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what is Lust etc - to Kelly n others

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93 saprema namaskaar

> Thanks again! The Zohar is one of the most beautiful and amazing

works. Spher Yetzirah and the others you mention. All of my works

from this time in my life are at home at my mothers. Gematria is

truely a key to understand that tradition, however, I never liked math

that much.



for better understanding Kabbalah apart from classics and works of 666

and fr Achad i can mention sabbatian sources - www.donmeh-west.com -

and writings of Isaac Lurie, r Sheur Zalman [see Likutei Amarim] and

our contemporary r Michael Laitman

concerning gematrias see Liber 777


> I remember the veils of certain wordings in this path can obscure

the literal minded.


it should be like this. for those who cannot see above letter, meaning

is never revealed

one more point, generally we r supposed to join several meanings of

the word of scripture at the same time... think on this


>Would you please provide to the forum the esoteric meaning of Lust.

I think that word for the most part is seen as downward moving energy

into bondage, but from the tradition you write from, is the divine

desire for Union. Can you elaborate for the forum as it seems you are

connected with the works of this tradition more so than I at this time

in my life?


lust is used in this context in the same sense as in names of Devi,

such as kAmakalA-kAlI, kAmAkhyA etc. same power of desire to unite is

present in us but in a veiled form. as it was said, /above is same as

down/, shakti is same. sexual passion and total love [notice, not just

spiritual, but total, whole] are one and same but on different levels.

however when we see only a husk and deny the Light, we act as pashu.

in common language such thing is generally called lust. Tantras use

same word, but meaning is different. again, sexual passion is present

in love and should be, but as a part of whole. usage of the term kaama

in Agamas is in the sense /passion, love, shringaara-rasa/. proper

attitude to sexuality and spiritual motivation in it will transform

worldly kaama to divine kaama...


bengali saint, Sri Narottama Dasa [sri Rupa Manjari] sang -


kaama upaasana kaama se saadhana,

kaama keli savtantra.

kaamer maadhurii shrii ruupamanjarii,

kaama hari-naama mantra.



> My teacher always taught that the marriage is the uniting of

ida/pingala and the upward ascent of kundalini (Higher Shekina) that

happens in Union. I was glad to hear your wording of explaining what

the marriage really is.


higher Shekhinah is already up LOL, She is descending upon us, that is

Shakti-nipaata. this upper Shekhinah is staying with a man only when

he is joined with lower Shekhinah, that is with woman...

ida n pingala are not sm nerves LOL, don't see yogic terms as literal,

they point on consciousness. these r any dualities... Yoga is uniting,

that is why sexual union is true yoga [if it is in love]. but we

should see that sexual means not only physical, but much more...



> Jai Ma!

> Kelly

> aka Soror Qoph, Tav, Yod, Resh, Yod, Kaph, Aleph :)


with love,


fr Bar-Nachash

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