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Question for the group - Changing once and for all

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Dear All,


Here is something that I have been struggling with - falling back to

my old habits.


I think I change - I take a positive step, feel elated .... and then

BINGO (not you Steve ...just an expression) I tumble several steps

and then back to square one or worse..



How does one make a change ... an irrevocable change ... once and

for all.. not just for a few months or a few years, but for a

lifetime ?


Any suggestions that anyone can share ? Any experiences that anyone

can share ? Any experiences from lives of saints (I love to read on

this) that anyone can share ?


How does one effect a permanent change in their life ?


Would love to hear from you.


Jai Maa !



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If you find an easy way, LET ME KNOW!!!


To be quite frank, I have been struggling with certain tendencies in

my personality for decades now, and I still seem to have made no

progress (sometimes, just the opposite).


Being able to change seems to depend on what it is you are trying to

change. If it is only a habit, it is not too hard (relatively

speaking, of course!), but if it is a samskara, an expression of one's

active karmas, it can be very difficult.


If one has a very strong samkalpa shakti (will), one can suppress a

negative pattern, but this may have negative consequences. This is not

to say that change through act of will is negative, just the opposite

is true, I think, but that the outcome is not always clear, and it is

not always appropriate.


Pandit Tigunait tells the story of the Prince of Bhawal, who was a

yogi for many lifetimes, who had suppressed his sexual desires

entirely, through the strength of his samkalpa shakti, but who had to

be reborn as the profligate prince in order to experience these things

and so resolve the impediment to his spiritual progress.


The yoga sutras say that the seeds of karma can be burned in the fire

of pure knowledge. My own various experiences suggest that the ability

to change a samskara through this method depends both on the purity

(intensity) and duration (continuing experience over time) of the

intuitive vision one has of the problem, and how deeply rooted the

karma is.


Some samskaras seem to burn, or at least become dormant, fairly

easily. With others, it may require a level of realization that will

transform the entire personality (make all the karmas dormant, and

eventually burned).


Of course, karmas go through this process on their own (so to speak),

activating, expressing, growing, and, finally diminishing. But this

process (as you can apparently attest) is painful.


For myself, I have come to believe that if a negative pattern is

directly harmful to others the grace is always available to change it

(killing, for instance). As for the others, well, I try not to feel

too guilty or ashamed or too wrapped-up in feelings of futility.


I think it is important to keep climbing on the horse, though perhaps

there comes a time when one just accepts what seems to be the inevitable.


When it comes to my negative and habitual patterns, my single hope

rests in my sadhana. I have experienced (for brief periods) the power

of sadhana to remove all these limitations to joy and to truly

effective living. It is my one hope, my only hope.


May God bless you, and I, with the fruits of our hope, and our efforts.





, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda> wrote:

> Dear All,


> Here is something that I have been struggling with - falling back to

> my old habits.


> I think I change - I take a positive step, feel elated .... and then

> BINGO (not you Steve ...just an expression) I tumble several steps

> and then back to square one or worse..



> How does one make a change ... an irrevocable change ... once and

> for all.. not just for a few months or a few years, but for a

> lifetime ?


> Any suggestions that anyone can share ? Any experiences that anyone

> can share ? Any experiences from lives of saints (I love to read on

> this) that anyone can share ?


> How does one effect a permanent change in their life ?


> Would love to hear from you.


> Jai Maa !


> Latha

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With each and every of our asanna sittings for puja along with the

installations of the deity we probably change incrementally for the

better. Carried on over the years and decades before us, these

successive increments could culminate in significant ways. Yogic

progression is much more than the work of the moment, day, month and

year. Yogic effort is the work of a lifetime.


In some of us the yogic effort may have already become the

predominant purpose of our lives. We should live out our lives

purposefully. Puja is a noble and tranformative purpose. It is

regenerative. It can birth us. Through it we reach renewal.


We do it for more than just ourselves. We do it for all those with

whom we interface. We do it for all life forms. We do it for all. We

desperately need to change constantly, continually and forever.


With great effort, supportive sangha and dynamic seva some might be

enabled to escape deeply ingrained negative behavioral proclivities.

