men call her kAlI or



She had three eyes which were pits of fire. She had high cheek bones

and a chin. She had a necklace of stars strung on air. With her mighty

arms, which had sparkling and radiant nails, she filled the

directions. Her breathing was so powerful that the biggest mountains

could be blown away by it.


Her body seemed to swell enormously when she was dancing. While I was

witnessing this dance, she playfully strung the mountains into a

garland for herself. The three worlds became mirrors in the three

(upper, middle, and lower) parts of her body. Cities, forests,

mountains, etc., became so many flowers for the garland she wore

around her body (neck).


In her limbs were cities and towns, the seasons, the three worlds, the

months and the day and night. Dharma and adharma became her earrings.

Vedas were her brests filled with the milk of the highest knowledge.

She held many different weapons in her hands. The fourteen types of

beings, like the gods and all the rest of them, were hairs on her

body. All these beings with their cities and villages were dancing

with her, delighted at the thought of being born again. The entire

universe was in constant motion because she was dancing: from another

point of view, of course, they were firmly established (in her).


The whole universe was reflected on her body as if in a mirrior. Even

as I was looking they appeared, disappeared and reappeared.


Vasistha continued:


What was that dance? The stellar firmament was revolving, the

mountains were revolving and the gods and the demons were also

revolving like mosquitoes. The revolving firmament looked like her

flowing garment. It was delightful to watch the very big trees (the

kalpa tree) which were but hairs on her body revolve while she danced.

They were ascending and descending between heaven and earth, as it



The sun and the moon, the day and the night were reflected on her

fingernails, as it were, when she danced. The big mountains like the

himAlayas, the meru, etc., were also dancing with delight. It looked

as though another cosmic dissolution was about to take place.


The goddess wore the sacred thread made of three strands, which were

all kinds of prosperity, perfect knowledge and sacrifice.


Though it appeared that everything was revolving, nothing really

happened. The air that flowed in and out of her nostrils was making

great sounds "ghum ghum". On account of the movement of the countless

arms of the goddess, the air in the entire space was being churned. By

merely watching all this, even my eyes (and mind, too) began to get

fatigued and confused. When the mirrors on her body were agitated by

the dancing, the the mountains began to fall, the gods and celestials

began to fall and their palaces to collapse.


In her body, all the immovable objects became moveable. Still more

astonishing, oceans danced on mountain peaks and the mountain was

dancing in empty space. The space danced beneath the earth-plane, and

continents with flowering gardens and cities were dancing in the orb

of the sun. All these were floating around like straw within the

mirror of the goddess, as it were. Fish were swimming in the mirage,

and cities were seen in space, which also seemed to hold mountains.

The sky and the clouds of cosmic dissolution were resting on the

mountains which had fallen.


In the body of kAlarAtri were found night and day, creation and

dissolution, purity and impurity. Though all the gods, etc., were

tumbled by her dance, they were apparently steady because of the

steadiness of the infinite consciousness. In her consciousness there

was natural knowledge. By her dance she created and dissolved the

universes moment after moment, just as a small boy shifts his

attention from moment to moment. Now she is near, now she is far, now

she is infinitesimal and now she is cosmic. Such is the manifestation

of her cosmic power. She dances, holding the horns of the buffalo

which is the vehicle of the god of death, to the accompaniment of

sounds like 'dimbam dimbam paca paca jhamya'. She wears a garland of

skulls and on her head is a peacock feather. She bows to Rudra, the

god of dissolution. May he protect you.


-- from _Yoga Vasishta_, translated by Swami Venkatesananda






, "Sarada" <sarada_saraswati>


> Kali Puja is coming soon. Who is Kali? What is Her origin? What are

> your experiences with Her? How do we worship her? This is a very

> extensive subject. Dig

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In my younger days, I used to play Dungeons & Dragons (Yes, I was a

bit of a nerd...c'mon guys, admit it! You played it too!). Anyway, I

wanted to include another description of Kali from a book which lists

deities and their attributes from many different pantheons.


I only wanted to include this description for FUN, not for any serious

purposes...after all the Goddess enjoys fun...and surely She plays

"Dungeons and Dragons" in Her own way, too!


