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Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra with Expanded Meaning

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Namaste, All,


Prayer Club received wonderful information about the Maha Mrityunjaya

Mantra from Chetan, who has graciously written, "It is for all. I

got it on the internet site <www.swamij.com>." Thank you so very

much, Chetan, for thinking of us and for sharing. "See" you in

Prayer Club!


Jai Maa!


Om Tryambhakam YajamaheSugandhim PushtivardhanamUrvarukamiva

BandhananMrityor Mukshiya Maamritat We Meditate on the Three-eyed

realityWhich permeates and nourishes all like a fragranceMay we be

liberated from death for the sake of immortality Even as the cucumber

is severed from bondage to the creeperAUM/OM: Absolute reality. That

which encompasses the three states of waking, dreaming, deep sleep,

represented by AUM, the three levels of gross, subtle, causal, the

three levels of conscious, unconscious, subconscious, and the three

universal processes of coming, being, and going. Absolute silence

beyond the three levels is the silence after AUM.Tryambhakam: Trya

means three. Ambhakam means eyes. It means the three eyes of the

Absolute, which are the processes of creation, existence, and

dissolution, as well as the other triads, which are part of AUM. The

three "eyes" means experiencing these three

stages and triads at one time, from the higher, all pervasive vantage

point of the Absolute.Yajamahe: We rejoice in meditation on all of

this Sugandhim: Means fragrance. Like a spreading fragrance, all of

this permeates the whole of existence, while at the same time being

that existencePushtivardhanam: Means that which sustains and

nourishes all. Thus, the fragrance that permeates all is the

sustainer of all beings, while also the essence of all beings.

Urvarukamiva: Urva means big and powerful. Arukam means disease, like

the spiritual diseases of ignorance and untruth, which are like the

death of Wisdom or Truth.Bandhanan: Means bound down, as in bound

down to the ignorance and untruth. Mrityor: Means ignorance and

untruth.Mukshiya: Means liberation from the cycles of physical,

mental, and spiritual deathMaamritat: Means please give me

rejuvenating nectar, so as to

have this liberation, like the process of severing the cucumber from the creeping vine

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