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Concentration & Meditation by Swami Sivananda - part 2

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Obstacles to meditation are really from within. Sleepiness,

passions, confused state of the mind, and building castles in the

air (fancies and wild imagination) are the chief obstacles that

stand in the way of fixing the mind on God or Brahman. Other

hindrances to meditation are ill-will, sloth-torpor, and flurry-

worry. If these are not removed, meditation cannot arise. The mind

that lusts after many things cannot concentrate on one object; or

being overcome by sense desire, it does not enter upon the process

of meditation in order to overcome the sensuous element. The mind

that is harassed by ill-will does not proceed at once. The mind that

is overcome by sloth and torpor is unwieldy. Obsessed by flurry and

worry, it does not repose, but flirts about. Struck by perplexity,

it does not go on the path that leads to the attainment of

meditation and samadhi. Obstacles to meditation are thus really from

within. They are not from without. Train the mind properly.


Closely watch the mind. Make it one-pointed and allow it to rest on

Brahman. Be thoughtful, careful and vigilant. Stand up for ten

minutes and dash cold water on the face and head if drowsiness

comes. Remove sleepiness and building castles in the air by self-

inquiry, pranayama and light, sattwic diet. Study elevating books.

Repeat OM with meaning and feeling.


Depression and mental restlessness are other disturbing factors in

meditation. Very often depression comes in meditation to beginners

owing to previous samskaras, influence of astral entitites, bad

company, cloudy days or bad stomach due to indigestion and

constipation. It must be removed quickly by cheerful thoughts, a

brisk walk, singing, laughing, prayer, pranayama, etc. All

depressing thoughts will melt away.


Novels, movies and music that excite passion will disturb the mind

and cause restlessness. A rajasic (spicy, stimulating) diet will

disturb meditation. Too much talking, too much walking, too much

mixing will also disturb the mind.


Various sorts of fantastic dreams trouble some aspirants very much.

Sometimes there is a mixture of meditation and dreams. The presence

of dreams denotes that you are not yet established in deep

meditation, that you have not yet removed tossing in the mind, and

that you have not done constant, intense sadhana. As you grow in

purity, dicrimination and concentration dreams will decrease.


You must not be hasty in longing for the fruits at once when you

take to meditation. If you meditate for some time regularly, then

the mind will get ripened, and eventually you will get Self-

realization. Haste makes waste.

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