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WHY we do Puja .....MAA & SWAMIJI SAY

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Jai Maa!


All our love and blessings!



, Nanda <chandimaakijai>


> Dear Maa and Swamiji,


> Our pranams to you on this occassion of the first day of Vasantha


> Please bless us to be filled with devotion for Guru and God.


> We have been discussing the beginner pujas on our forum . We have

compiled a list - "WHY we do puja".


> We seek your blessings in keeping STRONG our reasons for doing

puja. Please bless us by giving to us only pure hearts in service of

God and Guru.


> With love,

> Your children from Devi Mandir .


> ================================================================


> Aravind says, "I do puja for two reasons primarily: 1. It is so

much fun! Really, really, I think it might be the most pleasurable

human activity possible. 2. I long to have darshan of my





> Ardis says,"


> Because I am "in love".


> Because I love sitting in the Presence of God.


> Because I am grateful.


> Because I can share my inner self with my Ishta.


> Because when I am "lucky", everything stops."




> Arjuna says," I do puja because it is another way of making real

for me the contact with my istas. I do it because it is a way of

entertaining my friends. I want to share with them the best of what

i have to offer. Puja also gives me a way of experiencing the

connection with the divine in a more tangible way. It brings the

aspects of meditation more into the world in which I live."




> Berijoy says," I like puja because I like ritual in spiritual

practice. I think it helps me to practice the presence of God. I

also like puja because it is that presence that I also court and

desperately need."




> Bharat says," I have been doing Puja at my altar for years and I

have set up a system of doing it. I am now by following Swamiji's

instructions am feeling much at ease and very natural and as if

coming from my heart. The most important thing I got by doing it

this way and from all this is that the Love, Bond, Talk ...with God

during the Puja became more ALIVE and SO REAL.... THANK YOU MAA


> I do Puja because it has become a part of me. While doing puja, I

ask for things like getting help in some situation, asking for

wealth, etc and sometimes while I do puja I just do it because I

love my Lord so much, I don't know what else to do. ""




> Grace says," Why do I do puja? I suppose I started to try and do

puja because it was a recommended technique as it were. However, I

continue to do puja because it works. That is it brings me joy as my

heart opens, and it stills my mind so that I am able experience

peace, contentment, and a sense of connection with the world. I am

eternally grateful to Shree Maa and Swamiji for giving me this

opportunity to learn the tools I need to become truly Self-

sufficient and thusly learn to be both a disciple and a sevite."




> Henny says,"` Why do you want to do puja'? From the silence of

meditation and from the white flame in my heart the answer comes

loud and clear: 'Because I love You'. "




> Kaliananda Saraswati (Kalia) says," Puja is a way of demonstrating

respect and devotion to God and Guru and helps me to be focussed.

Seeing the comfort and compassion in the eyes of the varying forms

of Mother, all attachments and separateness is replaced by the

feeling of love and oneness. For that moment all is at peace. At

the Blessed Feet of Gurujis."




> Linda says," I do puja because it connects me to the Divine

Energy; it makes me happy; and it gives me a way to show my ishta

devata or whomever the puja is devoted to, how important (s)he is to





> Michael & Karen say," We do puja to worship God."




> Morningsong says,"In answer to your question, "why do I want to do

puja?" I would have to say that I do it to learn how to love; and

to learn how to surrender to that source of all amrita, which is

Life. I think it's a very hard thing to do, letting go of our

attachments and desires. But if I can let go of them a little for

an hour in the morning and at night...well, that's better than

having them all the time, right? Puja also helps me to remember

that all of the worlds are impacted by everything that I do. If my

doing puja pleases Maa, then I can imagine creating peace in the

world, or healing in the sickened body of my friend's mother.

Mainly it reminds me that there is no where God is not, so God is

right here, now, manifesting in, as, and through me, you, us, them,

everywhere, all the time! Whew... God is Great!!! I am quite ill a

lot of the time and so my activities are limited, but I can do puja

with the faith that my actions and love truly creates peace in all


> worlds. OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti"




> Muktimaa says,' I perform Puja Because I love God, and because

Puja is a way to express my Love, Respect, and Devotion. Puja raises

the vibrations so that we can more easily feel the Divine Presence.

These vibrations are healing and purifying us, as well as the world.

Our aim is to take our Bhava [Divine Attitude] into all of our so-

called mundane activities in the world until every act we perform is

an offering to the Goddess, every gesture, a Divine Mudra. Our Whole

life will then be Puja and every being will be our beloved deity,

and the whole world will be our Altar!"




> Nanda says," I feel the closeness to you during puja. I abandon

all sense of self. Only you exist. Only you! "




> Naren says," I do puja because


> 1.My guru asked me to


> 2.I feel less afraid of facing the world after doing puja."




> Rick says,"I want to do puja because it is such a privilege to

come into Maa's presence and share love with Her. Her magnificent

presence and power are all I need, and by Her grace they are

becoming all I desire. I want to do puja because with each flower,

with each drop of water, with each mantra I am brought nearer to Her

beautiful heart. I want to do puja because I can mentally leave the

noise and confusion of this world and spend time with the Great

Mother of the Universe in whom I exist. And when I do puja, and when

I remember not only to speak, but also to listen, I can clearly hear

Her saying to me, "you are my wonderful child and I love you very

much." I want to do puja because I cannot imagine my life without

it. Though it has taken on a wonderful new form since coming to

Shree Maa and Swamiji, it still has one element that has come with

me all along the way - my heart is still completely in Her hands. In

puja I remind Her of that."




> Ruchi says," Dear Maa, Primarily I want to do puja to connect to

you. I know I love you but it compares nothing with your love and my

heart aches to feel it. But when I sit in puja I rattle on about the

numerous difficulties I am having, and I struggle between asking you

for stuff and not asking for it and then I turn around and trouble

you anyways. Thank you Maa for being in my life."



> Sadhvi says," Dear Maa (Who is Always Present) and Swamiji (Who is

an Ever Helpful Friend),


> It is the Nature of Things: this world we live in is the Bliss of

our own Beloved stretching out before our senses, everywhere we find

ourselves. Her love permeates even the tiniest molecules of matter;

we breathe Her in....Ma; we breathe her out...Hrim. She sings us

awake in the form of birds; she hovers over our head in the form of

clouds; she smiles at us in the checkout line at the supermarket as

she bags our groceries. But our minds cannot comprehend Her presence

and so we search frantically, calling out to her for help, as she

stands patiently beside us, waiting for us to notice that she has

been there all along. Puja is Her gift to us: a doorway into the

moment, a turning towards She who is always there, a reminder of the

importance of this "Precious Human Birth" and a joyful celebration

of waking up in the present time to find our Beloved sitting there

right in front of us and, also, inside us. ""




> Srini says," The main reason I do puja is because Swamiji says

in "Before Becoming This" that doing Shiva Puja will help you become

a yogi and more detached from the world."



> Steve says," My reasons change like the weather!


> Sometimes I do puja …


> …Because I am weary and sad and need refuge...


> …Because I am happy and want understanding and deepening…


> …Because I said I was going to!


> Always I do puja …


> …Because my giving is less than my receiving...


> But when I do the puja…


> …All the reasons are gone and I ring the bell for Shiva."



> Surya says," Because what else is my life for?"




> Yogini says," I perform puja because I am drawn to express my

love, devotion and gratitude for Mahadeva, Lord of the Yogis. To be

drawn ever deeper into meditation."





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