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Srini's question 1 :- How to attain Asan Siddhi - a great series

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dear Nanda,


there is a very good series of postures for opening the hips in

april/2003 edition of the Yoga Journal. somewhere i have a copy of

the article i will send it to you if i can find it. but they are;


1) uttanasana - the standing forward bend

2) adho mukah svanasana - downward-facing dog

3) supta padangusthasana - reclining big-toe pose II

4) supta ardha padnasana - reclining half-lotus pose

5) ardha anandabalasana - half blissful-baby pose

6) janu sirsasana - head-to-knee pose

7) baddha konasana - bound angle pose

8) upavistha konasana - wide angle seated pose


if this series is done everyday(hold each one a couple of minutes)

you will notice the hips opening within a couple weeks time. it

will over time make a huge difference. hope this helps.




, "Nanda" <chandimaakijai>




> Namaste Srini,


> As Swamiji has mentioned in one of the Q&A , our definition of


> Siddhi continually changes.


> For me, right now, completing the Chandi without changing my


> position (sukhasana or the ordinary pose with legs crossed) is in

> itself challenging. For others more advanced, asan siddhi might


> sitting in swastikasan for one or more recitations.


> Swamiji has suggested one way in which to work towards

Swastikasan -


> and that is to spend a few minutes each day to practise

> baddhakonasan or the butterfly pose.


> Here are the steps to the butterfly pose

> a) Sit on the floor with your legs outstretched.

> b) Bend both legs at the knees , so that the soles of the

> feet 'paste' onto each other.

> c) Bring the feet towards the pelvic area as close as possible.

> d) You will notice your knees lift up from the floor, the more you

> bring your feet towards the pelvic area. Retain this pose for 1 or

> more malas of your favorite mantra.

> e) As time goes on, gravity will do the trick and make the knees

> drop to the ground, when the feet are towards the pelvic area.


> this happens, swastikasan will happen easily to you.


> I hope this helps . I request our yoga experts (Jayadeva !!!) to

> share tips on improving flexibility especially in regard to

> attaining our desired asan siddhi.


> Jai Maa

> Nanda

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Some of these make sense but some do not. Some of what you listed is

definitely not hip opening directly.



Thursday, February 17, 2005 10:26 AM

Re: Srini's question 1 :- How to attain Asan Siddhi - a great series

OM NAMAH SIVAYAdear Nanda,there is a very good series of postures for

opening the hips in april/2003 edition of the Yoga Journal.

somewhere i have a copy of the article i will send it to you if i can

find it. but they are;1) uttanasana - the standing

forward bend2) adho mukah svanasana - downward-facing dog3)

supta padangusthasana - reclining big-toe pose II4) supta ardha

padnasana - reclining half-lotus pose5) ardha anandabalasana

- half blissful-baby pose6) janu sirsasana - head-to-knee

pose7) baddha konasana - bound angle pose8) upavistha

konasana - wide angle seated poseif this series is done

everyday(hold each one a couple of minutes)you will notice the hips

opening within a couple weeks time. it will over time make a huge

difference. hope this helps.JAI MA --- In

, "Nanda" <chandimaakijai> wrote:> >

> Namaste Srini,> > As Swamiji has mentioned in one of the Q&A , our

definition of Asan > Siddhi continually changes. > > For me, right

now, completing the Chandi without changing my current > position

(sukhasana or the ordinary pose with legs crossed) is in > itself

challenging. For others more advanced, asan siddhi might mean >

sitting in swastikasan for one or more recitations.> > Swamiji has

suggested one way in which to work towards Swastikasan -> > and that

is to spend a few minutes each day to practise > baddhakonasan or the

butterfly pose. > > Here are the steps to the butterfly pose> a) Sit

on the floor with your legs outstretched.> b) Bend both legs at the

knees , so that the soles of the > feet 'paste' onto each other.> c)

Bring the feet towards the pelvic area as close as possible.> d) You

will notice your knees lift up from the floor, the more you > bring

your feet towards the pelvic area. Retain this pose for 1 or > more

malas of your favorite mantra.> e) As time goes on, gravity will do

the trick and make the knees > drop to the ground, when the feet are

towards the pelvic area. When > this happens, swastikasan will happen

easily to you.> > I hope this helps . I request our yoga experts

(Jayadeva !!!) to > share tips on improving flexibility especially in

regard to > attaining our desired asan siddhi.> > Jai Maa> Nanda

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