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RE: Purification 9-right attitude

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>>>>"But then I realized that

they have the same agenda, that is, they want peace. So in response

to my question "what always leads to unhappiness?" My son

said "Selfishness". Very Good. I then asked "OK, so what can we do

to eliminate this fighting and unhappiness?" The answer was so

simple and so pure, my son and daughter said almost at the same

time: "GIVE IN"


That's it, very simple. It was suggested by them that if we try

this in every situation for just one day, maybe something miraculous

will happen. I'll let you know how it goes....


Love and light and Peace to you all,



Dear Lynne and List,

This is funny because my thoughts about "right attitude" are alot

like the your son and daughter's attitude: "GIVE IN"... Whenever I

find myself "straining" after something or "grasping" after

something, even if it seems like a "good" thing, I try and step back

and remind myself that life is not proceeding according to "my"

agenda. But it isn't the polar opposite of striving, this "giving

in". It isn't sitting there passively trying, like Arjuna, to avoid

action altogether. It is more a sense of getting out of the way,

quieting down, reminding myself that this "I" that "wants" something

to happen is not really who I am. At that moment (and it has to

happen in that moment not some time in the future)a space is created

for something to arise that is perfect for the situation and

that "something" is not coming from my limited mind or "my agenda".

All of the "I" thoughts are covering this natural arising of what is

perfect in that moment. Initially, when I began this practice, I was

afraid I would "lose" the momentum of my practices or

the "discipline" of my studio work but, amazingly enough, what i

discovered, is that those things (which are grounded in love) were

the very things that arose most strongly in the moment. So, for me,

right attitude is this attitude of understanding that "we" are not

the ones in charge here.



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