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Diary of a Sankalpa :- Nov 25-30

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Dear All,


Short Story :- Juggling between 2 Chandis in one day, to no Chandis

the next day. I am fighting my first demons "Too Much" and "Too

Little". And the only blue lights I see are on top of cops' cars.


Long Story :- My sob story.... settle yourselves down on a

comfortable sofa with a cup of cocoa and I will begin.


Nov 25th :-


This is the morning that I completed my chanting (due last night) at

3.45 am. I have the day off today and I really goof off - slump on

the sofa, eat out of bags, drink out of cans and merrily ignore my

sankalpa. I musta broken all the rules and then some. I go back to

the PC ,to check my email (sigh) and notice one of my Mandir buddies

is online. I got threats from this person who shall remain unnamed

that I needed to eat good food to please the Goddess inside me, else

he would let Maa know. "Will the Goddess inside me be satisfied with

Terra chips" I ask. "Not chips alone" sez he. So I get up and cook a

meal and eat and now I am all drowsy . This is one sleepy Goddess...



And that is how dear readers I didnt chant the Chandi in the



That is two Chandis that I need to make up for now !


Nov 26th :-


It is the day before thanksgiving. A holiday mood. But I am at work

until late this evening. Grrrrrrr...


I come back home , not able to go to the Mandir now. It is too late.

Traffic is a killer.


God you are putting too much burden on my slim shoulders ...


And that's why God, I dont feel like chanting the Chandi today for

you ....besides its almost thanksgiving ...



That's three Chandis that I need to make up for now !


Nov 27th :-


I am at the Mandir. Yesssssssssss! Most of the family are grouping at

the Evanses for the Thanksgiving dinner. Not me ! I sit like a good

kid in front of my altar at 2 pm. I sing and chant and talk to her. I

am so pepped up. I have done today's quota.


I sit in front of her once again at 8 pm. Some people look at me in

disbelief. Earlier in the day I had sprung an idea that we needed to

have a Chandi Marathon. Sorta like, one person finishes and the next

person begins and keep this going for a day. Figured we'd have about


8 Chandis done. People were enthusiastic but no banana. So I sat in

front of her all by myself for another round, when the Kindest

Moderator shows up. He gives me company - does his chanting in

another part of the temple and I complete mine.


So I have made up for one Chandi. Still have to make up for two.


Nov 28th :-


Get up real early . Do my Siva Puja and start my chandi. I leave a

note by Maa's altar asking her if I could make breakfast for her as I

have come "prepared". I start the Chandi and I know that it will be

atleast 9 AM before I am done and Maa eats at 9.30. No way I am gonna

finish cooking by then but I leave the note anyway.


And God helps you when you sing for him/her.


I chanted and finished at 9 AM. Maa had come in around 8 AM and she

herself had started the Chandi which means she will not be done until



So I have a full hour and half to prepare the food. What made you do

the Chandi today Maa? I would like to project that it was because

you didnt want to disappoint me. Whatever be the reason , thank you.


She asks me to do sambar for her (readers of my previous issue of the

diary will remember that is was a disaster and I didna wanna talk

about it) . Well, I am PROUD to say that this time around, the sambar

was FANTASTIC. Maa told how much she liked it - she even called me

a good cook. I felt so good that I felt ready to start my own TV

cooking show, syndicate it, make millions and retire to Hawaii.


In the evening we sit before Maa after Arati. She usually tests for

recitation from memory on Fridays.Today the test is on Homa from the

Hanuman Puja and Chandi Arati. Most people are prepared for the



After Maa leaves, I start my second round of Chandi and sail through



So I have to just make for ONE more Chandi and I have two more days

to do this. Life looks good. Goddess looks kind.


Earlier today, Maa was asking us about the time we did on Sadhana. I

told her that it took 2.5 hrs to do the Chandi. Then She said " Two

and a half hours out of 24 hours, to spend the time GIVING ENERGY TO

THE UNIVERSE. It is the least that we can do".


We have 24 hrs in a day .... how do we utilize this to the optimum ?

Always a big challenge. And yes, the very least I can do is to Give

Energy to the Universe for 3 hrs. I feel humbled.


For me it is just a prayer , for Maa it is giving energy .


Nov 29th :-


I get up at 6 to the sound of Arati. One of the disciples is singing

Chandi Arati from memory, confident after passing yesterday's test .

