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Thanking our Gurus in time for Guru Poornima

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Thank you for love, for your care, for my life.






, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda>


> Namaste All,


> Here is one way of offering our thanks to all our Gurus -

> past/present and future for what we have learned from them.


> How better to thank them by acknowledging what you have learned

> from them?


> I am starting the list and I request you to add to the list ...

> Jai Maa

> Latha


> ============================================================

> Latha


> 1) For teaching me the value of Sadhana . I cannot change my

> circumstances, but with Sadhana can get the strength to handle the

> situation.


> 2) For teaching me the power of Faith. God equips the called, not

> necessarily calls the equipped.


> 3) For teaching me the necessity to not hate anyone , the only

> peaceful solution is a loving one.




> ===============================================================


> Your name


> You are thankful for ......

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dear gurus:


thank you;


for setting an example i could see today, not only read about in



for talking to me and always being respectful, you showed me how to

appreciate the god within.


for showing me the awesome Feminine power that pervades all.


for your kindness and honesty.


for being gurus that are accessible and real.


for making "namaste" real ... seeing the god in you, i see the god

in myself, the god that is all-pervading.


by removing all negative judgment.


by granting me the boon of peace and happiness.


by providing a great sadhana.


by having such fine devotees.


maa -- for opening the space in my heart that loves all and is also

vastly spiritual. for sending some chocolates and inviting me into

her world, the world i always wanted.


swamiji ... for being vastly spiritual and informed, and down to

earth, respectfully relating to the day to day realities of our

human life, respecting the limitations we experience, for being a

teacher, supporter of all that is positive and good, being a real

guru and guide.


pranams, pranams, pranams, thank you.





, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda>


> Namaste All,


> Here is one way of offering our thanks to all our Gurus -

> past/present and future for what we have learned from them.


> How better to thank them by acknowledging what you have learned

> from them?


> I am starting the list and I request you to add to the list ...

> Jai Maa

> Latha


> ============================================================

> Latha


> 1) For teaching me the value of Sadhana . I cannot change my

> circumstances, but with Sadhana can get the strength to handle the

> situation.


> 2) For teaching me the power of Faith. God equips the called, not

> necessarily calls the equipped.


> 3) For teaching me the necessity to not hate anyone , the only

> peaceful solution is a loving one.




> ===============================================================


> Your name


> You are thankful for ......

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, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda>


> Namaste All,


> Here is one way of offering our thanks to all our Gurus -

> past/present and future for what we have learned from them.


> How better to thank them by acknowledging what you have learned

> from them?


> I am starting the list and I request you to add to the list ...

> Jai Maa

> Latha


> ============================================================

> Latha


> 1) For teaching me the value of Sadhana . I cannot change my

> circumstances, but with Sadhana can get the strength to handle the

> situation.


> 2) For teaching me the power of Faith. God equips the called, not

> necessarily calls the equipped.


> 3) For teaching me the necessity to not hate anyone , the only

> peaceful solution is a loving one.




> ===============================================================




1) For walking with God every day and listening to Her direction

within on your appointed path. Your faithfulness and consistency

provide infinite encouragement for me to walk mine.


2) For your work in making the knowledge of Devi accessible to me,

and sending your devotees out to teach others and share the love they

have found at your feet.


3) For being filled with Devi jyoti that radiates to all the world

from your beautiful hearts.

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Namaste All,


Thank you Gurudeva for bringing Love within me.


Thank you Gurudeva for the Light to put things in perspective.


Prostrations to Gurudeva.





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I thank you very much because

you are the light in my life,

you show me the way to God,

I can't speek your English lenguage, but only your mercy I can to read

your books and I am here in this beloved family. You teaching me with

your exemple and give me strength and faith.

I put my heart in your hands and I offer my humble reverence in your lotus feet.


"Please take my hand and show me the way, I don't know this path very well. "

With devotion ,

KalachandraLatha Nanda <lathananda > wrote:

Namaste All,Here is one way of offering our thanks to all our Gurus -

past/present and future for what we have learned from them.How better

to thank them by acknowledging what you have learned from them?I am

starting the list and I request you to add to the list ...Jai


For teaching me the value of Sadhana . I cannot change my

circumstances, but with Sadhana can get the strength to handle the

situation.2) For teaching me the power of Faith. God equips the

called, not necessarily calls the equipped.3) For teaching me the

necessity to not hate anyone , the only peaceful solution is a loving



nameYou are

thankful for ...... Messenger - Fale com seus amigos online. Instale agora!

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Namaste All,

Here is one of Basavanna's vachana (Dialogue of Lord Basava) which

to me symbolizes the relationship between oneself and the Guru. I bow down to

all my Gurus.



Guruve Saranam (Surrender to the Guru)



You are my mother,

you are my father

You are my dearest friend

You are my Wisdom

You are everthing for me , Oh my Guru my loving Guru.

You are always in my heart

No matter where I go.

You are always there to guide me though each step along my way.

Thank you for this Guru.

Thank you for your loving guidance and protection in all my lives.

