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Listening to the Chandi Path

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Welcome Jayshrishri,

Thanks for joining in. Just recently Swamiji was discussing the

importance of listening to the recitation of the Chandi. As Latha

mentioned chapter 12 describes the benefits of listening to the

Chandi. See verses: 4-7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 22,24

Happy listening!




, "JayShriShri"

<jayshrishri> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,


> I've just joined the group, I have been through some of the

messages which I

> found very interesting and I have 2 questions regarding the

Chandi Path.

> 1. I am unable to chant the Chandi Path but I listen to it on

CDs, is this ok?

> 2. Is it allowed to chant the Chandi Path at night.


> thanks

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Hi how are you doing? Great, I hope!


A couple places I read in the Chandi ... don't ask me the page

numbers! ... a few places, reading/hearing the Chandi Path is

beneficial even if one does not understand it ... and in another

place, it is harmful if one does not understand it. I am assuming

intent is the operative at issue here, and if one does not

understand but has bad intent, then that would be harmful, and the

reverse is true, if intent is good, hearing it is good.


So with regards to listening ... of course for me, and probably most

of us, re: the recitation, I know only maybe .05% of the words.

Could you please elaborate on what Swamiji said for non-Indians to

hear the Chandi Path?


Siddhananda told me, Swamiji has spoken on some energy or resonation

related to the sound of the spoken Sanskrit. [is it called Sanskrit

when you speak it or just when you write it?]


Hope this question makes sense. It's about listening, understanding,

and sound. How do we learn and know and grow without the

conventional avenues of knowledge -- language, etc. Can you or Maa

or Swamiji speak on this. Devnath alluded to this once, but I don't

wish to put words in his mouth ... the direction I felt he was

suggesting was, the meaning comes in other way ... I intuited this

to mean, the physical/spiritual act of recitation and listening have

a channel of their own, even if understanding at the mental level of

conventional language is not present.


Steve C.



, "parv108" <parv108> wrote:

> Welcome Jayshrishri,

> Thanks for joining in. Just recently Swamiji was discussing the

> importance of listening to the recitation of the Chandi. As Latha

> mentioned chapter 12 describes the benefits of listening to the

> Chandi. See verses: 4-7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 22,24

> Happy listening!




> , "JayShriShri"

> <jayshrishri> wrote:

> > Hello Everyone,

> >

> > I've just joined the group, I have been through some of the

> messages which I

> > found very interesting and I have 2 questions regarding the

> Chandi Path.

> > 1. I am unable to chant the Chandi Path but I listen to it on

> CDs, is this ok?

> > 2. Is it allowed to chant the Chandi Path at night.

> >

> > thanks

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Jai Maa!


I do hope that someone will post some direct teachings from Shree Maa or

Swamiji about Steve's questions, but in the meantime, I might like to offer

some info on the question of listening to Sanskrit texts. The topic of Sanskrit

chanting is my absolute favorite, so I request everyone to please forgive me if

I go on and on!


Sanskrit refers to both the spoken and written forms. However, in my

understanding, it is the spoken form that carries the main energy for spiritual

transformation. (In mental japa, it's not necessary to actually speak the

mantra out loud to receive the benefit, and mental japa is considered the most

powerful.) It is important to understand the meaning of a text one is reciting,

but the sound of the text itself has the power to purify us. That is why it is

beneficial to simply listen to the text if we can't recite it ourselves,

although reciting is always ideal. As Steve suggested, the acts of recitation

and listening definitely have a channel of their own, in terms of providing

purification and inspiration.


I'm not sure why it would be harmful to hear Chandi without understanding it.

Usually, harm only comes if someone listens without faith or while actively

scorning the recitation. It's really best if sacred mantras or stotras are only

heard by those who have sincere faith and devotion. This is because having

negative thoughts about a sacred text is really not very good karma.


Each Sanskrit sound stimulates different nadis and chakras in the subtle body.