Geese fly best in formation. The lone goose becomes inclined faulter

and may easily become a cooked goose. The cast away ember from the

homa flames is likely to fad away into charcoal. To change once and

for all, probably entails much more than a series of lone and

isolated efforts. There is a desperate need for change within

ourselves and all around us. Aim Hrim Klim Chamundiyai Vicche!


, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda>


> Dear All,


> Here is something that I have been struggling with - falling back


> my old habits.


> I think I change - I take a positive step, feel elated .... and


> BINGO (not you Steve ...just an expression) I tumble several


> and then back to square one or worse..



> How does one make a change ... an irrevocable change ... once and

> for all.. not just for a few months or a few years, but for a

> lifetime ?


> Any suggestions that anyone can share ? Any experiences that


> can share ? Any experiences from lives of saints (I love to read


> this) that anyone can share ?


> How does one effect a permanent change in their life ?


> Would love to hear from you.


> Jai Maa !


> Latha

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latha this has to be the most important topic for us who want god.


i am thinking: what can i say that is helpful. so many things come

to mind on this. but what will really speak to latha.


maybe: you already have heard the words of saints. here are words

from a not-saint, on change.


latha, here i am: 50 earth years. for many of those years i have

struggled with things like:


1. depression

2. anger

3. alchohol, pot, etc.


these are very strong earth pulls. they resist meditation, they

resist good intentions, they resist almost everything. there is one

thing they cannot resist.


this entire process of defeating [or subduing] our personal asuras

is very much like an enactment of the chandi battle.


i will tell you personal experience with no fancy talk.


after drinking almost every day for years at a time [we're talking a

for-real habit here] i said, STOP.


not, i will get in a program, i will do this gradually, but TODAY.


and that was that, a few years ago. there was no struggle at all.


it was life or death, i knew it, and i chose to live.


i KNEW it was going to kill me and sabotage any last hopes of a

spiritual life.


this is not a heroic story at all, as it was complete folly to drink

like that in the first place.


ok that was one. next; depression.


this is something that started aflicted me at age 16. it was very

overwhelming, my mom took me to the doctor, school shrink, etc.


most of my life i had to deal with it. i cannot "will" myself out of



it is very rarely overwhelming at this time. but i have to

accomodate. the more i meditate and the more i am loving the less

problems i have with it.


on this area we have the question of: our chemical make-up, all

sorts of influences. our interior state causes so many changes. for

some "reason," if i get away and contemplate truth, this pain

evaporates. i am lucky now, but years ago that was not possible. so

in that case, time, many years, many "tricks" were required to

defeat the asura.


anger; this is another success story but it is a qualified success,

like having a tiger on a leash.


for years i was quick to anger in certain situations. i felt no

compunction at the time, but then felt miserable after. that cycle

began to get worse and worse, until i felt on a roller coaster.


this i handled in the following way; by changing the interior


INDULGE THIS ANGER. no psychology, no "healthy" or "justified" anger

for me.


but here is the thing, why i say it is a tiger on a leash: i am not

invulnerable to anger. [i wouldn't mind a drink either; and the

tiger might snarl or take a nip.] but it is not allowed. it is that

simple: not allowed.


this is the only thing that worked.


the target problem has to be targeted very, very directly. it has to

be given a name:


anger. alchohol. etc.


it has to be given no excuse, no rationale.


we have to look at all the "reasons" to be upset, whatever, and say

to ourselves, "No. Not Good Enough."


on the way, we fail. here is what to do then:


at night, going to bed, look back on your day.


what did i do good? what did i do bad? it is just you, and god, and

you again.


you do not berate yourself if you do bad, as this perpetuates the

cycle. you say to yourself:


"better tomorrow."


it has to be that simple, and direct, or change is not possible, in

my experience.


we can't expect reading a scripture or other activites to in

themselves tackle asuras. we have to directly tackle them.


the gods were pretty awesome, and the asuras still plagued them. the

goddess had to appear and BONK THEM ON THE HEAD.


and she did it more than once too. this is what we have to do.


ok sorry for being so long winded. one last thing i have to give on



we are each of us individually lifting some sort of weight.


