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Qstn for Group - Turning the other cheek or ???? (Warning: long reply)

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The interesting thing about reality is how many perspectives there are.

In fact, it seems that Maa created the universe to give everything in it

a completely different perspective.


We exist with a perspective that suits us, we call it "our perspective"

and we tend to surround ourselves with people who have similar

perspectives. We call those people friends and family.


Often we recognize the unconscious things that people do to hurt

themselves and others. In fact because of our perspective we can often

see problems in others that we would probably fail to see in ourselves

because of our perspective.


There is a desire to help others in those of us who are influenced by

King Suratha (good thoughts from the Chandi). We "good folks" identify

with him often and wish only to do good here. Its the low karma, high

purposed life that Shree Maa talks about.


The fact that we know goodness and light gives us an understanding that

many have never had the opportunity to experience. It gives us a

perspective which is god like (or King Suratha like).


Lets step back from who we are for a moment, and ask, "What does Maha

Maya have to say about all this wisdom that we've experienced?" Well,

actually she says nothing, but because its her job to continuously test

our consciousness so she continues to devise ways to distract us from

the truth, to trick us into falling away from our ideals, our goals, and

our awareness.


"How does she do that?"


She brings about events in our lives that take advantage of our

awareness of certain truths and tempt us to be attached to our actions,

intentions and desires. That's the way it is for everyone, all the time,

the only difference is the type of tests she gives us. Since we are

honest, upstanding, truthful and well intentioned, she puts people in

our lives who are apparently (judging by their actions) the exact

opposite of who we are. Isn't she wonderfully tricky that way?


To Her this is all a game. She simply asks the question, "Can I fool

this individual into forgetting me, even for a moment?"


And She's a Master. Make no mistake, She's a genius at it. She's had 12

billion years in this universe, and who knows how much time in the

previous universes to create all these mechanisms to fool us into

forgetting who we are. And she even created Kali Yuga with the express

purpose of making it very easy for us to forget. Everything is stacked

against us. The game we play wants us to lose. That's why its so much

fun right now, that's why we can get so caught up in everything.


"Oh but I lost so much money!" I cried after my first wife divorced me.


But a little voice inside my heart said, "How is that important, do you

think in 100 years that will matter at all?"


"But how could she hurt me?"


That little voice replied, "That is a good question, I will answer in my

time, but how about you first tell me how it was that you allowed

yourself to be hurt?"


Boy that one was a big one. It shifted my perspective from victim to

stooge and I had to start examining my own character, I had to step

outside myself and look inward. That was the begining of my spritual

path. Well, maybe not the begining, but that's when I left the valley

and started climbing the foothills of the Himalayas.


Now I watch the dramas mostly like an actor watches the action in a

stage play. I'm looking for direction from the great director to make

sure I'm playing my part as She would have me do. I see the drama

unfolding, but I try to keep a thought bound to She who takes away to

make sure that I keep Her perspective and not fall to something else.


Its not that I'm always perfectly aware. I still have many moments of

loss of clarity. But with each loss of Her perspective, I learn about a

new weakness I have, about a new egotistically lead quality that I'm

holding on to. I rarely know where I picked up this quality, but I know

exactly where to leave it, at the feet of my Guru.


My advice to everyone who is good natured and spiritual is simply to

recognize the drama as soon as you can, and then shift yourself away

from it for a time and pray pray pray for Her grace to show you the

truth of the situation. If you pray hard enough and with enough sincere

deviotion, She will not only show you what's going in the situation but

also whats going on within you and how you can represent Her through

your actions and intensions if you surrender your ego to her.


The situations themselves are inconsequential. The money doesn't matter,

the time wasted and the advantages taken are unimportant. What matters

is how we react and what we try to do, what our intensions are and how

much closer we get to Her during the experience.


I feel the first goal is to not react. To do that we must know ourselves

as She knows us. From there Her will be done.


Wonderful discussion.






Dawn I. wrote:


> Namaste everyone,


> Here is a situation that sometimes "eats away" at me.


> A while back, my Mom and I lent my younger sister "A"

> and her boyfriend (she later broke up) "Z" some money

> in order to put a down payment on a place they wanted

> to buy. I also gave my sister some money to pay

> for auto insurance on a car that her boyfriend let her

> drive. My mom also paid for some car repairs on that

> car. I also gave my sister a check so that she could

> open up a savings account in her own name; however,

> she put that check in a joint account that she had

> with that boyfriend.


> Anyway, the house deal fell through, and "A" and "Z"

> decided to stay in their appartment for a while..

> My Mom and I tried to get our money back from "Z" with

> no luck.


> Later, "A" and "Z" broke up. Mom and I tried to get

> our money back again with no luck. "Z" canceled the

> car insurance, and kept the money I gave my sister.

> "Z" also refuses to give my sister back her personal

> belongings that are in his appartment.


> My mom is going to call the Sherrif to see if someone

> can accompany her to "Z's" appartment in order to

> retrieve my sister's stuff. "Z" claims to have

> thrown it away; however, I hope that he is lying about

> that.


> I would like to contact a lawyer to see if Mom and I

> can get our money back. We had oral agreements, not

> written agreements; therefore, I'm not sure if I will

> have any luck; however, it's worth a try. If you can

> recommend any lawyers in the San Jose, California area

> or the Sacramento, California area, that would be

> wonderful!


> Mom and I have been a bit overprotective of "A"

> because "Z" is very emotionally abusive. We are glad

> that "A" was able to escape "Z's" brainwashing.


> Anyway, when my sister and her new husband (a

> different guy, thank goodness!) needed money to rent

> a house, I made sure to type an informal loan

> agreement, and I had both "A" and her husband, "S"

> sign and date the paper. I still have it, in case

> something similar happens.


> Although the money that I lent "Z" and "A" is not a

> huge deal, the fact that "Z" still has the money is

> very annoying. Perhaps this is some past life karma

> coming back to haunt me.


> If the lawyer and I can't get the money back; I will

> feel at peace, knowing that I at least tried. If one

> person learns from my story, and becomes more

> cautious, I will feel happy, because my problems will

> have helped someone.


> My sister, of course, is more important that money,

> which is Maya, just a representation.


> Anyway, I try to be nice and helpful; however, I am

> also learning to stand up for myself, and not to let

> other people take advantage of me.


> On the other hand, if other people feel that I am

> taking advantage of them, I hope that they would tell

> me, so that I can change my actions.


> Nanda, thank you for bringing up a "hot" question.


> Dawn



> --- Nanda <chandimaakijai wrote:

> >


> > Dear All,

> >

> > I have heard a revered friend say this many years

> > ago "Do not exploit or be exploited by people"

> >

> > This is especially true for people that want to

> > progress in the spiritual path.

> >

> > Not exploiting - atleast is in our control (one

> > would think) and we can be aware when we are trying

> to be manipulative.

> >

> > But not being exploited ... this is very tricky

> > especially as we go about our business in this

> world.

> >

> > How does one handle situations where one is being

> > exploited ? Does one turn the other cheek ? Does one

> confront the situation ? How do we bring harmony to a

> situation ?

> >

> > Anyone have any ideas ? I am sure all of us have

> > been in both situations - with power to exploit and

> helpless enough to be exploited. I look forward to

> your well reasoned and intuitive ideas especially with

> a spiritual perspective.

> >

> > Love

> > Nanda

> >

> >

> >










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