KALI (black earth mother)


Lesser goddess



MOVE: 27"







SIZE: L (20')

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil


SYMBOL: skull

PLANE: Abyss

CLERIC/DRUID: 10th level in each

FIGHTER: 20th level fighter

MAGIC USER/ILLUSIONIST: 15th level in each

THIEF/ASSASSIN: 15th level assassin

MONK/BARD: 13th level monk





Kali has night black skin, tusks, 3 eyes, and 4 arms ending in talons.

She can shape change at will and her visage causes fear as the spell

to any who look upon it (save vs. spell negates).


This goddess is destruction incarnate, the ruthless mother who can

give life and then take it away. She eats her own children for

sustenance. The other deities of this pantheon will allow her to lead

them in battle against the most powerful of their enemies, because she

is so awesome in her destructiveness that she is able to inspire fear

in even the most gruesome demons and devils. Each of her taloned hands

can strike for 4-40 points of damage. Sometimes she wields a sword in

one hand that inflicts 2-24 points of damage (plus strength bonus) on

a hit.


Her worship requires sacrifices of blood, and even an occasional human

sacrifice. Her cult includes many assassins. Those sworn to defend her

cult will often do so in a sort of beserk, suicidal manner, slaying

all who oppose them until they themselves are slain.


-- from _Deities & Demigods_ by James M. Ward with Robert J. Kuntz




, "Sarada" <sarada_saraswati>


> Kali Puja is coming soon. Who is Kali? What is Her origin? What are

> your experiences with Her? How do we worship her? This is a very

> extensive subject. Dig deep and let us know. Jai Maa!

> O

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You said it perfectly. This statement is an esoteric clue and I think

is good to contemplate on that contradiction. Contradictions are good

because it causes the mind to tire and eventually give up.

'How strange, isn't it, to see that it is through that ignorance of

egotism which She causes to fall upon perception that we finally wake

up? It seems a contradiction, yet it is not--it is exactly what

happens, in Her Divine Plan and infinite grace.'I have not met many

who have not been rebirthed, who see's this as Her will and a away to

wake up. Moving thru the ignorance to wake up doesn't mean to run

from ignorance.

Good insight and description.

Jai Maa.

Kellynitya_ma <nitya_ma > wrote:

Swamiji has said, that Kali is She who "activates Consciousness to

perception, allow(ing) Consciousness to Perceive." She is

"niilaashmadyutimaasya"--She who shines like a blue gem,

thatInfinity, clothed in space, that swallows up all that is dark,

thereby allowing Wisdom to shine. She IS Wisdom, and in that

Infinite Wisdom that is our Mother, our most ancient and beautiful

Mother, she cuts off our egos; for with any ego or darkness

remaining, we cannot come to Pure Wisdom, we cannot return to the

Source that is She.In the first chapter, and first episode (same) of

Chandi Pathah, Brahma praises Mahaakaali, so that she would bring

Vishnu to Consciousness to slay Too Much and Too LIttle (Madhu and

Kaitabha), who were terrorizing creation, putting all out of balance

(that is, our consciousness, bound by that

imbalance). She, as the Ruler of the Universe, also known as Divine

Union, the one eternal and unborn, from which all manifest things

come, can also be known as the Energy of Consciousness--our

Mother.Brahma praises Her, in order to awaken Her (that Energy of

Consciousness):he praises her as the Consciousness of all Sound, as

the essence of sound, as AUM; he calls her the Bearer of LIght as

well as the Time of Prayer, and also praises Her as that which

creates, protects and destroys.She is Mahaavidya (Great Knowledge),

and also Mahaamaayaa (the Great Measurement), and She is

Nature--Prakrti, and the Great Source of Strength.He describes this

Energy of Consciousness, this Wisdom, in so many ways,bringing his

devotion and comprehension, ending by naming herParameshvari (Supreme

Consciousness), and describes Her further--the energy of everything in

all.He requests Her to cause the ignorance of egotism to fall on

Too Much and Too Little (thereby rendering them vulnerable to Vishnu,

who later destroys them).How strange, isn't it, to see that it is

through that ignorance of egotism which She causes to fall upon

perception that we finally wake up? It seemsa contradiction, yet it

is not--it is exactly what happens, in Her Divine Plan and infinite

grace.One of the seven verses that describes the essence of Divine

Mother says,"jnaaninaamapi chetaamsi devii bhagavatii hi

saabalaadaakrshya mohaaya mahaamaayaa prayacchati.""She, this Supreme

Goddess, the Great Measurement of Consciousness, attracts the

perceiving capacity of all sensible beings with such force as to

thrust them in the ignorance of egotistic attachment."In this waking

up, to the situation, we might say, of imbalance (Too Much and Too

Little), comes the possibility of our salvation, our taking refuge

andsurrender to Her, rather than being ruled by

perception that there is never enough, or weighted by the taking in of

too much.She is all, and she is everything that we need at all times;

