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Life's Lessons

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It was in 2001 when Beloved Gurujis invited me to tour with them.

The invitation came at a time when I had just completed a work

assignment, ---- elated was I, to say the least. Everything was

planned for me to tour for at least one month with the family, when a

couple weeks before leaving, a job offer was made. I took the job

and cancelled the trip.


The last 3 years in that job were the most trying of my thirty-year

work history – tears, frustration, lack of benefits, no holiday or

holiday pay. Divine Mother saw the pain and opened another door for

me so that I was able to resign recently. Two days before leaving, I

realized that my pay was short, this seemed the final straw, an anger

so passionate was felt that the body ended up weak and ill-feeling.


In five minutes of words, action and decision, I went from being

angry to a state of reflection, I remembered Swamiji's words, what do

you hope to achieve with this anger? I sat at my desk, it was an

ugly feeling, one which I pray never to experience again, I walked

away from that job leaving over $10,000 behind which I will not

receive unless by tribunal. The thought of being cheated out of

one's earnings is not a good one, it pains, but thankfully healing is

in process through absorption in Maa's - "Oh Dark Night Mother"

while feasting on Her and Swamiji's form.


Not sure why I wanted to share this experience, what I am sure of is

that if I could somehow turn the clock back to 2001 I would be on

that tour as promised.


I offer the experience, the energies – good and bad, the lesson(s)

learned/to be learnt at the Beloved Feet of Mother –

Everything is Your Desire, Supreme Desire Oh Dear Mother.




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oh kaliananda, everything will work out. i just know it. i am so glad

this ordeal is over. yes! now you are free! i love you for sharing






, "kaliananda_saraswati"

<kaliananda_saraswati> wrote:

> It was in 2001 when Beloved Gurujis invited me to tour with them.

> The invitation came at a time when I had just completed a work

> assignment, ---- elated was I, to say the least. Everything was

> planned for me to tour for at least one month with the family, when


> couple weeks before leaving, a job offer was made. I took the job

> and cancelled the trip.


> The last 3 years in that job were the most trying of my thirty-year

> work history – tears, frustration, lack of benefits, no holiday


> holiday pay. Divine Mother saw the pain and opened another door


> me so that I was able to resign recently. Two days before leaving,


> realized that my pay was short, this seemed the final straw, an


> so passionate was felt that the body ended up weak and ill-feeling.


> In five minutes of words, action and decision, I went from being

> angry to a state of reflection, I remembered Swamiji's words, what


> you hope to achieve with this anger? I sat at my desk, it was an

> ugly feeling, one which I pray never to experience again, I walked

> away from that job leaving over $10,000 behind which I will not

> receive unless by tribunal. The thought of being cheated out of

> one's earnings is not a good one, it pains, but thankfully healing


> in process through absorption in Maa's - "Oh Dark Night Mother"

> while feasting on Her and Swamiji's form.


> Not sure why I wanted to share this experience, what I am sure of


> that if I could somehow turn the clock back to 2001 I would be on

> that tour as promised.


> I offer the experience, the energies – good and bad, the


> learned/to be learnt at the Beloved Feet of Mother –

> Everything is Your Desire, Supreme Desire Oh Dear Mother.


> Paranams

> Kali

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uncontrolled anger. I did not react. And that is, I think what mother

wanted to see. I gave her my reactions, I showed her I love her so

much as to not react to the ultimate test of consciousness she was

giving me at that very moment. My attitude was noticed by those in

the ambulance and in the emergency room, and by my coworkers the next

day. I showed people that reaction is unnecssary, unfruitful, and

sometimes damaging and I showed them there is another way. Mother

protected me and I knew it, there was no reason to be upset. No

matter the outcome, no matter what happened to me I was either going

to live of die, there is no reason to be upset. As Eckhart Tolle

says, why be upset over your life situation? When your life is really

what matters. The fire men cut my insulin pump line by accident and my

rudraksha from my neck on purpose to remove my clothes to look for

bodilly injury. I was mostly naked in their presence and as the EMT

from the Ambulance told me her name and they pulled me into the sun

light I had to close my eyes to not be blinded. I wonder if that

isn't how the ego feels in the presence of consciousness. Naked,

alone, exposed and blinded. I'd like to say the experience was

humbling, but it wasn't. I'd like to say I learned something, but I

didn't. I'd like to say that it caused some great revelation, but it

didn't. The only thing it confirmed is: I AM. And it proved that Maa

is watching over me. Praise be to the Mother, the creator of darkness

and the illuminator of shadow. Brian"In the begining, the universe was

created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely

regarded as a bad move." -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hikers Guide to

the Galaxy Radio Program.--- On Thu 03/18, kaliananda_saraswati <

kaliananda_saraswati > wrote:kaliananda_saraswati

[ kaliananda_saraswati ]To:

Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 10:29:20

-0000 Life's LessonsIt was in 2001 when Beloved

Gurujis invited me to tour with them. The invitation came at a time

when I had just completed a work assignment, ---- elated was I, to

say the least. Everything was planned for me to tour for at least one

month with the family, when a couple weeks before leaving, a job offer

was made. I took the job and cancelled the trip.The last 3 years in

that job were the most trying of my thirty-year work history – tears,

frustration, lack of benefits, no holiday or holiday pay. Divine

Mother saw the pain and opened another door for me so that I was able

to resign recently. Two days before leaving, I realized that my pay

was short, this seemed the final straw, an anger so passionate was

felt that the body ended up weak and ill-feeling. In five minutes of

words, action and decision, I went from being angry to a state of

reflection, I remembered Swamiji's words, what do you hope to achieve

with this anger? I sat at my desk, it was an ugly feeling, one which I

pray never to experience again, I walked away from that job leaving

over $10,000 behind which I will not receive unless by tribunal. The

thought of being cheated out of one's earnings is not a good one, it

pains, but thankfully healing is in process through absorption in

Maa's - "Oh Dark Night Mother" while feasting on Her and Swamiji's

form. Not sure why I wanted to share this experience, what I am sure

of is that if I could somehow turn the clock back to 2001 I would be

on that tour as promised. I offer the experience, the energies – good

and bad, the lesson(s) learned/to be learnt at the Beloved Feet of

Mother – Everything is Your Desire, Supreme Desire Oh Dear

Mother.ParanamsKali------------------------ Sponsor


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Your post about life's lessons inspires. It is kind of you to present

it for the benefit of other people. Such messages keep me focused.

Thank you.

Best wishes and warmest regards,




3/18/2004 7:49:01 AM

Life's Lessons

It was in 2001 when Beloved Gurujis invited me to tour with them. The

invitation came at a time when I had just completed a work assignment,

---- elated was I, to say the least. Everything was planned for me to

tour for at least one month with the family, when a couple weeks

before leaving, a job offer was made. I took the job and cancelled

the trip.The last 3 years in that job were the most trying of my

thirty-year work history – tears, frustration, lack of benefits, no

holiday or holiday pay. Divine Mother saw the pain and opened

another door for me so that I was able to resign recently. Two days

before leaving, I realized that my pay was short, this seemed the

final straw, an anger so passionate was felt that the body ended up

weak and ill-feeling. In five minutes of words, action and decision,

I went from being angry to a state of reflection, I remembered

Swamiji's words, what do you hope to achieve with this anger? I sat

at my desk, it was an ugly feeling, one which I pray never to

experience again, I walked away from that job leaving over $10,000

behind which I will not receive unless by tribunal. The thought of

being cheated out of one's earnings is not a good one, it pains, but

thankfully healing is in process through absorption in Maa's - "Oh

Dark Night Mother" while feasting on Her and Swamiji's form. Not

sure why I wanted to share this experience, what I am sure of is that

if I could somehow turn the clock back to 2001 I would be on that tour

as promised. I offer the experience, the energies – good and bad,

the lesson(s) learned/to be learnt at the Beloved Feet of Mother –

Everything is Your Desire, Supreme Desire Oh Dear Mother.ParanamsKali

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Dear Brian, Kali and List,

Thanks, Brian and Kali for your "life's lessons" posts. I was

really struck by that sense of "karmic inevitability" in your post,

Brian, especially when you mentioned that the driver in the taxicab

that ran into you was Indian. I think for the first 15 years or so

of my long time doing practices, I thought that, somehow, because I

was so in love with God, so committed to my practices and so focused

on "that", that I could slide away from the World and just live in

my bliss cocoon. I seemed to forget that living in the world is not

only a process of seeing, more and more clearly, that the world IS

God but it is also the working out of all of your karmas. And there

is no escaping the fact that we are embodied and here to learn

lessons that might be difficult at times. Those of us who have a

deep spiritual committment are so incredibly fortunate as it can

provide a profound and clear way of understanding these

seemingly "random" things that come out of nowhere into our lives

when we least expect them. One thing that I have thought about

lately is that I shouldn't take my karma "personally"...it's just

what has to happen to this particular embodied one in this

particular lifetime. There is also the experience of karma

frequently "speeding up" around times like Navaratri or Shivaratri.

