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The Blue Dot/Blue Light

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It's a coincidence you write on this. Just last night I was getting

into bed and as I was putting my covers over me to lie on my back in

the pitch dark, I saw a blue light coming from the back of my

occipital area. I didn't see it there, I saw the light from that

area shine on my bedspread and mosquito net around my bed and it

seemed to permeate about 5 feet in all directions at the same time.

I didn't lie down at that time, I stayed in the same position because

I was very surprised to see blue luminous light all around me while

it was dark. The odd thing is that it wasn't a dot outside me. It

was coming from behind my eye's in my occipital area. This is where

I intuitively knew it was coming from, somewhere inside the head

area. It was lunimous blue light and also an energy of peace came

with it. Eventually it died down in about 5 minutes. Also, I was

meditating in the dark for about

1 hour when I found myself on my way to bed. So it wasn't eye's adjusting to the dark.

Sometimes I see light sparkles in front of me, like sparklers on the

4th. These appear physical just like the blue light did last night.

At times of intense sadhana Angels came and permeated the house I

lived in back in 92. They were huge and whitish blue and their feet

would be underneath the floor and their heads about 3 feet above the

ceiling. They appeared to be about 15 feet tall. The light last

night was more blue than white though. I thought, "This is the blue

light the mystics talk about...ahhh!" :)

So, please tell me more about the dot. Where was the blue dot?

Jai Maa!

Kellyastraea2003 <astraea2003 > wrote:

Namaste Latha,Thank you for not blasting me for bringing this topic

up.I looked in my Ganesh puja book and could not find the "Highest

Meaning" page. What page is it one? Thank you.Astraea--- In

, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda> wrote:>

Namaste Astraea,> > IMO, if your experience has helped you grow in

some way that is what > counts.> > If your sharing helps even one

person, even if that person is > yourself, that is what counts.> >

Thank you for your willingness to share.> > As you mention your

affection for Lord Ganesh, I hope you get a > chance to check out

"The highest meaning of Lord Ganesh" - the Ganesh > Atharvasirsham in

the Ganesh Puja book. I am sure you will love it.> > With

love,> Latha> > > > > ,

"astraea2003" <astraea2003> > wrote:> > Namaste Latha,> > I

don't know if I'll get blasted for this here or not.> > Despite the

fact that in Siddha Yoga we were encouraged to openly > > talk about

our "paranormal" experiences, I only talked privately > > about the

"blue dot" with one other SY devotee. This was about 9 or > > 10

years ago.> > > > As an example,while I was doing sewing seva at the

South Fallsburg, > > NY Siddha Yoga ashram, the topic of the Oakland

SY center came up. > > The Oakland SY Center was Swami Muktananda's

favorite SY > > center/ashram in the US. While I was visiting San

Francisco in > 1987, > > I stopped in to see the Bhagawan Nityananda

shrine. I took two > dozen > > gorgeous roses

and had the shrine all to myself when I got there. I > > did a dunda

pranam before the Murti and when I sat up, I was hit in > > the chest

with a bolt of energy in the middle of the chest (heart > > chakra). I

was overwhelmed by a feeling of bliss: it was delicious > > and I felt

that Bhagawan Nityananda had blessed me. (This was very > > similar to

my experience when I first met Gurumayi in NY, but even > > more

powerful. Then I felt the energy hit my heart area and radiate > >

outward, but it was not accompanied by bliss.) So I'm telling this >

> story to another SY devotee (from the Bay area) and she says to > >

me, "You need to tell this story so that other people know how > >

powerful the Oakland Bhagawan Nityananda's murti is."> > > > As a

footnote, I have felt a connection with & love for Lord Ganesh > >

for many

years (more than any other Hindu deity). I just recently > > found out

that Bhagawan Nityananda (died in 1961) was considered an > >

embodiment/incarnation of Lord Ganesh!!!> > > > Getting back to the

blue dot, Bhagawan Das mentioned the blue dot > in > > his book and

wrote that even Jerry Gracia (Grateful Dead) saw it > and > > it was

the source for his creativity & songwriting. > > > > The blue dot

appeared in front of me (while I was watching TV) > about > > two

years after I was initiated into Siddha Yoga. I've been seeing > >

the blue dot (in its various manifestations) for about sixteen >

years > > now. People don't like to talk about it. I don't have > >

any "attainments" that I know of! And I don't know what it really > >

means (if anything of spiritual significance). I do know that >

Western >

> occultists consider the etheric light to be blue. The Hindus >

consider > > the Akashic light to be blue.> > > > I don't see it as

often as I used to and it's changed in character > > over the years.