Obviously didnt totally memorise because he jumped from the Chandi

Arati to Siva Arati in a clean leap. Had to be reminded to jump back

to the Chandi.


In a state of tizzy I think, "If I go get a bath and start my siva

puja, the earliest that I can start the Chandi is at 7 am. Which

means again I am done with the Chandi only at 9.30-9.45. How do I

feed Maa ?".


All my belief that God will take care disappear....


I am undecided ..... I am always undecided ... I would like to think

that I like to weigh my options... but the fact is I am undecided.


A happy thought occurs to me ... why not compromise? I can always do

the Chandi later. Why not chant another text say the Rudri?


So I chant the Rudri and finish within 30 mins.


This same Rudri was taking me over an hour before, and I was getting

bogged down with 130 pages. Now after the 420 pages of Chandi, 130

pages is a piece of cake.


When you aim for the stars you DO atleast hit the treetop. Maybe I

should aim for 2 chandis and so I will do atleast one a day.... I

dont wanta go there.


Breakfast was terrible though.


I chant the Chandi after the Ramakrishna class. Peace. Still have to

make up for one Chandi.


Nov 30th :-


Again, get up at an awkward time. Too late to start the Chandi so do

the Rudri instead. I cook for Maa (more sambar - figure if less is

good , more is better) and she is happy.



I notice that my cooking is better on alternate days. Maybe thats how

I should do, skip a day between so that Maa ALWAYS gets to see my

good side.


I leave that afternoon to get back to my usual environs.


I come home and that couch is so tempting and before I know it I am

asleep . No Chandi today...


Sigh, now I have two Chandis to make up. I am still in red.


Interesting highlights :-

1) Prayer is giving energy to the Universe. The simplest and the most

efficient way ANYONE can help. You dont have to give money, nothing.

Just a piece of your time to God with as much sincerity as you can


2) Budgeting my time. In an ideal world, 8 hrs of prayer, 8 hrs of

work and 8 hrs of sleep. Is this even possible?

3) Swinging moods. When the inspiration is there the prayer comes,

and when the real prayer is there, inspiration also comes. Satyam




No, no blue lights yet ....


Open my heart Chandi Maa and make me devoted to you . All that I am

capable of , all that I can do , all that I am , give me that Love to

give it all for you.




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These are so much fun to read. Bless you and your journey. May you succeed and

may Chandi Maa be victorious.


Its fascinating how we make even the act of reading the Chandi into a Drama.


Life is a Drama within a Drama within the Chandi. Or is it the Chandi within a

Drama within a Drama?




My suggestion (and its extremely humble as I have done nothing even close to

what you are attempting) is to do the Chandi at the same time every day. Period.

If that's in the morning before work, before traveling to the temple, then so be

it. Or if its at high noon or six PM, then that's fine as well, but do it

exactly the same time every day. Soon it will be a habit. Do you feel that doing

the Chandi at the mandir is somehow better? Its not. Where you do it is

unimportant. Just do it.


And make yourself a rule: butt may not meet couch until the Chandi is done for

today. (eyes may not meet TV, etc).




Bless you over and over. Bless you a thousand and eight times. Bless you for a

thousand and eight days.


May you complete this sankalpa.


May you perform this work.


May the goddess win over your thoughts.


And may everything that gets in your way be sliced by Chandi's sword and arrows.







Latha Nanda <lathananda

Dec 2, 2003 4:32 PM

Diary of a Sankalpa :- Nov 25-30


Dear All,


Short Story :- Juggling between 2 Chandis in one day, to no Chandis

the next day. I am fighting my first demons "Too Much" and "Too

Little". And the only blue lights I see are on top of cops' cars.


Long Story :- My sob story.... settle yourselves down on a

comfortable sofa with a cup of cocoa and I will begin.


Nov 25th :-


This is the morning that I completed my chanting (due last night) at

3.45 am. I have the day off today and I really goof off - slump on

the sofa, eat out of bags, drink out of cans and merrily ignore my

sankalpa. I musta broken all the rules and then some. I go back to

the PC ,to check my email (sigh) and notice one of my Mandir buddies

is online. I got threats from this person who shall remain unnamed

that I needed to eat good food to please the Goddess inside me, else

he would let Maa know. "Will the Goddess inside me be satisfied with

Terra chips" I ask. "Not chips alone" sez he. So I get up and cook a

meal and eat and now I am all drowsy . This is one sleepy Goddess...