"I walked

away from that job leaving over $10,000 behind which I will not

receive unless by tribunal. The thought of being cheated out of

one's earnings is not a good one, it pains, but thankfully healing is

in process through absorption in Maa's - "Oh Dark Night Mother"

while feasting on Her and Swamiji's form....Kali"


Kali, this story touched me so profoundly. I have had many

similar experiences...the most recent being a situation where I

rented a house with my husband on the Ocean for the Winter. Three

weeks after we were settled, a N'orEaster hit and the entire 2nd

floor was destroyed (due to neglect on the part of the landlord.) My

studio with 35 years worth of equipment, 15 years of paintings, my

research library, taped interviews with Indian saints (no longer in

the body) and alot of other things were washed away. The only thing

I managed to rescue before the waves hit were my cats, murtis and

yantras. As if this were not enough, we had to then meet with

lawyers and other people who sound like your old employers and try

to find a way of replacing some of what we had lost and be "sujected

to" really unpleasant cross-examinations etc.. I kept saying to my

husband, "what does it matter? It's only things. I can make more

paintings etc." but what I discovered is that every time I walked

away from confronting the situation, it simply cropped up somewhere

else. Kali (not you but the Mother who had come in with such force

the night of the storm) insisted that I face what was

happening,stand up for what was dharmic and not simply walk away and

allow people to do this sort of thing...first to me and then to the

others who would follow me. My impulse is almost always to walk away

from the sight of Maya, not to want to see how people can treat each

other, just to say..."let it go", especially if I am really the only

one who has been affected by what has happened. But my husband and I

contemplated what had happened and we found a way of dealing with

the situation that was simply very clear, dharmic and matter-of-

fact.At one point, I remember thinking to myself, "if this same

thing had happened to my daughter, what would I advise her to do?".

That was when I realized I had to do for my own Self what I would

want to do for someone else. I hope this doesn't seem as though I am

suggesting you should do ANYTHING other than what you have done in

your case. Each situation is very different and sometimes the best

thing to do is simply to walk away. But I thought it might be

interesting for you to hear of my experience. Best luck to you.

PS: Thanks to everyone who so generously made it possible to read

the transcipts for the Live Chandi Class. I was so sorry to have

missed it and SO HAPPY to find the transcripts on line. Many many


PSS: we should think about making a puja addition to the website so

we can all see each other's pujas...I am kind of not too literate,

computer-wise, but my husband is pretty good at it. Wouldn't it be

great to see where we worship?

best regrds,


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Whoops! Dear Brian,

I was so wrapped up in my own response to your post that I

totally forgot to say...."I'm so glad you are ok!!! Thank goodness

you were not hurt very seriously". DUH! Sorry....best love to you

and best wishes for recovering from any lingering aches and pains.



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I hear you when you say we should stand up for our rights and not

try to escape from Maya.


I try to remember the serenity prayer


"God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change,

courage to change the things we can,

and wisdom to know the difference."




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this i believe to be something that makes shree maa unique. she is

able to integrate the personal and spiritual life perfectly

seamlessly. there is no differentiation. duality is honored ... but

the worship goes to the divine unity, not a trace to mundane

separation. very, very, rare.




, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda>


> Sadhvi,

> I hear you when you say we should stand up for our rights and not

> try to escape from Maya.


> I try to remember the serenity prayer


> "God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change,

> courage to change the things we can,

> and wisdom to know the difference."


> Love

> Latha

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yaa really agreat experience to learn form...!~!!!! often we ignore the message

of the divine and thus is deprieved of the happiness n benefits from the same..

but still the divine is soo loving that he give us another chance to rectify our






kaliananda_saraswati <kaliananda_saraswati wrote:

It was in 2001 when Beloved Gurujis invited me to tour with them.

The invitation came at a time when I had just completed a work

assignment, ---- elated was I, to say the least. Everything was

planned for me to tour for at least one month with the family, when a

couple weeks before leaving, a job offer was made. I took the job

and cancelled the trip.


The last 3 years in that job were the most trying of my thirty-year

work history – tears, frustration, lack of benefits, no holiday or

holiday pay. Divine Mother saw the pain and opened another door for

me so that I was able to resign recently. Two days before leaving, I

realized that my pay was short, this seemed the final straw, an anger

so passionate was felt that the body ended up weak and ill-feeling.


In five minutes of words, action and decision, I went from being

angry to a state of reflection, I remembered Swamiji's words, what do

you hope to achieve with this anger? I sat at my desk, it was an

ugly feeling, one which I pray never to experience again, I walked

away from that job leaving over $10,000 behind which I will not

receive unless by tribunal. The thought of being cheated out of

one's earnings is not a good one, it pains, but thankfully healing is

in process through absorption in Maa's - "Oh Dark Night Mother"

while feasting on Her and Swamiji's form.


Not sure why I wanted to share this experience, what I am sure of is

that if I could somehow turn the clock back to 2001 I would be on

that tour as promised.


I offer the experience, the energies – good and bad, the lesson(s)

learned/to be learnt at the Beloved Feet of Mother –

Everything is Your Desire, Supreme Desire Oh Dear Mother.














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Thank you for sharing this story in your life. It truly affirms that

all we are is ONE. Thank you.



Brian McKee

Thursday, March 18, 2004 1:22 PM

RE: Life's Lessons

Nice post.I have found for myself that my biggest hangup occurs when I

feel like anything in my life is within my control.I haven't felt that

way for a while and to prove that Maha Maya (my mother and teacher)

threw me a curve ball on Monday.I was on the way to get lunch, with

my mind bouncing between two thoughts every few seconds:1. Why won't

my hardware do what I want it to do and what am I going to need to

change to get it to behave?and2. What offerings can I give mother to

most please her, to get her to lift her veil of ignorance, to give me

the chance to see so called reality for what it truly is. Offering

flowers is nice, I thought, but I realized that flowers are just

flowers, unless we attach something of ourselves to them. I have in

the past offered up my ignorance, my neediness, my desire, my fear, a

nd many other things. I realized while driving that what I had to give

to please her was all the things that kept me in the dark, the cloud

of denial I wear and my desire to desire. She wants me to prove to

her that I am unstoppable that she will have to give up her secrets

and battle my mind, because my mind won't give up. I want her. I

desire only her. I will not stop until she is mine.I came up to a

relatively new intersection on a new street on my journey to Togos to

get my #22, my normal Monday Lunch. The lights were all green and

there were pedestrians crossing, I knew automatically that I had all

the time in the world so I just drove into the left most left turn

lane and began the turn.Suddenly there was a blue something in my

right peripheral vision for an instant and then a loud crash, loss of

vision for an instant (I blinked I think) and then when I looked

around I saw that the passenger side of my car was full of metal and

dash board. I had been protected not only by my air bag, but also by

the passenger air bag as well because it was directly to my right.The

right side of my body ached terribly. I moaned a few times due to the

pain. This did not feel like me, it felt like my body. That's an odd

experience. I didn't moan, my body did.Amazingly my engine was still

running. It was making this horrible grinding noise and I almost

laughed outloud as I switched off the key to put it finally out of

its misery. It was a good car and it saved my life that day. So did

Maha Maya. She wants this student to continue to learn and to teach

and so timed it so I wouldn't hit head on or see the accident coming

and react to it.When I was struck I was relaxed and because of that

my body was unbroken.I pulled several muscles, received some burns

from the airbags, cuts and scrapes from flying glass and crushed

plastic, but if it hadn't been for the condition of my car, I would

have walked away from th at crash. However because the car looked so

bad, they rushed me to the hospital to have me checked out.I was

fine. My heart rate a cool 99 and my blood pressure 128/68. They

asked me, "is your heart rate and BP usually so low?" I said yes and

once declared healthy I was ignored for an hour.My mind continued to

be itself during this time. Confidently contemplating the heart rate

monitor and the breathing monitor and listening in as they checked

out the next man to enter the emergency room who may have fallen

asleep at the wheel and driven over a lamp post.My mind was

unchanged, I was unchanged. What happened was an experience and

nothing more. A dishing out of some karma.The other driver,

ironically an Indian Taxi Cab driver, had run a red light. It turns

out it wasn't a head on collision as I thought from sitting inside my

car, he had T-Boned me at an angle. If there had been a passenger,

there would likely be a passenger no more. I'm glad that seat was

empty.I have seen people in situations like mine react in many

different ways. Some cry, some fear, some react with uncontrolled

anger. I did not react. And that is, I think what mother wanted to

see. I gave her my reactions, I showed her I love her so much as to

not react to the ultimate test of consciousness she was giving me at

that very moment.My attitude was noticed by those in the ambulance

and in the emergency room, and by my coworkers the next day. I showed

people that reaction is unnecssary, unfruitful, and sometimes damaging

and I showed them there is another way.Mother protected me and I knew

it, there was no reason to be upset. No matter the outcome, no matter

what happened to me I was either going to live of die, there is no

reason to be upset. As Eckhart Tolle says, why be upset over your

life situation? When your life is really what matters.The fire men

cut my insulin pump line by accident and my rudraksha from my neck on

purpose to remove my clothes to look for bodilly injury. I was mostly

naked in their presence and as the EMT from the Ambulanc e told me

her name and they pulled me into the sun light I had to close my eyes

to not be blinded. I wonder if that isn't how the ego feels in the

presence of consciousness. Naked, alone, exposed and blinded.I'd like

to say the experience was humbling, but it wasn't. I'd like to say I

learned something, but I didn't. I'd like to say that it caused some

great revelation, but it didn't. The only thing it confirmed is: I

AM.And it proved that Maa is watching over me.Praise be to the

Mother, the creator of darkness and the illuminator of

shadow.Brian"In the begining, the universe was created. This has made

a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." --

Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy Radio Program.---

On Thu 03/18, kaliananda_saraswati < kaliananda_saraswati >


Fr om: kaliananda_saraswati [

kaliananda_saraswati ]Date:

Thu, 18 Mar 2004 10:29:20 -0000 Life's

LessonsIt was in 2001 when Beloved Gurujis invited me to tour with

them. The invitation came at a time when I had just completed a work

assignment, ---- elated was I, to say the least. Everything was

planned for me to tour for at least one month with the family, when a

couple weeks before leaving, a job offer was made. I took the job and

cancelled the trip.The last 3 years in that job were the most trying

of my thirty-year work history – tears, frustration, lack of

benefits, no holiday or holiday pay. Divine Mother saw the pain and

opened another door for me so that I was able to resign recently. Two

days before leaving, I realized that my pay was short, this seemed the

final straw, an anger so passionate was felt that the body ended up

weak and ill-feeling. In five minutes of words, action and decision,

I went from being angry to a state of reflection, I remembered

Swamiji's words, what do you hope to achieve with this anger? I sat

at my desk, it was an ugly feeling, one which I pray never to

experience again, I walked away from that job leaving over $10,000

behind which I will not receive unless by tribunal. The thought of

being cheated out of one's earnings is not a good one, it pains, but

thankfully healing is in process through absorption in Maa's - "Oh

Dark Night Mother" while feasting on Her and Swamiji's form. Not sure

why I wanted to share this experience, what I am sure of is that if I

could somehow turn the clock back to 2001 I would be on that tour as

promised. I offer the experience, the energies – good and bad,

the lesson(s) learned/to be learnt at the Beloved Feet of Mother

– Everything is Your Desire, Supre me Desire Oh Dear

Mother.ParanamsKali------------------------ Sponsor

------------------- --~-->Buy Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits for your

HP, Epson, Canon or LexmarkPrinter at MyInks.com. Free s/h on orders

$50 or more to the US &


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No banners. No pop-ups. No kidding.Introducing My Way - http://www.myway.com

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r my reactions, I showed her I love her so much as to not react to the

ultimate test of consciousness she was giving me at that very

moment.My attitude was noticed by those in the ambulance and in the

emergency room, and by my coworkers the next day. I showed people

that reaction is unnecssary, unfruitful, and sometimes damaging and I

showed them there is another way.Mother protected me and I knew it,

there was no reason to be upset. No matter the outcome, no matter

what happened to me I was either going to live of die, there is no

reason to be upset. As Eckhart Tolle says, why be upset over your

life situation? When your life is really what matters.The fire men

cut my insulin pump line by accident and my rudraksha from my neck on

purpose to remove my clothes to look for bodilly injury. I was mostly

naked in their presence and as the EMT from the Ambulanc e told me

her name and they pulled me into the sun light I had to close my eyes

to not be blinded. I wonder if that isn't how the ego feels in the

presence of consciousness. Naked, alone, exposed and blinded.I'd like

to say the experience was humbling, but it wasn't. I'd like to say I

learned something, but I didn't. I'd like to say that it caused some

great revelation, but it didn't. The only thing it confirmed is: I

AM.And it proved that Maa is watching over me.Praise be to the

Mother, the creator of darkness and the illuminator of

shadow.Brian"In the begining, the universe was created. This has made

a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." --

Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy Radio Program.---

On Thu 03/18, kaliananda_saraswati < kaliananda_saraswati >

wrote:Fr om: kaliananda_saraswati [

kaliananda_saraswati ]Date:

Thu, 18 Mar 2004 10:29:20 -0000 Life's

LessonsIt was in 2001 when Beloved Gurujis invited me to tour with

them. The invitation came at a time when I had just completed a work

assignment, ---- elated was I, to say the least. Everything was

planned for me to tour for at least one month with the family, when a

couple weeks before leaving, a job offer was made. I took the job and

cancelled the trip.The last 3 years in that job were the most trying

of my thirty-year work history – tears, frustration, lack of

benefits, no holiday or holiday pay. Divine Mother saw the pain and

opened another door for me so that I was able to resign recently. Two

days before leaving, I realized that my pay was short, this seemed the

final straw, an anger so passionate was felt that the body ended up

weak and ill-feeling. In five minutes of words, action and decision,

I went from being angry to a state of reflection, I remembered

Swamiji's words, what do you hope to achieve with this anger? I sat

at my desk, it was an ugly feeling, one which I pray never to

experience again, I walked away from that job leaving over $10,000

behind which I will not receive unless by tribunal. The thought of

being cheated out of one's earnings is not a good one, it pains, but

thankfully healing is in process through absorption in Maa's - "Oh

Dark Night Mother" while feasting on Her and Swamiji's form. Not sure

why I wanted to share this experience, what I am sure of is that if I

could somehow turn the clock back to 2001 I would be on that tour as

promised. I offer the experience, the energies – good and bad, the

lesson(s) learned/to be learnt at the Beloved Feet of Mother –

Everything is Your Desire, Supre me Desire Oh Dear

Mother.ParanamsKali------------------------ Sponsor

------------------- --~-->Buy Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits for your

HP, Epson, Canon or LexmarkPrinter at MyInks.com. Free s/h on orders

$50 or more to the US &


Groups Links<*> To visit your group on the web, go

to:/<*> To from

this group, send an email

to:<*> Your use of

Groups is subject to:No banners. No

pop-ups. No kidding.Introducing My Way - http://www.myway.com No

banners. No pop-ups. No kidding.Introducing My Way -


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Thanks steve for you kind thought. You are sweet.



, "bingo_ridley" <sconnor@a...>


> oh kaliananda, everything will work out. i just know it. i am so


> this ordeal is over. yes! now you are free! i love you for sharing

> this.


> steve



> , "kaliananda_saraswati"

> <kaliananda_saraswati> wrote:

> > It was in 2001 when Beloved Gurujis invited me to tour with


> > The invitation came at a time when I had just completed a work

> > assignment, ---- elated was I, to say the least. Everything was

> > planned for me to tour for at least one month with the family,


> a

> > couple weeks before leaving, a job offer was made. I took the


> > and cancelled the trip.

> >

> > The last 3 years in that job were the most trying of my thirty-


> > work history – tears, frustration, lack of benefits, no holiday

> or

> > holiday pay. Divine Mother saw the pain and opened another door

> for

> > me so that I was able to resign recently. Two days before


> I

> > realized that my pay was short, this seemed the final straw, an

> anger

> > so passionate was felt that the body ended up weak and ill-


> >

> > In five minutes of words, action and decision, I went from being

> > angry to a state of reflection, I remembered Swamiji's words,


> do

> > you hope to achieve with this anger? I sat at my desk, it was an

> > ugly feeling, one which I pray never to experience again, I


> > away from that job leaving over $10,000 behind which I will not

> > receive unless by tribunal. The thought of being cheated out of

> > one's earnings is not a good one, it pains, but thankfully


> is

> > in process through absorption in Maa's - "Oh Dark Night Mother"

> > while feasting on Her and Swamiji's form.

> >

> > Not sure why I wanted to share this experience, what I am sure of

> is

> > that if I could somehow turn the clock back to 2001 I would be on

> > that tour as promised.

> >

> > I offer the experience, the energies – good and bad, the

> lesson(s)

> > learned/to be learnt at the Beloved Feet of Mother –

> > Everything is Your Desire, Supreme Desire Oh Dear Mother.

> >

> > Paranams

> > Kali

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Greetings Brian,


Would you believe it if I told you that my experience occured on

Monday also? I entered work feeling on top of the world "I was in

control", within 2 minutes of being there it was a totally different



Today though the expereince seems something in the distant past.

While preparing lunch today and singing along with Maa "Hari krnsa,

hari krsna, krsna krsna hari hari" I found myself dancing with the

spoon and to the beautiful expanse of sky seen through the window.

It was a wonderful feeling, I thought "Thank You Mother". Cannot

recall the last time that this happened.


A load has been lifted, if I never receive those monies, it does not

matter. I asked Mother to show me and remove, She has shown what has

to be removed and given this beautiful time of Navaratri when all

these wounderful things are happening to assist Her children who are

in need. What else is there?


My dear all, let's meet on Sunday in an ocean of love and praise for

ten days following and make these vessels fit to house Our Beloved

Supreme Divinity.





, "Brian McKee" <brian@s...> wrote:

> Nice post. I have found for myself that my biggest hangup occurs

when I feel like anything in my life is within my control. I haven't

felt that way for a while and to prove that Maha Maya (my mother and

teacher) threw me a curve ball on Monday.I was on the way to get

lunch, with my mind bouncing between two thoughts every few seconds:

1. Why won't my hardware do what I want it to do and what am I going

to need to change to get it to behave?and2. What offerings can I give

mother to most please her, to get her to lift her veil of ignorance,

to give me the chance to see so called reality for what it truly is.

Offering flowers is nice, I thought, but I realized that flowers are

just flowers, unless we attach something of ourselves to them. I have

in the past offered up my ignorance, my neediness, my desire, my

fear, and many other things. I realized while driving that what I had

to give to please her was all the things that kept me in the dark,

the cloud of denial I wear and my desire to desire. She wants me to

prove to her that I am unstoppable that she will have to give up her

secrets and battle my mind, because my mind won't give up. I want

her. I desire only her. I will not stop until she is mine. I came up

to a relatively new intersection on a new street on my journey to

Togos to get my #22, my normal Monday Lunch. The lights were all

green and there were pedestrians crossing, I knew automatically that

I had all the time in the world so I just drove into the left most

left turn lane and began the turn. Suddenly there was a blue

something in my right peripheral vision for an instant and then a

loud crash, loss of vision for an instant (I blinked I think) and

then when I looked around I saw that the passenger side of my car was

full of metal and dash board. I had been protected not only by my air

bag, but also by the passenger air bag as well because it was

directly to my right. The right side of my body ached terribly. I

moaned a few times due to the pain. This did not feel like me, it

felt like my body. That's an odd experience. I didn't moan, my body

did. Amazingly my engine was still running. It was making this

horrible grinding noise and I almost laughed outloud as I switched

off the key to put it finally out of its misery. It was a good car

and it saved my life that day. So did Maha Maya. She wants this

student to continue to learn and to teach and so timed it so I

wouldn't hit head on or see the accident coming and react to it. When

I was struck I was relaxed and because of that my body was unbroken.

