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narmadeshwar lingam

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Narmadeshwar lingam is one which is obtained from Narmda River in India.

They are already formed in shape, smooth and naturally has a tilal or

tripun (3 lines) to it.


There are numerous other types of lingams - sphatik/crystal, mercury &

silver/parad, , gold etc. also one made from sand.







Latha Nanda [lathananda]

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 6:22 PM

Narmadeshwar Lingam


What is the difference between a Narmadeshwar Shiva Lingam vs

an "ordinary" Shiva Lingam ?


Can anyone share (Jay/Sadhvi ?) before we pass the question to



Thank you in advance and JAI MAA









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11.0pt;font-family:"Century Gothic"">In the photos section…….the photo

number 3, “Altar with SHIV lingam”….that lingam is a

NARMADESHWAR. I wonder who the owner is.

11.0pt;font-family:"Century Gothic"">

12.0pt;font-family:"Lucida Sans Unicode";color:black;mso-no-proof:yes">Jai durge

12.0pt;font-family:"Lucida Sans Unicode";color:black;mso-no-proof:yes">

12.0pt;font-family:"Lucida Sans Unicode";color:black;mso-no-proof:yes">Jay dayal.

font-family:"Lucida Sans Unicode";color:blue">

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Hi Latha,

Narmadeshwar Shiva Lingams are only found in one place on the

ENTIRE planet...Central India on the banks of the Narmada River.

They are composed of cryptocrystalline quartz and have the highest

frequency pf vibration of any stone on the planet! they are formed

by the action of the river into natural egg-shapes...are gathered by

certain families (who hold the "right" to do this...which is passed

down through the generations). The stones are then polished with

mud , dung and natural oils until they have a smooth finish. The egg-

shaped stone, itself, represents the pure consciousness of Shiva and

the markings on the stone represent the active aspect of Shakti.

Together, they represent the union of Shiva and Shakti. They are

an "aniconic" worship form (abstract)...and can be a way of

transitioning between murtis and the formless. The Lingam is

considered to be the "form of the formless".

For me, the fact that the Narmadeshwar Lingams are naturally

formed by the river is just amazing...they are also called

Bana lingams..and considered to be "alive" even without


As with everything else, there are alot of fake Narmada Lingams

around . At theKumbha Mela, they were selling these "narmada

Lingams" that appeared to be made of plastic. The guys sitting on

the blanket selling them would pick them up and shake them and you

would hear a "sloshy" sound...then theywould say, "see? very good!

Narmada River water inside?"...but...this is really not the way to

find a good one! LOL!

I would love to hear what Swamiji has to say about Narmada

Lingams, Shiva Lingams, Lingam puja or anything related to this.

Remember when I mentioned the book by Gita Mehta, "River Sutra"?

There are some Narmada stories in that book...very inspiring.

best sadhvi

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>>>My Guru who is a Shiv devotee in India says that a life given

Narmadeshwar is the only idol of worship which doesn't create any

negative effects when not offered any food or any form of offerings.


is only happy with a Lota of Water daily or once a week.


I cover the Narmadeshwar with sandal paste and Vibhuti. I can send

you a

photo if you like to see. It is the most adorable worship item in my

puja room.







Dear Jay,

Thanks so much for this information!!! I had not heard that about

the offerings..I would LOVE to see a photo of your "adorable"

narmadeshwarji! Well, this is interesting! Shiva seems to be making

a major appearance here in the group!

I am most definitely into the "collection information" phase

about Shiva Lingam puja...any help is deeply appreciated.The Temple

I go to is South Indian and the priest who will do the

pranaprathistha is a Shiva priest from a very old family of Shiva

priests and Shankaracaryas....he is "way over my head" alot of the

time...although I try to absorb as much as I can. I would be happy

to hear of any experiences people here have had with Shiva Lingam

puja..it's a new experience for me but I think the seeds were

planted the last time I was in India. I was walking down a

passageway with Temples on either side (mostly Hanuman

shrines)..there was also a very small Temple, right on the path and

usually "closed"...one day, the doorway on the street side was open.

There was a huge Shiva lingam inside and 3 "elderly" Ammas doing

puja to it...they beckoned me in (this Temple was the size of a

closet) and I sweetly shook my head...but they would have none of

that and one lady came out onto the path, grabbed me by the arm and

dragged me into the Temple.. poured water on my hands to clean

them,put some bilva leaves into my hand..and ash..and gestured for

me to offer them to the Lingam...so Idid, much to their delight! The

inside of this small Temple was very dark and damp, with flickering

ghee lamps and garlands and these Ammas, laughing raucously...a very

odd and intense atmosphere. After I offered the leaves and ash,

there was Arati (which was a familiar one to me...so I joined

in)...Afterwards, I kind of staggered out into the blinding midday

light and wondered,"what just happened?" Anyway, I'm sure my longing

for a real Narmadeshwara Lingam began then.



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In a message dated 7/20/04 8:19:57 AM Mountain Daylight Time, sadhvi (AT) prodigy (DOT) net writes:

Well, this is interesting! Shiva seems to be making a major appearance here in the group!


Our family has a Narmadeshwar Lingam and it is wonderful that no two

are alike and are naturally formed by the Narmada River.

Om Namah Sivaya


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  • 3 years later...

A month back i have purchased a banalingam. Some sivachariars informed that the is not a banalingam and what i have is a Salagramam.My informed that it is UTCHAGA LINGAM or lingam which produces. Further he mentioned that the Lingam does not require any Abhisek and requires only Sandal post. I was trying to know more about this lingam. Would some one explai n what is Utchaga lingam. The lingam what i have has one cicle inthe form of garland, another smaller cicle right side. I will be grateful if somebody explain.

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