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Jai Maa! Swami Vivekananda once said that music is the highest art

and for those who understand is the highest worship. What role does

music play in your spiritual life?




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thanks for bringing this up, Sarada. as for myself, music plays a very important

role in my spiritual quest. music evokes emotion and can bring a person to a

spiritual level. of couse, this does not apply to all music; there are genres


styles of music that can bring out violent and hateful feelings, especially to

those who are inclined to feel that way. many places such as India, Australia,

and Africa have produced indigenous music that is very spiritual, as have

musicians in jazz, classical, and folk. i listen to what makes me feel happy and

uplifted, which is what i believe spirituality is really about.

Om shanti...Jai Maa.....tom

-- In , "Sarada" <sarada_saraswati>


> Jai Maa! Swami Vivekananda once said that music is the highest art

> and for those who understand is the highest worship. What role does

> music play in your spiritual life?


> Namaste,

> Sarada

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What role does music play in your spiritual life?


I see music as another form of worshiping. Music and dance is

another way of an individual uniting with the Divine. So in certain

aspect it is indeed as seen as a means to the lofty end of life.


Music is itself an expression of the Divine for `at the beginning

was the word Aum, from which all was created. This is the Cosmic Aum

or Naad, the very base of all musical expression, is the grand

purpose of life.


Dance is music in motion or the vision of melody. The dancer plays

with intricate footwork and she virtually plays the drums on her feet

while her elaborate gesture language sings poetry.


Music ( vocal or instrumental ) and dance together is the constant

fusion of all in harmony set to thrill the spirit and seeks to life

the individual above the mundane cycle of life : eating, sleeping and

working into the Divine realm of the Supreme.

>From my own personal believe, Music too is another form of

meditation. What I really like to do is to sit in the dark, in the

middle of the night and listen to the music. Not just the music on

the whole but the instruments.I will try to distinguish all the

different instruments being used and try to specifically isolate them

individually. Thereafter merge them together again. I see that our

lives is just like the music and how each "instruments" merge

together in harmony to form into a beautiful song. Musical

instruments too are like us, they have their own character. Some are

sociable, others are very individualistic etc.


My sincere thank to Sarada Saraswati for inviting me to this group.

About me : all the information is in my profile.

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<sarada_saraswati> wrote:

> Jai Maa! Swami Vivekananda once said that music is the

highest art

> and for those who understand is the highest worship. What

role does

> music play in your spiritual life?





You have asked a question which is so relevant for me that I feel

inspired to overcome my shyness and post a reply.


Music has immense spiritual value for me. How else could I

remember the Divine all throughout the day? By group chanting

regularly and listening to kirtan CDs, the Divine Names and

melodies get stuck in my head. I find myself chanting without

intending to, while driving, while doing dishes, while bathing,

whenever! Otherwise, I may forget about the spiritual aspect of

life for extended periods while getting caught up in Maya. What a

blessing divine music is! It is both pleasant and good for us.

How awsome!


: )


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Music, for me, is integral to my spiritual life. It has not only

natural abilities to calm or inspire, but it is a phenomenon that

brings out our creative and transcendent aspects. I sit and meditate

and let everything drop away but awareness of whatever music I have

playing (chanting or something classical or new age) and fix on the

presence of the sound, its patterns, until I am not just aware of it,

but become aware I am creating it from my own consciousness, and

indeed, AM it, in a way. The music, the experience of hearing it, the

faculties I have for hearing and processing it, all become one thing.

Sarada <sarada_saraswati > wrote:

Jai Maa! Swami Vivekananda once said that music is the highest art and

for those who understand is the highest worship. What role does music

play in your spiritual life? Namaste,SaradaTo from this

group, send an email to:To visit your group on the web, go

to:/ To from

this group, send an email to:


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I fell in love with Maa's voice and music when I first met her. She

sang "Shakoli Tumar Icchaa" and the band followed up with the English

Translation. I heard and crumbled ... it was soooo moving.


Music is not my sadhana - I dont play any instrument or sing (atleast

not without others wincing) . But I do love to participate in

bhajans. There is something about the power of a few harmonious

voices singing in rhythm that carries me and easily brings me into a



If sadhana is necessary medicine for the soul, music is the sugar

coated medicine.





, "Sarada" <sarada_saraswati>


> Jai Maa! Swami Vivekananda once said that music is the highest art

> and for those who understand is the highest worship. What role does

> music play in your spiritual life?


> Namaste,

> Sarada

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Jai Maa, Sarada,

Thanks for a great question!

One thing I have noticed recently, is that as I chant a scripture more

and more (In this case, Chandi), become more and more familiar with it,,

more intimate and in tune, that my voice becomes melodious, and

I am witnessing my voice from another place. It feels like a holy prayer

to the heart of God, and I feel awe.

This is when thoughts are going--then the song is there.

It sounds beautiful to me, as if my soul is singing to the most holy, and I am

witness to that.

Jai Maa






, "Sarada" <sarada_saraswati>


> Jai Maa! Swami Vivekananda once said that music is the highest art

> and for those who understand is the highest worship. What role does

> music play in your spiritual life?


> Namaste,

> Sarada

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Music is the doorway to the formless God. It is the only art form

that has no form, the dancer must use his body, the painting, the

book, the actor, all need form to create their art, music has no

form. Actually is has no form, and no material substance, it does

not exist in the material world.


Music simply is in this moment only and then gone. It is a sound on

the wind being here and now only.


Music is vibration, just as when Brahma's hand moved, what emanated

was music. Music is only vibration which is the building block of



Music has no meaning, it does not exist in the conceptual world, it

simply is and it cannot be described or explained.


Music is the doorway. Please come in, sit down, have tea.


Thanks to Hazrat Anayat Khan, the sufi master who was a virtuouso vina

player and when He pierced the veil and entered unity, he said "I no

longer need this vina, now I am the instrument". (And God is the






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Ambaal Saves All


Hope all are fine with Her grace.


Music is very important for getting peace. When one

hears Spiritual songs of Her, definetly one feels

peace in her or his mind.


MUSIC stands for


M – Marvelous

U – Unlimited

S – Spiritual

I – Information

C - Comes

by hearing Spititual songs and also thinking about

Her. (Pls. tolerate the above is my own definition)


This is a first response from my end. Thank Her for

giving this opportunity to me.




R Gomathisankar



--- Sarada <sarada_saraswati wrote:

> Jai Maa! Swami Vivekananda once said that music is

> the highest art

> and for those who understand is the highest worship.

> What role does

> music play in your spiritual life?


> Namaste,

> Sarada








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Nada yoga is described by several scriptures as the easiest way to realize

the divine. Plato described music as healing the soul. Music therapy is

receiving a lot of scientific validation. It is said that the entire

creation is just the music of the Creator/Creatrix.

Sometimes when one is very quiet either in meditation or rest, one can hear

that inner NADA--the eternal unstruck sound of OM.


>"Sarada" <sarada_saraswati



> New question for the group

>Sun, 21 Dec 2003 04:24:41 -0000


>Jai Maa! Swami Vivekananda once said that music is the highest art

>and for those who understand is the highest worship. What role does

>music play in your spiritual life?








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