And that is how dear readers I didnt chant the Chandi in the



That is two Chandis that I need to make up for now !


Nov 26th :-


It is the day before thanksgiving. A holiday mood. But I am at work

until late this evening. Grrrrrrr...


I come back home , not able to go to the Mandir now. It is too late.

Traffic is a killer.


God you are putting too much burden on my slim shoulders ...


And that's why God, I dont feel like chanting the Chandi today for

you ....besides its almost thanksgiving ...



That's three Chandis that I need to make up for now !


Nov 27th :-


I am at the Mandir. Yesssssssssss! Most of the family are grouping at

the Evanses for the Thanksgiving dinner. Not me ! I sit like a good

kid in front of my altar at 2 pm. I sing and chant and talk to her. I

am so pepped up. I have done today's quota.


I sit in front of her once again at 8 pm. Some people look at me in

disbelief. Earlier in the day I had sprung an idea that we needed to

have a Chandi Marathon. Sorta like, one person finishes and the next

person begins and keep this going for a day. Figured we'd have about


8 Chandis done. People were enthusiastic but no banana. So I sat in

front of her all by myself for another round, when the Kindest

Moderator shows up. He gives me company - does his chanting in

another part of the temple and I complete mine.


So I have made up for one Chandi. Still have to make up for two.


Nov 28th :-


Get up real early . Do my Siva Puja and start my chandi. I leave a

note by Maa's altar asking her if I could make breakfast for her as I

have come "prepared". I start the Chandi and I know that it will be

atleast 9 AM before I am done and Maa eats at 9.30. No way I am gonna

finish cooking by then but I leave the note anyway.


And God helps you when you sing for him/her.


I chanted and finished at 9 AM. Maa had come in around 8 AM and she

herself had started the Chandi which means she will not be done until



So I have a full hour and half to prepare the food. What made you do

the Chandi today Maa? I would like to project that it was because

you didnt want to disappoint me. Whatever be the reason , thank you.


She asks me to do sambar for her (readers of my previous issue of the

diary will remember that is was a disaster and I didna wanna talk

about it) . Well, I am PROUD to say that this time around, the sambar

was FANTASTIC. Maa told how much she liked it - she even called me

a good cook. I felt so good that I felt ready to start my own TV

cooking show, syndicate it, make millions and retire to Hawaii.


In the evening we sit before Maa after Arati. She usually tests for

recitation from memory on Fridays.Today the test is on Homa from the

Hanuman Puja and Chandi Arati. Most people are prepared for the



After Maa leaves, I start my second round of Chandi and sail through



So I have to just make for ONE more Chandi and I have two more days

to do this. Life looks good. Goddess looks kind.


Earlier today, Maa was asking us about the time we did on Sadhana. I

told her that it took 2.5 hrs to do the Chandi. Then She said " Two

and a half hours out of 24 hours, to spend the time GIVING ENERGY TO

THE UNIVERSE. It is the least that we can do".


We have 24 hrs in a day .... how do we utilize this to the optimum ?

Always a big challenge. And yes, the very least I can do is to Give

Energy to the Universe for 3 hrs. I feel humbled.


For me it is just a prayer , for Maa it is giving energy .


Nov 29th :-


I get up at 6 to the sound of Arati. One of the disciples is singing

Chandi Arati from memory, confident after passing yesterday's test .

Obviously didnt totally memorise because he jumped from the Chandi

Arati to Siva Arati in a clean leap. Had to be reminded to jump back

to the Chandi.


In a state of tizzy I think, "If I go get a bath and start my siva

puja, the earliest that I can start the Chandi is at 7 am. Which

means again I am done with the Chandi only at 9.30-9.45. How do I

feed Maa ?".


All my belief that God will take care disappear....


I am undecided ..... I am always undecided ... I would like to think

that I like to weigh my options... but the fact is I am undecided.


A happy thought occurs to me ... why not compromise? I can always do

the Chandi later. Why not chant another text say the Rudri?


So I chant the Rudri and finish within 30 mins.


This same Rudri was taking me over an hour before, and I was getting

bogged down with 130 pages. Now after the 420 pages of Chandi, 130

pages is a piece of cake.


When you aim for the stars you DO atleast hit the treetop. Maybe I

should aim for 2 chandis and so I will do atleast one a day.... I

dont wanta go there.