that is Wisdom, thatis my Mother, who takes care of everything, who

we come to know as we begin to wake up to ourselves and let her cut

away the obstacles to theDivine.Jai Maa Kali!!--- In

, "Sarada" <sarada_saraswati> wrote:>

Kali Puja is coming soon. Who is Kali? What is Her origin? What are >

your experiences with Her? How do we worship her? This is a very >

extensive subject. Dig deep and let us know. Jai Maa!>

Om Krim Kalyai NamahTo from this group, send an email

to:Your use of

is subject to the


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Kali is Brahman, Sri Ramakrishna says. Brahman is the infinite

absolute transcendent and the entire relative creation together. Kali

is the form that Being takes for our limited minds to appreciate.

Shree Maa is Kali to me. She is the full embodiment of divinity in

human form. She is the Divine Mother.

Jai Shree Maa,







, "nitya_ma" <nitya_ma> wrote:

> Swamiji has said, that Kali is She who "activates Consciousness to

> perception, allow(ing) Consciousness to Perceive."


> She is "niilaashmadyutimaasya"--She who shines like a blue gem, that

> Infinity, clothed in space, that swallows up all that is dark,

thereby allowing

> Wisdom to shine. She IS Wisdom, and in that Infinite Wisdom that

is our

> Mother, our most ancient and beautiful Mother, she cuts off our


> for with any ego or darkness remaining, we cannot come to Pure

Wisdom, we

> cannot return to the Source that is She.


> In the first chapter, and first episode (same) of Chandi Pathah,


> praises Mahaakaali, so that she would bring Vishnu to Consciousness

to slay

> Too Much and Too LIttle (Madhu and Kaitabha), who were terrorizing

> creation, putting all out of balance (that is, our consciousness,

bound by that

> imbalance). She, as the Ruler of the Universe, also known as

Divine Union,

> the one eternal and unborn, from which all manifest things come,

can also be

> known as the Energy of Consciousness--our Mother.


> Brahma praises Her, in order to awaken Her (that Energy of


> he praises her as the Consciousness of all Sound, as the essence of


> as AUM; he calls her the Bearer of LIght as well as the Time of

Prayer, and

> also praises Her as that which creates, protects and destroys.


> She is Mahaavidya (Great Knowledge), and also Mahaamaayaa (the


> Measurement), and She is Nature--Prakrti, and the Great Source of


> He describes this Energy of Consciousness, this Wisdom, in so many


> bringing his devotion and comprehension, ending by naming her

> Parameshvari (Supreme Consciousness), and describes Her further--


> energy of everything in all.


> He requests Her to cause the ignorance of egotism to fall on Too

Much and

> Too Little (thereby rendering them vulnerable to Vishnu, who later


> them).


> How strange, isn't it, to see that it is through that ignorance of

egotism which

> She causes to fall upon perception that we finally wake up? It


> a contradiction, yet it is not--it is exactly what happens, in Her

Divine Plan and

> infinite grace.


> One of the seven verses that describes the essence of Divine Mother



> "jnaaninaamapi chetaamsi devii bhagavatii hi saa

> balaadaakrshya mohaaya mahaamaayaa prayacchati."


> "She, this Supreme Goddess, the Great Measurement of Consciousness,

> attracts the perceiving capacity of all sensible beings with such

force as to

> thrust them in the ignorance of egotistic attachment."


> In this waking up, to the situation, we might say, of imbalance

(Too Much and

> Too Little), comes the possibility of our salvation, our taking

refuge and

> surrender to Her, rather than being ruled by perception that there

is never

> enough, or weighted by the taking in of too much.