I pulled several muscles, received some burns from the airbags, cuts

and scrapes from flying glass and crushed plastic, but if it hadn't

been for the condition of my car, I would have walked away from that

crash. However because the car looked so bad, they rushed me to the

hospital to have me checked out. I was fine. My heart rate a cool 99

and my blood pressure 128/68. They asked me, "is your heart rate and

BP usually so low?" I said yes and once declared healthy I was

ignored for an hour. My mind continued to be itself during this time.

Confidently contemplating the heart rate monitor and the breathing

monitor and listening in as they checked out the next man to enter

the emergency room who may have fallen asleep at the wheel and driven

over a lamp post. My mind was unchanged, I was unchanged. What

happened was an experience and nothing more. A dishing out of some

karma. The other driver, ironically an Indian Taxi Cab driver, had

run a red light. It turns out it wasn't a head on collision as I

thought from sitting inside my car, he had T-Boned me at an angle. If

there had been a passenger, there would likely be a passenger no

more. I'm glad that seat was empty. I have seen people in situations

like mine react in many different ways. Some cry, some fear, some

react with uncontrolled anger. I did not react. And that is, I think

what mother wanted to see. I gave her my reactions, I showed her I

love her so much as to not react to the ultimate test of

consciousness she was giving me at that very moment. My attitude was

> noticed by those in the ambulance and in the emergency room, and

by my coworkers the next day. I showed people that reaction is

unnecssary, unfruitful, and sometimes damaging and I showed them

there is another way. Mother protected me and I knew it, there was no

reason to be upset. No matter the outcome, no matter what happened to

me I was either going to live of die, there is no reason to be upset.

As Eckhart Tolle says, why be upset over your life situation? When

your life is really what matters. The fire men cut my insulin pump

line by accident and my rudraksha from my neck on purpose to remove

my clothes to look for bodilly injury. I was mostly naked in their

presence and as the EMT from the Ambulance told me her name and they

pulled me into the sun light I had to close my eyes to not be

blinded. I wonder if that isn't how the ego feels in the presence of

consciousness. Naked, alone, exposed and blinded. I'd like to say the

experience was humbling, but it wasn't. I'd like to say I learned

something, but I didn't. I'd like to say that it caused some great

revelation, but it didn't. The only thing it confirmed is: I AM. And

it proved that Maa is watching over me. Praise be to the Mother, the

creator of darkness and the illuminator of shadow. Brian"In the

begining, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people

very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." -- Douglas Adams,

The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy Radio Program.--- On Thu 03/18,

kaliananda_saraswati < kaliananda_saraswati > wrote:

kaliananda_saraswati [ kaliananda_saraswati]To:

: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 10:29:20 -0000Subject:

Life's LessonsIt was in 2001 when Beloved Gurujis

invited me to tour with them. The invitation came at a time when I

had just completed a work assignment, ---- elated was I, to say the

least. Everything was planned for me to tour for at least one month

with the family, when a couple weeks before leaving, a job offer was

made. I took the job and cancelled the trip.The last 3 years in that

job were the most trying of my thirty-year work history – tears,

frustration, lack of benefits, no holiday or holiday pay. Divine

Mother saw the pain and opened another door for me so that I was able

to resign recently. Two days before leaving, I realized that my pay

was short, this seemed the final straw, an anger so passionate was

felt that the body ended up weak and ill-feeling. In five minutes of

words, action and decision, I went from being angry to a state of

reflection, I remembered Swamiji's words, what do you hope to achieve

with this anger? I sat at my desk, it was an ugly feeling, one which

I pray never to experience again, I walked away from that job leaving

over $10,000 behind which I will not receive unless by tribunal. The

thought of being cheated out of one's earnings is not a good one, it

pains, but thankfully healing is in process through absorption in

Maa's - "Oh Dark Night Mother" while feasting on Her and Swamiji's

form. Not sure why I wanted to share this experience, what I am sure

of is that if I could somehow turn the clock back to 2001 I would be

on that tour as promised. I offer the experience, the energies – good

and bad, the lesson(s) learned/to be learnt at the Beloved Feet of

Mother – Everything is Your Desire, Supreme Desire Oh Dear

Mother.ParanamsKali------------------------ Sponsor ----

-----------------~-->Buy Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits for your

HP, Epson, Canon or LexmarkPrinter at MyInks.com. Free s/h on orders

$50 or more to the US & Canada.http://www.c1tracking.com/l.asp?



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<*> Your use of is

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> _____________

> No banners. No pop-ups. No kidding.

> Introducing My Way - http://www.myway.com

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p. I want her. I desire only her. I will not stop until she is mine. I

came up to a relatively new intersection on a new street on my journey

to Togos to get my #22, my normal Monday Lunch. The lights were all

green and there were pedestrians crossing, I knew automatically that

I had all the time in the world so I just drove into the left most

left turn lane and began the turn. Suddenly there was a blue

something in my right peripheral vision for an instant and then a

loud crash, loss of vision for an instant (I blinked I think) and

then when I looked around I saw that the passenger side of my car was

full of metal and dash board. I had been protected not only by my air

bag, but also by the passenger air bag as well because it was

directly to my right. The right side of my body ached terribly. I

moaned a few times due to the pain. This did not feel like me, it

felt like my body. That's an odd experience. I didn't moan, my body

did. Amazingly my engine was still running. It was making this

horrible grinding noise and I almost laughed outloud as I switched

off the key to put it finally out of its misery. It was a good car

and it saved my life that day. So did Maha Maya. She wants this

student to continue to learn and to teach and so timed it so I

wouldn't hit head on or see the accident coming and react to it. When

I was struck I was relaxed and because of that my body was unbroken. I

pulled several muscles, received some burns from the airbags, cuts and

scrapes from flying glass and crushed plastic, but if it hadn't been

for the condition of my car, I would have walked away from that

crash. However because the car looked so bad, they rushed me to the

hospital to have me checked out. I was fine. My heart rate a cool 99

and my blood pressure 128/68. They asked me, "is your heart rate and

BP usually so low?" I said yes and once declared healthy I was

ignored for an hour. My mind continued to be itself during this time.

Confidently contemplating the heart rate monitor and the breathing

monitor and listening in as they checked out the next man to enter

the emergency room who may have fallen asleep at the wheel and driven

over a lamp post. My mind was unchanged, I was unchanged. What

happened was an experience and nothing more. A dishing out of some

karma. The other driver, ironically an Indian Taxi Cab driver, had

run a red light. It turns out it wasn't a head on collision as I

thought from sitting inside my car, he had T-Boned me at an angle. If

there had been a passenger, there would likely be a passenger no more.

I'm glad that seat was empty. I have seen people in situations like

mine react in many different ways. Some cry, some fear, some react

with uncontrolled anger. I did not react. And that is, I think what

mother wanted to see. I gave her my reactions, I showed her I love

her so much as to not react to the ultimate test of consciousness she

was giving me at that very moment. My attitude was > noticed by those

in the ambulance and in the emergency room, and by my coworkers the

next day. I showed people that reaction is unnecssary, unfruitful,

and sometimes damaging and I showed them there is another way. Mother

protected me and I knew it, there was no reason to be upset. No matter

the outcome, no matter what happened to me I was either going to live

of die, there is no reason to be upset. As Eckhart Tolle says, why be

upset over your life situation? When your life is really what matters.

The fire men cut my insulin pump line by accident and my rudraksha

from my neck on purpose to remove my clothes to look for bodilly

injury. I was mostly naked in their presence and as the EMT from the

Ambulance told me her name and they pulled me into the sun light I

had to close my eyes to not be blinded. I wonder if that isn't how

the ego feels in the presence of consciousness. Naked, alone, exposed


d blinded. I'd like to say the experience was humbling, but it wasn't.

I'd like to say I learned something, but I didn't. I'd like to say

that it caused some great revelation, but it didn't. The only thing

it confirmed is: I AM. And it proved that Maa is watching over me.

Praise be to the Mother, the creator of darkness and the illuminator

of shadow. Brian"In the begining, the universe was created. This has

made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad

move." -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy Radio

Program.--- On Thu 03/18, kaliananda_saraswati <

kaliananda_saraswati > wrote:kaliananda_saraswati

[ kaliananda_saraswati]: Thu, 18 Mar

2004 10:29:20 -0000 Life's LessonsIt was in

2001 when Beloved Gurujis invited me to tour with them. The

invitation came at a time when I had just completed a work

assignment, ---- elated was I, to say the least. Everything was

planned for me to tour for at least one month with the family, when a

couple weeks before leaving, a job offer was made. I took the job and

cancelled the trip.The last 3 years in that job were the most trying

of my thirty-year work history – tears, frustration, lack of

benefits, no holiday or holiday pay. Divine Mother saw the pain and

opened another door for me so that I was able to resign recently. Two

days before leaving, I realized that my pay was short, this seemed the

final straw, an anger so passionate was felt that the body ended up

weak and ill-feeling. In five minutes of words, action and decision,

I went from being angry to a state of reflection, I remembered

Swamiji's words, what do you hope to achieve with this anger? I sat

at my desk, it was an ugly feeling, one which I pray never to

experience again, I walked away from that job leaving over $10,000

behind which I will not receive unless by tribunal. The thought of

being cheated out of one's earnings is not a good one, it pains, but

thankfully healing is in process through absorption in Maa's - "Oh

Dark Night Mother" while feasting on Her and Swamiji's form. Not sure

why I wanted to share this experience, what I am sure of is that if I

could somehow turn the clock back to 2001 I would be on that tour as

promised. I offer the experience, the energies – good and bad, the

lesson(s) learned/to be learnt at the Beloved Feet of Mother –

Everything is Your Desire, Supreme Desire Oh Dear

Mother.ParanamsKali------------------------ Sponsor

---------------------~-->Buy Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits for

your HP, Epson, Canon or LexmarkPrinter at MyInks.com. Free s/h on

orders $50 or more to the US &


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This was a strange week. That's for sure. The weird mood changes I

underwent after the accident were the oddest part of it.As for the

money, there is this little law called Karma. What goes around comes

around. It is conceivable you cheated them in a past life and this

even's the score. It is also conceivable you will cheat someone in

the future and even the score. Either way its all just part of the

play, and pointless for a little mind to contemplate.I lost a lot of

money in 2000 for reasons I won't mention, but the money was nothing

because in the end my life became much better. Now I have a wonderful

family at Devi Mandir and heck, where ever I go. So it cost me some

money to get here, that's nothing compared to the bliss of caring,

sharing, and growing.Have a great weekend.Krista and I are going car

shopping...Love,Brian"In the begining, the universe was created. This

has made a lot

of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." --

Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy Radio Program.---

On Fri 03/19, kaliananda_saraswati < kaliananda_saraswati >


kaliananda_saraswati [ kaliananda_saraswati ]To:

Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2004 02:00:04

-0000 Re: Life's LessonsGreetings Brian,Would

you believe it if I told you that my experience occured on Monday

also? I entered work feeling on top of the world "I was in control",

within 2 minutes of being there it was a totally different play.Today

though the expereince seems something in the distant past. While

preparing lunch today and singing along with Maa "Hari krnsa, hari

krsna, krsna krsna hari hari" I found myself dancing with the spoon

and to the beautiful expanse of sky seen through the window. It was a

wonderful feeling, I thought "Thank You Mother". Cannot recall the

last time that this happened.A load has been lifted, if I never

receive those monies, it does not matter. I asked Mother to show me

and remove, She has shown what has to be removed and given this

beautiful time of Navaratri when all these wounderful things are

happening to assist Her children who are in need. What else is

there?My dear all, let's meet on Sunday in an ocean of love and

praise for ten days following and make these vessels fit to house Our

Beloved Supreme Divinity.JAI CAHNDI MAA KI JAI--- In

, "Brian McKee" wrote:> Nice post. I have

found for myself that my biggest hangup occurs when I feel like

anything in my life is within my control. I haven't felt that way for

a while and to prove that Maha Maya (my mother and teacher) threw me a

curve ball on Monday.I was on the way to get lunch, with my mind

bouncing between two thoughts every few seconds: 1. Why won't my

hardware do what I want it to do and what am I going

to need to change to get it to behave?and2. What offerings can I give

mother to most please her, to get her to lift her veil of ignorance,

to give me the chance to see so called reality for what it truly is.

Offering flowers is nice, I thought, but I realized that flowers are

just flowers, unless we attach something of ourselves to them. I have

in the past offered up my ignorance, my neediness, my desire, my fear,

and many other things. I realized while driving that what I had to

give to please her was all the things that kept me in the dark, the

cloud of denial I wear and my desire to desire. She wants me to prove

to her that I am unstoppable that she will have to give up her secrets

and battle my mind, because my mind won't give u p. I want her. I

desire only her. I will not stop until she is mine. I came up to a

relatively new intersection on a new street on my journey to Togos to

get my #22, my normal Monday Lunch. The

lights were all green and there were pedestrians crossing, I knew

automatically that I had all the time in the world so I just drove

into the left most left turn lane and began the turn. Suddenly there

was a blue something in my right peripheral vision for an instant and

then a loud crash, loss of vision for an instant (I blinked I think)

and then when I looked around I saw that the passenger side of my car

was full of metal and dash board. I had been protected not only by my

air bag, but also by the passenger air bag as well because it was

directly to my right. The right side of my body ached terribly. I

moaned a few times due to the pain. This did not feel like me, it

felt like my body. That's an odd experience. I didn't moan, my body

did. Amazingly my engine was still running. It was making this

horrible grinding noise and I almost laughed outloud as I switched

off the key to put it finally out of its misery. It was a good

car and it saved my life that day. So did Maha Maya. She wants this

student to continue to learn and to teach and so timed it so I

wouldn't hit head on or see the accident coming and react to it. When

I was struck I was relaxed and because of that my body was unbroken. I

pulled several muscles, received some burns from the airbags, cuts and

scrapes from flying glass and crushed plastic, but if it hadn't been

for the condition of my car, I would have walked away from that

crash. However because the car looked so bad, they rushed me to the

hospital to have me checked out. I was fine. My heart rate a cool 99

and my blood pressure 128/68. They asked me, "is your heart rate and

BP usually so low?" I said yes and once declared healthy I was

ignored for an hour. My mind continued to be itself during this time.

Confidently contemplating the heart rate monitor and the breathing

monitor and listening in as they checked out the next man

to enter the emergency room who may have fallen asleep at the wheel

and driven over a lamp post. My mind was unchanged, I was unchanged.

What happened was an experience and nothing more. A dishing out of

some karma. The other driver, ironically an Indian Taxi Cab driver,

had run a red light. It turns out it wasn't a head on collision as I

thought from sitting inside my car, he had T-Boned me at an angle. If

there had been a passenger, there would likely be a passenger no more.

I'm glad that seat was empty. I have seen people in situations like

mine react in many different ways. Some cry, some fear, some react

with uncontrolled anger. I did not react. And that is, I think what

mother wanted to see. I gave her my reactions, I showed her I love

her so much as to not react to the ultimate test of consciousness she

was giving me at that very moment. My attitude was > noticed by those

in the ambulance and in the emergency room,

and by my coworkers the next day. I showed people that reaction is

unnecssary, unfruitful, and sometimes damaging and I showed them

there is another way. Mother protected me and I knew it, there was no

reason to be upset. No matter the outcome, no matter what happened to

me I was either going to live of die, there is no reason to be upset.

As Eckhart Tolle says, why be upset over your life situation? When

your life is really what matters. The fire men cut my insulin pump

line by accident and my rudraksha from my neck on purpose to remove

my clothes to look for bodilly injury. I was mostly naked in their

presence and as the EMT from the Ambulance told me her name and they

pulled me into the sun light I had to close my eyes to not be

blinded. I wonder if that isn't how the ego feels in the presence of

consciousness. Naked, alone, exposed an d blinded. I'd like to say

the experience was humbling, but it wasn't. I'd like to say I

learned something, but I didn't. I'd like to say that it caused some

great revelation, but it didn't. The only thing it confirmed is: I

AM. And it proved that Maa is watching over me. Praise be to the

Mother, the creator of darkness and the illuminator of shadow.

Brian"In the begining, the universe was created. This has made a lot

of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." --

Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy Radio Program.---

On Thu 03/18, kaliananda_saraswati < kaliananda_saraswati >

wrote:kaliananda_saraswati [

kaliananda_saraswati]: Thu, 18 Mar 2004

10:29:20 -0000 Life's LessonsIt was in 2001

when Beloved Gurujis invited me to tour with them. The invitation

came at a time when I had just completed a work assignment, ----

elated was I, to say the least. Everything was planned for me to tour

for at least one

month with the family, when a couple weeks before leaving, a job offer

was made. I took the job and cancelled the trip.The last 3 years in

that job were the most trying of my thirty-year work history – tears,

frustration, lack of benefits, no holiday or holiday pay. Divine

Mother saw the pain and opened another door for me so that I was able

to resign recently. Two days before leaving, I realized that my pay

was short, this seemed the final straw, an anger so passionate was

felt that the body ended up weak and ill-feeling. In five minutes of

words, action and decision, I went from being angry to a state of

reflection, I remembered Swamiji's words, what do you hope to achieve

with this anger? I sat at my desk, it was an ugly feeling, one which I

pray never to experience again, I walked away from that job leaving

over $10,000 behind which I will not receive unless by tribunal. The

thought of being cheated out of one's earnings is

not a good one, it pains, but thankfully healing is in process through

absorption in Maa's - "Oh Dark Night Mother" while feasting on Her and

Swamiji's form. Not sure why I wanted to share this experience, what I

am sure of is that if I could somehow turn the clock back to 2001 I

would be on that tour as promised. I offer the experience, the

energies – good and bad, the lesson(s) learned/to be learnt at the

Beloved Feet of Mother – Everything is Your Desire, Supreme Desire Oh

Dear Mother.ParanamsKali------------------------ Sponsor

---------------------~-->Buy Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits for your

HP, Epson, Canon or LexmarkPrinter at MyInks.com. Free s/h on orders

$50 or more to the US &



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is subject to:> >

_____________> No banners. No

pop-ups. No kidding.> Introducing My Way - http://www.myway.com!

Groups Links<*> To visit your group on the web, go

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No banners. No pop-ups. No kidding.Introducing My Way - http://www.m yway.com

Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

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it is also conceivable that it has nothing at all to do with

cheating someone or being cheated. it may be that the karma of the

situation is to not be attached to outcomes, just act with honest,

true intention. the money may or may not be returned in the future

it really doesn't matter. the lesson may be that to bear insult or

injury is the highest yoga.




