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Memorizing the Chandi

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Another thought (hopefully sent by the King). As householders we are bound

to a worldly Dharma.


But the Chandi is not just a story of what goes on inside us, it is the

story that is constantly going on around us, in our lives and in the lives

of others.


If you begin to look for Chandi characters in those around you, once you

begin to see them, and their mind born reasons for being, then you will be

able to more easily detach yourself from the actions of others, instead of

reacting to them you will be able to smile and keep good thoughts in the


You will know what is going on within them and be able to love them anyway.

You will be unshakeable, powerful, and loving.


By doing that you will be living the Chandi, facing down the fears of

others and loving them without expectation. By doing that you will be

Chandi for those people, giving them a single moment to face their own hang

ups and the choice to stop their reactions or not. They may think you

crazy, they may stay in denial, but at least you gave them a chance to

become aware in that moment.


I have seen this happen in my life. As soon as I stopped reacting, my life

started sorting itself out and peace began to find me. I didn't have to

look for it, because I had brought it within me, and thus my outside

changed to match my inside.


Chandi is everything right now. Consciousness is raising on this planet,

and Chandi is out there slashing the demons of the mind. Many people react

to her and try to bury their heads deeper in the sand, they try to find

more mental distractions, ways of seeking too much or too little, lusting

after pleasure or pain, blaming others or themselves for their lives, etc

etc etc.


It seems as if everything is getting worse, not because people are becoming

less conscious, but because consciousness is raising and people are finding

it harder to fight it, to maintain the unconscious status quo. We have more

ways to distract ourselves than ever before on this planet. Why is that?

Because the mind is creative in creating distractions. Science, technology,

math, physics, psychology, education, sex, drugs, rock and roll, religion,

or anything can be used as a distraction from consciousness. Or it can be

made an expression of consciousness. All the tools of the mind can lead us

away or toward home, the choice is ours and its all about attitude. If we

develop Bhava, then nothing points away from goddess and everything toward her.


As I see it the planet is evolving, and Chandi is the energy behind it all.






At 08:07 AM 12/28/2003, you wrote:

>Blessings Brian, Latha, Sasha and Rudran, and thank you all for your

>comments and suggestions.


> Sasha, I join you in awe of those who memorize Chandi, and

>because of my intense love for Chandi Maa, I am drawn to incorporate

>each syllable into my consciousness.

> Rudran, it is my need to earn a living that prevents me from

>realizing my goals as quickly, but if the goals are rooted in Her,

>then time is of no consequence, one way or the other.

> Latha, thank you for reminding me that I need not look at how to

>eat the entire banquet in one bite. I will slow my mind down and

>savor each precious nugget and make it part of me. Your post on the

>weaponry in Chandi, and your personal diaries are a precious

>encouragement to me.

> Brian, this response hit me right in the heart, and brought

>tears of recognition and joy to my eyes. I need not focus on

>memorization, but rather on allowing Chandi Maa to be re-membered in

>me. Each tone, each syllable, each phrase is yet another part of who

>I am in Her, and my part is but to allow Her to fill me.


>Thank you to the whole group for the wonderful insights and bhakti

>that come into my Inbox each day.


>Jai Chandi Maa! Jai Jai Maa!




>, Brian T McKee <brian@s...> wrote:

> > Hello Rick, pleased to meet you.

> >

> > I don't think memorization is as important as the recitation.

>Memorization makes it part of our mind so that it may bring

>some "organized" clutter to our memory, but recitation brings order

>to our entire being that we may experience the Chandi personally. To

>bring order out of chaos, one has to change the chaos, not add

>something ordered to it.

> >

> > If you chant the Chandi or any spiritual text regularly, then it

>will become more and more a part of you and you will know it

>automatically. You will automatically memorize it. It will not be so

>much a part of your memory but a part of your experience.

> >

> > You will find as you chant it that the parts you have problems

>prounouncing are the parts of yourself goddess is working on, and

>once the pronouciation is far enough along, you'll find the parts

>that you haven't memorized are the parts of you goddess is still

>working on. At some point chanting will be the same as not chanting,

>and that's when you will be a master of the three worlds.

> >

> > The Chandi isn't a book.

> >

> > The Chandi is who we are.

> >

> > Memorization is not necessary. Just recite it, goddess will do

>everything else as soon as you let her.

> >

> > Understanding is not necessary either. However if your mind is open

>you will come to understand more and more about the story and its

>characters. And every mental understanding will show you what parts

>of your mind you have grown fully conscious of, what parts goddess

>has shined her love into.

