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re message from shree maa

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thanks Shree maa for posting these qualities of

humanities true wealth.

It is good to be reminded once in a while. It helps

amke us more vigilant.

jai maa




--- wrote:

> ------------------------ Sponsor









> There are 8 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. Bhuutaapsaarana

> "dhkerrmail" <dhkerrmail

> 2. Re: Love will come .... when it has to.

> "Latha Nanda"

> <lathananda

> 3. story about the three gunas

> "parvati_saraswati"

> <parvati_saraswati

> 4. A Story about the the Three Gunas

> "parvati_saraswati"

> <parvati_saraswati

> 5. Re: Re: Love will come .... when it has to.

> Brian McKee <brian

> 6. Re: Gayatri Sahasranam

> "aseemananda2003"

> <aseemananda2003

> 7. From Shree Maa The real wealth of

> humanity

> "Sarada"

> <sarada_saraswati

> 8. Re: Digest Number 106 re: Gayatri

> Sahasranama

> mal5wic








> Message: 1

> Sat, 13 Dec 2003 14:13:22 -0000

> "dhkerrmail" <dhkerrmail

> Bhuutaapsaarana


> This really works! I use it after my puja to Kali,

> and even though

> it came from Shiva Puja, it still works. Ma hears

> and keeps 'em

> away. I like how it honors the spirits that are

> willing to play a

> helpful role.


> It also works to ask Mother Herself to protect you

> from inimical

> spirits...as a child would do. The Bhuutaapsaarana

> is nice though,

> in how it enkindles a group effort between one's

> consciousness and

> the conciousness of other beings...to create peace.


> "parvati_saraswati"

> <parvati_saraswati

> Mantras for dispersing inimical energies


> The following mantras Bhuutaapsaarana(dispersion of

> inimical

> energies) are within many of Swamiji's texts and can

> be added to any

> puja if you are interested.

> Here is Swamiji's interpretation of Bhuuta: Bhuuta

> has a number of

> meanings, which makes the following verses to play

> on the words,

> switching meanings even while using the same word.

> Its noun forms

> mean variously: a purified being, a good being;

> created thing, world,

> uncanny being, spirit, ghost, goblin, past, fact,

> reality, actual

> occurence, welfare, elements, especially as applied

> to the five gross

> elements of earth, water, fire, air, and ether.(See

> Bhuuta Suddhi)

> Here we are calling upon the friendly or good

> Bhuutas to destroy

> obstacles by unfriendly or bad Bhuutas.


> 1. om apasarpantu te bhuutaa ya bhuutaa bhuvi

> samsthitaah

> ya bhuutaa vighnakarttaaraste nasyantu sivajyayaa


> We consign to you friendly spirits, friendly spirits

> that are

> situated on this earth plane, the activity of

> destroying any

> obstacles placed by unfriendly spirits, by order of

> the Wisdom of

> Infinite Goddness.


> 2. Om bhuutapretapisaacaasca daanavaa raaksasaasca

> ye

> saantim kurvantu te sarve iimam grhvatu madbalim


> Hey, ghosts, goblins, various forms of negativity

> projecting forms of

> negativity projecting egos; you have been made

> entirely at peace.

> Please accept this offering from me.


> 3. Om vetaalaasca pisaacaasca raaksasaasca

> sariisupaah

> apasarpantu te sarve naarasimhena taadhitaah


> Other demons, goblins, various forms of negativity

> projecting egos,

> creeping and crawling things: I consign to you

> completely the

> striking blows of Naarasimha, Vishnu in His

> incarnation of man-lion.












> Message: 2

> Sat, 13 Dec 2003 17:18:15 -0000

> "Latha Nanda" <lathananda

> Re: Love will come .... when it has to.


> Dear Kelly,


> Glad that you are signing on and responding from

> time to time :) I am glad for this forum and glad

> for people's thoughts because it helps me articulate

> and define my own.


> I think there are two different points here

> 1) How do I feel that love that some advanced souls

> feel for automatically for God (Answer:Keep doing

> Sadhana)

> and

> 2) How do I keep the inspiration alive for doing the

> Sadhana. (Your suggestions help here)


> My original post was addressing the first point.


> As for the second point I can take either one of

> Maa's or Swamiji's suggestions depending on the

> current frame of mind.


> If I am feeling rational , then I go by Swamiji's

> suggestion " I cannot feel love , but I WILL keep my

> knees down and keep going" . This is sheer

> determination.


> If I am feeling emotional, then I go by Maa's

> suggestion "I just surrender to You. How do you want

> me to continue".


> So I think I have a plan of attack for continuing my

> Sadhana depending on my frame of mind.


> As for the first point , there have been rare

> moments in my life when I felt at complete peace

> with everything. Troubles ? Bring 'em on. I wont

> feel a thing . Just total and cheerful acceptance.


> Is this love ? Is love even better than what I felt?

> Wow. Then I want THAT!


> So I have had some small, tiny, inkling ,

> tantalising demos of what some great souls in Love

> might be feeling continuously . And this feeling

> happens when I unconditionally accept the situation

> without trying to control it . This is my real

> Sadhana and puja,meditation etc are only methods to

> keep reminding me of that state of being open.

> Advisable to stick with whatever gets me in that

> state and what methods drew me there in the first

> place, simply because of the power of repetition.


> I think the dark night of the soul happens to

> advanced practitioners after years of sadhana . I am

> flattered to think that my little attempts at

> mourning the lack of love could be compared to that

> :))




=== message truncated ===





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