, "Brian McKee" <brian@s...> wrote:

> This was a strange week. That's for sure. The weird mood changes

I underwent after the accident were the oddest part of it. As for

the money, there is this little law called Karma. What goes around

comes around. It is conceivable you cheated them in a past life and

this even's the score. It is also conceivable you will cheat someone

in the future and even the score. Either way its all just part of

the play, and pointless for a little mind to contemplate.I lost a

lot of money in 2000 for reasons I won't mention, but the money was

nothing because in the end my life became much better. Now I have a

wonderful family at Devi Mandir and heck, where ever I go. So it

cost me some money to get here, that's nothing compared to the bliss

of caring, sharing, and growing. Have a great weekend. Krista and I

are going car shopping... Love, Brian"In the begining, the universe

was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been

widely regarded as a bad move." -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hikers

Guide to the Galaxy Radio Program.--- On Fri 03/19,

kaliananda_saraswati < kaliananda_saraswati > wrote:

kaliananda_saraswati [ kaliananda_saraswati]To:

: Sat, 20 Mar 2004 02:00:04 -0000Subject:

Re: Life's LessonsGreetings Brian,Would you believe it

if I told you that my experience occured on Monday also? I entered

work feeling on top of the world "I was in control", within 2

minutes of being there it was a totally different play.Today though

the expereince seems something in the distant past. While preparing

lunch today and singing along with Maa "Hari krnsa, hari krsna,

krsna krsna hari hari" I found myself dancing with the spoon and to

the beautiful expanse of sky seen through the window. It was a

wonderful feeling, I thought "Thank You Mother". Cannot recall the

last time that this happened.A load has been lifted, if I never

receive those monies, it does not matter. I asked Mother to show me

and remove, She has shown what has to be removed and given this

beautiful time of Navaratri when all these wounderful things are

happening to assist Her children who are in need. What else is there?

My dear all, let's meet on Sunday in an ocean of love and praise for

ten days following and make these vessels fit to house Our Beloved

Supreme Divinity.JAI CAHNDI MAA KI JAI--- In

, "Brian McKee" wrote:> Nice post. I

have found for myself that my biggest hangup occurs when I feel like

anything in my life is within my control. I haven't felt that way

for a while and to prove that Maha Maya (my mother and teacher)

threw me a curve ball on Monday.I was on the way to get lunch, with

my mind bouncing between two thoughts every few seconds: 1. Why

won't my hardware do what I want it to do and what am I going to

need to change to get it to behave?and2. What offerings can I give

mother to most please her, to get her to lift her veil of ignorance,

to give me the chance to see so called reality for what it truly is.

Offering flowers is nice, I thought, but I realized that flowers are

just flowers, unless we attach something of ourselves to them. I

have in the past offered up my ignorance, my neediness, my desire,

my fear, and many other things. I realized while driving that what I

had to give to please her was all the things that kept me in the

dark, the cloud of denial I wear and my desire to desire. She wants

me to prove to her that I am unstoppable that she will have to give

up her secrets and battle my mind, because my mind won't give up. I

want her. I desire only her. I will not stop until she is mine. I

came up to a relatively new intersection on a new street on my

journey to Togos to get my #22, my normal Monday Lunch. The lights

were all green and there were pedestrians crossing, I knew

automatically that I had all the time in the world so I just drove

into the left most left turn lane and began the turn. Suddenly there

was a blue something in my right peripheral vision for an instant

and then a loud crash, loss of vision for an instant (I b

> linked I think) and then when I looked around I saw that the

passenger side of my car was full of metal and dash board. I had

been protected not only by my air bag, but also by the passenger air

bag as well because it was directly to my right. The right side of

my body ached terribly. I moaned a few times due to the pain. This

did not feel like me, it felt like my body. That's an odd

experience. I didn't moan, my body did. Amazingly my engine was

still running. It was making this horrible grinding noise and I

almost laughed outloud as I switched off the key to put it finally

out of its misery. It was a good car and it saved my life that day.

So did Maha Maya. She wants this student to continue to learn and to

teach and so timed it so I wouldn't hit head on or see the accident

coming and react to it. When I was struck I was relaxed and because

of that my body was unbroken. I pulled several muscles, received

some burns from the airbags, cuts and scrapes from flying glass and

crushed plastic, but if it hadn't been for the condition of my car,

I would have walked away from that crash. However because the car

looked so bad, they rushed me to the hospital to have me checked

out. I was fine. My heart rate a cool 99 and my blood pressure

128/68. They asked me, "is your heart rate and BP usually so low?" I

said yes and once declared healthy I was ignored for an hour. My

mind continued to be itself during this time. Confidently

contemplating the heart rate monitor and the breathing monitor and

listening in as they checked out the next man to enter the emergency

room who may have fallen asleep at the wheel and driven over a lamp

post. My mind was unchanged, I was unchanged. What happened was an

experience and nothing more. A dishing out of some karma. The other

driver, ironically an Indian Taxi Cab driver, had run a red light.

It turns out it wasn't a head on collision as I thought from sitting

inside my car, he had T-Boned me at an angle. If there had been a

passenger, there would likely be a passenger no more. I'm glad that

seat was empty. I have seen people in situations like mine react in

many different ways. Some cry, some fear, some react with

uncontrolled anger. I did not react. And that is, I think what

mother wanted to see. I gave her my reactions, I showed her I love

her so much as to not react to the ultimate test of consciousness

she was giving me at that very moment. My attitude was > noticed

by those in the ambulance and in the emergency room, and by my

coworkers the next day. I showed people that reaction is unnecssary,

unfruitful, and sometimes damaging and I showed them there is

another way. Mother protected me and I knew it, there was no reason

to be upset. No matter the outcome, no matter what happened to me I

was either going to live of die, there is no reason to be upset. As

Eckhart Tolle says, why be upset over your life situation? When your

life is really what matters. The fire men cut my insulin pump line

by accident and my rudraksha from my neck on purpose to remove my

clothes to look for bodilly injury. I was mostly naked in their

presence and as the EMT from the Ambulance told me her name and they

pulled me into the sun light I had to close my eyes to not be

blinded. I wonder if that isn't how the ego feels in the presence of

consciousness. Naked, alone, exposed and blinded. I'd like to say

the experience was humbling, but it wasn't. I'd like to say I

learned something, but I didn't. I'd like to say that it caused some

great revelation, but it didn't. The only thing it confirmed is: I

AM. And it proved that Maa is watching over me. Praise be to the

Mother, the creator of darkness and the illuminator of shadow.

Brian"In the begining, the universe was created. This has made a lot

of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." --

Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy Radio Program.---

On Thu 03/18, kaliananda_saraswati &lt;

kaliananda_saraswati &gt; wrote:kaliananda_saraswati

[ kaliananda_saraswati]: Thu, 18 Mar

2004 10:29:20

> -0000 Life's LessonsIt was in 2001 when

Beloved Gurujis invited me to tour with them. The invitation came at

a time when I had just completed a work assignment, ---- elated was

I, to say the least. Everything was planned for me to tour for at

least one month with the family, when a couple weeks before leaving,

a job offer was made. I took the job and cancelled the trip.The last

3 years in that job were the most trying of my thirty-year work

history – tears, frustration, lack of benefits, no holiday or

holiday pay. Divine Mother saw the pain and opened another door for

me so that I was able to resign recently. Two days before leaving, I

realized that my pay was short, this seemed the final straw, an

anger so passionate was felt that the body ended up weak and ill-

feeling. In five minutes of words, action and decision, I went from

being angry to a state of reflection, I remembered Swamiji's words,

what do you hope to achieve with this anger? I sat at my desk, it

was an ugly feeling, one which I pray never to experience again, I

walked away from that job leaving over $10,000 behind which I will

not receive unless by tribunal. The thought of being cheated out of

one's earnings is not a good one, it pains, but thankfully healing

is in process through absorption in Maa's - "Oh Dark Night Mother"

while feasting on Her and Swamiji's form. Not sure why I wanted to

share this experience, what I am sure of is that if I could somehow

turn the clock back to 2001 I would be on that tour as promised. I

offer the experience, the energies – good and bad, the lesson(s)

learned/to be learnt at the Beloved Feet of Mother – Everything is

Your Desire, Supreme Desire Oh Dear Mother.ParanamsKali--------------

---------- Sponsor ---------------------~--&gt;Buy

Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits for your HP, Epson, Canon or

LexmarkPrinter at MyInks.com. Free s/h on orders $50 or more to the

US &amp; Canada.http://www.c1tracking.com/l.asp?



&gt; Links&lt;*&gt; To visit your group on

the web, go

to:/&lt;*&gt; To

from this group, send an email to:-

&lt;*&gt; Your use of

Groups is subject to:> >

_____________> No banners. No

pop-ups. No kidding.> Introducing My Way -

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yes look at the situation [self] deeper and deeper until it is

devoid of blame.


, "ecjensen_us" <ecjensen_us>




> it is also conceivable that it has nothing at all to do with

> cheating someone or being cheated. it may be that the karma of


> situation is to not be attached to outcomes, just act with honest,

> true intention. the money may or may not be returned in the


> it really doesn't matter. the lesson may be that to bear insult


> injury is the highest yoga.