When we recite or listen to those sounds, our subtle bodies are purified and

energized; it's basically like "sound yoga" or like taking a healing, cleansing

"sound bath". Even if we don't know the meaning, the sounds will have this

effect. However, in my experience, understanding the meaning of a chant helps

me to feel very inspired. By feeling inspired and devotional, my heart

automatically opens. Because my consciousness has become more open and

receptive due to the noble emotions inspired by the meaning, the sound energies

seem to penetrate more deeply into my mind, allowing for greater effect. In my

experience, the ultimate is to understand the spiritual significance of a chant

AND to chant it regularly.


It's good to start with an intellectual or surface-level understanding of a

chant and then learn to chant it regularly with devotion. Over time, the energy

generated by the chant elevates and purifies the mind. Eventually, it becomes

possible to directly perceive the hidden spiritual significance of the chant.

This is because chanting Sanskrit sounds attracts divine energy to one's mind,

increasing one's intuitive capabilities. Beyond that, of course, divine grace

descends and spiritual enlightenment is won through regular chanting.


Traditionally, Saraswati Devi is shown holding a clear quartz crystal mala of

54 beads. These beads represent the 54 sounds of the Sanskrit language (some

say 50). The Sanskrit sounds have come directly from Divine Mother, who is in

the form of the sacred sound "Om". From Om bijakshara, all the sacred sounds of

Sanskrit have emerged. Bija means "seed" and akshara means "eternal" or

"indestructible". So bijakshara means that the Sanskrit sounds are the

eternally indestructible seeds of divine potency. When the sounds are combined

in specific patterns, like in mantras or stotras, they have the ability to

generate very specific and powerful energy patterns.


Actually, there is a Vedic saying that the mantra is no different from

God--when we chant it's almost like we're creating a sound-body of a particular

form of God. So when we chant these mantras, they're not just sounds or

statements, they are packets of seed-energy that have the power to utterly

transform our consciousness into divine consciousness. So simply to chant

regularly with devotion is like running down the path towards meeting and

merging with our beloved Divine Mother.


Different mantras produce different effects, due to the sounds and rhythms they

contain, and all true mantras have been given to humanity by realized sages.

I've listened to a number of different kinds of chanting, and I've attended

many homas. In my experience, the 2 most powerful homas are the Rudra Homa and

the Chandi Homa. During Chandi Homa, the energy generated is very tangible.

It's very serious and intense, but there's definitely the most beautiful

absolute love behind the seriousness. I feel the seriousness comes from Divine

Mother's determination to root out all the negativity that might be preventing

us from progressing on our path. She is very serious about Her responsibility

of helping Her children make spiritual progress. The cleansing process isn't

always easy, but it's for the best, and it's the only way for Her to mold us

into perfect beings. Sometimes the energy of Chandi Homa is so intense it makes

me start to "conk out", even while sitting up. Nothing else really has this

effect on me.


To have the chance to learn about the inner significance of Chandi, and also to

learn how to chant it properly from beings like Shree Maa and Swamiji, is

really an amazing opportunity. I pray that all the devotees will realize the

inner significance of the Chandi and attain the highest goal through its



Again, I hope someone will post Shree Maa's or Swamiji's direct teachings about

the significance of listening to Chandi Path.


Jai Maa!



--- Steve Connor <sconnor wrote:

> Parvati,


> Hi how are you doing? Great, I hope!


> A couple places I read in the Chandi ... don't ask me the page

> numbers! ... a few places, reading/hearing the Chandi Path is

> beneficial even if one does not understand it ... and in another

> place, it is harmful if one does not understand it. I am assuming

> intent is the operative at issue here, and if one does not

> understand but has bad intent, then that would be harmful, and the

> reverse is true, if intent is good, hearing it is good.


> So with regards to listening ... of course for me, and probably most

> of us, re: the recitation, I know only maybe .05% of the words.

> Could you please elaborate on what Swamiji said for non-Indians to

> hear the Chandi Path?


> Siddhananda told me, Swamiji has spoken on some energy or resonation

> related to the sound of the spoken Sanskrit. [is it called Sanskrit

> when you speak it or just when you write it?]


