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Why do things happen to practitioners?

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I just signed on and boy do I love this topic.

Well, I think the real question is, "Why do things happen to practictioners?" not

bad or good. We are so stuck on good and bad and devotion to Maa

makes good bad irrelevant in my book. When you are ready and willing

and begging for purification,

She will deliver in the most of wise ways. We may not agree with her at first and

we may fight and yell at her, "why are you doing this to me??" Hardly

ever is it Her doing it to us.. It's our habits brought to fruition

quickly that stare at us in the face that causes supposed misfortune.

If we are attached to anything, She will show us by taking it away.

She is our Mother for Enlightenment. Why are we attracted to Kali

and Chandi, and for me Dhumavati, Chinnemasta and Bhairavi? Because

they are quick and swift. They waste no time. Talk about efficent.


I'm going to answer specific questions to what I think the answers

are. I am just revealing my pondering thoughts that have kept me up

at night. I am not quoting any scripture or any of that, just what

Ma has revealed to me. I'll type in italics:rudran2

<stechiekov > wrote:

Praticioners still make mistakes while starting out. Later they tend

to become more savvy(calculating). With less errors, less misfortune

finds its way to them. I got caught in a huge market downturn and

burned with countless milllions of other investors. Since then my

best investment of effort seems to be in daily pujas which over the

course of time have become my greatest treasure. Practices bring

solace. With it wounds can heal. It is my best medicine.


Rudran - If one has devotion of course it's raw and will not appear

refined. It's the emotion behind the devotion that makes Ma turn Her

gaze to you. If you started doing worship and did it 'wrong' it

doesn't matter. She created the most perfect thing for you to focus

on Her. It was no mistake. Believe it or not, it was Her love. In

the beginning we are like a rock that has Masterpice waiting to be

revealed, but who can see it? Ma - she is the Cosmic artist. She

gives a huge blow with her chisle and starts the process of

perfection. You are supposed to be a raw rock, not a masterpeice in

the beginning. In the beginning of any refinement, drastic measures

are often taken in the beginning. It's all the process depending on

where the disciple is 'at' and depending on what the Masterpiece will

look like to Her in the end. She makes no mistakes. When She makes

you love her in a raw way, it's Her, not

you. Funny how we think it's 'us'.,

"Latha Nanda" <lathananda> wrote:> Chris,> > That is a VERY good

question.> > The only answer I can think of is an appeal to Her.> > I

dont know if what I am doing is right or wrong or pleases You. > I

dont know if I have the devotion or not.> I dont know if my

motivations for doing the sadhana are pure> But YOU are the mother,

and whatever happens is what you decide is > the Prasad for my

Sadhana.> > Latha> >


Latha - I agree totally. I had no idea if I was pure or not in the

beginning. I prayed for purity of heart and being. I KNEW sexual

purity had NOTHING to do with real purity so that thought didn't even

cross my mind, so not knowing if we have devotion in the beginning

sometimes can be a non issue. When one is seized by Her, we are

seized. At the time, I would have never called it 'devotion'. I was

obsessed but I was not self reflecting on how good or bad or perfect

of a 'devotee' I was. I could have cared less. I just wanted Her.

Who cares about appearances.> > > > --- In

, "Chris Kirner" > <chriskirner1956>

wrote:> > Kelly,> > > > This is an intersesting topic to me. Why do

bad things happen to > some > >

devotees/practitioners?> > > > It is a fact, I believe, that Divine

Mother loves all of her > children > > equally, and we are all her

children, even those performing the > most > > debased acts. Painful

things certainly happen to these people.


Painful things happen to ALL people. Why are we different? I think

this is the beginning of the Spiritual Ego.

*********************************************************> > > > There

are many stories of people being hurt by performing practices > > for

which they were not prepared. These people are hurt by these > >

experiences. Why are they allowed to suffer? Perhaps they lacked >

true > > devotion, but I am not able to judge that. Perhaps they had

true > > devotion.


I don't think a devotee or Guru should EVER judge a person or

sadhaka's devotion. It's like judging the Mask and not the light.

We will never know how much devotion a person has by how they hurt.