Breakfast was terrible though.


I chant the Chandi after the Ramakrishna class. Peace. Still have to

make up for one Chandi.


Nov 30th :-


Again, get up at an awkward time. Too late to start the Chandi so do

the Rudri instead. I cook for Maa (more sambar - figure if less is

good , more is better) and she is happy.



I notice that my cooking is better on alternate days. Maybe thats how

I should do, skip a day between so that Maa ALWAYS gets to see my

good side.


I leave that afternoon to get back to my usual environs.


I come home and that couch is so tempting and before I know it I am

asleep . No Chandi today...


Sigh, now I have two Chandis to make up. I am still in red.


Interesting highlights :-

1) Prayer is giving energy to the Universe. The simplest and the most

efficient way ANYONE can help. You dont have to give money, nothing.

Just a piece of your time to God with as much sincerity as you can


2) Budgeting my time. In an ideal world, 8 hrs of prayer, 8 hrs of

work and 8 hrs of sleep. Is this even possible?

3) Swinging moods. When the inspiration is there the prayer comes,

and when the real prayer is there, inspiration also comes. Satyam




No, no blue lights yet ....


Open my heart Chandi Maa and make me devoted to you . All that I am

capable of , all that I can do , all that I am , give me that Love to

give it all for you.















































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Your beautiful efforts give me great pleasure. Thank you.





, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda>


> Dear All,


> Short Story :- Juggling between 2 Chandis in one day, to no Chandis

> the next day. I am fighting my first demons "Too Much" and "Too

> Little". And the only blue lights I see are on top of cops' cars.


> Long Story :- My sob story.... settle yourselves down on a

> comfortable sofa with a cup of cocoa and I will begin.


> Nov 25th :-


> This is the morning that I completed my chanting (due last night)


> 3.45 am. I have the day off today and I really goof off - slump on

> the sofa, eat out of bags, drink out of cans and merrily ignore my

> sankalpa. I musta broken all the rules and then some. I go back to

> the PC ,to check my email (sigh) and notice one of my Mandir


> is online. I got threats from this person who shall remain unnamed

> that I needed to eat good food to please the Goddess inside me,


> he would let Maa know. "Will the Goddess inside me be satisfied


> Terra chips" I ask. "Not chips alone" sez he. So I get up and cook


> meal and eat and now I am all drowsy . This is one sleepy


> zzzz


> And that is how dear readers I didnt chant the Chandi in the

> evening...


> That is two Chandis that I need to make up for now !


> Nov 26th :-


> It is the day before thanksgiving. A holiday mood. But I am at work

> until late this evening. Grrrrrrr...


> I come back home , not able to go to the Mandir now. It is too


> Traffic is a killer.


> God you are putting too much burden on my slim shoulders ...


> And that's why God, I dont feel like chanting the Chandi today for

> you ....besides its almost thanksgiving ...



> That's three Chandis that I need to make up for now !


> Nov 27th :-


> I am at the Mandir. Yesssssssssss! Most of the family are grouping


> the Evanses for the Thanksgiving dinner. Not me ! I sit like a good

> kid in front of my altar at 2 pm. I sing and chant and talk to her.


> am so pepped up. I have done today's quota.


> I sit in front of her once again at 8 pm. Some people look at me in

> disbelief. Earlier in the day I had sprung an idea that we needed


> have a Chandi Marathon. Sorta like, one person finishes and the


> person begins and keep this going for a day. Figured we'd have



> 8 Chandis done. People were enthusiastic but no banana. So I sat in

> front of her all by myself for another round, when the Kindest

> Moderator shows up. He gives me company - does his chanting in

> another part of the temple and I complete mine.


> So I have made up for one Chandi. Still have to make up for two.


> Nov 28th :-


> Get up real early . Do my Siva Puja and start my chandi. I leave a

> note by Maa's altar asking her if I could make breakfast for her as


> have come "prepared". I start the Chandi and I know that it will be

> atleast 9 AM before I am done and Maa eats at 9.30. No way I am


> finish cooking by then but I leave the note anyway.


> And God helps you when you sing for him/her.


> I chanted and finished at 9 AM. Maa had come in around 8 AM and she

> herself had started the Chandi which means she will not be done


> 10.30.