> Hope this question makes sense. It's about listening, understanding,

> and sound. How do we learn and know and grow without the

> conventional avenues of knowledge -- language, etc. Can you or Maa

> or Swamiji speak on this. Devnath alluded to this once, but I don't

> wish to put words in his mouth ... the direction I felt he was

> suggesting was, the meaning comes in other way ... I intuited this

> to mean, the physical/spiritual act of recitation and listening have

> a channel of their own, even if understanding at the mental level of

> conventional language is not present.


> Steve C.



> , "parv108" <parv108> wrote:

> > Welcome Jayshrishri,

> > Thanks for joining in. Just recently Swamiji was discussing the

> > importance of listening to the recitation of the Chandi. As Latha

> > mentioned chapter 12 describes the benefits of listening to the

> > Chandi. See verses: 4-7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 22,24

> > Happy listening!

> >

> >

> >

> > , "JayShriShri"

> > <jayshrishri> wrote:

> > > Hello Everyone,

> > >

> > > I've just joined the group, I have been through some of the

> > messages which I

> > > found very interesting and I have 2 questions regarding the

> > Chandi Path.

> > > 1. I am unable to chant the Chandi Path but I listen to it on

> > CDs, is this ok?

> > > 2. Is it allowed to chant the Chandi Path at night.

> > >

> > > thanks











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  • 2 months later...

Dear Effie,


So many people have responded to your question about listening to Chandi, and

they have given excellent advice. I just wanted to offer some other thoughts,

suggestions, and reassurances to you. Please keep in mind, these are just my

thoughts and opinions!


First, please don't think that you are far removed from Sanskrit! Can you say

"Om"? If so, then you are completely connected to the very essence and source

of all Sanskrit sounds! The sound of "Om" is Divine Mother Herself. She is

Omkareswari (The Divine Queen of Om), Omkara Rupini (The Very Form of Om),

Omkara Bijakshari (The Eternal Source of Om). From the vibration of Omkara

(kara simply means "sound" or "letter" in Sanskrit), all the sacred vibrational

sounds of Sanskrit have manifested. These sounds are the foundational energies

of the entire cosmos. The sound of Om is related to the Christian word "Amen".

Many have commented on this.


We can benefit from the sacred Sanskrit language by either chanting or

listening. Either way will bring immense benefit. There are some who compare

Sanskrit to fire. Even if you don't know how to light a fire, or you don't know

the physics of fire, or you don't even believe that fire really exists, if you

put your hand in a fire, you'll be burned. In the same way, even if you don't

have faith in Sanskrit as a sacred language, listening to its sounds will have

a positive effect on you. It's like a force of Nature. Of course, if you do

have faith, and your heart and mind are open, then the energy of Sanskrit

chants will penetrate very deeply into your subtle body and have even greater



With respect to Chandi, this is a very powerful scripture in honor of Divine

Mother. It is not just a scripture which tells stories. The very sounds of

Chandi have the power to evoke the presence of Maa Chandi in our hearts and

minds. It is a very challenging text to chant. I have learned a number of

Sanskrit chants, Vedic and otherwise. I've been told by many that my

pronunciation is perfect. But even I feel intimidated by the thought of

chanting the Chandi. In India, people jump at the chance to just hear a

recitation of Chandi. Most people don't learn to chant Chandi themselves, but

they try to hear it whenever they get the chance, because they know that it has

immense power to purify one's karma and give one the grace of Divine Mother. So

I consider all the devotees who are even thinking about learning to chant

Chandi to be great heroes. It's really very impressive.


The point of all this is that you don't have to chant the entire Chandi

yourself to benefit from its immense power. There are many ways to incorporate

the energy of Chandi into your life. Listening to Swamiji's Chandi tape is very

excellent, because he's acquired tremendous spiritual energy, and that energy

will be transmitted to you through the sound of his voice. You can simply

listen to the tape, or you can meditate during it if you like meditation. If

you like, you can imagine that Swamiji, or Shree Maa, or any form of the Divine

is sitting with you, smiling at you, and blessing you with perfect love and

wisdom. If you like to do visualizations, you could listen to it and imagine

that a beautiful, golden-red fire appears in front of you; this fire is Mother

Herself, who has taken this form in order to bless you. Imagine that you are

taking any negative qualities or limitations and casting them into the fire, so

that Mother can destroy them for you.