They may hurt for God and it may 'appear' odd to the more conditioned

devotee, but they may not be hurting at all. (good sex looks and

sounds painful too, but is it?) If they hurt because of an experience

what did they do and what did they beleive in? There is much to

analyse with this situation. Beleif WILL manifest on the path fast.

If our beliefs do not support the sadhana we are doing, then it will

shatter our beliefs. If we are not willing for the 'belief' to

transform and we hold on to it, the vessel will never be able to

contain the fire and will shatter the belief and that can feel like

Hell. Not very many devotee's know how to cross examine a belief.

Not all religious

beliefs are conducive to enlightenment. Some religous beliefs create

entrapment, like cult dynamics, mind control and person control.

control, control, control.... Most everyone on the planet is a

control freak. How many learn to LET GO? Most beliefs blind us

because we NEVER questioned it. Kundalni will transform all belief.

Then you will KNOW. The process is painful if the person doesn't have

the mind to question beliefs that were attched to decay and sabatog,

all the undesireables in the Chandi. Here's one: How many people I

have witnessed for years who have false modesty... many because they

were taught to not accept praise and to deflect it, reject it.

Aren't they cute and sweet, How modest, such a good girl! It was

taught. Being real has nothing to do with modesty. What did

Vivekananda say, "Raise sheep and become Lions"

something like that. A true disciple is not worrying about what the

lion looks like or the sheep, they are too busy learning how to be

the king of their jungle, not learning how to baaah like a sheep. We

are not sheep. Yogi's are not sheep. We need to learn how to Roar

and to feel worthy of the Roar. Not fear it like a sheep for fear of

what some conditioned devotee or Guru will think of them. Be careful

of conditions, they only pull you into name and fame. Lions feel

worthy of their roar and they accept no conditions. Those are the

paws we need to fill. One thing I can say, sometimes Guru's have

sleepy days and may not give the best advice. Sometimes they give

advice for sheep forgetting they are speaking to little cubs. Lions

don't let sheep think for them. Not implying the Guru is a sheep.

just sleepy on some days is all.

Feels uncomfortable now doesn't it? Stretching never feels

comfortable. Staying a sheep does. Not implying anyone is a sheep

here, but we all know the sheep in ourselves and we all know it's

easy to stay one. But how easy is it to practice being a lion when

everyone wants us to be a sheep. Conditions and breaking them is

never easy. Painful sometimes.

> > > > I have always thought it was the guidence and care of the guru

that > > made the difference, but I don't know that for sure. > > > >

Shree Maa tells a story about a sadhu doing an advanced practice > >

seated on a corpse who gets eaten by a tiger. Divine Mother says he >

> was eaten because he lacked pure devotion. I wonder how anyone >

could > > undertake such a sadhana without having devotion? How pure

is pure?


Well, this is an area I firmly disagree. Who is Divine Mother in this

story? A person? It could be that it was Her will to liberate him by

Her manifesting as the Tiger so She could personally Liberate him by

chowing down on his Holy Flesh. Maa doesn't sabatog devotee's for

trying to reach her even if the devotion is soso or all the way.

Haven't you ever heard of the yogi seeing the tiger as Maa and going

into exstacy while being eaten alive becasue the yogi KNEW it was Her

and it was time for his liberation? I love those stories, talk about

devotion! 'Maaaaa' while being malled by a tiger. Good heavens.> >

> > One who is fully surrendered, fully absorbed into the divine, is

> > certainly protected in every way, but what about the rest of us?>



Chris, I want to nicely ask: What is your belief? Here is where Maa

is questioning your belief. What do YOU know about YOUR belief? Do

you believe in eletism? Do you beleive in favoritism? Do you

beleive Maa loves some more than others? It's conditioning talking,

not truth. Just because someone acts fully surrendered wearing garb,

saying all the 'right' things doesn't mean they aren't putting on an

act. KNOW YOUR HEART and that is all that matters. If you are going

for it in your sadhana and if I remember you are doing quite well,

just know that is Her grace alone and you are 'not the rest of us'.

You are a LION! Start rehearsing your roar. Like little simba, and

then let the Divine Mother roar behind you like Mufasa to show you

how. Rely only on your connection to Maa. All else is transitory.