What reminded me of it (besides the Bhagawan Dass > > book) was that

I saw it again last week while I was washing dishes. > I > > don't

have any control over it.> > > > So are we allowed to talk about

this? What does it mean? If anyone > > else has experienced this,

please email me off-list. Thank you.> > > > Astraea> > > > --- In

, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda> > >

wrote:> > > Namaste Astraea,> > > > > > Whats the blue dot?> > > > >

> Love> > > Latha> > > > > > > >

> , "astraea2003" > >

<astraea2003> > > > wrote:> > > > Namaste Kamala,> > > > I was

looking at Bhagawan Dass' book, "It's Here Now, Are You?" > > > again

> > > > and came across the section where he talks about seeing the >

Blue > > > Dot. > > > > Are people at the Devi Mandir allowed to

openly discuss the > Blue > > > Dot?> > > > > > > > AstraeaTo

from this group, send an email

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Blue light phenomena - kinda like a blue light special at Kmart.

My sister worked for an opthamalogist so all these things we see can

be a reflection of certain 'floaters' as well. However when the 6th

chakra opens one will physically see what is in the astral. The

veils' rent and you see so vividly the astral as physical, there is

no difference at that point when it happens.

The problem with these things people 'see' is that imagination comes

into play and this is where devotee's can feel trampled on or others

can assume they are bragging or can be called names like having no

humilty or whatever. Good analytical material for self understanding

on both sides. The important thing is that when the 6th chakra is

opened you will see the astral as physical. It will superimpose on

the physical plane and that can freak people out. Now when we limit

sight to only the inner eye, that is only the beginning for

visualization to train the mind. It can lead one into a meglomaniac

area of thinking they are seeing God when they aren't. After serious

sadhana, the ajna is opened on it's own and one has astral sight that

appears physical.

The astral realm I liken to the milky way in the galaxy. Imagine you

were an astronaut on a space adventure. You 'initate' your journey

by getting the rocket 'sadhana' and blasting to whatever the goal is

in space, for each person this is different. Imagine you get to the

milky way and you say, "Oh pretty milky way, this must be the goal!

This is it, Oh God! Lets stay here were it's so pretty and milky

stary light." This is what happens to yogi's and aspirants who get

stuck in the astral. They think astral seeing is the goal and get

stuck. They get mezmerized by all the possibilites and forget to

continue on with the real goal of reaching their destination. There

is psychism and spirutal experience. They vary drastically. One has

to realize they are in the astral realm and then devise a way to get

out in order to have spiritual transforming experience. If you are

heated in devotion for God, astral will

happen automatically and at first it's like, "Oh shiney stary light"

but then you must learn what it teaches you as a sign post and

continue the sadhana for Realization, transmutation, forever in

bhaktiland - whatever the final goal and just know the astral is just

that - a sign post. The milky way lets you know your still in the

same galaxy and havn't transcended the universe as we know it yet.

Now if you have spiritual transforming experiences you will still

have astral vision most likely alot of the time if you are still

doing sadhana. There are many householders having spiritual

experiences and alot of Guru's teaching astral expereince. It's

neccessary to know the difference and to not place too much emphasis

on visions. Sight is the most deceptive of the senses.

I saw angels during my intense sadhana at 20-25. After I stopped the

sadhana the visions only happened in dreams until lately, where I

have blue light specials (joke), but then it's what it is, blue

light. It's like having a dream of God where you are talking with

God and having a cool dream of your Ishta. It's a sign post that

your mind is on God and that God is communicating with you in a way

you can understand. It doesn't mean anyone is closer to God than the

next. Just remember if you are looking for God in a blue dot, the

blue dot will be your ishta. Go for God and let God dress you with

blue pearls as ornaments to your realization. Blue dots are a sign


These are my idea's on astral visions, is all.

Jai Maa!

Kellyastraea2003 <astraea2003 > wrote:

Kelly,I take it you've been reading all the messages of this

thread?There's all kinds of blue light phenomena. The kind of light

phenomena we've been discussing here has nothing to do with the

physical eyes. I think I know what you're talking about when you

describe seeing lights & patterns with your eyes closed and seeing

"fireflies" after rubbing your eyes or being sick (migraines). I

suspect everyone experiences lights of that sort.As I posted before I

first saw the blue dot sixteen years ago while watching TV. It just

zipped into my field of vision. An amazingly beautiful brilliant

blue, scintillating with different hues of blue, like a small star,

smaller than a sesame seed. It would zip around like a crazy UFO,

stop still, zip around and then vanish as suddenly as it appeared.

Definitely being piloted but

not by me (or not my small me). It can show up & disappear at anytime.

With the eyes open, not closed.I've never seen an angel (that I know

of). Do you see them often?Astraea,

Kelly Leeper <blissnout> wrote:> Astraea,> > It's a coincidence

you write on this. Just last night I was getting into bed and as I

was putting my covers over me to lie on my back in the pitch dark, I

saw a blue light coming from the back of my occipital area. I didn't

see it there, I saw the light from that area shine on my bedspread and

mosquito net around my bed and it seemed to permeate about 5 feet in

all directions at the same time. I didn't lie down at that time, I

stayed in the same position because I was very surprised to see blue

luminous light all around me while it was dark. The odd thing is

that it wasn't a dot outside

me. It was coming from behind my eye's in my occipital area. This is

where I intuitively knew it was coming from, somewhere inside the head

area. It was lunimous blue light and also an energy of peace came

with it. Eventually it died down in about 5 minutes. Also, I was

meditating in the dark for about 1 hour when I found myself on my way

to bed. So it wasn't eye's adjusting to the dark.> > Sometimes I see

light sparkles in front of me, like sparklers on the 4th. These

appear physical just like the blue light did last night. At times of

intense sadhana Angels came and permeated the house I lived in back in

92. They were huge and whitish blue and their feet would be

underneath the floor and their heads about 3 feet above the ceiling.