The sounds of the Chandi are like a subtle fire that completely purifies your

mind and heart. Divine Mother is already present in our hearts, but we don't

recognize Her presence because it is covered over by the dust of our negative

actions from many lifetimes. When we listen to or recite the names of Durga

Devi, or Chandi Maa, this dust is utterly incinerated. Over time, with steady

effort, Her divine light will shine through perfectly and we will realize our

utter oneness with Her. It's not that we *become* one with Her, we simply

realize that we are not, and have never been, separate from Her. Chandi is the

form that protects us from any kind of negativity, whether inner or outer, and

takes us beyond any thought of duality or separation.


Whether you decide to listen to Chandi or not, there are many shorter mantras

or chants that contain the main essence of Chandi. There is something called

the Durga Saptasloki. This is seven verses from the Chandi that describe the

essence of Chandi. I can send you a copy of the 7 verses, if you like. Again,

one of these verses is considered by some to be the nuclear, or key, verse of

Chandi. (Begins "sharanagata dinartha, paritrana parayane...") So even this one

verse could be learned and chanted on a regular basis. I believe the main

mantra that captures the essence of Chandi would be the Navarna Mantra, which

goes "Om aim hrim klim chamundayai vicche". This mantra is fairly easy in terms

of pronunciation, but it contains powerful energy due to the first four words

or sounds. Aim, hrim, and klim are extremely powerful sounds known as

seed-letters. These seed-letters really catalyze our spiritual progress. Shree

Maa has recorded a tape of just this mantra, which can be played repeatedly in

order to learn it. Even now, I can hear exactly how She does it in my mind,

because of listening to this tape!


Even if you listen to Chandi every day, it is very excellent to chant some kind

of mantra yourself. So if you feel drawn to this path, and drawn to the path of

Divine Mother, Navarna mantra would be a very good choice. Another mantra that

used to be on a mantra card is "Om hrim shrim dum durgayai namaha", at least I

think that's what it was. If even this seems like too much, you could just

chant "Om", or just "Maa". Years ago, I used to mentally chant "Maa

Maa Maa"

whenever I could. I was always surprised by how powerful this was! As many

others have mentioned, the key really is love. However, I believe that mantras

allow us to take our love to higher and higher levels, until we reach the



I'll stop here, since I've gone on and on...but I just hate to see anyone

feeling discouraged!


Jai Maa,



--- Frederica Evangeline Wilder <effie_wilder wrote:

> Dear List,


> In perusing the archives, I came upon a post (whose author is

> enormously knowledgeable!) and I am rather saddened that the

> information presented should be gone. I think it needs to be

> discussed over and over again. I hope that more talk can be

> directed, especially by this poster, to the issue of listening to

> the Chandi. For those of us who are far removed from the Hindu (and

> Sanskrit) language and culture but are drawn to the spiritual

> excellence of the teachings, for us who haven't a clue about

> chanting the Chandi...would it "count" if we were to build a

> practice around listening only.


> Heartfelt thanks to all and to Ekta,

> Effie


> , Eleathea Barraclough

> <eleathea> wrote:


> > but the sound of the text itself has the power to purify us. That

> is why it is beneficial to simply listen to the text if we can't

> recite it ourselves,

> > Each Sanskrit sound stimulates different nadis and chakras in the

> subtle body. When we recite or listen to those sounds, our subtle

> bodies are purified and energized; it's basically like "sound yoga"

> or like taking a healing, cleansing "sound bath". Even if we don't

> know the meaning, the sounds will have this effect. >

> > Again, I hope someone will post Shree Maa's or Swamiji's direct

> teachings about the significance of listening to Chandi Path.