> So I have a full hour and half to prepare the food. What made you


> the Chandi today Maa? I would like to project that it was because

> you didnt want to disappoint me. Whatever be the reason , thank you.


> She asks me to do sambar for her (readers of my previous issue of


> diary will remember that is was a disaster and I didna wanna talk

> about it) . Well, I am PROUD to say that this time around, the


> was FANTASTIC. Maa told how much she liked it - she even called me

> a good cook. I felt so good that I felt ready to start my own TV

> cooking show, syndicate it, make millions and retire to Hawaii.


> In the evening we sit before Maa after Arati. She usually tests for

> recitation from memory on Fridays.Today the test is on Homa from


> Hanuman Puja and Chandi Arati. Most people are prepared for the

> Arati.


> After Maa leaves, I start my second round of Chandi and sail


> this.


> So I have to just make for ONE more Chandi and I have two more days

> to do this. Life looks good. Goddess looks kind.


> Earlier today, Maa was asking us about the time we did on Sadhana.


> told her that it took 2.5 hrs to do the Chandi. Then She said " Two

> and a half hours out of 24 hours, to spend the time GIVING ENERGY


> THE UNIVERSE. It is the least that we can do".


> We have 24 hrs in a day .... how do we utilize this to the

optimum ?

> Always a big challenge. And yes, the very least I can do is to Give

> Energy to the Universe for 3 hrs. I feel humbled.


> For me it is just a prayer , for Maa it is giving energy .


> Nov 29th :-


> I get up at 6 to the sound of Arati. One of the disciples is


> Chandi Arati from memory, confident after passing yesterday's

test .

> Obviously didnt totally memorise because he jumped from the Chandi

> Arati to Siva Arati in a clean leap. Had to be reminded to jump


> to the Chandi.


> In a state of tizzy I think, "If I go get a bath and start my siva

> puja, the earliest that I can start the Chandi is at 7 am. Which

> means again I am done with the Chandi only at 9.30-9.45. How do I

> feed Maa ?".


> All my belief that God will take care disappear....


> I am undecided ..... I am always undecided ... I would like to


> that I like to weigh my options... but the fact is I am undecided.


> A happy thought occurs to me ... why not compromise? I can always


> the Chandi later. Why not chant another text say the Rudri?


> So I chant the Rudri and finish within 30 mins.


> This same Rudri was taking me over an hour before, and I was


> bogged down with 130 pages. Now after the 420 pages of Chandi, 130

> pages is a piece of cake.


> When you aim for the stars you DO atleast hit the treetop. Maybe I

> should aim for 2 chandis and so I will do atleast one a day.... I

> dont wanta go there.


> Breakfast was terrible though.


> I chant the Chandi after the Ramakrishna class. Peace. Still have


> make up for one Chandi.


> Nov 30th :-


> Again, get up at an awkward time. Too late to start the Chandi so


> the Rudri instead. I cook for Maa (more sambar - figure if less is

> good , more is better) and she is happy.



> I notice that my cooking is better on alternate days. Maybe thats


> I should do, skip a day between so that Maa ALWAYS gets to see my

> good side.


> I leave that afternoon to get back to my usual environs.


> I come home and that couch is so tempting and before I know it I am

> asleep . No Chandi today...


> Sigh, now I have two Chandis to make up. I am still in red.


> Interesting highlights :-

> 1) Prayer is giving energy to the Universe. The simplest and the


> efficient way ANYONE can help. You dont have to give money,


> Just a piece of your time to God with as much sincerity as you can

> muster.

> 2) Budgeting my time. In an ideal world, 8 hrs of prayer, 8 hrs of

> work and 8 hrs of sleep. Is this even possible?

> 3) Swinging moods. When the inspiration is there the prayer comes,

> and when the real prayer is there, inspiration also comes. Satyam

> Satyam.



> No, no blue lights yet ....


> Open my heart Chandi Maa and make me devoted to you . All that I am

> capable of , all that I can do , all that I am , give me that Love


> give it all for you.


> Love

> Latha

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Thank you for your blessings and for your suggestions.


Yes, the suggestions are very simple - set a regular time, and no

treats before I complete. How much simpler could they get?


That is the battle that I am really fighting - lack of discipline.

Wanting to do what I feel like instead of doing what is necessary.

That is my real demon.


