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Mew Mew Mew Too!

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Krista and I do a Suryargyam every day for our soon to be born baby. (Its

basically the Gharba Dharna Vidhi up to and not including the bed blessing.)


We offer 10 flowers from our garden to the Sun, god's and goddess' to bless

Krista's womb and our child.


Sometimes, we don't get to the Puja until late for various reasons. Tonight

was one of those nights.


The flowers at this time of year are a bit scarce, in fact I don't remember

having flowers this late in the season last year, but I wasn't really

paying much attention because I wasn't into the "Ete Gande Pushpe" last

year at this time.


I walked out the front door in city darkness. Which I define as dark,

except for that eery Sodium Lamp Orange and the odd house light. I picked

three flowers off last years annual flowers that have been alive for two

years now. They are sickly things, but dang they make beautiful flowers for



Then I picked three off the Bougainvillea (thank god for spell checkers).


Then I heard two people huffing and puffing, running down the other side of

the street and talking in one of the many foreign languages I don't

understand. Looking up I noticed two Asian people, a man and a woman, I

dare say a husband and wife running down the street looking back once in a

while. They seemed a bit concerned.


As they ran by I noticed, following about thirty feet behind them was a

kitten, screaming, "MEW MEW MEW!!!!"


It was beautiful timing. If I hadn't gone out at that time I would have

missed the entire drama. Maa sure is good to me.


Well, now I guess this little guy is lost (I think its a guy, kinda hard to

tell with cats) and he sees two people who might be his people and runs

after them, well these people are afraid of cats, even cute and fuzzy ones

so they are basically running for their lives from a wild animal.


Oh, so I'm being a bit melodramatic, consider it my artistic licence.


I run in the house and tell Krista, "it looks like these people dropped off

a cat and are trying to run away from it."


I realized a bit later how stupid that sounds, but at the time I really

felt the kitten was convinced that they were Mom and Dad. I guess it was

how his voice sounded. Not as strained as Clarice's when we found her but

none-the-less very heart wrenching. Ironic that both of these kittens were

looking for Mom.


Krista didn't believe my story about the people running from the Kitten (I

suspect she knew how stupid it sounded) but brought her belly outside to

look anyway (if you've seen her belly, you'd understand that she has to

bring it, and it arrives before she does... GRIN)


She looked down the street and saw the people run just ahead of the kitten

back around a car trying to lose the kitten but I think had trouble making

out the kitten. Then the people were off again! They got down two blocks,

about to hit three, when I started to run and hesitated. So many thoughts!


What if I don't make it before they get to the main road down there?


Should I take the car?


What if the car scares the kitten?


I don't want to spook the people!


I ran back to Krista and said, "I don't know what to do!"


Then inspiration over took me and I said, "I'm going to run."


I ran down the street as fast as I could. A few minutes later I saw the

people had escaped the kitten and the kitten was sitting next to a car on

the sidewalk staring down the street where they had gone.


If you've ever tried to rescue a kitten, you know it can only be done with

very young feral kittens like Clarice, or kittens that know people.


So the thought, "What if he won't come to me?"


I did as Krista taught me, I gave the kitten the, "I'm a cat person" sign.

For those of you who don't know, its simply staying about 20 feet away from

the cat after it sees you and crouching down. Then point your finger at the

kitty at his nose height and say one of the following phrases:


1. "Kitty kitty kitty."

2. "*click your tongue two times*"

3. or Krista's personal favorite and probably her creation, "Hi sweetie!"

<- With a little squeal at the end which is difficult for most guys. I've

seen Krista use that one and call all the animals within a square mile to

our vicinity. *grin*


I did all three, because I'm an amateur and wanted to make sure I got the

point across.


The kitten came running right up to me. I scooped it up and started walking

back to the house. Boy was that easy.


Krista had gotten the car to come pick me up. Ain't she a sweetie?


After her belly, the car and she arrived I told her I was going to walk

back (to calm myself down and because I didn't know how the kitten would

react to a car).


She drove the car back and I walked in the front door with the kitten.


I put the kitten down. Maurice sniffed and hissed, and Clarice walked up,

sniffed and hissed as well.


Obviously a two kitty house is maximum unless you happen to get lucky or

inherit a litter of siblings.


Maurice asked to be let into the garage. Clarice hid behind our altar.


The kitten was immediately at home. Which we knew was a bad idea so we put

him in the bathroom with a litter box and some food and water. He wolfed

down half the food and then ran out to explore. So we plunked him back in

his make shift home and closed the door.


Now its 10:30 and we still have pujas to do. So that's what we do.


Maurice comes in from the garage and proceeds to mark the chest of drawers

we were sitting near doing our puja. This gets him booted out the door.


After puja Krista, thinking maybe the owners would have already posted

signs, drives around looking for them. I took pics of the kitten who is

completely adorable, by the way, has a flea collar and a red belled collar,

and we made signs that read, "Kitten Found, call ..."


While taking pictures in the bathroom ... I hear the tell tale signs... I

have rats in my crawl space again. Damn, I wonder how they are getting in

this time. Probably through the screen the AC guys put in when the

installed Central Air... Anyone know where I can get harmless rat traps?


We hung those signs on five stop signs down the hill.


This story is actually deeper... There's so much going on all at once in

our lives it seems almost ludicrous to try and list it all.


I only know this. Maa loves me so much that she has given me all this drama.


I love you Maa.


I love you Maa.


I love you Maa.




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Wanna cute and fuzzy american shorthair?

"Purity is within the eye of the beholder. To god, everything is perfectly pure."

--- On Tue 11/23, Latha Nanda < lathananda =""> wrote:

Latha Nanda [ lathananda ]

Tue, 23 Nov 2004 15:18:13 -0000

Re: Mew Mew Mew Too!

That is a riot !Looks like you are going to have a three cat garage.

Congratulations on acquiring Beatrice

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