> >

> > Jai Maa!

> > Ekta












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Namaste ALL esp Ekta,


I have been reading and rereading the post below and am totally

amazed at the amount of knowledge presented. Not only offered, but

offered in an easy to understand manner. There is so much I want to

say. Where to begin? For now, perhaps, a mention that it helps the

Western Christian mind so very much when correlations are made

between Sanskrit and English. The comment about the sound of Om and

its relationship to "Amen" was really interesting and very

meaningful for me.


Ekta, please, please, please, if you are not too busy to share your

talent and energies once in a while, please post more. Pick any

topic you want and just write. Whatever you care to offer will be a

gift for all. Please.







, Eleathea Barraclough

<eleathea> wrote:

> Dear Effie,


> So many people have responded to your question about listening to

Chandi, and

> they have given excellent advice. I just wanted to offer some

other thoughts,

> suggestions, and reassurances to you. Please keep in mind, these

are just my

> thoughts and opinions!


> First, please don't think that you are far removed from Sanskrit!

Can you say

> "Om"? If so, then you are completely connected to the very essence

and source

> of all Sanskrit sounds! The sound of "Om" is Divine Mother

Herself. She is

> Omkareswari (The Divine Queen of Om), Omkara Rupini (The Very Form

of Om),

> Omkara Bijakshari (The Eternal Source of Om). From the vibration

of Omkara

> (kara simply means "sound" or "letter" in Sanskrit), all the

sacred vibrational

> sounds of Sanskrit have manifested. These sounds are the

foundational energies

> of the entire cosmos. The sound of Om is related to the Christian

word "Amen".

> Many have commented on this.


> We can benefit from the sacred Sanskrit language by either

chanting or

> listening. Either way will bring immense benefit. There are some

who compare

> Sanskrit to fire. Even if you don't know how to light a fire, or

you don't know

> the physics of fire, or you don't even believe that fire really

exists, if you

> put your hand in a fire, you'll be burned. In the same way, even

if you don't

> have faith in Sanskrit as a sacred language, listening to its

sounds will have

> a positive effect on you. It's like a force of Nature. Of course,

if you do

> have faith, and your heart and mind are open, then the energy of


> chants will penetrate very deeply into your subtle body and have

even greater

> effect.


> With respect to Chandi, this is a very powerful scripture in honor

of Divine

> Mother. It is not just a scripture which tells stories. The very

sounds of

> Chandi have the power to evoke the presence of Maa Chandi in our

hearts and

> minds. It is a very challenging text to chant. I have learned a

number of

> Sanskrit chants, Vedic and otherwise. I've been told by many that


> pronunciation is perfect. But even I feel intimidated by the

thought of

> chanting the Chandi. In India, people jump at the chance to just

hear a

> recitation of Chandi. Most people don't learn to chant Chandi

themselves, but

> they try to hear it whenever they get the chance, because they

know that it has

> immense power to purify one's karma and give one the grace of

Divine Mother. So

> I consider all the devotees who are even thinking about learning

to chant

> Chandi to be great heroes. It's really very impressive.


> The point of all this is that you don't have to chant the entire


> yourself to benefit from its immense power. There are many ways to


> the energy of Chandi into your life. Listening to Swamiji's Chandi

tape is very

> excellent, because he's acquired tremendous spiritual energy, and

that energy

> will be transmitted to you through the sound of his voice. You can


> listen to the tape, or you can meditate during it if you like

meditation. If

> you like, you can imagine that Swamiji, or Shree Maa, or any form

of the Divine

> is sitting with you, smiling at you, and blessing you with perfect

love and

> wisdom. If you like to do visualizations, you could listen to it

and imagine

> that a beautiful, golden-red fire appears in front of you; this

fire is Mother

> Herself, who has taken this form in order to bless you. Imagine

that you are

> taking any negative qualities or limitations and casting them into

the fire, so

> that Mother can destroy them for you.