Guruve our relationship is so special to me




Jai Maa


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and then there is the Bava Saagara, published in the Shiva Puja and

Advanced Yajna (by none other than Swami Satyananda Saraswati, of

course). For those of you who have never read it, it is beautiful,

one of my favorites, filled with devotion, hope and promise.




bava saagara


bava saagara taarana kaarana he

ravi nandana bandhana khandana he

sharanaagata kinkara bhiitamane

guru deva dayaa kara diinajane


You show the way of crossing over the ocean of existence, cutting

asunder the bondage of the bliss of the Light of Wisdom. Granting

refuge for the purity of mind, O divine Guru, be compassionate and

illuminate the darkness.


Hridi kandara taamasa bhaaskara he

tuumi vishnu prajaapati shankara he

parabrahma paraat para veda bhane

guru deva dayaa kara diinajane


In the center of the heart, your light destroys darkness. You are

Vishnu, Prajaapati, Brahma, and Shiva Shankara. You are greater than

the greatest, the highest knowledge, O divine Guru, be compassionate

and illuminate the darkness.


mana vaarana shaasana ankusha he

nara traana tare hari chaakshusha he

guna gaana paraayana deva gane

guru deva dayaa kara diinajane


You are the goad to discipline the changing mind, to take from man

all obstacles to divine sight. You always extoll the divine qualities

of the shining ones. O divine Guru, be compassionate and illuminate

the darkness.


kuloa kundalinii ghuma bhanjaka he

hridi granthi vidaarana kaaraka he

mama maanasa chanchala ratradine

guru deva dayaa kara diinajane


You awaken the sleeping kundalinii energy, and cut the knots which

entangle the heart. Turn the night of confusion into the day of

knowledge. O divine Guru, be compassionate and illuminate the



ripusudhana mangala naayaka he

shukha shaanti varaabhaya daayaka he

trayataapa hare tava naama gune

guru deva dayaa kara diinajane


Your gracious glance purifies all limitations, you are the giver of

blessings of comfort and peace. For those who recite your name you

remove the three kinds of afflictions. O divine Guru, be

compassionate and illuminate the darkness.


abhimaana prabhaava vimarddaka he

gati hiina jane tuumi rakshaka he

cita shankita banchita bhakti dhane

guru deva dayaa kara diinajane


You crush the rise of possessiveness, and protect us from that which

would slay the soul. You give pure devotion to free Consciousness

from the bondage of the forces of doubt. O divine Guru, be

compassionate and illuminate the darkness.


tava naama sadaa shubha saadaka he

pati taadhama maanava paavaka he

mahimaa tava gochara shuddha mane

guru deva dayaa kara diinajane


Therefore the aspirants to divinity always recite your pure name, as

you are like the Lord offering purity to men. Your greatness is

perceivable only by minds that are pure. O divine Guru, be

compassionate and illuminate the darkness.


jaya sadguru iishvara praapaka he

bhava roga vikaara vinaashaka he

mana jena rahe tava shrii charane

guru deva dayaa kara diinajane


Victory to the true guru, who destroys the diseases of worldly

bondage, leading humans to Supreme Divinity. So that our mind can

remain at your respected lotus feet, O divine Guru, be compassionate

and illuminate the darkness.




, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda>


> Namaste All,


> Here is one way of offering our thanks to all our Gurus -

> past/present and future for what we have learned from them.


> How better to thank them by acknowledging what you have learned

> from them?


> I am starting the list and I request you to add to the list ...

> Jai Maa

> Latha


> ============================================================

> Latha


> 1) For teaching me the value of Sadhana . I cannot change my

> circumstances, but with Sadhana can get the strength to handle the

> situation.


> 2) For teaching me the power of Faith. God equips the called, not

> necessarily calls the equipped.


> 3) For teaching me the necessity to not hate anyone , the only

> peaceful solution is a loving one.




> ===============================================================


> Your name


> You are thankful for ......

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, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda>


> Namaste All,


> Here is one way of offering our thanks to all our Gurus -

> past/present and future for what we have learned from them.


> How better to thank them by acknowledging what you have learned

> from them?


> I am starting the list and I request you to add to the list ...

> Jai Maa

> Latha


> ============================================================

> Latha


> 1) For teaching me the value of Sadhana . I cannot change my

> circumstances, but with Sadhana can get the strength to handle the

> situation.


> 2) For teaching me the power of Faith. God equips the called, not

> necessarily calls the equipped.


> 3) For teaching me the necessity to not hate anyone , the only

> peaceful solution is a loving one.




> ===============================================================


> Gauri


> 1) For teaching me boundless patience.....I'm still learning this,

but your example is crucial.


2) For teaching me to love being quiet and sitting quietly and

going inside.


3) For teaching me to open my heart and the incredible joy that

comes from it.


I love you Maa and Swamiji.

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Karen and Mike


We are thankful for...


ALL that you give


ALL that you are


ALL we can be because of YOU


ALL love,

Karen and Mike


, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda>


> Namaste All,


> Here is one way of offering our thanks to all our Gurus -

> past/present and future for what we have learned from them.


> How better to thank them by acknowledging what you have learned

> from them?


> I am starting the list and I request you to add to the list ...

> Jai Maa

> Latha


> ============================================================

> Latha


> 1) For teaching me the value of Sadhana . I cannot change my

> circumstances, but with Sadhana can get the strength to handle the

> situation.


> 2) For teaching me the power of Faith. God equips the called, not

> necessarily calls the equipped.


> 3) For teaching me the necessity to not hate anyone , the only

> peaceful solution is a loving one.




> ===============================================================


> Your name


> You are thankful for ......

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