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There is a wonderful book that Swami translated, " The Swami

Puranas". It includes stories that illustrate the most difficult

points and puts them into useful and charming teaching stories.


For example, there is a story of a God who wanted to know what life

and maya was like on this Earth. I will paraphrase it very briefly



A God in Heaven wanted to know what life on Earth was like and why

souls incarnated ther rather than stay in Heaven. So, The Lord

changed the God's soul into that of a beautiful young woman who

forgot her divine existance and found herself by a stream on Earth.


Along came a handsome King, who asked who she was and how she

arrived there? She could not answer and he asked for her hand in

marriage, as he was stricken by her beauty.


She accepted and in due course, married, had children, raised them

to fine adults, and lived a life of luxury. She was his Queen in

every way. But she had no memory of her Divine Nature.


War broke out and her husband the King, and her strong children, now

warriors, rode into battle to defend the kingdom. They all died in



Hearing this, the Queen, rode to the battlefield and saw her dead

husband and children. She screamed in pain at the huge loss she

suffered. A priest came and told her to stop screaming and tend to

her duties as a royal widow, tending the death one and becoming

strong for her subjects.


Just them the Lord came and awoke her from her dream. She said, "I

just had the strangest dream. I was a Queen and lost my sons and

husband in battle."


The Lord said," This is maya. When in maya, you forget your Divine

Nature and live as a human. But Divine you are".


Maa says we are the Divine Gods and Goddesses who came to this

Earth. The nature of Duality is to forget our true nature, our

Divine Nature. Divine Mother casts a spell over us all and those

who have been blessed with enlightnemnt, who have remembered and

become fully conscious of their Divine Naure, their True Self, they

lovingly teach us and help us remember too.


The Holy books of all the religions speak of the Supreme Self as

Absolute, Bliss, Consciousness. All give techniques to purify and

refine our awareness so that we can remember and experience our True

Selves as Divine. But we have to make the effort. By effort we

achieve Grace. And what is Grace?

The Grace of the Guru is the final stroke of the sword which kills

the Great Ego, that which binds us to our thoughts, desires, and

attachments in this world.

Maa says we are One Soul, there is no separation between us, but we

experience only separation and differences. Not Oneness and



So but sitting and chanting God's name, or performing puja, or

singing Divine songs, or meditating, or performing sacred fire

ceremonies, our minds settle down, and in that settled state, the

Divine surgeon, Divine Mother, cuts away our ego, piece by piece,

and we experience that stillness, that bliss of Divine Union. Free

from attachments and the binding thoughts, we experience our True



Little by little the silence and stillness that we experience during

puja, chanting, meditating, begins to grow and permeate our waking

daily lives.


The experience of, and ability to identify with, the similiaries

within existance, rather than identify with the differences: that

is what grows and begins to take over our awaremenss. That is the

growth of enlightment. More light, less darkness, more knowledge,

less ingorance. More love, less hate.


For example, if you love someone dearly and completely, you do not

see their faults, you see them with your heart, and see them as

perfect and whole, unstained and unblemished.


Like that, thru the Grace of the Guru, the layers of dirt and anger

and hate are washed off of our hearts and we begin to see with thru

eyes of a pure heart.


So, daily spiritual practice is a must. There is no substitute.


Find a practice you are drawn to, and make a committment to do it

every day for a week. See how you feel. Then do more, increase

your time and pray for pure devotion and the presence of a Guru to

guide you.


You have friends in this chat who would do anything to help.


God Bless


Jai Maa


Maa's child



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