> She is all, and she is everything that we need at all times; that

is Wisdom, that

> is my Mother, who takes care of everything, who we come to know as


> begin to wake up to ourselves and let her cut away the obstacles to


> Divine.


> Jai Maa Kali!!


, "Sarada"


> wrote:

> > Kali Puja is coming soon. Who is Kali? What is Her origin? What


> > your experiences with Her? How do we worship her? This is a very

> > extensive subject. Dig deep and let us know. Jai Maa!

> > Om Krim Kalyai Namah

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HI Kelly, I appreciated your reply.

It only seems like a contradiction because we may not understand Pure Love,

which is how I experience Kali Ma.

In Pure Love, our Mother has only one purpose, she was created, she exists

only for one purpose--to bring us into union with Her, because of her love for

us. It is not possible to come into this union when we are under the spell or

control of the ego, when we live as if ego--our separate, small selves with

their own concerns--is the center.

Since She is Nature, and we are born of Nature, we are born into that

ignorance of ego, as the Chandi teaches; and since She is born of the pure

desire of divine beings to be rid of ego, (so that Truth be placed at the center

of our lives), she exposes our egoic nature so that it can be "cut off." As we

come to love Her, we come more and more to offer this willingly, and with joy.

Kali Maa ki jai!






, Kelly Leeper <blissnout> wrote:

> Nitya Ma,


> You said it perfectly. This statement is an esoteric clue and I think is good


contemplate on that contradiction. Contradictions are good because it causes

the mind to tire and eventually give up.


> 'How strange, isn't it, to see that it is through that ignorance of egotism


She causes to fall upon perception that we finally wake up? It seems a

contradiction, yet it is not--it is exactly what happens, in Her Divine Plan and

infinite grace.'


> I have not met many who have not been rebirthed, who see's this as Her will

and a away to wake up. Moving thru the ignorance to wake up doesn't mean

to run from ignorance.

> Good insight and description.


> Jai Maa.

> Kelly

> nitya_ma <nitya_ma> wrote:

> Swamiji has said, that Kali is She who "activates Consciousness to

> perception, allow(ing) Consciousness to Perceive."


> She is "niilaashmadyutimaasya"--She who shines like a blue gem, that

> Infinity, clothed in space, that swallows up all that is dark, thereby


> Wisdom to shine. She IS Wisdom, and in that Infinite Wisdom that is our

> Mother, our most ancient and beautiful Mother, she cuts off our egos;

> for with any ego or darkness remaining, we cannot come to Pure Wisdom,


> cannot return to the Source that is She.


> In the first chapter, and first episode (same) of Chandi Pathah, Brahma

> praises Mahaakaali, so that she would bring Vishnu to Consciousness to


> Too Much and Too LIttle (Madhu and Kaitabha), who were terrorizing

> creation, putting all out of balance (that is, our consciousness, bound by


> imbalance). She, as the Ruler of the Universe, also known as Divine Union,

> the one eternal and unborn, from which all manifest things come, can also


> known as the Energy of Consciousness--our Mother.


> Brahma praises Her, in order to awaken Her (that Energy of


> he praises her as the Consciousness of all Sound, as the essence of sound,

> as AUM; he calls her the Bearer of LIght as well as the Time of Prayer, and

> also praises Her as that which creates, protects and destroys.


> She is Mahaavidya (Great Knowledge), and also Mahaamaayaa (the Great

> Measurement), and She is Nature--Prakrti, and the Great Source of


> He describes this Energy of Consciousness, this Wisdom, in so many ways,

> bringing his devotion and comprehension, ending by naming her

> Parameshvari (Supreme Consciousness), and describes Her further--the

> energy of everything in all.


> He requests Her to cause the ignorance of egotism to fall on Too Much and

> Too Little (thereby rendering them vulnerable to Vishnu, who later destroys

> them).


> How strange, isn't it, to see that it is through that ignorance of egotism


> She causes to fall upon perception that we finally wake up? It seems

> a contradiction, yet it is not--it is exactly what happens, in Her Divine Plan


> infinite grace.


> One of the seven verses that describes the essence of Divine Mother says,


> "jnaaninaamapi chetaamsi devii bhagavatii hi saa

> balaadaakrshya mohaaya mahaamaayaa prayacchati."