There is no one

here who is the rest of us. You are all Her children and your faith

is tested when you beleive your devotion is null and void or less


ROOaaaaarrrr! I am going to make it in this lifetime! Even if She

has to destroy me to do it! Do not worry about screwing up. That

just prevents you from making a step forward, waiting in the wings

for your number. If you wait too long it will be your next


The only real thing I'm getting at, is attitude. With the right

attitude you can do anything.

Now, one more thing. If I read correctly, Maa's Guru is Sri

Ramakrishna. She didn't have a physical Guru to tell her what to do

and what not to do. This is a good example to follow. Rely on what

Kali is telling you directly thru your sadhana, dreams and practices.

Cling to your connection to Kali. Shree Maa is living proof that one

can do it without a physical Guru. She must have intuitively felt

what was right for her. You should also excersize that ability.

Intuitively do what is right for you. Do not be lead by fear,

intuition and fear are different things. We all have a strong

connection to Kali, Chandi and that is what we must rely on at all

costs. Even with my own Physcial guru, I will still do what is

intuitively right for me and he said it was the 'right' thing to do.

The nature of a Lion is to be alone or with a few of his kin. It's

the nature of sheep to

eat grass all day with eachother bahing. Baaaahhhhhhh.

Baaaaaahhhhhh. Kind of hypnotic isn't it? Could put you to


I'm passionate tonight. I love this topic and have been told I'm

arrogant for telling people to rise up and practice being That/Lions.

People would rather say I'm arrogant than try it. Oh well. If

Vivekananda can say it, I can repeat him!

With love and alot of passion:) I just love this topic. Namste, Kelly

> > Chris> > > > > > > > , Kelly

Leeper <blissnout> > > wrote:> > > Balaravi, > > > > > >

Enjoyed your post here. I have a question:> > > > > > If devotion

is most important (and I think it's a huge factor) > then > > Ma will

protect the child when they chant the mantra. You imply > that > >

the chant is very powerful and it is certainly, but I also know the >

> Divine Mother will not provide a mantra the child can't handle. >

All > > other beleifs are superstitous. To not do a mantra because

a Guru > > didn't provide it is besides the point. Ma is the

ultimate in Guru > > and if one is aligned to her, she will protect

and bring to > fruition > > what the

child can achieve thru the mantra or she will make the > child > >

more interested in something else, like the world so they lose > >

interest in chanting the mantra.> > > > > > It's all safe. > > > >

> > I agree with your TV station reception. But I also think some >

TV's > > and Radio's have a better subwoffers speakers and and will

provide > > more shakti when turned up loud:) When it's loud you

best have the > > right channel otherwise it's scratchy to the ears

and not pleasant > to > > listen to.> > > > > > The main issue about

mantra's received from a Guru is not that > > important if devotion is

the main factor. If one has a Guru and is > > alligned with Guru what

mantra they chant whether it comes from > > elsewhere is fine. I

received the mantra from a tantric adept who > > has been chanting it

from childhood and so far, after reciting it, > > has brought me alot

of comfort. Part of my sadhana is to > erradicate > > superstition

from the Truth. They get so superimposed on eachother > > and then

people blindly agree to beleive this stuff without ever > > testing

it themselves. I think if one is compelled to do a mantra, > > they

should - That's Devotion!> > > > > > Jai Maa!> > > Kelly> > > > > >

balaravi <balaravi> wrote:> > > Dear Members,> > >

I just came across lucid posting on pronounciation > > > which

prompted me to join this group.> >

> I would like to state a few points for you to >

ponder.> > > Just like a radio or TV is to be properly

tuned to > > > receive signals, a mantra is to be recited correctly

for best > > > results, but as rightly pointed out in the posting

each model of > > > TV,say Soni, Samsung etc. claim excellent

reception. Similarly > > > different people pronounce the same word

in their own ways. This > > > applies to all languages!> > >

Unlike broadcasts, Mata looks into the heart of > > > Sadhaka and

not the pronounciation. So devotion is the most > > > important

aspect.> >

> Please, I repeat please do not start reciting >

mantras > > > without getting it from a Guru who has practised it for

long. > They > > > are like high voltage, you should protect yourself

before > touching > > > them. Not that they are harmful, but we

should be raised to a > level > > > to receive them. And there is

ladder, you don't jump to the > highest > > > level. Step by step

initiation is like going K-12 and is the BEST > > > WAY.> > >

True Gurus do not part with Shodasi easily.> > >

Most prevalent forms of Panchadasi & Shodasi are as > > > below> > >

> > > ka e i la hrim> > > ha sa ka ha la hrim> > >

sa ka la hrim> > > Panchadasi becomes Shodasi by adding SHRIM> > >

Properly done you can enjoy bliss right here in the > midst > >

> of misery> > > > > > > > > Best wishes for Devi worship> > > > > >

> > > > > > balaravi> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > , Kelly Leeper