i don't know how heavy yours is. you don't know how heavy parvati's

is, etc.


even you do not know, how heavy your karma is.


all you can do is PUSH.


then stop, and analyze the situation.


then again, PUSH. you will succeed. only, we can't put a time on

it. god might say it will take a long time.


focus. target the problem. give no quarter.


when you fail, recognize it. do not avoid it. vow to change tomorrow.


then to deepen it all, pray for help and guidance.


anyway latha, that is what i did, and things changed around me. i

would not give you this advice if i hadn't tested it on myself first.


spiritual life is not being a super-woman. it is recognizing all the

fear and suffering and going for the love.


which i believe you do far more well than you give yourself credit

for! but that is a sign of your seriousness and persistence, as i

see it.


you are GOOD. sadhana is not only chandi. it is your love EVERY DAY,

EVERY MILE, every word you post on the forum, all your seva. THAT IS



please ask maa or swamiji if this sounds wrong.




, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda>


> Dear All,


> Here is something that I have been struggling with - falling back


> my old habits.


> I think I change - I take a positive step, feel elated .... and


> BINGO (not you Steve ...just an expression) I tumble several


> and then back to square one or worse..



> How does one make a change ... an irrevocable change ... once and

> for all.. not just for a few months or a few years, but for a

> lifetime ?


> Any suggestions that anyone can share ? Any experiences that


> can share ? Any experiences from lives of saints (I love to read


> this) that anyone can share ?


> How does one effect a permanent change in their life ?


> Would love to hear from you.


> Jai Maa !


> Latha

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Dear Latha,

this isn't quite a direct answer type of response, but...

I find that life seems to go in circles. I again and again find the

same circumstances reappearing in my life. Sometimes it is quite

frustrating when it feels like I just haven't gotten anywhere. And

then there are times when the circle has been transformed into a

spiral - moving up, or forward. the same circumstances still

reappear, but they are in a new plane of being. There has been some

growth or development. That is, then, very encouraging.

It is certainly true that we want to "learn" the lesson, develop

virtues, realize Truth. Until we do, that lesson comes again and

again in new guises (or sometimes the same). Once we do get it, we

get a new challenge - something more to learn. Nisardagatta said

that sadhana is just finding more things to let go of. We continue

to work as best we can while in the Night of Duality. But remember

in truth we aren't even the doer. The gunas will do their thing with

this body-mind entity.

Here are two things that help me: 1)remembering that we need to keep

on keeping on to get that transformation to take place. Grace.

and 2)know that it is our heart's intent that is the important

thing. That is what She values most!


, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda>


> Dear All,


> Here is something that I have been struggling with - falling back


> my old habits.


> I think I change - I take a positive step, feel elated .... and


> BINGO (not you Steve ...just an expression) I tumble several


> and then back to square one or worse..



> How does one make a change ... an irrevocable change ... once and

> for all.. not just for a few months or a few years, but for a

> lifetime ?


> Any suggestions that anyone can share ? Any experiences that


> can share ? Any experiences from lives of saints (I love to read


> this) that anyone can share ?


> How does one effect a permanent change in their life ?


> Would love to hear from you.


> Jai Maa !


> Latha

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Think about what your saying.


You seek permanent change.


That is an oxymoron and it is impossible.


Life is change. The universe is change. Change is part of duality


What you seek isn't found by changing yourself, what you seek is found in

the only true permanence found in existence. That permanence is

consciousness. He, that is to say Shiva, is the only thing that doesn't

change and he isn't exactly found in reality.


Your mind is classifying your progress and saying, "Bad Girl! You failed.

You were great and you lost it!"


That part of your mind has a name. He's called Self Deprecation and he

almost always follows self aggrandizement. Those brothers are always one

after the other chasing you away from Shiva's feet.


When you feel this way, STOP, and recognize what they are doing and say,




Then, when you feel their taunts and torments (self aggrandizement's

egotism feels like a sick pleasure, where as self deprecation feels like

you are a balloon that's been stuck with a fork, all deflated and

breathless) realize that they are attempting to move you into the past or

the future, away from the now, away from Shiva, away from Vishnu, away from

Maa. Use the fact that they are tormenting you as proof positive that you

are succeeding and use their taunts as fuel for your desire for

consciousness, for Shiva, for Maa, for Krishna, for Lakshmi.


