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Fwd: Response to Kelly's Msg on Guru/Disciple Analogy

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Mon, 27 Oct 2003 11:29:42 -0800 (PST)

Kelly Leeper blissnout

Re: Response to Kelly's Msg on Guru/Disciple Analogy

kamalama_2002 kamalama_2002



Thank you for the response. I borrowed the Guru Gita from a swami at our

temple, but never chanted it. I seem to have weird ways of relating to the Guru.

Some may shake their heads or think I am disrepsectful, but my intent toward

Guru is to be real. I like the idea of Guru being a partner in

action. I don't like the idea

of following someone where my discernment has to cease in order to prove

by devotion. I've never been a good Master/Slave devotee. It doesn't seem

to be the way I thrive or learn well although when my Guru lets me

wash his clothes and iron them, wash his dishes, I recieve the

greatest enjoyment.


Being a rebirther puts a whole different spin on Guru for me. In the

philosophy part of the movement, The Parental Disapproval comes up to

be healed. Parental Disapproval is when we are children and the

parent forces obediance or provides punishment or reward for the

childs obediance. It's like training a dog. This means that in

relating to the Guru, more often than not I will see him as a father

figure when I am projecting on him or seeing him thru the lense of

'family'. If my relation to Father was where my love was demanded at

all costs, when Guru demands obediance and love, it will feel

dysfunctional just like my father. It can become a power struggle if

the father issue is not healed for both the Guru and disciple.


So, if my Guru decides to reward me for doing something 'good' or

punishes me for doing something 'bad' it's not going to work. It's

too much like training a dog to fetch a bone or not pee in the

flowers. I don't want Guru to be Father or Master. I want Guru to be

friend, a partner in action. If I see Guru like this, then the

relationship stays more pure because less is projected onto the Guru.

This is my case only. I cannot speak for others.


With my Guru, I had to tell him, God is not a Father to me and God is

not a Master. God is my friend and so is Guru. Im a firm beleiver

that different devotee's will learn differently and so the Guru in

his service to humanity should understand this and teach accordingly.

It's like the student who does better hearing lectures vs, the

student who does better reading the book. I do better when Guru is

partner, friend. If I had a Guru where he demanded my obdediance at

all costs, it would not work. It would turn abusive since demanding

obediance from another in order to get love is the ultimate in

dysfunction and codependance. That is too harsh for my nervous

system. My first Guru was not in a body and so I learned the sadhana

of seeing God in everything even the places where the flies go, so

I've trained my mind to see God everywhere so that I can learn from

everything. This is my karma so far and Guru has

been very close to me since there isn't much where Guru is not.


What part of the Guru Gita do you like? I think buying the version

Swamiji and Shree Maa put out would be a good one. So far I like

their statements about Guru from what I have read.


Hope this wasn't too much. Jai Ma!

Kellykamalama_2002 <kamalama_2002 > wrote:

Kelly,I really enjoyed reading your analogy and perceptions about how

the guru and disciple relationship works. The concept of the two

operating an old crank car is really fun. And for a more

instructional viewabout how the guru/disciple relationship can work,

have you ever reador chanted the Guru Gita? It is full of inspiration

and advice about how to have the truest relationship/connection with a

Guru. Devi Mandir Publications has translated and published this

scripture in a book entitled, "The Guru and the Goddess", which you

might enjoy.Thanks again for your inspiration. kamala


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