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"Love in Kabbalah".


According to Torah, man and woman were one being at first, one Adam

(Genesis 2.21), then only Adam was divided into two halves, man and

woman. That too feminine part is his essence, "essence of my essence"

as man told to G-d (2.23). Gematria of name Adam is 45, equal to full

gematria of the Holy Name YHVH. Thus Adam – whole one – is a true

image of G-d. YHVH represents Union (letter Yud) of female (two

letters Heh) and male (letter Vav) aspects of Divine. So human being

is a complete image of G-d only when man n woman are again united.

The Gospel of Philipp states: "…the division was the beginning of

death. Therefore Christ came, to improve that division and restore

unity…" (77 verse).

Then, as prophet told, "Face of G-d and His Name will be One".


According to "Sepher ha-Zohar", the Upper Shekhinah (Holy Spirit) is

staying upon man only while he is joined with lower Shekhinah, that is

with a woman. Also every soul was divided in beginning into two, so

each of us has his corresponding half.

"For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union " (Liber AL

vel Legis, 1.29).


On cosmic level first Heh represents Parashakti, Vav stands for

Ishvara and last Heh for Mahamaya. Yud is Paramashiva, Who is Shakti

and Shiva united (sAmarasya or yAmala). On human level Heh is woman

(her divine n human nature) and Vav is man. Vav is Son of G-d, who

passes Light from upper Shekhinah to his beloved woman. This is the

reason for necessity of uniting with each other, for neither man can

go to G-d without woman, nor a woman can (however, women are little

more independent, due to feminine nature of Holy Spirit).


Two letters Heh is giving two 5, while 55 is gematria of kalah,

"bride" and square gematria of ahavah, "Love". About the divinity of

women there's a verse in gnostic apocripha: "…and souls of all

husbands, who dwell WITH me, and wives, who dwell IN me" ("Thunder,

the Perfect Mind")…


It is said that as thru woman the Fall occured, so thru woman

restoration n salvation will come. "For the Lord shall make something

new on earth – wife will save/encompass husband" (Jeremiah 31.22), and

then "again will be heard the voice happiness and joy, the voice of

bridegroom and voice of bride…" (Jeremiah 33.11), because "in their

union they will become dressed in Light" (Philipp 76). This smth new

on earth is connected with coming of New Aeon of Messiah's Glory

(Revelation 21.5). And the Law of this Aeon is Love: "Love is the law,

love under will" (Liber AL vel Legis, 1.57; greek gematrioth of words

agapae, love, and thelema, will, are equal - 93).


The thing to note is that it is possible only in this world, "if

someone hasn't got Light in this place, he will not be able to get it

in That place" (Philipp 122). That is why G-d says in Torah about man

and woman, "the two will become one" (Genesis 2.24). This commandment

never mean ordinary legal marriage, `coz "the image of marriage is

existing in spoiled form" (Philipp 60), and also "only Love can marry

Love, and not man with woman in front of liars and caesars" (Gospel of

Mary Magdalene). So, only "Love saves" (Kularnava-tantra), never any

artificial human invented institutes. When the union is in Love, then

it is true that "the foundation of the world is human and foundation

of human is marriage" (Philipp 60). On this reason marriage in hebrew

is called kidushin, which is derived from "holiness".


For this reason, "This is My command: love each other" (John 15.17),

"Love is covering/forgiving many sins" (Philipp 106), "Whoever does

not love does not know G-d, because G-d is Love" (1 John 4.8) and "G-d

is Love. Whoever lives in Love lives in G-d, and G-d in him" (4.16).


Exactly same teaching is revealed in hindu Kaula-tantras, such as

Kularnava, Yoni, Jnanarnava and other…



"Love is the Law, Love under Will"



with love,

Ur brother, Bar-Nachash

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Thanks again! The Zohar is one of the most beautiful and amazing

works. Spher Yetzirah and the others you mention. All of my works

from this time in my life are at home at my mothers. Gematria is

truely a key to understand that tradition, however, I never liked

math that much.


I remember the veils of certain wordings in this path can obscure the

literal minded. Would you please provide to the forum the esoteric

meaning of Lust. I think that word for the most part is seen as

downward moving energy into bondage, but from the tradition you write

from, is the divine desire for Union. Can you elaborate for the forum

as it seems you are connected with the works of this tradition more so

than I at this time in my life?


My teacher always taught that the marriage is the uniting of

ida/pingala and the upward ascent of kundalini (Higher Shekina) that

happens in Union. I was glad to hear your wording of explaining what

the marriage really is.