Once you stop and shout at them, listen for the silence of the wisdom that

floods in from mother's grace in that moment. Since you are a devotee of

Chandi Maa, it is in that very moment where you have offered to her the

heads of self aggrandizement and self deprecation that she will take them.

Just keep in mind, the guru of the Ashuras will come and revive them if she

doesn't take their heads. That is okay, it takes practice to offer them up

to her and she won't take them until we are ready to completely let them go.


Your bhav is good, don't fall into the trap of believed failure. EVERYTHING

is PERFECT the way IT IS.




Brother Brian



At 12:55 PM 9/4/2004, you wrote:

>Dear All,


>Here is something that I have been struggling with - falling back to

>my old habits.


>I think I change - I take a positive step, feel elated .... and then

>BINGO (not you Steve ...just an expression) I tumble several steps

>and then back to square one or worse..



>How does one make a change ... an irrevocable change ... once and

>for all.. not just for a few months or a few years, but for a

>lifetime ?


>Any suggestions that anyone can share ? Any experiences that anyone

>can share ? Any experiences from lives of saints (I love to read on

>this) that anyone can share ?


>How does one effect a permanent change in their life ?


>Would love to hear from you.


>Jai Maa !












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Shree Maa says in the book The Guru and the Goddess, 8 Sutra : " We

should start by cultivating enough resistance so that when we fall

down, we pop right back up again...we know that we are moving towards

that, but we are not there yet. and if we are not there yet, then we

are going to fall. When we do fall down, let´s spring right back up

and get right back to work again...Let us maintain the humility to

remember that we could fall at any moment. Pray for elasticity to

bounce right back up again, until we become fixed in the eternal

consciousness of Shiva......"

with love ( Being like a spring or a yo -yo)

Kalachandra Latha Nanda <lathananda > wrote:

Dear All,Here is something that I have been struggling with - falling

back to my old habits.I think I change - I take a positive step, feel

elated .... and then BINGO (not you Steve ...just an expression) I

tumble several steps and then back to square one or worse..How does

one make a change ... an irrevocable change ... once and for all..

not just for a few months or a few years, but for a lifetime ? Any

suggestions that anyone can share ? Any experiences that anyone can

share ? Any experiences from lives of saints (I love to read on this)

that anyone can share ?How does one effect a permanent change in their

life ?Would love to hear from you.Jai Maa !Latha

Acesso Grátis - navegue de graça com conexão de qualidade!

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In my opinion, Brian is absolutely right--the desire to change once

and for all is Shumba and Nishumba talking.


notice I wrote "the desire"...Mother WILL change us and we are

evolving every minute we do sadhana. but we have to let go of that

fantasy of perfection. it is a very seductive and very dangerous part

of any spiritual path.


Jayadeva's right--we're on a spiral path, not a mountain-climb. a fall

won't kill you--but obsession with falling might.


suggestion: keep a spiritual diary--do this as part of your sadhana

and offer the words to Ma. after a couple of years you will see

progress. through Mother's grace. all is through Her grace.



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Lose the concept of perfection!


Nandu said that last night as he was talking to Krista!


I love syncrhonicity.


Jai Maa!


At 12:51 PM 9/5/2004, you wrote:



>In my opinion, Brian is absolutely right--the desire to change once

>and for all is Shumba and Nishumba talking.


>notice I wrote "the desire"...Mother WILL change us and we are

>evolving every minute we do sadhana. but we have to let go of that

>fantasy of perfection. it is a very seductive and very dangerous part

>of any spiritual path.


>Jayadeva's right--we're on a spiral path, not a mountain-climb. a fall

>won't kill you--but obsession with falling might.


>suggestion: keep a spiritual diary--do this as part of your sadhana

>and offer the words to Ma. after a couple of years you will see

>progress. through Mother's grace. all is through Her grace.












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We could hire a nuerolinguistic programer.


, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda>


> Dear All,


> Here is something that I have been struggling with - falling back


> my old habits.