> "She, this Supreme Goddess, the Great Measurement of Consciousness,

> attracts the perceiving capacity of all sensible beings with such force as to

> thrust them in the ignorance of egotistic attachment."


> In this waking up, to the situation, we might say, of imbalance (Too Much


> Too Little), comes the possibility of our salvation, our taking refuge and

> surrender to Her, rather than being ruled by perception that there is never

> enough, or weighted by the taking in of too much.


> She is all, and she is everything that we need at all times; that is Wisdom,


> is my Mother, who takes care of everything, who we come to know as we

> begin to wake up to ourselves and let her cut away the obstacles to the

> Divine.


> Jai Maa Kali!!


, "Sarada" <sarada_saraswati>

> wrote:

> > Kali Puja is coming soon. Who is Kali? What is Her origin? What are

> > your experiences with Her? How do we worship her? This is a very

> > extensive subject. Dig deep and let us know. Jai Maa!

> > Om Krim Kalyai Namah




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Jai Ma!!


thank you for the lovely description from Yoga Vasishta AND for that

blast from my D&D past! these have really made my day--


I know a lot of devotees get very impatient with the kind of

stereotyped "Kali" portrayed in Dungeons and Dragons, _Help!_,

_Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom_, etc., etc., ad nauseam...but

one could also view these somewhat debased portrayals as Kali-Ma's

reminders to us that She is everywhere and we are never separate from

Her...I also found myself having these thoughts while watching _Kill

Bill_...starring UMA Thurman, who among other things re-enacts the

Chandi in a Japanese night club. (there's much unintentional (??)

Shakta symbolism in this film, as in the _Matrix_ films...or am I

just Kali-crazed?)


The thought of answering Sarada's question, "Who is Kali?", makes me

tremble...I cannot begin to wax as eloquent as some of you already

have, but two things keep coming to mind:


first of all, She is infinite Love! Shree Maa truly embodies this.


second, there's a wonderful description of God in the _Bhagavad Gita_

(ch. 7)--Lord Krishna says that all the universes are strung upon God

like the pearls on a necklace. infinity-drops of time and space are

just pearls on Kali's necklace...so imagine how much more there must

be than mere infinity...


Thank you, Shree Maa and Swamiji, for the scriptures and teachings

you have made available to us...to help us know Her.


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I was wondering what to post about Kali - remover of Darkness etc etc.


Personally , I am fearful about the fierce aspect of the Mother and

thus never bothered to try to find out too much about Her. So I cool

my heels wondering what to write about Her. Then I see this on the

web and it feels so right. I wanted to share it with you.



"My child, you need not know much in order to please Me.

Only Love Me dearly.

Speak to me, as you would talk to your mother,

if she had taken you in her arms."


I will speak to you Kali Maa .

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> MMMMmmmm. This is beautiful. thank you for sharing that.

I spoke to Kali Maa last nite before my puja, and asked her to bring

me some clarity regarding an issue that kept bringing me to tears,

but I had no understanding as to why. Within a few minutes she

smacked me over the head with the answer, Which then brought not

just tears but outright sobbing. She took me in her arms and rocked

me as I cried, as I begged her to make it stop. She told me to keep

right on, keep right on with it. Yes, the fierce aspect, unsettling,

scary, unrelenting. Keep it coming Maa! It is a precious gift

beyond words.

I was wondering what to post about Kali - remover of Darkness etc

etc.Personally , I am fearful about the fierce aspect of the Mother

and thus never bothered to try to find out too much about Her. So I

cool my heels wondering what to write about Her. Then I see this on

the web and it feels so right. I wanted to share it with you."My

child, you need not know much in order to please Me. Only Love Me

dearly. Speak to me, as you would talk to your mother,if she had

taken you in her arms." I will speak to you Kali Maa .

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Dearest Kali Ma

I await thy return.

Cut my head from my body

and drink deep of my essence.

Reduce me to ashes.

Dearest Kali Ma

I await thy return.




, "Sarada" <sarada_saraswati>


> Kali Puja is coming soon. Who is Kali? What is Her origin? What are

> your experiences with Her? How do we worship her? This is a very

> extensive subject. Dig deep and let us know. Jai Maa!

> Om Krim Kalyai Namah

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