If you might recall from one of my earlier issues of the Diary, I

mentioned my penchant to get up in the middle of chanting to check my

email. I Know that I dont want to, but compulsively land up doing so

anyway. It is like the poem that you posted a couple of days ago - I

go down the same path and keep falling down the same ditch anyway.

Its time for me to start the next chapter - atleast avoid the pothole.


Thank you for your encouragement. I have come this far (20 days) only

with the blessings and cheers of all my brothers and sisters. Now I

hope to kill the Demon of Indiscipline with everyone's continued














, Brian T McKee <brian@s...> wrote:

> Latha,


> These are so much fun to read. Bless you and your journey. May you

succeed and may Chandi Maa be victorious.


> Its fascinating how we make even the act of reading the Chandi into

a Drama.


> Life is a Drama within a Drama within the Chandi. Or is it the

Chandi within a Drama within a Drama?


> *grin*


> My suggestion (and its extremely humble as I have done nothing even

close to what you are attempting) is to do the Chandi at the same

time every day. Period. If that's in the morning before work, before

traveling to the temple, then so be it. Or if its at high noon or six

PM, then that's fine as well, but do it exactly the same time every

day. Soon it will be a habit. Do you feel that doing the Chandi at

the mandir is somehow better? Its not. Where you do it is

unimportant. Just do it.


> And make yourself a rule: butt may not meet couch until the Chandi

is done for today. (eyes may not meet TV, etc).


> *grin*


> Bless you over and over. Bless you a thousand and eight times.

Bless you for a thousand and eight days.


> May you complete this sankalpa.


> May you perform this work.


> May the goddess win over your thoughts.


> And may everything that gets in your way be sliced by Chandi's

sword and arrows.


> *hugs*


> Brian



> Latha Nanda <lathananda>

> Dec 2, 2003 4:32 PM


> Diary of a Sankalpa :- Nov 25-30


> Dear All,


> Short Story :- Juggling between 2 Chandis in one day, to no Chandis

> the next day. I am fighting my first demons "Too Much" and "Too

> Little". And the only blue lights I see are on top of cops' cars.


> Long Story :- My sob story.... settle yourselves down on a

> comfortable sofa with a cup of cocoa and I will begin.


> Nov 25th :-


> This is the morning that I completed my chanting (due last night)


> 3.45 am. I have the day off today and I really goof off - slump on

> the sofa, eat out of bags, drink out of cans and merrily ignore my

> sankalpa. I musta broken all the rules and then some. I go back to

> the PC ,to check my email (sigh) and notice one of my Mandir


> is online. I got threats from this person who shall remain unnamed

> that I needed to eat good food to please the Goddess inside me,


> he would let Maa know. "Will the Goddess inside me be satisfied


> Terra chips" I ask. "Not chips alone" sez he. So I get up and cook


> meal and eat and now I am all drowsy . This is one sleepy


> zzzz


> And that is how dear readers I didnt chant the Chandi in the

> evening...


> That is two Chandis that I need to make up for now !


> Nov 26th :-


> It is the day before thanksgiving. A holiday mood. But I am at work

> until late this evening. Grrrrrrr...


> I come back home , not able to go to the Mandir now. It is too


> Traffic is a killer.


> God you are putting too much burden on my slim shoulders ...


> And that's why God, I dont feel like chanting the Chandi today for

> you ....besides its almost thanksgiving ...



> That's three Chandis that I need to make up for now !


> Nov 27th :-


> I am at the Mandir. Yesssssssssss! Most of the family are grouping


> the Evanses for the Thanksgiving dinner. Not me ! I sit like a good

> kid in front of my altar at 2 pm. I sing and chant and talk to her.


> am so pepped up. I have done today's quota.


> I sit in front of her once again at 8 pm. Some people look at me in

> disbelief. Earlier in the day I had sprung an idea that we needed


> have a Chandi Marathon. Sorta like, one person finishes and the


> person begins and keep this going for a day. Figured we'd have



> 8 Chandis done. People were enthusiastic but no banana. So I sat in

> front of her all by myself for another round, when the Kindest

> Moderator shows up. He gives me company - does his chanting in

> another part of the temple and I complete mine.


> So I have made up for one Chandi. Still have to make up for two.


> Nov 28th :-


> Get up real early . Do my Siva Puja and start my chandi. I leave a

> note by Maa's altar asking her if I could make breakfast for her as


> have come "prepared". I start the Chandi and I know that it will be

> atleast 9 AM before I am done and Maa eats at 9.30. No way I am


> finish cooking by then but I leave the note anyway.