Jai Ma!


aka Soror Qoph, Tav, Yod, Resh, Yod, Kaph, Aleph :)Arjuna Taradasa

<saidevi55 > wrote:

93"Love in Kabbalah".According to Torah, man and woman were one being

at first, one Adam (Genesis 2.21), then only Adam was divided into

two halves, man and woman. That too feminine part is his essence,

"essence of my essence" as man told to G-d (2.23). Gematria of name

Adam is 45, equal to full gematria of the Holy Name YHVH. Thus Adam –

whole one – is a true image of G-d. YHVH represents Union (letter Yud)

of female (two letters Heh) and male (letter Vav) aspects of Divine.

So human being is a complete image of G-d only when man n woman are

again united.The Gospel of Philipp states: "…the division was the

beginning of death. Therefore Christ came, to improve that division

and restore unity…" (77 verse).Then, as prophet told, "Face of G-d

and His Name will be One".According to "Sepher ha-Zohar", the Upper


(Holy Spirit) is staying upon man only while he is joined with lower

Shekhinah, that is with a woman. Also every soul was divided in

beginning into two, so each of us has his corresponding half."For I

am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union " (Liber AL vel

Legis, 1.29).On cosmic level first Heh represents Parashakti, Vav

stands for Ishvara and last Heh for Mahamaya. Yud is Paramashiva, Who

is Shakti and Shiva united (sAmarasya or yAmala). On human level Heh

is woman (her divine n human nature) and Vav is man. Vav is Son of

G-d, who passes Light from upper Shekhinah to his beloved woman. This

is the reason for necessity of uniting with each other, for neither

man can go to G-d without woman, nor a woman can (however, women are

little more independent, due to feminine nature of Holy Spirit).Two

letters Heh is giving two 5, while 55 is gematria of kalah, "bride"

and square gematria of ahavah, "Love". About

the divinity of women there's a verse in gnostic apocripha: "…and

souls of all husbands, who dwell WITH me, and wives, who dwell IN me"

("Thunder, the Perfect Mind")…It is said that as thru woman the Fall

occured, so thru woman restoration n salvation will come. "For the

Lord shall make something new on earth – wife will save/encompass

husband" (Jeremiah 31.22), and then "again will be heard the voice

happiness and joy, the voice of bridegroom and voice of bride…"

(Jeremiah 33.11), because "in their union they will become dressed in

Light" (Philipp 76). This smth new on earth is connected with coming

of New Aeon of Messiah's Glory (Revelation 21.5). And the Law of this

Aeon is Love: "Love is the law, love under will" (Liber AL vel Legis,

1.57; greek gematrioth of words agapae, love, and thelema, will, are

equal - 93).The thing to note is that it is possible only in this

world, "if someone hasn't got Light in this

place, he will not be able to get it in That place" (Philipp 122).

That is why G-d says in Torah about man and woman, "the two will

become one" (Genesis 2.24). This commandment never mean ordinary

legal marriage, `coz "the image of marriage is existing in spoiled

form" (Philipp 60), and also "only Love can marry Love, and not man

with woman in front of liars and caesars" (Gospel of Mary Magdalene).

So, only "Love saves" (Kularnava-tantra), never any artificial human

invented institutes. When the union is in Love, then it is true that

"the foundation of the world is human and foundation of human is

marriage" (Philipp 60). On this reason marriage in hebrew is called

kidushin, which is derived from "holiness".For this reason, "This is

My command: love each other" (John 15.17), "Love is

covering/forgiving many sins" (Philipp 106), "Whoever does not love

does not know G-d, because G-d is Love" (1 John 4.8) and "G-d is


Whoever lives in Love lives in G-d, and G-d in him" (4.16).Exactly

same teaching is revealed in hindu Kaula-tantras, such as Kularnava,

Yoni, Jnanarnava and other…"Love is the Law, Love under

Will"93/93with love,Ur brother, Bar-NachashTo from this

group, send an email to:Your

use of is subject to the


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Pls send this out out along with the one below. My comment about the

literal minded was a poor choice of words. Each tradition has it's

choice of words for a specific type of devotee. When RK used the

word Lust it's always as a degraded desire to a material object. I

think most who study the Eastern path wouldn't know what Lust is to

the tradition Arjuna is speaking of. I didn't mean to call anyone

here literal minded:) We all have literal minds to some degree so

the definition of certain words reveal the esoteric meaning. I do

want to apologize if anyone thought I was insinuating people on the

forum are literal minded:) That wasn't my intent at all..


Jai Ma,

KellyKelly Leeper <blissnout > wrote:



Thanks again! The Zohar is one of the most beautiful and amazing

works. Spher Yetzirah and the others you mention. All of my works

from this time in my life are at home at my mothers. Gematria is

truely a key to understand that tradition, however, I never liked

math that much.