<blissnout> > > > wrote:> > > > Astraea,> > > > > >

> > This is how Nandu teaches the Sodashi, Lalita mantra. Call me > >

and > > > I will chant it > > > > for you over the phone and you can

tape it. 949-493-1800. The > > > purple bija's are raised.> > > >

The underlined is low. If you have a piano or harmonium it > goes >

> > like this: > > > > > > > > Om srim hrim klim aim

sow om hrim> > > > E flat E D flat E flat "" ""

"" ""> > > > > > > > ka e i la

hrim> > > > E flat E D flat D flat E flat> > > > > > > > ha

sa ka ha la hrim - all D flat in triplets if you > understand > > >

music> > > > > > > > sa ka la hrim - All E Flat> > > > >

> > > sow aim klim hrim shrim> > > > E flat E

flat E flat D flat E flat> > > > > > > > When it come to

certain mantra's I do them with intonations. I > > > love this

mantra. > > > > It comes from an tantric odiyya tradition and is

the mantra for > > > the 3rd Goddess, Sodashi in the dasamahavidya's.>

> > > > > > > Enjoy and call if you want me to chant it for you.

You've been > > > initiated into Guru, no problem.> > > > > > > >

Jai Maa!> > > > Kelly> > > > > > > > > > > > Srinath Ram

<srinath_atreya> wrote:> > > > Namasthe Astraea> > > > > > > > >

> > > As Shree Pandith Tigunait has rightly said, there are many > > >

versions > > > > of the Shri vidya mantra. The school of thought

[sampradaya] > that > > > > practices the mantra begining with "ka"

is called "kaadi matha" > > > > or "kaadi vidya sampradaaya".

Likewise there are "saadi" (sa-> > > > aadi:begining with 'sa'),

"haadi" etc. > > > > > > > > The mantra which you have quoted is

actually "shodashakari" - > the > > > 16 > > > > syllabled mantra of

the Divine Mother. Panchadashi is 15 > > lettered. > > > > Both are

also called as Shree chakra mantras as they are the > main > > > >

mantras for worshipping the shree chakram.> > > > > > > > The rules

of Shree vidya prohibits even discussing the secrets > of > > > the >

> > > vidya in the presence of the uninitiated one. In such cases, >

one > > > can > > > > refer to the mantras indirectly. Normally, we

say "moola" [the > > > > original/source]to mean the Shree vidya

mantra.> > > > > > > > The vedic tradition is an oral tradition -

mantras and secret > > > >

knowledge are taught by the Gurus to their desciples orally, in > > >

> secrecy and it is laid out that sacred mantras should not be > > >

written.> > > > > > > > > > > > ,

"astraea2003" > > > <astraea2003> > > > > wrote:> > > > >

Namaste Sarada,> > > > > I'm probably getting into things over my

head, but I'm > curious.> > > > > In one commentary on the Lalita

Sahasranama, it mentions the > > > > fifteen > > > > > syllable

mantra, panchadashaksari, as the mantra of Sri > Chakra.> > > > > > >

> > > According to Pandit Tigunait, there are many variations of > the

> > > Sri > > > > > Vidya mantra. These are the fifteen syllables he


> > > > > > > > > Ka e i la hrim> > > > > ha sa ka ha la hrim> > > > >

sa ka la hrim> > > > > shrim> > > > > > > > > > Is the Sri Vidya

mantra the same thing as the Sri Chakra > > mantra? > > > > > Is the

term "panchadashaksari" simply a way to refer to the > Sri > > > > >

Chakra or Sri Vidya mantra without revealing the mantra?> > > > > > >

> > > Astraea> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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