They appeared to be about 15 feet tall. The light last night was more

blue than white though. I thought,

"This is the blue light the mystics talk about...ahhh!" :) > > So,

please tell me more about the dot. Where was the blue dot?> > Jai

Maa!> Kelly> > astraea2003 <astraea2003> wrote:> Namaste Latha,>

Thank you for not blasting me for bringing this topic up.> > I looked

in my Ganesh puja book and could not find the "Highest > Meaning"

page. What page is it one? Thank you.> > Astraea> > --- In

, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda> >

wrote:> > Namaste Astraea,> > > > IMO, if your experience has helped

you grow in some way that is > what > > counts.> > > > If your

sharing helps even one person, even if that person is > > yourself,

that is what counts.> > > > Thank you for your willingness to

share.> > > > As you mention your affection for Lord Ganesh, I hope

you get a > > chance to check out "The highest meaning of Lord

Ganesh" - the > Ganesh > > Atharvasirsham in the Ganesh Puja book. I

am sure you will love it.> > > > With love,> > Latha> > > > > > > > >

> , "astraea2003" >

<astraea2003> > > wrote:> > > Namaste Latha,> > > I don't know

if I'll get blasted for this here or not.> > > Despite the fact that

in Siddha Yoga we were encouraged to openly > > > talk about our

"paranormal" experiences, I only talked privately > > > about the

"blue dot" with one other SY devotee. This was about 9 > or > > > 10

years ago.> > > > > > As an example,while I was doing

sewing seva at the South > Fallsburg, > > > NY Siddha Yoga ashram, the

topic of the Oakland SY center came > up. > > > The Oakland SY Center

was Swami Muktananda's favorite SY > > > center/ashram in the US.

While I was visiting San Francisco in > > 1987, > > > I stopped in to

see the Bhagawan Nityananda shrine. I took two > > dozen > > >

gorgeous roses and had the shrine all to myself when I got there. > I

> > > did a dunda pranam before the Murti and when I sat up, I was hit

> in > > > the chest with a bolt of energy in the middle of the chest

(heart > > > chakra). I was overwhelmed by a feeling of bliss: it was

> delicious > > > and I felt that Bhagawan Nityananda had blessed me.

(This was > very > > > similar to my experience when I first met

Gurumayi in NY, but > even

> > > more powerful. Then I felt the energy hit my heart area and >

radiate > > > outward, but it was not accompanied by bliss.) So I'm

telling > this > > > story to another SY devotee (from the Bay area)

and she says to > > > me, "You need to tell this story so that other

people know how > > > powerful the Oakland Bhagawan Nityananda's

murti is."> > > > > > As a footnote, I have felt a connection with &

love for Lord > Ganesh > > > for many years (more than any other

Hindu deity). I just recently > > > found out that Bhagawan

Nityananda (died in 1961) was considered > an > > >

embodiment/incarnation of Lord Ganesh!!!> > > > > > Getting back to

the blue dot, Bhagawan Das mentioned the blue dot > > in > > > his

book and wrote that even Jerry Gracia (Grateful Dead)

saw it > > and > > > it was the source for his creativity &

songwriting. > > > > > > The blue dot appeared in front of me (while

I was watching TV) > > about > > > two years after I was initiated

into Siddha Yoga. I've been > seeing > > > the blue dot (in its

various manifestations) for about sixteen > > years > > > now. People

don't like to talk about it. I don't have > > > any "attainments" that

I know of! And I don't know what it really > > > means (if anything of

spiritual significance). I do know that > > Western > > > occultists

consider the etheric light to be blue. The Hindus > > consider > > >

the Akashic light to be blue.> > > > > > I don't see it as often as I

used to and it's changed in > character > > > over the years. What

reminded me of it (besides the Bhagawan Dass > > > book) was that I

saw it again last week while I was washing > dishes. > > I > > >

don't have any control over it.> > > > > > So are we allowed to talk

about this? What does it mean? If > anyone > > > else has experienced

this, please email me off-list. Thank you.> > > > > > Astraea> > > > >

> , "Latha Nanda" >

<lathananda> > > > wrote:> > > > Namaste Astraea,> > > > > > > >

Whats the blue dot?> > > > > > > > Love> > > > Latha> > > > > > > > >

> > > , "astraea2003" > > >

<astraea2003> > > > > wrote:> >

> > > Namaste Kamala,> > > > > I was looking at Bhagawan Dass' book,

"It's Here Now, Are > You?" > > > > again > > > > > and came across

the section where he talks about seeing the > > Blue > > > > Dot. > >

> > > Are people at the Devi Mandir allowed to openly discuss the > >

Blue > > > > Dot?> > > > > > > > > > Astraea> > > >

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