> The sounds of the Chandi are like a subtle fire that completely

purifies your

> mind and heart. Divine Mother is already present in our hearts,

but we don't

> recognize Her presence because it is covered over by the dust of

our negative

> actions from many lifetimes. When we listen to or recite the names

of Durga

> Devi, or Chandi Maa, this dust is utterly incinerated. Over time,

with steady

> effort, Her divine light will shine through perfectly and we will

realize our

> utter oneness with Her. It's not that we *become* one with Her, we


> realize that we are not, and have never been, separate from Her.

Chandi is the

> form that protects us from any kind of negativity, whether inner

or outer, and

> takes us beyond any thought of duality or separation.


> Whether you decide to listen to Chandi or not, there are many

shorter mantras

> or chants that contain the main essence of Chandi. There is

something called

> the Durga Saptasloki. This is seven verses from the Chandi that

describe the

> essence of Chandi. I can send you a copy of the 7 verses, if you

like. Again,

> one of these verses is considered by some to be the nuclear, or

key, verse of

> Chandi. (Begins "sharanagata dinartha, paritrana parayane...") So

even this one

> verse could be learned and chanted on a regular basis. I believe

the main

> mantra that captures the essence of Chandi would be the Navarna

Mantra, which

> goes "Om aim hrim klim chamundayai vicche". This mantra is fairly

easy in terms

> of pronunciation, but it contains powerful energy due to the first

four words

> or sounds. Aim, hrim, and klim are extremely powerful sounds known


> seed-letters. These seed-letters really catalyze our spiritual

progress. Shree

> Maa has recorded a tape of just this mantra, which can be played

repeatedly in

> order to learn it. Even now, I can hear exactly how She does it in

my mind,

> because of listening to this tape!


> Even if you listen to Chandi every day, it is very excellent to

chant some kind

> of mantra yourself. So if you feel drawn to this path, and drawn

to the path of

> Divine Mother, Navarna mantra would be a very good choice. Another

mantra that

> used to be on a mantra card is "Om hrim shrim dum durgayai

namaha", at least I

> think that's what it was. If even this seems like too much, you

could just

> chant "Om", or just "Maa". Years ago, I used to mentally

chant "Maa Maa Maa"

> whenever I could. I was always surprised by how powerful this was!

As many

> others have mentioned, the key really is love. However, I believe

that mantras

> allow us to take our love to higher and higher levels, until we

reach the

> Supreme.


> I'll stop here, since I've gone on and on...but I just hate to see


> feeling discouraged!


> Jai Maa,

> Ekta


> --- Frederica Evangeline Wilder <effie_wilder@e...> wrote:


> > Dear List,

> >

> > In perusing the archives, I came upon a post (whose author is

> > enormously knowledgeable!) and I am rather saddened that the

> > information presented should be gone. I think it needs to be

> > discussed over and over again. I hope that more talk can be

> > directed, especially by this poster, to the issue of listening


> > the Chandi. For those of us who are far removed from the Hindu


> > Sanskrit) language and culture but are drawn to the spiritual

> > excellence of the teachings, for us who haven't a clue about

> > chanting the Chandi...would it "count" if we were to build a

> > practice around listening only.

> >

> > Heartfelt thanks to all and to Ekta,

> > Effie

> >

> > , Eleathea Barraclough

> > <eleathea> wrote:

> >

> > > but the sound of the text itself has the power to purify us.


> > is why it is beneficial to simply listen to the text if we can't

> > recite it ourselves,

> > > Each Sanskrit sound stimulates different nadis and chakras in


> > subtle body. When we recite or listen to those sounds, our


> > bodies are purified and energized; it's basically like "sound


> > or like taking a healing, cleansing "sound bath". Even if we


> > know the meaning, the sounds will have this effect. >

> > > Again, I hope someone will post Shree Maa's or Swamiji's


> > teachings about the significance of listening to Chandi Path.

> > >

> > > Jai Maa!

> > > Ekta

> >

> >

> >

> >









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Namaste Karen,


Thank you for your kind words, it really means a lot to me! I'm so happy that

you found my post beneficial. In my opinion, the only point to having knowledge

is to share it with others who are also thirsting for knowledge. Most of the

time, I function in "response" mode, where I think and write best in response

to a question or concern. But I will try to initiate more posts.


