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Happy Diwali!

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Today we celebrated Diwali, the festival of light as well as a New

Year. How appropriate to welcome in the New Year of light after

Kali has taken away the darkness.

Diwali i s also the day that Lord Rama returns to Ayodhya after

having lived in the forest for 12 years.

Rama is the manifestation of the perfect consciousness in

human form. In Sanskrit R means the subtle body, A means

universal consciousness and M means the culmination or

perfection. Rama is the manifestation of the perfection of the

subtle body of consciousness. On a subtle level we are

celebrating Diwali because the perfection of the subtle body of

consciousness returns to Ayodhya. Yud means war and A

means without. Ayodhya is the place without war.

Can you imagine a place without war? It would be a place of

total peace. Sat Chit Ananda. Truth, consciousness and bliss.

May we celebrate Diwali everday!

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Thank you, Parvati, for the beautiful explanation.


"parvati_saraswati" <parvati_saraswati >

Sun, 26 Oct 2003 06:46:58 -0000

Happy Diwali!

Today we celebrated Diwali, the festival of light as well as a New

Year. How appropriate to welcome in the New Year of light after

Kali has taken away the darkness.

Diwali i s also the day that Lord Rama returns to Ayodhya after

having lived in the forest for 12 years.

Rama is the manifestation of the perfect consciousness in

human form. In Sanskrit R means the subtle body, A means

universal consciousness and M means the culmination or

perfection. Rama is the manifestation of the perfection of the

subtle body of consciousness. On a subtle level we are

celebrating Diwali because the perfection of the subtle body of

consciousness returns to Ayodhya. Yud means war and A

means without. Ayodhya is the place without war.

Can you imagine a place without war? It would be a place of

total peace. Sat Chit Ananda. Truth, consciousness and bliss.

May we celebrate Diwali everday!



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  • 1 year later...

Jai Maa!


Happy Diwali from Chennai (formerly known as Madras)! I normally live in

Philadelphia, but I have just arrived in Chennai, because I'll be doing a 2-wk

meditation retreat in Andhra Pradesh.


This morning, in between shower bursts, I could see people on thier rooftops

from my hotel window...they were setting off small fireworks, sparklers, and

firecrackers in honor of Diwali. The first time I experienced Diwali in

Bangalore, it sounded like the city was under attack, because of rat-tat-tat

going off all over the city. I would go to the rooftop of my apartment, and see

small rocket fireworks shooting up all across the city through the palm trees.

Pretty fun! Although walking through the streets became a bit more hazardous

than usual, because kids would set off their bottle rockets in the streets, and

I had to be careful not to walk on them just as they went off! Good lessons in

mindfulness, that's for sure!


Well, I just wanted to send a little note from India. There have been so many

great discussion threads, but I've been so crazy from getting ready for my trip

that I just couldn't join in.


May all be blessed abundantly with the grace of Divine Mother Lakshmi Devi. She

wants ALL Her children to be happy, healthy, and capable of performing whatever

sadhana they want to do. She will give whatever external wealth is needed for a

pure, dharmic life, and She will give all the inner riches, like love,

devotion, spiritual wisdom, and contentment. Contentment is so much more

important than physical possessions for true wealth. That is what Lakshmi gives

when we pray to Her and worship Her.


Jai Maa!







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I'm soo jealous. Have a wonderful time, and be blessed! Happy Diwali.





, Eleathea Barraclough

<eleathea> wrote:


> Jai Maa!


> Happy Diwali from Chennai (formerly known as Madras)! I normally live in

> Philadelphia, but I have just arrived in Chennai, because I'll be

doing a 2-wk

> meditation retreat in Andhra Pradesh.


> This morning, in between shower bursts, I could see people on thier


> from my hotel window...they were setting off small fireworks,

sparklers, and

> firecrackers in honor of Diwali. The first time I experienced Diwali in

> Bangalore, it sounded like the city was under attack, because of


> going off all over the city. I would go to the rooftop of my

apartment, and see

> small rocket fireworks shooting up all across the city through the

palm trees.

> Pretty fun! Although walking through the streets became a bit more


> than usual, because kids would set off their bottle rockets in the

streets, and

> I had to be careful not to walk on them just as they went off! Good

lessons in

> mindfulness, that's for sure!


> Well, I just wanted to send a little note from India. There have

been so many

> great discussion threads, but I've been so crazy from getting ready

for my trip

> that I just couldn't join in.


> May all be blessed abundantly with the grace of Divine Mother

Lakshmi Devi. She

> wants ALL Her children to be happy, healthy, and capable of

performing whatever

> sadhana they want to do. She will give whatever external wealth is

needed for a

> pure, dharmic life, and She will give all the inner riches, like love,

> devotion, spiritual wisdom, and contentment. Contentment is so much more

> important than physical possessions for true wealth. That is what

Lakshmi gives

> when we pray to Her and worship Her.


> Jai Maa!

> Ekta






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