> And God helps you when you sing for him/her.


> I chanted and finished at 9 AM. Maa had come in around 8 AM and she

> herself had started the Chandi which means she will not be done


> 10.30.


> So I have a full hour and half to prepare the food. What made you


> the Chandi today Maa? I would like to project that it was because

> you didnt want to disappoint me. Whatever be the reason , thank you.


> She asks me to do sambar for her (readers of my previous issue of


> diary will remember that is was a disaster and I didna wanna talk

> about it) . Well, I am PROUD to say that this time around, the


> was FANTASTIC. Maa told how much she liked it - she even called me

> a good cook. I felt so good that I felt ready to start my own TV

> cooking show, syndicate it, make millions and retire to Hawaii.


> In the evening we sit before Maa after Arati. She usually tests for

> recitation from memory on Fridays.Today the test is on Homa from


> Hanuman Puja and Chandi Arati. Most people are prepared for the

> Arati.


> After Maa leaves, I start my second round of Chandi and sail


> this.


> So I have to just make for ONE more Chandi and I have two more days

> to do this. Life looks good. Goddess looks kind.


> Earlier today, Maa was asking us about the time we did on Sadhana.


> told her that it took 2.5 hrs to do the Chandi. Then She said " Two

> and a half hours out of 24 hours, to spend the time GIVING ENERGY


> THE UNIVERSE. It is the least that we can do".


> We have 24 hrs in a day .... how do we utilize this to the

optimum ?

> Always a big challenge. And yes, the very least I can do is to Give

> Energy to the Universe for 3 hrs. I feel humbled.


> For me it is just a prayer , for Maa it is giving energy .


> Nov 29th :-


> I get up at 6 to the sound of Arati. One of the disciples is


> Chandi Arati from memory, confident after passing yesterday's

test .

> Obviously didnt totally memorise because he jumped from the Chandi

> Arati to Siva Arati in a clean leap. Had to be reminded to jump


> to the Chandi.


> In a state of tizzy I think, "If I go get a bath and start my siva

> puja, the earliest that I can start the Chandi is at 7 am. Which

> means again I am done with the Chandi only at 9.30-9.45. How do I

> feed Maa ?".


> All my belief that God will take care disappear....


> I am undecided ..... I am always undecided ... I would like to


> that I like to weigh my options... but the fact is I am undecided.


> A happy thought occurs to me ... why not compromise? I can always


> the Chandi later. Why not chant another text say the Rudri?


> So I chant the Rudri and finish within 30 mins.


> This same Rudri was taking me over an hour before, and I was


> bogged down with 130 pages. Now after the 420 pages of Chandi, 130

> pages is a piece of cake.


> When you aim for the stars you DO atleast hit the treetop. Maybe I

> should aim for 2 chandis and so I will do atleast one a day.... I

> dont wanta go there.


> Breakfast was terrible though.


> I chant the Chandi after the Ramakrishna class. Peace. Still have


> make up for one Chandi.


> Nov 30th :-


> Again, get up at an awkward time. Too late to start the Chandi so


> the Rudri instead. I cook for Maa (more sambar - figure if less is

> good , more is better) and she is happy.



> I notice that my cooking is better on alternate days. Maybe thats


> I should do, skip a day between so that Maa ALWAYS gets to see my

> good side.


> I leave that afternoon to get back to my usual environs.


> I come home and that couch is so tempting and before I know it I am

> asleep . No Chandi today...


> Sigh, now I have two Chandis to make up. I am still in red.


> Interesting highlights :-

> 1) Prayer is giving energy to the Universe. The simplest and the


> efficient way ANYONE can help. You dont have to give money,


> Just a piece of your time to God with as much sincerity as you can

> muster.

> 2) Budgeting my time. In an ideal world, 8 hrs of prayer, 8 hrs of

> work and 8 hrs of sleep. Is this even possible?

> 3) Swinging moods. When the inspiration is there the prayer comes,

> and when the real prayer is there, inspiration also comes. Satyam

> Satyam.



> No, no blue lights yet ....


> Open my heart Chandi Maa and make me devoted to you . All that I am

> capable of , all that I can do , all that I am , give me that Love


> give it all for you.


> Love

> Latha







































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