> , "Brian McKee" <brian@s...>


> > This was a strange week. That's for sure. The weird mood


> I underwent after the accident were the oddest part of it. As for

> the money, there is this little law called Karma. What goes around

> comes around. It is conceivable you cheated them in a past life


> this even's the score. It is also conceivable you will cheat


> in the future and even the score. Either way its all just part of

> the play, and pointless for a little mind to contemplate.I lost a

> lot of money in 2000 for reasons I won't mention, but the money


> nothing because in the end my life became much better. Now I have


> wonderful family at Devi Mandir and heck, where ever I go. So it

> cost me some money to get here, that's nothing compared to the


> of caring, sharing, and growing. Have a great weekend. Krista and


> are going car shopping... Love, Brian"In the begining, the


> was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been

> widely regarded as a bad move." -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hikers

> Guide to the Galaxy Radio Program.--- On Fri 03/19,

> kaliananda_saraswati < kaliananda_saraswati >


> kaliananda_saraswati [ kaliananda_saraswati]To:

> : Sat, 20 Mar 2004 02:00:04 -0000Subject:

> Re: Life's LessonsGreetings Brian,Would you believe


> if I told you that my experience occured on Monday also? I entered

> work feeling on top of the world "I was in control", within 2

> minutes of being there it was a totally different play.Today


> the expereince seems something in the distant past. While


> lunch today and singing along with Maa "Hari krnsa, hari krsna,

> krsna krsna hari hari" I found myself dancing with the spoon and


> the beautiful expanse of sky seen through the window. It was a

> wonderful feeling, I thought "Thank You Mother". Cannot recall the

> last time that this happened.A load has been lifted, if I never

> receive those monies, it does not matter. I asked Mother to show


> and remove, She has shown what has to be removed and given this

> beautiful time of Navaratri when all these wounderful things are

> happening to assist Her children who are in need. What else is


> My dear all, let's meet on Sunday in an ocean of love and praise


> ten days following and make these vessels fit to house Our Beloved

> Supreme Divinity.JAI CAHNDI MAA KI JAI--- In

> , "Brian McKee" wrote:> Nice post. I

> have found for myself that my biggest hangup occurs when I feel


> anything in my life is within my control. I haven't felt that way

> for a while and to prove that Maha Maya (my mother and teacher)

> threw me a curve ball on Monday.I was on the way to get lunch,


> my mind bouncing between two thoughts every few seconds: 1. Why

> won't my hardware do what I want it to do and what am I going to

> need to change to get it to behave?and2. What offerings can I give

> mother to most please her, to get her to lift her veil of


> to give me the chance to see so called reality for what it truly


> Offering flowers is nice, I thought, but I realized that flowers


> just flowers, unless we attach something of ourselves to them. I

> have in the past offered up my ignorance, my neediness, my desire,

> my fear, and many other things. I realized while driving that what


> had to give to please her was all the things that kept me in the

> dark, the cloud of denial I wear and my desire to desire. She


> me to prove to her that I am unstoppable that she will have to


> up her secrets and battle my mind, because my mind won't give up.


> want her. I desire only her. I will not stop until she is mine. I

> came up to a relatively new intersection on a new street on my

> journey to Togos to get my #22, my normal Monday Lunch. The lights

> were all green and there were pedestrians crossing, I knew

> automatically that I had all the time in the world so I just drove

> into the left most left turn lane and began the turn. Suddenly


> was a blue something in my right peripheral vision for an instant

> and then a loud crash, loss of vision for an instant (I b

> > linked I think) and then when I looked around I saw that the

> passenger side of my car was full of metal and dash board. I had

> been protected not only by my air bag, but also by the passenger


> bag as well because it was directly to my right. The right side of

> my body ached terribly. I moaned a few times due to the pain. This

> did not feel like me, it felt like my body. That's an odd

> experience. I didn't moan, my body did. Amazingly my engine was

> still running. It was making this horrible grinding noise and I

> almost laughed outloud as I switched off the key to put it finally

> out of its misery. It was a good car and it saved my life that


> So did Maha Maya. She wants this student to continue to learn and


> teach and so timed it so I wouldn't hit head on or see the


> coming and react to it. When I was struck I was relaxed and


> of that my body was unbroken. I pulled several muscles, received

> some burns from the airbags, cuts and scrapes from flying glass


> crushed plastic, but if it hadn't been for the condition of my


> I would have walked away from that crash. However because the car

> looked so bad, they rushed me to the hospital to have me checked

> out. I was fine. My heart rate a cool 99 and my blood pressure

> 128/68. They asked me, "is your heart rate and BP usually so low?"


> said yes and once declared healthy I was ignored for an hour. My

> mind continued to be itself during this time. Confidently

> contemplating the heart rate monitor and the breathing monitor and

> listening in as they checked out the next man to enter the


> room who may have fallen asleep at the wheel and driven over a


> post. My mind was unchanged, I was unchanged. What happened was an

> experience and nothing more. A dishing out of some karma. The


> driver, ironically an Indian Taxi Cab driver, had run a red light.

> It turns out it wasn't a head on collision as I thought from


> inside my car, he had T-Boned me at an angle. If there had been a

> passenger, there would likely be a passenger no more. I'm glad


> seat was empty. I have seen people in situations like mine react


> many different ways. Some cry, some fear, some react with

> uncontrolled anger. I did not react. And that is, I think what

> mother wanted to see. I gave her my reactions, I showed her I love

> her so much as to not react to the ultimate test of consciousness

> she was giving me at that very moment. My attitude was >


> by those in the ambulance and in the emergency room, and by my

> coworkers the next day. I showed people that reaction is


> unfruitful, and sometimes damaging and I showed them there is

> another way. Mother protected me and I knew it, there was no


> to be upset. No matter the outcome, no matter what happened to me


> was either going to live of die, there is no reason to be upset.


> Eckhart Tolle says, why be upset over your life situation? When


> life is really what matters. The fire men cut my insulin pump line

> by accident and my rudraksha from my neck on purpose to remove my

> clothes to look for bodilly injury. I was mostly naked in their

> presence and as the EMT from the Ambulance told me her name and


> pulled me into the sun light I had to close my eyes to not be

> blinded. I wonder if that isn't how the ego feels in the presence


> consciousness. Naked, alone, exposed and blinded. I'd like to say

> the experience was humbling, but it wasn't. I'd like to say I

> learned something, but I didn't. I'd like to say that it caused


> great revelation, but it didn't. The only thing it confirmed is: I

> AM. And it proved that Maa is watching over me. Praise be to the

> Mother, the creator of darkness and the illuminator of shadow.

> Brian"In the begining, the universe was created. This has made a


> of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." --

> Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy Radio Program.-


> On Thu 03/18, kaliananda_saraswati &lt;

> kaliananda_saraswati &gt; wrote:


> [ kaliananda_saraswati]: Thu, 18


> 2004 10:29:20

> > -0000 Life's LessonsIt was in 2001 when

> Beloved Gurujis invited me to tour with them. The invitation came


> a time when I had just completed a work assignment, ---- elated


> I, to say the least. Everything was planned for me to tour for at

> least one month with the family, when a couple weeks before


> a job offer was made. I took the job and cancelled the trip.The


> 3 years in that job were the most trying of my thirty-year work

> history – tears, frustration, lack of benefits, no holiday or

> holiday pay. Divine Mother saw the pain and opened another door


> me so that I was able to resign recently. Two days before leaving,


> realized that my pay was short, this seemed the final straw, an

> anger so passionate was felt that the body ended up weak and ill-

> feeling. In five minutes of words, action and decision, I went


> being angry to a state of reflection, I remembered Swamiji's


> what do you hope to achieve with this anger? I sat at my desk, it

> was an ugly feeling, one which I pray never to experience again, I

> walked away from that job leaving over $10,000 behind which I will

> not receive unless by tribunal. The thought of being cheated out


> one's earnings is not a good one, it pains, but thankfully healing

> is in process through absorption in Maa's - "Oh Dark Night Mother"

> while feasting on Her and Swamiji's form. Not sure why I wanted to

> share this experience, what I am sure of is that if I could


> turn the clock back to 2001 I would be on that tour as promised. I

> offer the experience, the energies – good and bad, the


> learned/to be learnt at the Beloved Feet of Mother – Everything


> Your Desire, Supreme Desire Oh Dear Mother.ParanamsKali------------


> ---------- Sponsor ---------------------~--


> Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits for your HP, Epson, Canon or

> LexmarkPrinter at MyInks.com. Free s/h on orders $50 or more to


> US &amp; Canada.http://www.c1tracking.com/l.asp?

> cid=5511http://us.click./mOAaAA/3exGAA/qnsNAA/XUWolB/TM---


> -------------------------------~-

> &gt; Links&lt;*&gt; To visit your group


> the web, go

> to:/&lt;*&gt; To

> from this group, send an email to:-

> &lt;*&gt; Your use of

> Groups is subject to:> >

> _____________> No banners. No

> pop-ups. No kidding.> Introducing My Way -

> http://www.myway.com! Groups Links<*> To visit your


> on the web, go

> to:/<*> To

> from this group, send an email to:-

> <*> Your use of is

> subject to:

> >

> > _____________

> > No banners. No pop-ups. No kidding.

> > Introducing My Way - http://www.myway.com

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Guest guest

Yep. It could be unrelated to anything. My point was that the mind cannot

know such things.


At 07:03 AM 3/20/2004, you wrote:



>it is also conceivable that it has nothing at all to do with

>cheating someone or being cheated. it may be that the karma of the

>situation is to not be attached to outcomes, just act with honest,

>true intention. the money may or may not be returned in the future

>it really doesn't matter. the lesson may be that to bear insult or

>injury is the highest yoga.




>, "Brian McKee" <brian@s...> wrote:

> > This was a strange week. That's for sure. The weird mood changes

>I underwent after the accident were the oddest part of it. As for

>the money, there is this little law called Karma. What goes around

>comes around. It is conceivable you cheated them in a past life and

>this even's the score. It is also conceivable you will cheat someone

>in the future and even the score. Either way its all just part of

>the play, and pointless for a little mind to contemplate.I lost a

>lot of money in 2000 for reasons I won't mention, but the money was

>nothing because in the end my life became much better. Now I have a

>wonderful family at Devi Mandir and heck, where ever I go. So it

>cost me some money to get here, that's nothing compared to the bliss

>of caring, sharing, and growing. Have a great weekend. Krista and I

>are going car shopping... Love, Brian"In the begining, the universe

>was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been

>widely regarded as a bad move." -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hikers

>Guide to the Galaxy Radio Program.--- On Fri 03/19,

>kaliananda_saraswati < kaliananda_saraswati > wrote:

>kaliananda_saraswati [ kaliananda_saraswati]To:

>: Sat, 20 Mar 2004 02:00:04 -0000Subject:

> Re: Life's LessonsGreetings Brian,Would you believe it

>if I told you that my experience occured on Monday also? I entered

>work feeling on top of the world "I was in control", within 2

>minutes of being there it was a totally different play.Today though

>the expereince seems something in the distant past. While preparing

>lunch today and singing along with Maa "Hari krnsa, hari krsna,

>krsna krsna hari hari" I found myself dancing with the spoon and to

>the beautiful expanse of sky seen through the window. It was a

>wonderful feeling, I thought "Thank You Mother". Cannot recall the

>last time that this happened.A load has been lifted, if I never

>receive those monies, it does not matter. I asked Mother to show me

>and remove, She has shown what has to be removed and given this

>beautiful time of Navaratri when all these wounderful things are

>happening to assist Her children who are in need. What else is there?