> I think I change - I take a positive step, feel elated .... and


> BINGO (not you Steve ...just an expression) I tumble several


> and then back to square one or worse..



> How does one make a change ... an irrevocable change ... once and

> for all.. not just for a few months or a few years, but for a

> lifetime ?


> Any suggestions that anyone can share ? Any experiences that


> can share ? Any experiences from lives of saints (I love to read


> this) that anyone can share ?


> How does one effect a permanent change in their life ?


> Would love to hear from you.


> Jai Maa !


> Latha

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I love synchronicity, too--I think Kali uses it to teach us, and it's

also part of Her intrinsic nature--interconnectedness, which we get

more attuned to as we grow in love for Her. I for one need it b/c I am

so dense and so prone to doubt/agnosticism.


You know how it is--the "coincidences" pile up, sometimes within

minutes of one another, and finally one has to give in--"OK, Ma, you

made your point."




, Brian McKee <brian@s...> wrote:

> Exactly!


> Lose the concept of perfection!


> Nandu said that last night as he was talking to Krista!


> I love syncrhonicity.


> Jai Maa!


> At 12:51 PM 9/5/2004, you wrote:


> >Latha:

> >

> >In my opinion, Brian is absolutely right--the desire to change once

> >and for all is Shumba and Nishumba talking.

> >

> >notice I wrote "the desire"...Mother WILL change us and we are

> >evolving every minute we do sadhana. but we have to let go of that

> >fantasy of perfection. it is a very seductive and very dangerous part

> >of any spiritual path.

> >

> >Jayadeva's right--we're on a spiral path, not a mountain-climb. a fall

> >won't kill you--but obsession with falling might.

> >

> >suggestion: keep a spiritual diary--do this as part of your sadhana

> >and offer the words to Ma. after a couple of years you will see

> >progress. through Mother's grace. all is through Her grace.

> >

> >Kalibhakta

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Links

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >---

> >Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.

> >Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> >Version: 6.0.752 / Virus Database: 503 - Release 9/3/2004



> ---

> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> Version: 6.0.752 / Virus Database: 503 - Release 9/3/2004

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The testing will continue until all consciousness is aware.




She's really into testing things we think we mastered.


So I suggest we never think we mastered anything.




At 07:03 PM 9/6/2004, you wrote:

>I love synchronicity, too--I think Kali uses it to teach us, and it's

>also part of Her intrinsic nature--interconnectedness, which we get

>more attuned to as we grow in love for Her. I for one need it b/c I am

>so dense and so prone to doubt/agnosticism.


>You know how it is--the "coincidences" pile up, sometimes within

>minutes of one another, and finally one has to give in--"OK, Ma, you

>made your point."




>, Brian McKee <brian@s...> wrote:

> > Exactly!

> >

> > Lose the concept of perfection!

> >

> > Nandu said that last night as he was talking to Krista!

> >

> > I love syncrhonicity.

> >

> > Jai Maa!

> >

> > At 12:51 PM 9/5/2004, you wrote:

> >

> > >Latha:

> > >

> > >In my opinion, Brian is absolutely right--the desire to change once

> > >and for all is Shumba and Nishumba talking.

> > >

> > >notice I wrote "the desire"...Mother WILL change us and we are

> > >evolving every minute we do sadhana. but we have to let go of that

> > >fantasy of perfection. it is a very seductive and very dangerous part

> > >of any spiritual path.

> > >

> > >Jayadeva's right--we're on a spiral path, not a mountain-climb. a fall

> > >won't kill you--but obsession with falling might.

> > >

> > >suggestion: keep a spiritual diary--do this as part of your sadhana

> > >and offer the words to Ma. after a couple of years you will see

> > >progress. through Mother's grace. all is through Her grace.

> > >

> > >Kalibhakta

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Links

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >---

> > >Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.

> > >Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> > >Version: 6.0.752 / Virus Database: 503 - Release 9/3/2004

> >

> >

> > ---

> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> > Version: 6.0.752 / Virus Database: 503 - Release 9/3/2004










>Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.