I remember the veils of certain wordings in this path can obscure the

literal minded. Would you please provide to the forum the esoteric

meaning of Lust. I think that word for the most part is seen as

downward moving energy into bondage, but from the tradition you write

from, is the divine desire for Union. Can you elaborate for the forum

as it seems you are connected with the works of this tradition more so

than I at this time in my life?


My teacher always taught that the marriage is the uniting of

ida/pingala and the upward ascent of kundalini (Higher Shekina) that

happens in Union. I was glad to hear your wording of explaining what

the marriage really is.


Jai Ma!


aka Soror Qoph, Tav, Yod, Resh, Yod, Kaph, Aleph :)Arjuna Taradasa

<saidevi55 > wrote:

93"Love in Kabbalah".According to Torah, man and woman were one being

at first, one Adam (Genesis 2.21), then only Adam was divided into

two halves, man and woman. That too feminine part is his essence,

"essence of my essence" as man told to G-d (2.23). Gematria of name

Adam is 45, equal to full gematria of the Holy Name YHVH. Thus Adam –

whole one – is a true image of G-d. YHVH represents Union (letter Yud)

of female (two letters Heh) and male (letter Vav) aspects of Divine.

So human being is a complete image of G-d only when man n woman are

again united.The Gospel of Philipp states: "…the division was the

beginning of death. Therefore Christ came, to improve that division

and restore unity…" (77 verse).Then, as prophet told, "Face of G-d

and His Name will be One".According to "Sepher ha-Zohar", the Upper


(Holy Spirit) is staying upon man only while he is joined with lower

Shekhinah, that is with a woman. Also every soul was divided in

beginning into two, so each of us has his corresponding half."For I

am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union " (Liber AL vel

Legis, 1.29).On cosmic level first Heh represents Parashakti, Vav

stands for Ishvara and last Heh for Mahamaya. Yud is Paramashiva, Who

is Shakti and Shiva united (sAmarasya or yAmala). On human level Heh

is woman (her divine n human nature) and Vav is man. Vav is Son of

G-d, who passes Light from upper Shekhinah to his beloved woman. This

is the reason for necessity of uniting with each other, for neither

man can go to G-d without woman, nor a woman can (however, women are

little more independent, due to feminine nature of Holy Spirit).Two

letters Heh is giving two 5, while 55 is gematria of kalah, "bride"

and square gematria of ahavah, "Love". About

the divinity of women there's a verse in gnostic apocripha: "…and

souls of all husbands, who dwell WITH me, and wives, who dwell IN me"

("Thunder, the Perfect Mind")…It is said that as thru woman the Fall

occured, so thru woman restoration n salvation will come. "For the

Lord shall make something new on earth – wife will save/encompass

husband" (Jeremiah 31.22), and then "again will be heard the voice

happiness and joy, the voice of bridegroom and voice of bride…"

(Jeremiah 33.11), because "in their union they will become dressed in

Light" (Philipp 76). This smth new on earth is connected with coming

of New Aeon of Messiah's Glory (Revelation 21.5). And the Law of this

Aeon is Love: "Love is the law, love under will" (Liber AL vel Legis,

1.57; greek gematrioth of words agapae, love, and thelema, will, are

equal - 93).The thing to note is that it is possible only in this

world, "if someone hasn't got Light in this

place, he will not be able to get it in That place" (Philipp 122).

That is why G-d says in Torah about man and woman, "the two will

become one" (Genesis 2.24). This commandment never mean ordinary

legal marriage, `coz "the image of marriage is existing in spoiled

form" (Philipp 60), and also "only Love can marry Love, and not man

with woman in front of liars and caesars" (Gospel of Mary Magdalene).

So, only "Love saves" (Kularnava-tantra), never any artificial human

invented institutes. When the union is in Love, then it is true that

"the foundation of the world is human and foundation of human is

marriage" (Philipp 60). On this reason marriage in hebrew is called

kidushin, which is derived from "holiness".For this reason, "This is

My command: love each other" (John 15.17), "Love is

covering/forgiving many sins" (Philipp 106), "Whoever does not love

does not know G-d, because G-d is Love" (1 John 4.8) and "G-d is


Whoever lives in Love lives in G-d, and G-d in him" (4.16).Exactly

same teaching is revealed in hindu Kaula-tantras, such as Kularnava,

Yoni, Jnanarnava and other…"Love is the Law, Love under

Will"93/93with love,Ur brother, Bar-NachashTo from this

group, send an email to:Your

use of is subject to the

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