I want to express to all the members who feel like "newbies": WE WERE ALL

NEWBIES ONCE! We have all come to know or understand things only through the

kindness of others who cared enough to explain something to us. The best way to

repay that kindness is for us to pass on whatever we have learned to others. So

if anyone has any question, anything at all, please speak up! You are not

bothering anyone at all, in fact, you are providing others with a sacred

opportunity to serve Divine Mother by sharing Her divine knowledge with others.

Often, we might think that our questions are too simple or inconsequential, but

in the Hindu tradition, there is usually a lot of significance in small


that this will help everyone to feel free to ask any question they may have.


Jai Maa!



--- Karen <karenborak wrote:

> Namaste ALL esp Ekta,


> I have been reading and rereading the post below and am totally

> amazed at the amount of knowledge presented. Not only offered, but

> offered in an easy to understand manner. There is so much I want to

> say. Where to begin? For now, perhaps, a mention that it helps the

> Western Christian mind so very much when correlations are made

> between Sanskrit and English. The comment about the sound of Om and

> its relationship to "Amen" was really interesting and very

> meaningful for me.


> Ekta, please, please, please, if you are not too busy to share your

> talent and energies once in a while, please post more. Pick any

> topic you want and just write. Whatever you care to offer will be a

> gift for all. Please.


> Namaste,

> Karen




> , Eleathea Barraclough

> <eleathea> wrote:

> > Dear Effie,

> >

> > So many people have responded to your question about listening to

> Chandi, and

> > they have given excellent advice. I just wanted to offer some

> other thoughts,

> > suggestions, and reassurances to you. Please keep in mind, these

> are just my

> > thoughts and opinions!

> >

> > First, please don't think that you are far removed from Sanskrit!

> Can you say

> > "Om"? If so, then you are completely connected to the very essence

> and source

> > of all Sanskrit sounds! The sound of "Om" is Divine Mother

> Herself. She is

> > Omkareswari (The Divine Queen of Om), Omkara Rupini (The Very Form

> of Om),

> > Omkara Bijakshari (The Eternal Source of Om). From the vibration

> of Omkara

> > (kara simply means "sound" or "letter" in Sanskrit), all the

> sacred vibrational

> > sounds of Sanskrit have manifested. These sounds are the

> foundational energies

> > of the entire cosmos. The sound of Om is related to the Christian

> word "Amen".

> > Many have commented on this.

> >

> > We can benefit from the sacred Sanskrit language by either

> chanting or

> > listening. Either way will bring immense benefit. There are some

> who compare

> > Sanskrit to fire. Even if you don't know how to light a fire, or

> you don't know

> > the physics of fire, or you don't even believe that fire really

> exists, if you

> > put your hand in a fire, you'll be burned. In the same way, even

> if you don't

> > have faith in Sanskrit as a sacred language, listening to its

> sounds will have

> > a positive effect on you. It's like a force of Nature. Of course,

> if you do

> > have faith, and your heart and mind are open, then the energy of

> Sanskrit

> > chants will penetrate very deeply into your subtle body and have

> even greater

> > effect.

> >

> > With respect to Chandi, this is a very powerful scripture in honor

> of Divine

> > Mother. It is not just a scripture which tells stories. The very

> sounds of

> > Chandi have the power to evoke the presence of Maa Chandi in our

> hearts and

> > minds. It is a very challenging text to chant. I have learned a

> number of

> > Sanskrit chants, Vedic and otherwise. I've been told by many that

> my

> > pronunciation is perfect. But even I feel intimidated by the

> thought of

> > chanting the Chandi. In India, people jump at the chance to just

> hear a

> > recitation of Chandi. Most people don't learn to chant Chandi

> themselves, but

> > they try to hear it whenever they get the chance, because they

> know that it has

> > immense power to purify one's karma and give one the grace of

> Divine Mother. So

> > I consider all the devotees who are even thinking about learning

> to chant

> > Chandi to be great heroes. It's really very impressive.