> >

> > And you will have the tools necessary to shed light on other

>people's darkness, even sometimes when they don't want you to.

> >

> > Good luck, goddess bless.

> >

> > Jai Chandi!

> >

> > Brian

> >

> >

> >

> > Rick <rikzinger@c...>

> > Dec 26, 2003 9:16 AM

> >

> > Re: My Introduction

> >

> > This year before Navratri I bought my first copy of the Chandi. I

> > read it each day during the nine nights of worship, and immediately

> > fell in love with it, and even more with She whom it reveals. I


> > fairly well memorized the "Ya Devi" stuthi in chapter 5, which has

> > touched my heart so powerfully. I am very impressed with those of


> > that have memorized the entire text. I would so love to do that. I

> > think I have been successful with the Ya Devi because of its

> > wonderful meter and repetition. I can't imagine how to begin to

> > memorize the whole Chandi. I used a single 3x5" card to learn the


> > Devi, and some days I still have to peek when I chant it. Any

> > suggestions on how to commit the entire text to memory would be

> > greatly appreciated.

> >

> > In love and appreciation,

> >

> > Rick

> >

> > , "Latha Nanda" <lathananda>

> > wrote:

> > > Vanakkam , Welcome to the group.

> > >

> > > I learnt the Andhaadhi when a child and used to love singing it

> > with

> > > my mother.

> > >

> > > Now I am focussing on another great Epic the Chandi aka Devi

> > > Mahatmyam aka Saptasati.

> > >

> > > The Chandi is being chanted with great devotion here at the Devi

> > > Mandir. There are living breathing examples of devotion here -


> > > are the abiraamipattars of today.

> > >

> > > Again, a warm welcome.

> > >

> > > Latha

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , "Sankarasubramanian"

> > > <abiramipattar> wrote:

> > > > Namaste.

> > > >

> > > > As you can see my real name is Sankarasubramanian. Contrary to

> > > what

> > > > has been sent to me in the invitation for this group, i am no

> > > > learned person nor i know the intricacies of sakthi worship.


> > i

> > > > know is the love i got for the almighty mother. All i do is


> > > > about her love for me.

> > > >

> > > > I will start off with the story of the person whose name i have

> > > > taken up as my pen name, "Abiramipattar". Incidentally his real

> > > name

> > > > was also subramanian. This happenned some 300-400 yrs ago in a

> > > small

> > > > village in south india called "Thirukkadaiyoor". In this place

> > > there

> > > > was a temple where lord shiva was called "Kaala Samhaara


> > > &

> > > > the mother was called "Abirami". This "AbiramiPattar" was an

> > > ardent

> > > > devotee of the mother goddess. He was so much immersed in his

> > > > prayers that a lot of people there thought he was a lunatic.

> > > >

> > > > One day the king came to this temple on a new moon day. The


> > > > people in the temple told the king about abiramipattar and told

> > he

> > > > was a nuisance around the place. The king wanted to confirm

> > wether

> > > > he was a lunatic or not. So he went to abiramipattar and asked

> > > what

> > > > day is today. Abiramipattar didn't even see the king's face as


> > > > was looking at the mother' face and since it was glowing like a

> > > full-

> > > > moon, he told the king that today was a full moon day.

> > > >

> > > > The king angered by abiramipattar' indifference told the


> > > to

> > > > put abiramipattar on a platform and hang the platform below


> > > > there will be fire burining. If that day the moon doesn't arise

> > > then

> > > > abiramipattar will be dropped into the fire.

> > > >

> > > > But, abiramipattar standing on the platform started to sing the

> > > > glory of the mother abirami. He sang a 100 verses in "Tamil" a

> > > > (language of south india) in the form of an "Anthathi" (The


> > > > word of the previous verse will be the first word of the next

> > > verse

> > > > also), singing the praise if goddess abirami. The mother


> > > > and threw her ear-ring in the sky which glowed like a full moon

> > on

> > > a

> > > > new moon day.

> > > >

> > > > The king realising his error asked for forgiveness.

> > > >

> > > > It is said that the "Abirami Anthathi", the 100 verses sung by

> > > > abiramipattar, is actually the extract of lalitha sahasra


> > > So

> > > > these 100 verses are all i know. These 100 verses are ones


> > > has

> > > > taught me the ever-flowing love of my goddess mother "Abirami".

> > > >

> > > > May Abirami pierce the darkness of ignorence in us with the


> > > of

> > > > the wisdom.

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > > Abiramipattar

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Links

> >

> >

> > /

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Your

> >




> /







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