>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

>Version: 6.0.752 / Virus Database: 503 - Release 9/3/2004


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.752 / Virus Database: 503 - Release 9/3/2004

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> , "rudran2" <stechiekov>

> wrote:

> > We could hire a nuerolinguistic programer.

> >


, "Frederica Evangeline Wilder"

<effie_wilder@e...> wrote:

> Dear List,

> What does this post mean?


> Heartfelt thanks to all,

> Effie



NLP (nuerolinguistic programming) is a recent technique (could be

decades old too; I heard of this first in the mid 90s) for changing

the way the brain is 'wired'.


Our brains have 'scripts' that make us see the world the way we do

('script' can be defined as patterns of behaviour or habits or

samskaras, which have their basis in past actions and experiences).


Each one has his own set of scripts. There may be overlaps on some

of the scripts with many people, but it is rare that your scrips

match exactly what somebody else's scripts are, hence the uniqueness

of each individual.


Obviously, we all have good and bad scripts. what Rudran is trying

to say is that we can use NLP to 'wire out' the bad scripts

and 'wire in' a good replacement script.


Exactly how it is achieved I have no clue, but I assume an intense

form of placebo (repeated assertion of what we desire to be,

probably under highly controlled circumstances) is likely to be a

part of the process.


Jai Ma!

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Some might be of the opinion that the arrival of death will change us

once and for all. Those not believing in the finality of death would

be inclined to see death as merely another step in a long series of

changes. The withering away of the ego in gradations can bring a

series of changes at a less severe price. Because of this some sadaks

see it in their own interest to take up the practice of the Chandi. A

series of changes brought about within ourselves also can set in

motion transformation in the world about us. So again we are not

doing our sadanna just for ourselves. In setting about to puja and

japa we are all about change. Once lighting the fire it gows

brightly. It lights the way. Would anyone care to venture a quess of

its destination? Aim Hrim Klim Chamundayai Vicche


, "Latha Nanda" <lathananda>


> Dear All,


> Here is something that I have been struggling with - falling back


> my old habits.


> I think I change - I take a positive step, feel elated .... and


> BINGO (not you Steve ...just an expression) I tumble several steps

> and then back to square one or worse..



> How does one make a change ... an irrevocable change ... once and

> for all.. not just for a few months or a few years, but for a

> lifetime ?


> Any suggestions that anyone can share ? Any experiences that anyone

> can share ? Any experiences from lives of saints (I love to read on

> this) that anyone can share ?


> How does one effect a permanent change in their life ?


> Would love to hear from you.


> Jai Maa !


> Latha

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, "kalibhakta" <dr_hampton@h...> wrote:

> I love synchronicity, too--I think Kali uses it to teach us, and it's

> also part of Her intrinsic nature--interconnectedness, which we get

> more attuned to as we grow in love for Her. I for one need it b/c I am

> so dense and so prone to doubt/agnosticism.


> You know how it is--the "coincidences" pile up, sometimes within

> minutes of one another, and finally one has to give in--"OK, Ma, you

> made your point."


> Kalibhakta


> , Brian McKee <brian@s...> wrote:

> > Exactly!

> >

> > Lose the concept of perfection!

> >

> > Nandu said that last night as he was talking to Krista!

> >

> > I love syncrhonicity.

> >

> > Jai Maa!

> >

> > At 12:51 PM 9/5/2004, you wrote:

> >

> > >Latha:

> > >

> > >In my opinion, Brian is absolutely right--the desire to change once

> > >and for all is Shumba and Nishumba talking.

> > >

> > >notice I wrote "the desire"...Mother WILL change us and we are

> > >evolving every minute we do sadhana. but we have to let go of that

> > >fantasy of perfection. it is a very seductive and very dangerous part

> > >of any spiritual path.

> > >

> > >Jayadeva's right--we're on a spiral path, not a mountain-climb. a


> > >won't kill you--but obsession with falling might.

> > >

> > >suggestion: keep a spiritual diary--do this as part of your sadhana

> > >and offer the words to Ma. after a couple of years you will see

> > >progress. through Mother's grace. all is through Her grace.

> > >

> > >Kalibhakta

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Links

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >---

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> >

> >

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