> >

> > The point of all this is that you don't have to chant the entire

> Chandi

> > yourself to benefit from its immense power. There are many ways to

> incorporate

> > the energy of Chandi into your life. Listening to Swamiji's Chandi

> tape is very

> > excellent, because he's acquired tremendous spiritual energy, and

> that energy

> > will be transmitted to you through the sound of his voice. You can

> simply

> > listen to the tape, or you can meditate during it if you like

> meditation. If

> > you like, you can imagine that Swamiji, or Shree Maa, or any form

> of the Divine

> > is sitting with you, smiling at you, and blessing you with perfect

> love and

> > wisdom. If you like to do visualizations, you could listen to it

> and imagine

> > that a beautiful, golden-red fire appears in front of you; this

> fire is Mother

> > Herself, who has taken this form in order to bless you. Imagine

> that you are

> > taking any negative qualities or limitations and casting them into

> the fire, so

> > that Mother can destroy them for you.

> >

> > The sounds of the Chandi are like a subtle fire that completely

> purifies your

> > mind and heart. Divine Mother is already present in our hearts,

> but we don't

> > recognize Her presence because it is covered over by the dust of

> our negative

> > actions from many lifetimes. When we listen to or recite the names

> of Durga

> > Devi, or Chandi Maa, this dust is utterly incinerated. Over time,

> with steady

> > effort, Her divine light will shine through perfectly and we will

> realize our

> > utter oneness with Her. It's not that we *become* one with Her, we

> simply

> > realize that we are not, and have never been, separate from Her.

> Chandi is the

> > form that protects us from any kind of negativity, whether inner

> or outer, and

> > takes us beyond any thought of duality or separation.

> >

> > Whether you decide to listen to Chandi or not, there are many

> shorter mantras

> > or chants that contain the main essence of Chandi. There is

> something called

> > the Durga Saptasloki. This is seven verses from the Chandi that

> describe the

> > essence of Chandi. I can send you a copy of the 7 verses, if you

> like. Again,

> > one of these verses is considered by some to be the nuclear, or

> key, verse of

> > Chandi. (Begins "sharanagata dinartha, paritrana parayane...") So

> even this one

> > verse could be learned and chanted on a regular basis. I believe

> the main

> > mantra that captures the essence of Chandi would be the Navarna

> Mantra, which

> > goes "Om aim hrim klim chamundayai vicche". This mantra is fairly

> easy in terms

> > of pronunciation, but it contains powerful energy due to the first

> four words

> > or sounds. Aim, hrim, and klim are extremely powerful sounds known

> as

> > seed-letters. These seed-letters really catalyze our spiritual

> progress. Shree

> > Maa has recorded a tape of just this mantra, which can be played

> repeatedly in

> > order to learn it. Even now, I can hear exactly how She does it in

> my mind,

> > because of listening to this tape!

> >

> > Even if you listen to Chandi every day, it is very excellent to

> chant some kind

> > of mantra yourself. So if you feel drawn to this path, and drawn

> to the path of

> > Divine Mother, Navarna mantra would be a very good choice. Another

> mantra that

> > used to be on a mantra card is "Om hrim shrim dum durgayai

> namaha", at least I

> > think that's what it was. If even this seems like too much, you

> could just

> > chant "Om", or just "Maa". Years ago, I used to mentally

> chant "Maa Maa Maa"

> > whenever I could. I was always surprised by how powerful this was!

> As many

> > others have mentioned, the key really is love. However, I believe

> that mantras

> > allow us to take our love to higher and higher levels, until we

> reach the

> > Supreme.

> >

> > I'll stop here, since I've gone on and on...but I just hate to see

> anyone

> > feeling discouraged!

> >

> > Jai Maa,

> > Ekta

> >

> > --- Frederica Evangeline Wilder <effie_wilder@e...> wrote:

> >

> > > Dear List,


=== message truncated ===







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