>My dear all, let's meet on Sunday in an ocean of love and praise for

>ten days following and make these vessels fit to house Our Beloved

>Supreme Divinity.JAI CAHNDI MAA KI JAI--- In

>, "Brian McKee" wrote:> Nice post. I

>have found for myself that my biggest hangup occurs when I feel like

>anything in my life is within my control. I haven't felt that way

>for a while and to prove that Maha Maya (my mother and teacher)

>threw me a curve ball on Monday.I was on the way to get lunch, with

>my mind bouncing between two thoughts every few seconds: 1. Why

>won't my hardware do what I want it to do and what am I going to

>need to change to get it to behave?and2. What offerings can I give

>mother to most please her, to get her to lift her veil of ignorance,

>to give me the chance to see so called reality for what it truly is.

>Offering flowers is nice, I thought, but I realized that flowers are

>just flowers, unless we attach something of ourselves to them. I

>have in the past offered up my ignorance, my neediness, my desire,

>my fear, and many other things. I realized while driving that what I

>had to give to please her was all the things that kept me in the

>dark, the cloud of denial I wear and my desire to desire. She wants

>me to prove to her that I am unstoppable that she will have to give

>up her secrets and battle my mind, because my mind won't give up. I

>want her. I desire only her. I will not stop until she is mine. I

>came up to a relatively new intersection on a new street on my

>journey to Togos to get my #22, my normal Monday Lunch. The lights

>were all green and there were pedestrians crossing, I knew

>automatically that I had all the time in the world so I just drove

>into the left most left turn lane and began the turn. Suddenly there

>was a blue something in my right peripheral vision for an instant

>and then a loud crash, loss of vision for an instant (I b

> > linked I think) and then when I looked around I saw that the

>passenger side of my car was full of metal and dash board. I had

>been protected not only by my air bag, but also by the passenger air

>bag as well because it was directly to my right. The right side of

>my body ached terribly. I moaned a few times due to the pain. This

>did not feel like me, it felt like my body. That's an odd

>experience. I didn't moan, my body did. Amazingly my engine was

>still running. It was making this horrible grinding noise and I

>almost laughed outloud as I switched off the key to put it finally

>out of its misery. It was a good car and it saved my life that day.

>So did Maha Maya. She wants this student to continue to learn and to

>teach and so timed it so I wouldn't hit head on or see the accident

>coming and react to it. When I was struck I was relaxed and because

>of that my body was unbroken. I pulled several muscles, received

>some burns from the airbags, cuts and scrapes from flying glass and

>crushed plastic, but if it hadn't been for the condition of my car,

>I would have walked away from that crash. However because the car

>looked so bad, they rushed me to the hospital to have me checked

>out. I was fine. My heart rate a cool 99 and my blood pressure

>128/68. They asked me, "is your heart rate and BP usually so low?" I

>said yes and once declared healthy I was ignored for an hour. My

>mind continued to be itself during this time. Confidently

>contemplating the heart rate monitor and the breathing monitor and

>listening in as they checked out the next man to enter the emergency

>room who may have fallen asleep at the wheel and driven over a lamp

>post. My mind was unchanged, I was unchanged. What happened was an

>experience and nothing more. A dishing out of some karma. The other

>driver, ironically an Indian Taxi Cab driver, had run a red light.

>It turns out it wasn't a head on collision as I thought from sitting

>inside my car, he had T-Boned me at an angle. If there had been a

>passenger, there would likely be a passenger no more. I'm glad that

>seat was empty. I have seen people in situations like mine react in

>many different ways. Some cry, some fear, some react with

>uncontrolled anger. I did not react. And that is, I think what

>mother wanted to see. I gave her my reactions, I showed her I love

>her so much as to not react to the ultimate test of consciousness

>she was giving me at that very moment. My attitude was > noticed

>by those in the ambulance and in the emergency room, and by my

>coworkers the next day. I showed people that reaction is unnecssary,

>unfruitful, and sometimes damaging and I showed them there is

>another way. Mother protected me and I knew it, there was no reason

>to be upset. No matter the outcome, no matter what happened to me I

>was either going to live of die, there is no reason to be upset. As

>Eckhart Tolle says, why be upset over your life situation? When your

>life is really what matters. The fire men cut my insulin pump line

>by accident and my rudraksha from my neck on purpose to remove my

>clothes to look for bodilly injury. I was mostly naked in their

>presence and as the EMT from the Ambulance told me her name and they

>pulled me into the sun light I had to close my eyes to not be

>blinded. I wonder if that isn't how the ego feels in the presence of

>consciousness. Naked, alone, exposed and blinded. I'd like to say

>the experience was humbling, but it wasn't. I'd like to say I

>learned something, but I didn't. I'd like to say that it caused some

>great revelation, but it didn't. The only thing it confirmed is: I

>AM. And it proved that Maa is watching over me. Praise be to the

>Mother, the creator of darkness and the illuminator of shadow.

>Brian"In the begining, the universe was created. This has made a lot

>of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." --

>Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy Radio Program.---

> On Thu 03/18, kaliananda_saraswati &lt;

>kaliananda_saraswati &gt; wrote:kaliananda_saraswati

>[ kaliananda_saraswati]: Thu, 18 Mar

>2004 10:29:20

> > -0000 Life's LessonsIt was in 2001 when

>Beloved Gurujis invited me to tour with them. The invitation came at

>a time when I had just completed a work assignment, ---- elated was

>I, to say the least. Everything was planned for me to tour for at

>least one month with the family, when a couple weeks before leaving,

>a job offer was made. I took the job and cancelled the trip.The last

>3 years in that job were the most trying of my thirty-year work

>history ­ tears, frustration, lack of benefits, no holiday or

>holiday pay. Divine Mother saw the pain and opened another door for

>me so that I was able to resign recently. Two days before leaving, I

>realized that my pay was short, this seemed the final straw, an

>anger so passionate was felt that the body ended up weak and ill-

>feeling. In five minutes of words, action and decision, I went from

>being angry to a state of reflection, I remembered Swamiji's words,

>what do you hope to achieve with this anger? I sat at my desk, it

>was an ugly feeling, one which I pray never to experience again, I

>walked away from that job leaving over $10,000 behind which I will

>not receive unless by tribunal. The thought of being cheated out of

>one's earnings is not a good one, it pains, but thankfully healing

>is in process through absorption in Maa's - "Oh Dark Night Mother"

>while feasting on Her and Swamiji's form. Not sure why I wanted to

>share this experience, what I am sure of is that if I could somehow

>turn the clock back to 2001 I would be on that tour as promised. I

>offer the experience, the energies ­ good and bad, the lesson(s)

>learned/to be learnt at the Beloved Feet of Mother ­ Everything is

>Your Desire, Supreme Desire Oh Dear Mother.ParanamsKali--------------

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>LexmarkPrinter at MyInks.com. Free s/h on orders $50 or more to the

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"...it is also conceivable that it has nothing at all to do with

cheating someone or being cheated. it may be that the karma of the

situation is to not be attached to outcomes, just act with honest,

true intention. the money may or may not be returned in the future

it really doesn't matter. the lesson may be that to bear insult or

injury is the highest yoga...."


thanks for this post. I really agree that the issue is never the

outcome. There is no need to "oppose" in order to do what you feel

is right. When you are acting from that place of inner knowing,

there is really no opposition. Your sense of what is dharmic or true

informs you of the "correct" action to take in the circumstance and

it's more about you, doing what you understand as true...being

truthful and also, acting truthfully in the situation. Thanks to

everyone who contributed to this discussion. It was very interesting

to me.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Durga Loka for the next 9

days...Jai Ma! Jaya Devi!



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Lovely post.

1) At times like these accident) ... the mind vanishes. Remember, the

mind is comfortable with the known. Nthe mind is never with the


2) That's why bunjee jumping and such extreme sports are such a thrill... no mind.

3) Which car did you buy ?

Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Dear Brian,


You question is why one does not turn his feet towards the altar...


I have heard ... once there was an atheist ... and he was brilliant... he would

out argue anybody and everybody . Once a sadhu came to his village and sat under

a tree.


The atheist went over to his and started a conversation. The sadhu answered

softly but firmly that he did not have the answers to the atheists questions but

then gave him the address of such a person who could answer all his questions.


The atheist hurried towards the other village to find the person.


As he approached the village, he was amazed to see the person sleeping under a

tree with his feet on the Shiv altar !


He gasped and shook the sadhu awake and said 'i have many questions but two

questions have surfaced in my mind right now and both the questions are fresh'


First - why are you still asleep ? It is almost 10 O'Clock in the morning, are

you not supposed to be up and about at 'Brahamamahurat' and second - why do you

have your feet Shiva's altar ? Even i am an atheist but i too would not put my

feet on any altar !'


The sad answered and said that ' i have realized that every and any moment i

awake is Brahma mahurat'. Which moment is there when God is not ?'


Second - He has given me feet, therefore i have to rest them somewhere ! Do you

think this earth is not an altar... and if this earth is an altar then where

should i put my feet ?


And last - what about 'this' living Shiva - you are concerned about the Shiva

Ling - a dead piece of stone ....

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